MAY 2021 PCAS NEWSLETTER THE MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE PACIFIC COAST ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY www.pcas.org Volume 60 Number 5 ISSN 0270 –6776 MAY PCAS SPEAKER Dr. Jon M. Erlandson Peopling the Americas: The Channel Islands and the Kelp Highway Hypothesis Zoom Meeting May 13, 7:30 pm Registration required Please see instructions below. PCAS ZOOM MEETING You will receive an email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Guests (non-PCAS members) are welcome with registration. When the presentation starts, please mute your microphone and turn off your webcam. Dr. Jon Erlandson. May 2021 PCAS Newsletter Vol. 60, No. 5 APRIL SPEAKER NOTES The 130,000-Year-Old Cerutti Mastodon Site: History of Investigations, Present Status of Research, and the Debate By Megan Galway Dr. Thomas Deméré presented the history of the Cerutti Mastodon site which was first identified during work on California SR 54 in 1992 and has been the subject of ongoing debate ever since. Richard Cerutti was monitoring the grading of the site when a Masto- don tusk and bones were seen. Work was then halted for paleontological mitigation of the area. Over the Dr. Thomas Deméré. next five months, a 50 m2 excavation was conducted, and a bone bed identified in a silty sand strata below levels which had been previously disturbed by con- struction activities. Two femoral heads, Cerutti Mastodon site. Much of the work at the site was funded by a grant from the National Geographic Society, and a report was published in the April 27, 2017 issue of Nature. Additional information may be found at www.sdnhm.org/science/consulting-services/paleo- services/projects/cerutti-mastodon/. 2 May 2021 PCAS Newsletter Vol. 60, No. 5 DIG THIS ... DIG THIS ….. Lectures (continued) The Valley of the Kings: An Archaeological Look at Juaneño/Acjachemen Culture, by Adelia Sandoval One of the Most Iconic Sites of Ancient Egypt, by (Spiritual Overseer [Púul] and Cultural Director for Dr. Francesco Tiradritti (Enna Unikore University, the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians/Acjachemen Leader of the Italian Archaeological Mission to Lux- Nation). An Orange County Historical Society Zoom or), An ARCE, Bowers Museum event. Recorded lecture, May 13, 7:30 pm. Free. Registration: https:// lecture available for 24 hours. May 1. Fee: $10; Bow- tinyurl.com/OCHSAcjachemen. ers and ARCE members free. Information: www.bowers.org. Recent Rock Art Findings: A Presentation on Ar- chaeological Findings with a focus on Rancho Gue- Polynesian Contact with the Americas: An Update, jito, by Steve Freers. A Coachella Valley Archaeo- by Dr. Terry Jones (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo) and logical Society Zoom lecture, May 14, 6:30 pm. Free. Dr. Kathryn Klar (UC Berkeley). Sacramento Arche- Information: www.cvarch.org; required registration: ological Society online lecture, May 8, 2pm. Free. [email protected]. Information and registration: sacarcheology.org/ polynesian-contact-with-the-americas-an-update. The Wonder of Cuneiform, by Dr. Irving Leonard Finkel (Bristish Museum), an online presentation of Spirit Songs and Sacred Fire: Considering Native the Friends of Archaeology, Cotsen Institute. May Perspectives in the Klamath Basin, by Robert David. 15, 11 am. Free. Information and required registra- An American Rock Art Research Association tion: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/ (ARARA) virtual lecture, May 8, 5:30 pm. Free. Reg- tJEtdeqqqzMpGNy8ZR693briGJG_gzwoDvy9%20(. istration: https://arara.wildapricot.org/Lectures. Previ- Past events can be viewed on the Cotsen Institute ous ARARA lectures can be viewed on the ARARA YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/ YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/ CxT96YAosmk7vP3aNJb4SHw. UCPCI2NQ3RN3J5TilCuxF3cA Etowah Beginnings: New Research into the Origins of a Mississippian Polity, by Matthew LoBiondo (UC Santa Barbara). A Zoom lecture of the AIA, Or- ange County Chapter. May 23, 2 pm. Free. Infor- mation: http://aia-oc.org. Registration: On website. Honoring, Concealing, and Forgetting—The Spa- tial Distribution of the Post-Amarna Tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt, by Dr. Danielle Phelps. 21, 11 am. Virtual presentations of the Cotsen Online lecture of the San Diego County Archaeologi- Institute, UCLA. Free: Information and registration: cal Society, May 25, 7:30 pm. Registration: https://ioa.ucla.edu/events/upcoming. Editor’s Note: Please confirm time and place of list- ing prior to the event. Submit items for Dig This to [email protected]. Visit www.pcas.org for all the latest news. 3 May 2021 PCAS Newsletter Vol. 60, No. 5 PCAS CODE OF ETHICS The Pacific Coast Archaeological Society (PCAS) is a nonprofit group of professional and avocational people dedi- cated to proper management of our cultural resources, public education, and the protection and preservation of archae- ological materials and collections. The following principles have been adopted by the PCAS: 1. Professional methods and forms will be used on all archaeological field surveys, excavations, and laboratory sessions. 2. A complete record of field and laboratory work will be filed with the PCAS Curator and stored at a facility approved by the Society’s Board of Directors. 3. No archaeological materials will be removed without proper permits, landowner permission, and a field research design. 4. Unless otherwise legally stipulated before activity commences, all materials collected will be deposited for further research with the Curator at a facility approved by the Society's Board of Directors. 5. All generated reports will be the property of the Society and distributed as deemed appropriate. 6. All Society field activities will be performed only under the direction of a qualified field archaeologist (Principal Investigator) and the supervision of field or site directors. 7. The above principles will be observed on both Society approved projects and projects performed under the direction of an authorized institution or organization. 8. The Society and its members will strive to educate the public of the importance and proper management of our non–renewable cultural resources and to discourage the collection and commercial exploitation of archaeological materials. 9. PCAS members shall not benefit from the acquisition, purchase, sale, or trade of archaeological artifacts, materials, or specimens. 10. All members shall adhere to City, County, State, and Federal antiquities laws. PCAS SPEAKER CALENDAR June 10, 2021 Dr. Donn R. Grenda A Railroad Runs Through It: Historical-Period Ethnic Chinese and Mexican Communities in Downtown Redlands, California No meetings in July and August. September 9, 2021 Jon Erlandson speaking on “Peopling the Dr. Richard J. Chacon Americas: The Channel Islands and the Kelp The Turquoise Corridor—Mesoamerican- Highway Hypothesis.” Southwestern Prestige Technologies and Social Networks Thursday, May 13, 2021, 7:30 pm October 14, 2021 Dr. Colleen Delaney See Zoom registration information on p. 1. November 11, 2021 Dr. Loren Davis 4 2021 PCAS BOARD MEMBERS AND COMMITTEE CONTACTS Office Name Email Phone *President Scott Findlay [email protected] 714-342-2534 *Vice–President Steve O’Neil [email protected] 949-677-2391 *Secretary Gail Cochlin [email protected] 714-745-0815 *Treasurer Rene Brace [email protected] 714-544-6282 *Curator Hank Koerper [email protected] 714-633-9287 *Field Trips Co-Chair Stephen Dwyer [email protected] 714-969-1911 *Historian/Librarian Jane Gothold [email protected] 562-947-6506 *Voting Member Dorothy DeGennaro [email protected] *Voting Member Irene Foster [email protected] 714-828-0942 Archivist Gail Cochlin [email protected] 714-745-0815 Donation-Awards Coordinator Joe Hodulik [email protected] 949-300-1864 Historian/Librarian Jane Gothold [email protected] 562-947-6506 Membership Megan Galway [email protected] 714-539-6354 Native American Liaison Steve O’Neil [email protected] 949-677-2391 Newsletter Editor Rene Brace [email protected] 714-544-6282 Programs Joe Hodulik [email protected] 949-300-1864 Publicist Joe Hodulik [email protected] 949-300-1864 Quarterly Co-Editor Alan Garfinkel [email protected] 805-312-2261 Quarterly Co-Editor Steve O’Neil [email protected] 949-677-2391 Refreshments Gail Cochlin [email protected] 714-745-0815 Scholarship Megan Galway [email protected] 714-539-6354 Zoom Coordinator Stephen Dwyer [email protected] 714-969-1911 *PCAS Board Member PACIFIC COAST ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 2021 Calendar Year Membership and Subscription Form Name(s): ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code ___________ Phone: __________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Newsletters will be sent by email unless a mailed copy is requested. ________________________________________ Signature Membership (Includes Quarterly/Newsletter) Subscription Only Scholarship Fund □ Active Member – $45 □ Quarterly – $40 □ Donation $________ □ Family Membership – $50 □ Newsletter – $20 □ Supporting Member* – $55 Join online: www.pcas.org/membrs.html □ Donor Member* – $75 Or return with payment to: □ Lifetime Member* – $1000 Pacific Coast Archaeological Society * May be individual or family membership www.pcas.org PO Box 10926 Costa Mesa, CA 92627–0926 .
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