-;.,. '. -'• 'f '4- . :... '•1 ' '< I • r'-. • ' V'^ -v ■2 ■J; '->?■>''• MONDAY, NOVBMBEB 2«, l»e« Average Bally Net Preia Run i The WtRthar^^ PAGE EIGHTEEN For the "Week Endwl , ForaeMt ef D. S. Weather I ^ Nov. 24. laae 1Eu(ttins H^dlb J- Ji 12,456 Fair, ooMer toalilit. Leer'IS-SS. Dr. Leo P. Taraaov and CSif- Officers for the coming year will The reunion committee of the Subdivision Bid Wedneeday fair, laereaolag dqait- A b o u t T o w n ton C. Nickeraop, both pi the Nor­ be clMted at the. regular monthly cl.aaa of 1937A, Manchester High Communion Speaker Member of the Audit iMM la afternooa.'Hlgh-te-ea.'" ton- Go., of WorceatOr, Maaa., will meeting of Nutmeg ^Forest, ■ No. School, will meet tonight at 8 Before Planners Bureau af Circulation b« apeakera at the meeting'Dec. 8 116, Tall Cedars of Lebanon, to­ o'clock at .the home of-Mra. W. E. Manchtfter^’A City of Village Charm SCuitonomoh Tribt, No. ■ M. at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium of night. -Also, the results of ...the B'rannick, 3 Hartland Rd. .A Thank^ying Day Road Race col­ H A U S ^ S lORM, wMl moot tonight *t 8 the Hartford Gaa Co., Hartford, of . The Town Planning Comndsaion o ’clock In Tinker Holl. After the the American Society of Tool Bn- lection fot*" muscular dystrophy Adult membera of the Girt will hold a public hearing at 8 VOL. LXXVI, NO. 49 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1956 (CUuRlflGd ^Advertltlng on Pag# 14)^ PRICE FIVE CENTR will be announced. A brief enter­ rodulnr meeting,, the building gineera. They nill diacuaa the Scout organization are 'reminded o ’cloQk tonight on the subdivlali t'commlttoe will hold a meeting. "grinding of low-grindabillty ma- tainment'will follow the meeting, of the Christmas juirty'tonight at S E L F S E R V E teriala.’* and refreshments will be served. 8 o'clock at the South Methodlat application of MetropqUfian Vra. Jean Maefarlan of Garden Church. Hornet, Inc. / Dr. bad aa holiday gueata Mr. and K rummage aale will be conduct-* Daughters of Isabella are re­ . Metropolitan Homeb Ayants to a n d - erect 48 dwelling units on a 25- ' M n. W. Oregor Macfarlan of Port­ ed by the Edgar and Reynolds minded that the social meeting Manchester I.,odge. No. 73. A. F. Ike, Du lies to Hold acre plot on the north aide of land, Maine, and Senator: and Mrs. Circles of the ' South Methodist tomorrow evening will be held in and A. M., will hold a atated Com­ Neil 8. Biahop of Stockton Church WSCS starting at 8 o'clock the cafeteria of St. James’ School, munication at the Masonic. Temple Spring St.. eaiL'Of Gardner, in a M E A T D E P T . 8| ^ g a , Maine. Wednesday plomlng at the church. vi'here all meetings of the Circle topjorrow flight at 7:30. Following Rural Residepde 21one. r i a s will take place for the present. At the kearing. which will be the’ transaction of business, there Sunday Talks on The 'guest speaker will be Rus­ will be a social hour and refreah- held in Jthe hearing room of the TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Municipal Building, the TPC will sell Frasier, whose subject will be ments. floral arrangements and holiday consider an application for a decorations. Mrs. Michael Gorman hhildlng-line reduction that ia The Friendship Circle of the being submitted by Thomas Dwls. and her committee are in charge, Salvation Army will, hold a Communist Threat and refreshments will be served. Das^is wants to have a 25-Toot regular meeting tonight at 8 line on the south side of Hilliard o’clock at the Citadel. Plans will St. reduced to 10 feet. He plans to Speciats with that thought getting great m JW .IIAU<osi Augusta, Ga., Nov. 27 (/P)’’ Harvey Ward, director of the be completed tor the Christmas erect a $ dental laboratory Wates comedy, "Tons of Fun. 20,000 atteption, : MANCNisTMi Conn* party Dec. 3. Mrs. Alice Mun.sle, on the site, lyhlch extends wester­ HALE’S GOOD ,—President Eisenhower will j Tiie press secretary said further: j . 1056," has called a full rehearsal chairm.an of the .service commit­ confer here Sunday with Sec­ CORNER MAIN and OAK STREHS of the cast for tonight at 7:30 at ly from Regent St. for 100 feet. ' "As the President has previously I tee, will be in charge of the prov retary of State Dulles on the! pointed out. differences that have the Italian American Club in prep­ gram. Articles made, for the an­ HAMBURG 3 l.. $1.00 aration for the reqijieated repeat ALL BEEF FOR PATTIES or -MEAT IXIAP international situation and | arisen between the United States , nual Christmas sale should be and her traditional friends and . performance Dec. l at 8:15 at the brought In tonight if possible. “ the continuing'Soviet Com­ Egypt Says! Many Look Verplanck School. GENERAL Allies are those arising from a par- , SHOE REPAIR SHOP munist threat to the iieatei ticiilar International incident.” Ever Ready Circle of Klnga USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNt Rainbow Girl sare reminded of HALE'S HAM LOAF MIX and securitj* of the world." That w«« « pl»!n allusion. In the Daughters wiil hold its fall rum­ TV SERVICE_ The Pre.sident's varatfon^ head­ current situation, to differences the meeting this evening at Tt30 mage sale Friday at 9:30 a m. in Loan Beef and amnktd Hom-------^ ^ i O p * British Add ,S. for in the Masonic Temple when Su­ Days a a m e a caii ground together for delicious eating. ■ Lb. V quarters announced that Dulles between the. U.S. and its two west­ Sp^ial For Tuesday Onlyf . the Second Congregational Nights Pin* Parts will stop here en mute to Wa.->hlng-| ern Allies regarding the Invasion preme Deputy Ruth Prior and Church. Mernbcrs and friends may Grand Worthy Advisor Judith TEU hn 8-5488 ton from Key West, Fla., where he' of Rgypt. MEN'S. LADIES' bring their donation.s to tho Hon., Ritymoli.<l E, Bihtwln "These differences," Hsgerty’s ; A ssistance Trank will make their official vis­ [ c.lurch'Thursday at 7,p,nr. % BONEIr£SS _ ' hss been recuperating from a Nov. I Suez Force and CHILDREN'S SHOES 3 intestinal operation for cancer, statement, .went on, "in no way it''AH officers are requested to The Hon. Raymiind E. Baldwin, j wear their white gowns. VEAL STEWINGCUTS lb. 49e A statement by James C. Hag- : should be construed as a weaken­ Moscow. Nov. 27 (/P)—-Prav- Memorial Temple. Pythian Sis­ associate ju.stlce of the Supreme ing nr disruption of the great bonds United Nations, N. Y „ Nov, ters, will meet lOniori-ow at 8 p.m. Court of Errors and chancellor of erty. White House press secretary. | da charged today that the INVISIBLE . Advertisement—' said Elsenhower and Dulles ''w ill; that have so long.Joined our nation 27 (/Pi— Egypt today called on in Odd Fellows Hall. Grand Chief i the Episcopal Diocese of Connecti­ with the United Kingdom and the United States was trying to REG. Install clean, dependable Ga.s cut. will be guest speaker at the SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS review the international situation," . the U.N. for a stern crack- Pauline Farr of Rockville aird her I CARS Republic of France and our othpr New Envoy?' provoke Turkey and IraQ in­ H ALF SOLES SiSQ Heating, and forget service and associate officers will make their Annual Advent Communion, of Economical braising cuts with dO#* Including the Middle Fast crisis: j down again.st Britain. France j and the situation in Central Eu­ allies in as.surlng that peace, jus­ Ellsworth Bunker, retiring to attacking Syria. The delivery problem s.''Tent a Gas official visit at this time. The roll Men and Boys at St. Mary's Epis­ UNDERCOATED little waste, tender, tempting. __________ ^ L b . tice and freedom shall nrevall." president of the American Red I and Israel unles.s they' give Conversion BurY.er—$Z.95 monthly call will be read and obligations copal Churcii Sunday at 7:30 a.m. rope. Communist party newspaper Zippers Replaced— Hats Cleaned They also will talk over "the, Eisenhower flew here from Cro.ss. was reported to be In j definite information a.s to —Buy a Gas Conversion Burner renewed. A supper at 6:30 p.m., C. Leroy Noj-ris, chairman* of SPECI-AL Washington yesterday for up to line today for appointment as declared all “ peace loving na­ 3 Minate Heel Seirice— AU Work Gnaranteed 8285.00, less 850.00 allowances for will be in charge of Mrs. Carl this year’a Advent Communion forthcoming meeting of the minis­ I when they expect to withdraw S i f i 95 nUARANTEKD INSTANT MAXWEa HOUSE BOFFEE terial council of the North Atlantic ' 10 days of golf combined with ambassador to India replacing j their force.s from Egyptian tions" would gis’c Syria sup­ SHOES SHINED old equipment. Guaranteed heattng Hilding and her committee. Offi­ Committee, urgea all men of St. *v | 0 * WORKMANSHIP work. Sen.-elect John Sherman Coop­ estimate. The Hartford Gaa Co': cers are requested to wear white Mary’s Church, and any Episcopal I,Arge sixe. ^ * 1 O Q Treaty Organization in Paris start-: ' territory. port in defending her free­ Ing Dec. 11." Keeping a close watch on the er of Kcntuck.v. Bunker, a tel. MI-9-4503. dresses. men new in town who wish to TURNPIKE A savings of 10c a jar.
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