Family Link, starting on pg 34 Linking Bergen, Essex, Middlesex, Passaic & Union Counties Issue #244 201-833-0200 172 West Englewood Ave.e. Teaneck, NJ 07666 Traveling?Traveling? Order on-line at We ShipShip, Double WrapWrap, and Flash Freeze For You! www.chopstixusa.con JEWISH LINK August 17 | 6 Elul Parshat Shoftim Light Candles: 7:33 PM August 16, 2018 | 5 Elul, 5778 CANDLE OF NEW JERSEY LIGHTING Shabbat Ends: 8:34 PM Rabbeinu Tam: 9:02 PM Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire ‘Virtually Done’ By Israel Hayom Staff Following a spike in border vi- and combined sources olence last week, when Gaza ter- rorists fi red some 180 projectiles After a two-day lull in violence at Israeli communities and Israe- along the Gaza Strip-Israel border, li airstrikes bombed dozens of Ha- the Los Angeles Times quoted a sen- mas terror targets in Gaza, Israel’s ior Israeli offi cial as saying that a Defense Ministry said Monday that cease-fi re agreement with Hamas, two days of “complete calm” on the the Islamist organization that rules border had led to possible easing of See our ad on back cover Gaza, is “virtually done.” the closure of the Kerem Shalom V&N REALTY GROUP Nefesh B’Nefesh Brings New Jerseyans ‘Home’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Egyptian President By Jill Kirsch Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi in New York in 2017. CREDIT: AVI OHAYON / GPO Debra Botwinick commercial border crossing. At May to discuss a long-term cease- BROKER/SALES ASSOCIATE Since 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh has press time, it was reported that fi re in the Gaza Strip. 201.851.1035 been helping streamline the ali- Israel has, in fact, allowed food Channel 10 said Netanyahu NJAR® Circle of Excellence 2005-2017 NJAR® Distinguished Sales Club 2014 yah process for new olim, bring- and commercial goods to pass and el-Sisi discussed easing the Is- ing more than 57,000 new Israe- through the crossing into Gaza raeli-Egyptian blockade on Gaza, VNREALTYGROUP.COM • 201.692.3700 li citizens to the country on over in an apparent easing of ten- rehabilitating Gaza’s infrastruc- See our ad on page 75 55 charter and group fl ights since sions. ture and terms for a cease-fi re be- the organization’s inception. Each On Tuesday, Finance Minister tween Israel and Hamas. summer has seen two full charter Moshe Kahlon confi rmed a Chan- El-Sisi reportedly said that Is- fl ights, one in July and one in Au- nel 10 news report that Prime rael, Arab states and the interna- gust, which together bring approxi- Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tional community should press % mately 450 new settlers to the Jew- had met with Egyptian President 10 OFF CONTINUED ON P. 11 * ish state annually. Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi in Egypt in  \RXUåUVWRQOLQHRUGHU The Adler family of Teaneck gets ready @ CONTINUED ON P. 16 GLATTEXPRESSX 2QOLQHFRP  to board the fl ight to Israel. Palisade Furniture: OU Launches Women’s A Century of Design & See Our Ads on Next Two Pages Rosh Chodesh Series Service in Englewood By Pearl Markovitz By Bracha Schwartz In promoting its mission of spreading high-lev- In an era of big- el Torah study to women worldwide, the OU Wom- box stores and inter- en’s Initiative launched a new program, its Virtual net sales, Mike Kaplan See our ad on page 65 Rosh Chodesh Lunch & Learn Series on August 12, is keeping his century-old fam- was concurrently downsized Rosh Chodesh Elul, with a noon shiur presented by ily furniture business current from the Wall Street fi rm where Rebbetzin Shani Taragin. Women throughout the and thriving. Palisade Furniture he had been working. “It was a world can now infuse their marking of rosh cho- in Englewood was started by his godsend, really,” Kaplan said. “I desh with divrei Torah offered by erudite women great-grandfather in 1919. Mike was destined to be here.” Torah scholars from the U.S. and Israel. took over in 2001, when his fa- ther became ill and he himself  CONTINUED ON P. 57 See our ad on page 28  CONTINUED ON P. 25 Rebbetzin Shani Taragin 4IBCCPTLift4PMVUJPOT™ $BMMGPS'3&&DPOTVMUBUJPO Home Owners Love "TLBCPVUPVSCPOVTBEEJUJPOBMZFBSXBSSBOUZBOEPVSQSFPXOFE4UBJS-JGU See our ad on page 27 Absolute for Our 1428 Teaneck Road 0 I’m happy & sober Everyday Low Rates Teaneck, NJ 07666 thanks to RAC! Learn about our holistic approach 201.591.1350 to conquering substance abuse 201-343-6100 JASON BERG ZZZUDFQMFRP See our ad on page 80 See our ad on page 13 See our ad on page 6 4PMVUJPOT "TLBCPVUPVSCPOVTBEEJUJPOBMZFBSXBSSBOUZBOEPVSQSFPXOFE4UBJS-JGUT NEW YORK | HACKENSACK | LAKEWOOD | MONSEY | CHERRY HILL | PHILADELPHIA )XOO3L]]D3LH )DPLO\6L]H IRURQO\ $ 24.99/ea SAY HELLO TO OUR 3XOOHG%HHI3L]]D Our new pulled beef pizza LVSOHDVHGWR PHDW \D Made with freshly pulled beef and custom toppings, our pizza is a meat lovers dream! Kids will love the pizza taste, you'll love the savory meat! Spend less time cooking, PRUHWLPHGLQLQJ )UHHSL]]DWDVWLQJVRQ6XQGD\ "If you taste one new item this summer, make it my Pulled Beef 3L]]D7KHȵDYRUVDUHGHOLFLRXVWKHWH[WXUHLVIDQWDVWLFDQGWKH WRSSLQJVDUHHQGOHVV$QGΖ GORYHWRKHDUIURP\RXDERXWQHZ SL]]DYDULHWLHV\RX GORYHWRVHH6HH\RXDW*ODWW([SUHVV" 6OLFHG )UHVK &RUQHG%HHI 0HDW3DVWD IRURQO\ IRURQO\ $ $ 14.99/lbs 5.99/lbs 6DXWHHG6WULQJ%HDQV 0L[HG.XJHO ZLWK&DUDPHOL]HG2QLRQV 0XIåQVSDFN "҃"$! ! ĴŖŖ IRURQO\ IRURQO\ 'DQL V*RXUPHW'HDOV $ $ 4.99/lbs 6.99/pack 6DYLQJVUHæHFWHGDIWHUFKHFNRXW * Deal starts on 01/15/17 and ends 01/20/17. 2UGHUV#*ODWW([SUHVVFRP *ODWW([SUHVV2QOLQHFRP Ŗbmbll-lom|=ou7;Ѵb;uŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouoŖmѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ buv|ou7;uomѴĺ@;u]oo7|_uo]_rubѴmѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ѶņƐƏņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ƒƏ|_ĺƐƏѷ7bv1om|bѴѴ0;u;Y;1|;7omu;1;br|-[;uCuv|ru1_-]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺv;ĺ 2 FAST SAME-DAY DELIVERY IN BERGEN COUNTY** 2 August 16, 2018 • 5 Elul, 5778 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM %HVW(YHQW(YHU The reviews are in: æDZOHVVFDWHULQJVWDUWVDW*ODWW([SUHVV Ruth and Jonas Weiser raved that their event was "beautifully prepared and presented" with an "outstanding selection" of their "favorite dishes"! Gourmet food. Attention to detail. Impeccable service. Make your next event just as perfect ZLWK*ODWW([SUHVV /HW VWDON+LJK+ROLGD\SDUWLHV 0RUHFOLHQWVFKRRVHXVIRURXUDWWHQWLRQWRGHWDLODQGYHUVDWLOLW\ 1HHGJOXWHQIUHHGLVKHVFXVWRPFXLVLQHRUKDYHVSHFLDOGLHWDU\ UHVWULFWLRQV"1RSUREHPΖ PKHUHWRSHUVRQDOO\HQVXUH\RXUHYHQW LVPDGHWRRUGHU&DOOQRZIRUKROLGD\SDUWLHV\RXUJXHVWVZLOOORYH" lb \RXUåUVW % * 10 OFF RQOLQHRUGHU @ GLATTEXPRESS2QOLQHFRP * Dealal startsstaartrts onon 01/15/1701/1/1515/1/17 andanand ends 01/20/17. VIEW CATERING REVIEWS @ *ODWW([SUHVVFRP&DWHULQJ Ŗbmbll-lom|=ou7;Ѵb;uŖŖ ;-Ѵv--bѴ-0Ѵ;bmŊv|ou;ouomѴbm;ĺ ;-Ѵv]oo7|_uo]_ѶņƐƏņƐѶĺ)_bѴ;vrrѴb;vѴ-v|ĺƐƏѷ ]oo7=ou=uv|Ŋঞl;omѴbm;ou7;uvomѴĺ 201-371-3212 • WWW.JEWISHLINKNJ.COM August 16, 2018 • 5 Elul, 5778 3 WORLD NEWSBRIEFS PA Has Paid Nearly $300,000 outi was arrested in May 2003 and received According to Check Point, hackers send Survey Research, the poll found that just 43 to Sbarro Bombers 67 life sentences—15 of them for building malicious software that a fax machine percent of Israelis and Palestinians support (JNS/Palestinian Media Watch) Sev- the bomb used to murder the people in reads as an image fi le through the phone the establishment of a Palestinian state enteen years ago today, a suicide bomb- Sbarro. He has received salary payments line, which is decoded and uploaded in the alongside Israel. er entered the Sbarro pizza shop in down- from the PA of at least $191,526. fax-printer’s memory, enabling hackers to The survey says the reasons for the lack town Jerusalem, detonated his suicide vest By September 2018, the PA will have cu- take over the device and enter the network. of support include doubts over the possi- and murdered 15 people. The murdered in mulatively rewarded Barghouti, Tamimi and Though some modern fax machines have bility of implementing a two-state solution the August 9, 2001 bombing included sev- the family of Al-Masri with at least $294,332. upgrades available to prevent hacks, Check and a lack of trust in the other side. en children as well as a couple and three PA law mandates that every terrorist im- Point reported that Canon and Epson fax ma- It says support for the concept began to of their children, an American citizen and prisoned by Israel will receive a monthly chines are still vulnerable, as are older fax decline a decade ago. a Brazilian citizen. In addition, 130 people salary for the full duration of his/her time machines that do not have updates available. The poll, conducted in June and July were injured. in prison and often even after his/her re- Fax machines are still widely used in the and released earlier this week, interviewed The suicide bomber was Izz al-Din lease. The PA also pays monthly allowanc- banking, healthcare and law professions, 2,150 Palestinians and 1,600 Israelis. It had a Al-Masri. His family has received $50,124 as es to the families of terrorist so-called “mar- and remain the preferred mode of data margin of error of 2.5 percentage points for a reward for his suicide bombing. tyrs.” By declaring a murderer as a “martyr,” transfer in many Israeli government offi ces. the Palestinians and 3 percentage points The terrorist who planned the attack the PA is saying he did an exemplary act ac- for the Israelis. and brought the bomber to Sbarro was Ahl- cording to Islam, for which he will be re- Support for Two-State am Tamimi. Tamimi was arrested in Sep- warded in the afterlife by Allah. Solution Hits New Low for Both Hamas’s Fake Red Alert App tember 2001 and received 16 life sentences.
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