Acarologia 56(1): 73–89 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/acarologia/20162189 A new species of Eutrachytes (Acari: Uropodina: Eutrachytidae) associated with the Indian mangrove (Avicennia officinalis) María L. MORAZA1*, Jeno KONTSCHÁN2, Gobardhan SAHOO3 and Zakir A. ANSARI3 (Received 15 September 2015; accepted 13 November 2015; published online 04 March 2016) 1 Departamento de Biología Ambiental, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona E-31080, Spain. [email protected] (* Corresponding author) 2 Plan Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Bix 102, Hungary. [email protected] 3 CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa-403004, India. [email protected] and [email protected] ABSTRACT — A new species of Eutrachytes (Eutrachytes flagellatus) is described based on a complete ontogenetic series, starting from larva and including the adult female and male. This Uropodina mite was isolated from the pneumatophore surface of Avicennia officinalis having algal (Bostryschia sp.) growth in Goa, India. Notable morphological attributes pecu- liar to immature instars of this species include a flagellate tubular dorsolateral respiratory structure extending from the peritreme, nude pygidial shields in the adult male and female and a deep concave formation at the posterolateral margins of the dorsal shield. A taxonomic discussion with salient diagnostic features of the genus is given and a key to genera of the family is pre- sented. We present two nomenclature modifications: Deraiophoridae syn. nov. as the junior synonym of Eutrachytidae and Den- tibaiulus Hirschmann, 1979 syn. nov. as a junior synonym of Eutrachytes Berlese, 1914. A compiled list of all new species discovered to date from mangrove roots in different parts of the world is given. KEYWORDS — Uropodina; Eutrachytidae; Eutrachytes; Avicennia officinalis; Goa; India INTRODUCTION by Trägardh (1944). Hirschmann and Zirngiebl- Nicol (1961) discussed all the eutrachytid mites Uropodina are one of the characteristic group of as members of the genus Deraiophorus. Later the soil dwelling mites, about which very little is Hirschmann (1973) subdivided this genus into known. Currently more than 2000 species are de- several groups, and six years later (Hirschmann scribed and named and a recent revision provided 1979) includes nine genera in the "Ganggatungn" details of 300 genus-group names in the subor- Deraiophorus, including "Stadiengattungen" De- der (Halliday 2015). Due to the unclear system- raiphorous Canestrini, 1897, Eutrachytes Berlese, atic position, the majority of the tropical groups 1914, Dentibaiulus Hirschmann, 1979, Loksaphorus have been very scarcely investigated. One of Hirschmann, 1979, Mayaphorus Hirschmann, 1979, these groups is the family Eutrachytidae (=De- Dicornutophorus Hirschmann, 1979, Neobirophorus raiophoridae Trägardh, 1952) which was erected Hirschmann, 1979, Ceyloniphorus Hirschmann, 1979 http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/ 73 ISSN 0044-586-X (print). ISSN 2107-7207 (electronic) Moraza M.L. et al. and Manuleatophorus Hirschmann, 1979. How- MATERIALS AND METHODS ever, later on neither Hirschmann nor his co- workers (e.g. Hirschmann, 1993; Wi´sniewski,1993; Pneumatophores of Avicennia officinalis having algal Wi´sniewski and Hirschmann, 1993) used these (Bostryschia sp.) growth were collected from Divar names and this system again. Parallel with this Island, Mandovi estuary, Goa, India. The specimens study, Krantz (1969) presented a separation be- of uropodina mites were isolated from the pneu- tween the Eutrachydae and the Deraiophoridae on matophore surface after scraping by a nylon brush the basis of the presence or absence of claws on leg I. under a stereo microscope and preserved in 90% However, neither morphological nor molecular ev- ethanol. Then all the developmental stages were idence for this separation has ever been presented. segregated and sent to University of Navarra, Spain The Eutrachytidae appears to be monophyletic and for identification purpose. The sketches of all de- the Deraiophoridae is the junior synonymous name velopmental stages were drawn under microscope of it (as in Hirschmann 1979). fitted with a camera lucida. The holotype female and some of the paratypes of the new species are deposited in the Museum of Indian mangroves occupy around 6749 km2 Zoology, University of Navarra (MZUNAV), Pam- area, being fourth largest mangrove cover in the plona, Spain. world (Naskar and Mandal, 1999). Among the Setal notation for the idiosoma follows true species of mangroves, Avicennia officinalis (L.) Lindquist & Evans (1965) as modified slightly by is dominant in most of the regions of Indian coast. Lindquist (1994). Measurements of structures are This is a tall (25 m) and thick (1 m in diameter) given in micrometers (µm), indicating the ranges evergreen tree with abundant pneumatophores ris- among the specimens measured. Idiosoma and ing above soil from the underground cable root. shield lengths were taken as midline length from These pneumatophores are very unique structures the anterior margin anterior to the bases of ver- because they bear lenticels for gaseous exchange en- tex setae j1 to the caudal margin. Distinction of abling the mangroves to survive in the hypoxic wa- porelike structures, as either poroids (lyrifissures) terlogged environment. Pneumatophores are ideal or glandular openings (solenostomes), on the idio- substratum for the epibiosis and are believed to somal integument is in accordance with morpho- bear many more cryptic species which are unknown logical and physiological studies by Athias-Henriot to science (Proches et al., 2010; Sahoo et al., 2013; (1969) and Krantz & Redmond (1987), respectively, Larsen et al., 2013). and generally follows the notation of Johnston & Moraza (1991). Epigynal shield and anal opening lengths are midline. Notation for leg follows Evans Most of the uropodina mites are strictly terres- (1963, 1964, 1972). Leg lengths are from the base of trial in nature. However, some uropodina species, the coxa to apex of the tarsus, excluding the pretar- e.g. Phaulodinychus, have been found in beach in- sus. tertidal wrack and algae (Hirschmann 1972), and some others such as P. mitis (Leonard) are irregu- larly submerged by tidal action and are believed to TAXONOMY be able to breathe through the plastron during these periods (Krantz 1974). But unfortunately there are The family Eutrachytidae (Trägardh, 1944) has the no reports on mangrove dwelling uropodina mites following diagnostic attributes: idiosoma oval, pen- till date. It is the first time that an Uropodina mite tagonal, or triangular in shape; pygidial shield is found inhabiting the Avicennia officinalis L. envi- present, always wider than long (length: width < 1: ronment, and in this study, we report the complete 5), usually bearing one pair of setae or nude; dor- ontogeny of a new species starting from larvae to sal and ventral setae pilose, rarely smooth; pres- adult. tigmatid part of peritreme with some curves and 74 Acarologia 56(1): 73–89 (2016) a sharp bend when it reaches the margin of idio- on the known species and Hirschmann (1979) sys- soma; pedofossae rarely present, genital shield of tem, Krantz’s species Eutrachytes maya Krantz, 1969 female scutiform situated between coxae II and III; does not belong to the genus Eutrachytes based on tritosternum with narrow basis, tritosternal laciniae the shape of idiosoma; its correct position is in the with three pilose branches; gnathotectum triangu- genus Mayaphorus Hirschmann, 1979 together with lar, marginally pilose and sometimes with strong M. brasiliensis (Hirschmann and Zirngieble-Nicol, marginal spines; corniculi horn-like, internal malae 1969) and M. sellnicki (Hirschmann and Zirngiebl- smooth and short; setae h1 long and usually wide, Nicol, 1969) (Hirschmann 1979). h2 short or longer than h1, h3 and p4 marginally ser- rate or pilose; chelicerae with internal sclerotized node, fixed digit longer than movable digit; legs DESCRIPTION with serrate and simple setae, some fan-like setae Eutrachytes flagellatus n. sp. situated on basitarsi II-IV; claws on leg I present or absent. Diagnosis — Adults with idiosoma discoidal in Remarks — This family is missing from the shape, as long as wide, with prominent anterior key of the last edition of Manual of Acarology region and scabellum present; dorsal, marginal (Lindquist et al. 2009), but presented in Beaulieu et and peritrematal shields fused at the anteriormost al. (2011) where they mentioned one genus with 36 region; posterior region of dorsal shield with a species in the family Deraiophoridae and one genus pair of marginal concave depressions present; sub- and 36 species again in the family Eutrachytidae. marginal shield with setae to the anterior level However, they did not get any information about of coxa I in adult and nymphal instars; pygidial the reason of such a classification but seems obvious shield nude in all instars, only bearing one pair that they follow Hirschmann (1979) treating Eutra- of poroids. Nymphal instars with a pairs of lat- chytidae and Deraiophoridae as two separate fam- eral flagellate tubular structures emerging from the ilies. After doing a thorough review of the group, peritreme. Hypostomal setae h2 longer than h1 our view about the systematics of these mites is and p4 divided in two pilose dissimilar branches. close to Hirschmann (1979) system, but he did not Larval podonotal shield with nine pairs of setae, get any
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