Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1989 The ommeC nt, May 4, 1989 Bridgewater State College Volume 67 Number 25 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1989). The Comment, May 4, 1989. 67(25). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/561 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The Comment Since 1927 Bridgewater State College Vol. 67, No. 25 ©1989 Thursday, May 4, 1989 Bridgewater, MA New dorms to be Sample of typical floor plans of new dorms offered Bookcase in lottery Bunk Bed Ta~e ~r LJchair By John R. Burns, III room suites, arranged around a Desk Comment staff furnished, common living area." D Table Director of Stu9ent Housing Nearly a full year after construc­ Mela Dutka says the new buildings Desk tion began, at the base of Great were designed for "maximum · Chest Hill, next Thursday's student room natural lighting" of the interior. ·. ~ . Ochair lottery will include the newest Other aspects of the design include additions to Bridgewater State "comfort, and the feeling of spa­ Chest College's housing options. ciousness," Dutka said. The nearly completed twin resi­ Inside, the bedrooms of each dence halls, currently referred to as suite will be furnished much like "Building A" and "Building B," any other dorm, with a bed, chest will be available for occupancy of drawers, desk, chair, bookcase this fall, providing the campus and closet for each person. The with an additional 600 persons in living rooms will contain a resident capacity. loveseat, two arm chairs, a coffee for Bridgewater and the other state While the outer faces Qf the dorms a lighter, tan-colored brick. The According to a memo circulated table and an end table. All furni­ colleges. are covered in the same red brick purpose of this, according to to "all residence hall students" ture has been designed and ordered The interior courtyard, formed as the rest of the buildings on cam­ Dutka, was to offset the "closed-in from the housing office, those stu­ through the Residence Hall Build­ by the two wings of each building pus, the inner walls, forming the feeling" which would be created dents opting for the new buildings ing Authority, which handles all has also been designed to give a courtyard, are done in a ti.le pattern by the solid red faces. will be placed in "4-person. 2-bed- dormitory furnishings and repairs feeling of roominess and light. which alternates the dark red with cont. on p.4 New Trustee speaks about future goals new'Sfu::. tions for the entire student dent trustee over Marcia Medi~ body." eros in a vote of 608-507. An­ Because he speaks for the derson will take office once he student body, Anderson makes __ ,, __ clear that even as a Traffic around Bridgewater Center was tied up for over four hour~, Monday, due to an member, "I overturned flatbed loaded with crushed cars. The driver of the rig was cited for excessive Open communication am still a college student and I · speed and driving to endanger. State police also filed charges against Transport RotJcam, is the key to achiev .. won't pretend I understand an Ltee., the Canadian trucking company which owned the vehicle. The driver of a car ing anything." issue if, in fact, I don't. If stu­ against which the truck came to rest was unhurt. Here, a local construction company's dents want change or status quo -- Greg front-end loaders assist a pair of heavy-duty wreckers in righting the truck. (Staff photo by Anderson -- to be maintained, I want the Debra Willis.) trustees to ·know that." is sworn in after the current trus­ Anderson, a Resident Assis­ tee, F. Scott Longo, graduates tant at Shea-Durgin Hall.· says Derby Daze takes BSC by storm this May. that he feels he is in good touch Now·· that J\.nd~~~Ii .nas W()il. .. w~~ the stutlents of:ij.SC say~ the election, hefcices tile ~ By Bryon Hayes sented a $1,000.89 check to Dr. much appreciated:the)' h·ave all (J! fit,g1f~.lirY:i!,lS"i~~ campus)J:J· a dor~ .having to work. dltectly\vith the Comment staff Joe. Huber, director of the done a great job." mitor.{givesme an .. a4vantage o~er. trustees aJll'ft i~ now .•.8$•. and an opporttinity·to •. spend a Children's Physical Developmen­ The fraternity will also pr~se?t ,niuch a part of the.board as any lot of time with ·stude~ts.>' He Members of the Bridgewater tal Clinic at Bridgewater State the Cleo Wallace Vi]l~~:f~pmt­ other member .since be attends adds, "I also plan to visit the chapter of Sigma Chi held .their College.. Huber accepted the check dren in Colorado, wial ~ cliecJC for the,lloald meetings and helps to commuter cafeteria, ·introduce third annual Derby Daze fun­ at a ceremony which· was· held in $3$~· wa:n~e is' an 6rgailtzation: make decisions. This, in turn, myself, and ask what they draiser this past weekend, with the which· Sigma .Chi sponsors ·each are the Kelly Gymnagiµm. · makes his ·voice an important results. being presented yesterday. Hubel"ltad year. as it is the national charity thinking." To be in even more higb,~f9f the or­ one as it represents. the student touch, he says he would like to Members of the fraternity's· chap­ ganization:fflH~( s~t~a that he organization for Sigma Chi. Wal­ voice. set up some office hours for stu­ ters came from Canada, Africa, ·~would like· to ·tharik the members lace Village is ·a center for men­ About having won the elec­ dents to talk with him. "Open · and the western part of the United of Sigma Chi for all the help." tally handicapped children .and tion, Anderson says, "I'm very communication is key to States for this event Huber, an alumni of the fraternity, funding helps in research, and excited. In the past week or so achieving Brothers from also said. "their efforts are very caring for these children. anything," he says. Sigma Chi pre- I've been overwhelmed by the The money was raised over the reception of the people." He week ·long events, which the frater­ In preparation of taking over also thanks all those who voted Check out I nity calls Derby Daze. According as student trustee, Anderson ., for him and those who did not to Dave Rumrill, the "Derby a1 ready received a congratula­ 5 your because, in his words, "that's Announcements................... 12 Daddyu (Direc~or) of this event, tory letter· from trustee chair - what makes it competitive." By The Way........................ :..... 2 "we .had about 250 women partici­ man Carol Furr•. and has also hearing at Calendar of Evenis ...............14 pate in the event." received a formal orientation Campus Conversation.''.' ....... 8 With regard to his position the clinic The week long event began with packet of infonnation, including Classifieds .............................. 12 within the board and'his under­ the signing up of women for teams agendas for future meetings. Comics................................... 10 standing that he is~ in fact, now to compete in various contests. Editorial. ................................... 6 the voice of the students, Ander­ 16 Lady Bears Teams consisted of. a fraternity On top of this, he says" I've Entertainment. ........................ 9 son says "my main concern is brother and four to six women. already been in touch with F. clinch Here & There ............. ;.: ............ 4 for the studentsn and "!expect The brother acts as ucoach," trying Scott to get an overview of his· MASCAC· Letfers ...................... ~ ................. 6 . the other (trustee) members to Sports~:.; .............. ., ...... :............ 16 to help his team to victory. Events experience.'' His first meeting respect my position." He also cont. onp.2 as ·student trustee will be on adds that he will ask many ques- Jul 12. 2 The Comment Thursda~r, May 4, 1989 Sigma Chi' s Derby Daze ~y r;ont. from p.1 Derek's Does took first place, the mas song. Way during the .,~,,eek included a derby Other events for the day in­ Claws Crazy Eights, Sean capture, in which teams tried to cluded musical ice, a variation of George's team, took second place, steal the brother's derby from their the childhood game in which two and Glen Doulette's Douzer's Catholic Center reminders heads, a lip synch contest, and a members of a brother's team Dazzling Darlings placed third. make a Sig smile contest waited for the music to stop, and Doulette's team also took the As the year winds down, the people at the Catholic sat in a chair filled with ice; dizzy award for Most Spirited team. Center want to continue to extend invitations to all Saturday was the culmination of bat, a relay race in which the team the people at Bridgewater State College to use the the week long event. Contests ran 50 yards, placed their head on For the week, Sigma Chi raised Catholic Center. There are many ways which the started at 12 noon, with the finals a bat, spun around ten times, and approximately $1,700 through the Center can be helpful. of the lip synch contests. The five ran back to tag their teammate; and sale of T-shirts, advertising, regis­ There are "typewriters, quiet space and prayer finalists performed behind the an egg drop, in which the team had tration, and entry fees for the place" for those students who have term papers to gym. When the music stopped to pass an egg along through out events.
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