Town Report 1989 Acton Incorporated as a Town: July 3, 1735 Type of Government: Town Meeting-Selectmen/Town Manager Location: Eastern Massachusetts, Middlesex County, bordered on the east by Carlisle and Concord, on the west by Boxborough, on the North by Westford and Littleton, on the South by Sudbury, and the Southwest by Stow and Maynard. Elevation at Town Hall: 268' above mean sea level Land Area: Approximately 20 Square Miles Population: Year Persons 1950 3,510 1960 7,238 1970 14,770 1980 19,000 1986 17,488 1989 17,850 The town takes this opportunity to remember and recognize the many years of service provided by the following citizens who have passed on during 1989. Charles A. Morehouse Minetta D. Lee Frank L Averett Margaret A. Rennie Their example in Volunteerism to our Town serves as a reminder of the many contributions made by volunteers, now and in the past. Cover Credit Many thanks for the cover sketch depicting "Entering Acton" done by Tom Tidman. As well as being our Conservation Administrator, Tom is an excellent artist and has done many drawings for the Town's various pubUcations including the inside cover of last year's Town Report, the Master Plan Logo and informational posters. Thanks Tom for so wiUingly putting your talents to work at such short notice. 1989 Town of Annual Acton, Reports Massachusetts Km Two Hundred and Fifty Fourth Municipal Year for the year ending December 31st NATIONAL, STATE, AND COUNTY OFFICIALS President George H. W. Bush Vice-President J. Danforth Quayle Senators in Congress Edward M. Kennedy John F. Kerry Representative in Congress Chester G. Atkins 5 th Congressional District Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Michael S. Dukakis Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Murphy Secretary of the Commonwealth Michael Joseph Connolly Treasurer and Receiver General Robert Q. Crane Auditor of the Commonwealth Joseph DeNucci Attorney General James M. Shannon Councillor, 3rd Councillor District Robert B. Kennedy Senator, MiddlesexAVorcester District Argeo Paul Cellucci Representative in General Court John H. Loring 14th Middlesex Representative District MIDDLESEX COUNTY County Commissioners Thomas J. Larkin Edward J. Kennedy Bill Schmidt Clerk of Superior Courts, Edward J. Sullivan Middlesex County Register of Deeds, Middlesex South District Eugene Brune County Treasurer James E. Fahey, Jr. Register of Probate Thomas J. Larkin District Attorney L. Scott Harshbarger County Sheriff John F. McGonigle REGISTERED VOTER STATISTICS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1989 Registered Democrats 2,012 Registered Republicans 1 ,649 Registered UnenroUed (Independents) 6,788 Total Registed Voters 10,449 Total Population 17,832 2 1 1 Table of Contents Acton/Cover Credit Inside Front Cover Board of Health 37 Public Health Nursing Service National, State and County Officials 2 Sealer of Weights and Measures 39 Metropolitan Area Plannmg Council 39 An Administration 4 Commission for the Handicapped A 1 Board of Selectmen 4 Groundwater Protection Coordinating Comm. 4 Town Manager 5 Elected Town Officials 7 Office of the Town Clerk 42 A n Appointments by Selectmen 7 Births 42 Appointments by Town Manager 9 Deaths 47 Appointments by Moderator 10 Town Election, April 3 49 Annual Town Meeting, April 4-5 51 Town Services 12 Special Town Meeting, April 1 65 Acton Boxborough Arts Lottery Council 12 Special Town Meeting, November 14 91 Acton Community Housing Corporation 13 Acton's Local Historic Districts Study Comm. 13 Education Reports 95 Animal Inspector 14 Acton Public Schools 95 Board of Appeals 14 Acton-Boxborough Regional School District 95 Building Department 14 System-Wide Developments 95 Cemetery Commission 15 Budgets and Results 95 Cititzen's Library of West Acton 16 Enrollment 96 Conservation Commission 16 Personnel 96 Council on Aging 17 Pupil Services 96 Dog Officer 18 Facilities and Transportation 96 Elizabeth White Fund 18 Summer School 97 Engineering Department 18 Curriculum and Staff Development 97 Fence Viewer 19 Acton Public Schools 97 Goodnow Fund 20 Acton-Boxborough Regional Schools 98 Hanscom Field Advisory Commission 20 Junior High School 98 Highway Deparetment 20 Senior High School 98 Historical Commission 21 Community Education 100 Housing Authority 21 Minuteman Regional Voc. Tech. School 100 Investment Advisory Committee 22 Graduating Class lUU Lowell Regional Transit Authority 23 Annual Report 100 Memorial Library 23 Enrollment 102 Minuteman Home Care 24 Operating Fund 103 Municipal Properties 25 Planning Department 26 Financial Reports 104 Prison Advisory Commission 29 Board of Assessors 104 Recreation Commission 29 Trust Fund 105 Town Report Committee 29 Tax Collector 108 Transportation Advisory Committee 29 Town Accountant 109 Veteran's Graves 30 Volunteer Coordinating Committee 31 Map of Acton Street-Precinct List 118 Protection of Persons and Property 32 Precinct Map 120 Police Department 32 Fire Department 33 Volunteer Application 123 Civil Defense Agency 35 Auxiliary Fire Department 35 At Your Service Back Cover Explorer Post 7 Search and Rescue Unit 36 ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF SELECTMEN An Acton to Maynard tie-in to their sewage treatment plant is being actively pursued. In 1989, the Board of Selectmen focused on a variety of * problems confronting local government but chief among The Board of Selectmen met with DEP Commissioner them was the problem of providing adequate funding for Daniel Greenbaum to discuss Acton's continuing saga of municipal services. Throughout the year, the Town found wastewater disposal problems and possible solutions. A itself caught between the fiscal constraints of Prop 2 1/2 and great deal of cooperation and optimism has resulted from the fiscal stress created by the state level of government. that meeting. Hundreds of hours of staff and board member's time have * been devoted to solving the many problems brought on by An Historic District Study Committee was established by the current fiscal climate. the Selectmen with a funding grant from the state. This Committee will explore the possibilities of creating 3 The Selectmen continued to be actively involved in the historic districts in South Acton, West Acton and Acton Coordinating Committee begun last year on an ad-hoc basis. Center. Nancy Tavemier and Dore' Hunter represented the Selectmen * at weekly meetings held with members of the Finance and The Police Department launched an intensive Traffic School Committees, Town Manager, Superintendent of Enforcement Program in August which has been extremely Schools and other Town and School staff members. This successful. Frequent citizen complaints about speeding and Committee oversees its three-year financial plan for the parking violations have all but disappeared. It has become Town, making necessary adjustments to reflect changes in quite obvious that drivers in Acton have become more law- revenue and expenditure projections. As a result of a abiding, greatly enhancing the quality of life. significant loss of state aid ($738,000) in July and further * anticipated cuts in 1990, the Coordinating Committee's role A hearing was held with the Department of Public has become extremely instrumental in carefully planning for Utilities in response to the Selectmen's request for cessation the financial stability of the Town. of train whistles at all crossings in Acton. A decision will be rendered in 1990. The most important achievement of 1989 was the * overwhelming voter support given to the Town's first The town-funded traffic light for West Acton Center was General Override of Prop 2 1/2. The 1989 ballot question installed, bringing a dramatic improvement to vehicular and was the first, in a series of 3, that will be put before the pedestrian safety in that area. voters each year as part of the 3 year financial plan. This * successful vote can be attributed to the override education The Selectmen voted to have a split tax rate for fiscal year campaign carried out by the Town and Schools and to the 1990. A 10% split in the tax rate resulted in a slight shift of Community Communication Committee led by Anne the tax burden from the residential properly owners to the Ridley and Matt Mleziva. commercial and industrial property owners. * Other noteworthy accomplishments this year include: The relationship with the other governmental body in Acton, the Acton Water District, continues to flourish. Joint * Unanimous Town Meeting support for a new Groundwater funding of the Groundwater Protection mapping project and Protection District Bylaw and Map an agreement to drop hydrant rental fees, backed by a Town Meeting vote, were significant and positive. * Public meetings and discussion groups were held to gather * input for the Master Plan, nearing completion and scheduled Fall Town Meeting voters approved a revision of the to voted upon at the April 1990 Town Meeting. Town Bylaws which changed the Annual Town Election date to the last Tuesday in March, beginning with 1990. * After formal attempts to streamline Town Meeting failed, retired the Board in April leaving a very the annual business was completed in two nights making it Chuck Kostro from the shortest Town Meeting in recent memory. large hole. His youthful enthusiasm and great sense of social justice greatly enhanced the Board during his three year term. serve * Talks with the Town of Maynard commence on the He has left his mark on the Town and will continue to subject of regional wastewater disposal options. Favorable in other ways. Norman Lake succeeded Chuck on the Board, involvement response led to more formal informational and consensus bringing years of knowledge and community building activities. with him. 4 None of the accomplishments of this year world have been Depressing - Shortly after voters approved the Override possible without the support of dedicated Town Staff, and Town Meeting approved the "A" Budget we received employees and all members of boards and committees who word that the Governor might withhold a significant serve the Town with such loyalty and community spirit. amount of Local Aid to cities and towns.
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