.. Bulletin of the SCANDINA VIAN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY WITH PROCEEDINGS FROM THE SYMPOSIUM ON ECOLOGY OF BIRD PARASITES, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA, 25-28 JUNE, 1998 Vol. 8 No. 2 1998 HUIJ.,ETI (JF TilE 'lET F( Tlw Bnlldin is a mernbership journal of' the Scandinavian Society f()l· Parasitology, Besides mcinhership information, it also presents articles on all aspects of parasitology, with priority given to contributors Jhm1 the Nordic countries and other ECO: members of the Society. lt will include review artieks, short articles/communications. ( :omments on any topic within the field of parasitology may be presented as Letters to the Fdilor. The Bulletin is also open f�)r a short presentation of new projects. All contributions should be written in English. Review articles are commissioned by the editor, however, suggestions f�lr reviews are welcomed. Subscriptions arc available to non-members upon request from the Publisher. The subscription rate is SEK 300 per year (two issues annually). Subscriptions should be paid to the treasurer ofthe SSP: Tor Atk Mo Na1ional Veterinary Institute P.O. Box 8156 Dep. N oo:n Oslo, NORWAY, e-mail: [email protected] Pos1al giro account number: 0814 3937489 Scandinavinn Society for Parasitology (Nordisk Forening fOrParasitologi) Society Board: President: E. Tcllcrvo Valtonen (Finland) Vice-President: Karl Skirnisson (Iceland) General-Secretary: Maria Vang Johansen (Denmark) Treasurer: Tor Atle Mo (Norway) Board Member: Ingela Krantz (Sweden) Suppleants: Eskild Petersen (Denmark), Katarina Gustavsson (Sweden) Cover: In Norse mythology, the giant ash tree - Yggdrasill - spreads its limbs over the entire mankind. The ash has three roots, each of them sucking water from its own spnng. The first spring- Hvergelmir- is found in the ice cold North; next to the spring, the serpent Niohoggr is ceaselessly gnawing at the roots of the ash. The second spring­ Mimisbrunnr - is the source of wisdom and is guarded by Mimir. The third spring­ Uroarbrunnr - is guarded by three women, the Noms, which mete out man's thread of life. Editors: Gedimim Organh Lithuania� Telephom Printed in Norway by HS-Trykk A/S ISSN 0803-4907 EMO PROCEEDINGS A AAMATUKOGU of the symposium on ECOLOGY OF BIRD-PARASITE INTERACTIONS arranged on behalf of the I 11hl1 lt ·r. Baltic Society for Parasitology and the 111 la uld Scandinavian Society for Parasitology in Vilnius, Lithuania 25 - 28 June, 1998 !lsitologi) >s over nits own ng, the 5pring­ pnng­ thread of Editors: Gediminas Valkiiinas and Hans-Peter Fagerholm Organizing and Scientific Secretariat: Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Gedimino ave. 3, Vilnius 2600, Lithuania. Telephone: + 370 2 614011, telefax: + 370 2 618464, e-mail: [email protected] 803-4907 11 Scientific Programme and Organizing Committee: PREl Hm1s-Petcr Fagerholm, Abo Akademi University, Finland Lars Gustafsson, University of Uppsala, Sweden Tl was b Toivo Jarvis, Estonian Agricultural University, Estonia for Pa th Vytautas Kontrimavicius, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania 25 at the S Peter Nansen, The Danish Centre for Experimental Parasitology, Denmark Zoone Karl Skfrnisson, University of Iceland, Iceland Tl streng Arne Skorping, University of Bergen, Norway parasi Gediminas Valkiiinas, Institute of Ecology, Lithuania (Chairman) ecolog discus co-op( focusi Local Organizing Committee: opport attract Vytautas KontrimaviCius, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania apperu Gediminas Valkiiinas, Institute of Ecology, Lithuania (Chairman) bird iJ spectn Juozas Virbickas, Institute of Ecology, Lithuania popuh Birute Vosylyte, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania exam]: impac1 etc. Tl of ora hope tl ornith< Sponsors: scieno The Nordic Academy for Advanced Studies (NorFA) Ot thanks Lithuanian Academy of Sciences the su Institute of Ecology (Lithuania) sponsc from tJ The Open Society Fund of Lithuania issue c Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation TI the ine The Scandinavian Society for Parasitology (SSP) The British Society for Parasitology 28 Sef The Baltic Society for Parasitology (BSP) Gedin Lithuanian Exhibition Centre "Litexpo" Hans-: 111 PREFACE The Baltic-Scandinavian symposium on "Ecology of Bird-Parasite Interactions" was held on behalf of the Baltic Society for Parasitology and the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in Vilnius, Lithuania between 25th and 28th June 1998. It was the second parasitological meeting jointly organized by the Societies. The first Baltic-Scandinavian parasitological meeting "Parasitic Zoonoses and the Ecology of Parasites" was held in Lithuania in September 1994. The Symposium on "Ecology of Bird-Parasite Interactions" was organized to strengthen the professional links, and to exchange ideas and information between parasitologists, ecologists, evolutionary biologists and ornithologists in the field of ecology of bird-parasite interactions. The purpose of the meeting was to present and discuss results and to stimulate future research in the area as well as to develop such co-operative projects in bird ecology that take parasitism into consideration. Owing to focusing on a single taxonomic host group, the symposium provided a unique opportunity for extensive interdisciplinary discussions on the subject. The meeting attracted more than 60 persons from 18 European countries, USA and Australia, as will appear from the present proceedings. During the symposium, the fascinating parasite­ bird interactions were analysed ranging from a molecular level to the cdl:nmunity spectrum with most participants interested in interactions on individual level and in populations. Several general problems of ecological parasitology were discussed. For example, migration and parasite dispersal, host fitness and population consequences, impact of parasites on bird population dynamics, bias of sampling in bird parasitology, etc. The papers based on plenary lectures given by invited speakers as well as abstracts of oral and poster presentations, are published in this issue of the SSP Bulletin. We hope the contributions will be stimulating for the advancement of ecology, parasitology, ornithology and evolutionary biology as well as for the interaction of these biological sciences. On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to express our deepest thanks to the invited lectures and other participants for their valuable contributions to the success of the symposium. We wish to record special thanks to the symposium sponsors: without this support the symposium would never have taken place. Support from the Scandinavian Society of Parasitology made it possible to produce the present issue of the Bulletin. Through an editorial process, some linguistic corrections have been introduced, but the individual authors are responsible for thepresented terminology, interpretations, etc. 28 September 1998 GediminasValkiiinas Hans-Peter Fagerholm iv CONTENTS Char seas< Belo. INVITED LECTURES Para: Ti cks and mites as permanent and temporary bird ectoparasites, pathogensvectors and Bick1 disseminators Alekseev, Andrey N . ........................................................... ....................................... 1 Thei Bone Parasites as regulators of natural populations: Fashion as a confounding variable Ashfo rd, Richard W. ........................................................... ..... ......... ......................9 Heln origi Longstanding associations between bird hosts and nematode parasites as Bom manifested by conservative structural features in some ascaridoid nematodes Fagerholm, Hans-Peter ........... ..... .............................................................. .. ....... 15 Para: Fred Parasites in relation to life history and secondary sexual traits Gustafsson, Lars ....... ............................................. .......................... ..................... 17 Anal ente1 The consequences of parasite induced effects on the population dynamics of birds Dalii Hudson, Peter J ?........................................... .... ....... ........................ ........... .......... 18 Spec Aquatic birds as agents of parasite dispersal: A field test of the effectiveness of, plat) helminth colonisation strategies By eh Kennedy, Clive R. .................................. ...... ...................... ...... ........... ................... 23 Para: Bird-parasite-viruses: interpopulational interactions By en Lvov, Dmitri K. ...................................................................................................... 29 Expe Darwinian medicine? Lessons from avian blood parasite ecology (Ces1 Read, Andrew F. & Shut/er, Dave ............................................................................30 Ciel1 Macroparasites as selective agents in birds Gryt Skorping, Arne ........................................................................................................38 Hem Haematozoa of wild birds: Peculiarities in their distribution and pathogenecity chicl Valkiiinas, Gediminas ....................................... ......................... ............................39 Cod1 The Cure SUBMITTED ABSTRACTS OF ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS Com D. rt A vi an parasite databases and collections: Current status of the international Czat reference centre for avian haematozoa (IRCAH) Adlard, Robert D. .............................. ........ ............. ................. .............................. 47 Dior COffiJ Wsevolod Borisovich Dubinin (1913-1958) as a researcher of bird parasites Czat Alimov, Aleksander
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