162 290. INFANTtRIE-DIVISION - UNIT HISTORY LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 1940/02/01 Tr.Ueb.Pl. monster, Wenrkreis X, Activation (8. Welle), Subordinate to: Stellv.Gen.Kdo. X, 1940/02/01-1940/05/16 Soltau, Fallingbostel, iibstorf, formation, training C.O.: Gen.Lt. Max uennerlein, 1940/02/06-1940/06/09 Schneveraingen, Bergen, WenrKr. XI (source: situation maps of Lage West ana general officer personnel files) 1940/05/10 Operational readiness 1940/05/14 Schnee citei Transfer Subordinate to: AK 38, 1940/05/17-1940/05/20 1940/05/19 Reuland, Weisstoampach, Saint- Movement AK 42, 1940/05/21-1940/05/23 Hubert, Libin, Gedinne, Belgium 1940/05/24 Kevin, Any, Origny-en-Thieracne, Movement, AK 38, 1940/05/24 Vervins, Sains- Ricnauinont, offensive engagements AK 42, 1940/05/25-1940/06/02 Saint-^uentin, Venaeuil, Laon, AK 18, 1940/06/03-1940/07/08 Oise-Aisne Canal, Soissons, wezy, Chateau-Tiiierry, Nangis, Montargis, CoO.: Gen.Lt. Theodor Frhr. von Wrede, 1940/06/08-1942/07/01 Bieneau, Gien, France 1940/00/21 Bieneau, Gien Offensive engagements 1940/07/01 Cnateauoriant, La Baule, Blois, Coastal defense, 1940/10/10 Neung, Vivy, floyetut, Anders, security, Saint-i>iazaire, Nantes occupation duty, training (no records for I940/0o/21-l941/01/31, source: situation maps of Lage West) 1941/02/01 La iiaule, Cnateaubriant, Nantes Coastal defense, security Subordinate to: AK 25, 1941/02/01-1941/02/28 1941/02/25 Gruuziadz, Poland Transfer, training AK 1, 1941/03/01-1941/03/15 AK 2, 1941/03/16-1941/03/31 1941/04/08 Elbing, Wormditt (Orneta), Movement, AK 1, 1941/04/01-1941/04/16 Muenlnausen (Mlynary), Tapiau training Festungsstab 38, 1941/04/17-1941/05/10 AK 1, 1941/05/11-1941/05/13 1941/05/16 Ragnit, Memel River sector Border security, AK 26, 1941/05/14-1941/06/02 preparations for attack on Russia AK 1, 1941/06/03-1941/06/18 1941/06/18 Trappen (Nemanskoye) Assembly AK 56 mot, 1941/06/19-1941/06/26 AK 10, 1941/06/27 1941/06/22 Paalsys, Taurage, Ariogala, Invasion, AK 56 mot, 1941/06/28-1941/07/06 Jonava, Ukmerge, Utena, offensive engagements www.maparchive.ru Zarasai, Litnuania [email protected] DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND 163 1941/07/01 Daugavpils and Kraslava, Latvia Movement, offensive engagements AK 10, 1941/07/07-1941/07/10 1941/07/05 Osveya, Sebezh, Idritsa, Opochka, Invasion, AK 28, 1941/07/11-1941/07/27 Pustoshka, Norozhev, Asiieva, offensive engagements, AK 10, 1941/07/28-1942/02/17 Gorodovik, Slavitino, Russia mopping-up action 1941/07/30 Stara/a Russa Attack 1941/08/09 Ivanovskoye, Velikoye Selo, Pola Defensive operations C.O.: Gen.Maj. Theobald Lieb, mFb, 1941/09/07-1941/12/18 1941/10/10 Pola River sector Defensive operations 1941/12/16 Pola and Lovat River sector Defensive and assault operations Subordinate to: AK 2, 1942/02/18-1942/03/11 1942/02/18 Strelitsy, Nalyuchi, Derayansk Defensive and assault operations Korps-Kdo. Zorn, 1942/03/12-1942/05/05 pocket, Upolozy Korps-Kdo. Eicke, 1942/05/06-1942/06/22 AK 2, 1942/06/23-1942/07/17 1942/07/01 Kalita, Omychkino, Pola River Defensive operations, Gruppe v. Knobelsdorff, 1942/07/18-1942/10/08 sector counterattacks, regrouping Gruppe Laux, 1942/10/09-1942/11/27 C.00: Gen.Lt. Konrad Heinrichs, mFb, 1942/05/06-1942/06/30 and Kdr. 1942/07/01-1944/01/31 1943/02/27 Staraya Russa, Dedovichi, Gorodtsy, Operations against partisans, Subordinate to: Gruppe Hoehne, 1942/11/28-1943/02/27 Dunyani, Novorzhev, Loknya, rehabilitation, security AOK 16, 1943/02/28-1943/05/22 1943/05/15 Tosno southeast of Leningrad Transfer, AK 26, 1943/05/23-1943/10/22 Shapki, Pogost'y6* Lyuban, defensive operations, AOK 18, 1943/10/23-1943/10/28 Gaytolovo, Sinyavino, Novo-Lisino position defense 1943/10/29 Pustoshka via Luga ana Pskov Transfer HGr, Nord, 1943/10/29-1943/11/01 AK 1, 1943/11/01-1944/01/03 1943/11/09 Ustf-Dolyssy, Lovets, Ushcna River, Defensive and assault operations Lake Usncho ana Dolysskoye 1944/01/01 Bast of Pustoshka and west of Withdrawal Novosokolniki Records of tiie 290.ID are reproduced on rolls 1886-1904 of Microfilm Publication T315 and are described following the unit history. Manuscript in the Foreign Military Studies series, MS P-054a, p. 51 ("Principles; Russian and German night combat methods") by Gen.Maj, Alfred Toppe and others contains references to the 290.ID. www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 164 DATE LOCATION ACTIVITY CHAIN OF COMMAND Altnouga no records of this division dated later than 1944/01/03 were available in the National Archives, situation maps of Lage Ost ana the general officer personnel files snow: 1944/01/04 Marino, Lokuya, Soltsy, Idritsa Movement 1944/01/20 Mayevo east of Idritsa, Defensive operations : Gen.Maj. Gerhard Henke, 1944/02/01-1944/08/18 Al'brekntovo 1944/03/14 Yuknovichi southwest of Idritsa Defensive operations 1944/06/24 Borkovichi, Drissa, Uruya Movement, defensive operations 1944/07/23 Rubeniski, Subata, Jaunjelgava, Reorganization as 290.KpfGr., Latvia defensive operations 1944/08/15 fiauska Reorganization as 290.ID Gen.Maj. Hans-Joachim Baurmeister, 1944/08/18-1945/04/25 1944/09/16 Jelgava (Mitau) Reorganization as 29U.KpfGr. 1944/10/12 Tukums, Dobele, Saldus, Reorganization as 290.ID, Priekule, Durbe defensive operations 1945/03/01- Skrunda, Latvia Reorganization as 290.KpfGr., 1945/04/25 defensive operations www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 290. INFANTERIE-DIVISION 165 CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO. ROLL 1ST FRAME la, KTB 1. War journal concerninq operational 1940/05/10-1940/06/20 290.ID W3556a 1886 1 readiness, 10 May 1940; transfer from Soltau, Munster, Bergen, Ebstorf, and Fallingbostel to the Schnee Eifel, 14-17 May; movement to the Reuland, Seisstoampach, Saint-Hubert, Libin, and Gedinne areas of Belgium, 19-23 Hay; and movement into France and offensive engagements in the Kevin, Any, Origny-en-Thierache, Vervins, Sains-Richaumont, Guise, Saint-Quentin, Vendeuil, La Fere, and Laon areas and attack across the Oise-Aisne Canal, and in the Soissons, Fere-en-Tardenois, Mezy, Chateau-Thierry, Nangis, Hontargis, Bleaeau, and Gien areas, 24 May-20 Jun 1940. la, Gefechtsbericht, Orders and afteraction reports 1940/06/03-1940/06/09 290.ID W6184 1886 21 pertaining to offensive engagements and attack across the Oise-Aisne Canal and reports regarding enemy operations and unit identification. Ic, TB. Activity report concerning location of 1940/05/10-1940/07/08 290,ID 11196/1 1886 60 prisoner-of -war collecting points, morale of enemy military personnel, and counterintelligence and troop entertainment. la, TB ait Anlagen. Activity report with orders, maps, 1941/02/01-1941/06/18 290.ID 11196/3 64 arid march and entraining surveys pertaining to coastal defense, security, air raid protection, and training in the La Baule, Chateaubriant, Nantes, and Saint-NaZaire areas, 1-18 Feb; relief by the 205.ID, 18-25 Feb; transfer from Nantes, France, to Grudziadz, Poland, via Versailles and Nancy, France, and Koblenz, Koeln, Hamburg, Berlin, and Stettin, Germany, 25 Feb-9 Mar; training in the Grudziadz area, 10 Mar-7 Apr; movement to east of Elbing, 8-13 Apr; training in the Wormditt (Orneta) and Muehlhausen (Mlynary) areas, 14 Apr-5 May; movement to Ragnit via Tapiau and Wehlau, 5-15 May; and border security, training, regrouping, and preparations for the attack on Russia in the Ragnit area and the Semel River sector, 16 May-18 Jun 1941. An www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 166 290. INFANTERIE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO, BOLL 1ST FRAHE order-of-battle chart, status reports, and special supply directives. Ic, TS. Activity report concerning transfer of the 1941/02/01-1341/G&/13 290,ID 11196/5 1886 182 division from Nantes, France, to Grudziadz, Poland, and movement to the Elbinq, iormditt, Frauenburq, and Bagnit areas and to the Memel River sector; enemy air attacks and counter intelligence in France; enemy operations across the Lithuanian border; and troop entertainment, la, Aalagen zum TB. Orders and instructions relating 19U1/05/07-1941/06/17 290.ID 13368 1886 188 to improvement of border security and preparations for the invasion of Russia, la, KT3. War journal concerning assembly in the 1941/06/19-1941/12/15 290.ID 16591/1 1886 328 Trappen (Nemanskoye) area, 18-21 Jun; invasion, movements, and offensive engagements in the Taurage, Ariogala, Jonava, Okmerge, Otena, and Zarasai areas of Lithuania, 22 Jun-1 Jul; offensive engagements in the Daugavpils and Kraslava areas of Latvia, 1-4 Jul; invasion of Russia in the Osveya area, 5 Jul; movements, offensive engagements, and mopping-up action in the Sebezh, Idritsa, Pustoshka, Opochka, Norozhev, Ashevo, Gorodovik, and Slavitino areas, 6-29 Jul; attack on Staraya Russa, 30 Jul-8 Aug; defensive operations in the Ivanovskoye, Velikoye Selo, and Pola areas, 9 Aug-10 Get; defensive operations by the mass 01 the division in the Pola River sector east of Staraya Russa, 10 Oct-15 Dec, and by Inf.Rgt. 503 in the area south of the Pola River and north of Demyansk, 10 Gct-8 Nov, and in the Lychkovo and Gorshkovitsy areas, 9 Nov-15 Dec 1941. la, Anlagen zum KTB. Orders, directives, messages, and 1941/06/12-1941/07/08 290.ID 16591/2 1886 439 maps pertaining to preparations for the attack on Russia; movement to the assembly area, border security, attack across Lithuania from Paalsys to Zarasai, movement to and offensive engagements in the Daugavpils www.maparchive.ru [email protected] 290. INFANTEfilE-DIVISION CONTENTS DATES ITEM NO.
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