![The American Legion Magazine [Volume 25, No. 6 (December 1938)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DECEMBER 1938 rThe Jlmerican LEGIONM A G A Z I N * S .... - :!; i Want to double your enjoyment of any high-spot occasion? Then buy ten high at your favorite liquor store or bar today. Countless thousands of smart buyers know that TEN HIGH has no rough edges to mar your complete enjoyment of its doubly smooth, doubly rich bourbon taste. Noth- ing is left to chance in the world's largest, WINNER: "I've got something to be really modern distillery. Doubly careful control thankjul for. Joe, set 'em up all around! assures you that TEN HIGH always pleases We're all going to Double Our Enjoyment your discriminating palate. with a TEN HIGH or two." FRIEND: "Now you're talking turkey!" STRAIGHT BOURBON TEN HIGH WHISKEY 90 PROOF Hiram Walker & Sons Inc., Peoria, Illinois. Distilleries at Peoria; Walkerville, Ontario; Glasgow, Scotland Cadu/ung P&ace. ANNIVERSARY 7^e American Lesion f : : f , 20 th Anniversary Poster is Ready Legionnaires ... in 11,444 Posts . will celebrate the Twentieth Anniversary of the Armistice — and the founding of THE AMERICAN LEGION if Armistice Day . America's newest National Holiday . Poster Panels November first. and The American Legion entering its Twentieth Year— with Again the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, courage high ... its ideals upheld . with faith undimmed . Inc., stands ready to work with your Post in giving The Ameri- in t'.ie future of America. can Legion's message to Outdoor America. Get your Post to place Your 20th Anniversary Poster will be ready in the rich color- the orderfor Posters Now. ings of the modern lithographic poster — 24-sheet posters for The American Legion has approved this design. Exclusive use on Outdoor Poster Panels. Display Card reproductions in authorization has been granted the Morgan Lithograph Com- color to fit smaller space requirements. pany, Cleveland, Ohio, to make and distribute all American A triumph of the art of lithography — the 20th Anniversary Legion Posters, Display Cards, and Miniature Stickers carrying Poster will be ready for display on thirty thousand Outdoor this design. ORDER BLANK—REMITTANCE, PAYABLE TO THE MORGAN LITHOGRAPH CO., MUST ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER MORGAN LITHOGRAPH COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO. 1938 'Please enter Our orderfor posters @ $1.00 each delivered. Check or money order for $ enclosed. window cards @ 6c each delivered. (Minimum order 20 cards.) miniature stickers @ 3c each delivered. (Minimum order 50 stickers.) Post Ship posters to local poster plant owner: No Dept. of. Name Street Street City City State Post Adjutant or Commander Approval of Local Poster Plant Owner DECEMBER, 1938 When Answering Advertisement; Please Mention The American Legion Magazine A ; (fjforQod'and'country , we associate ourselves togetherjor thefollowing purposes: (Jo upholdand dejend the Constitution ofthe 'UnitedStates ofAmerica; to maintain law and order; tofosterandperpetuate a one hundredpercent (7lmericanism topreserve the memories and incidents ofour association in theQreatlVar; to inculcate asense ofindividual obligation to the com- munity,state andnation; to combat the autocracy ofboth the classes andthe masses; to make right the master ofmight; to promote, peace andgood willon earth ;to safeguardand transmit to posterity the principles qfjustice.jTeedom anddemocracy ; to conse" crate andsanctify ourcomradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.— Preamble to the Constitution oflhe American Legion. ^The Jlmerican December, 1938 Vol. 25, No. 6 LEGIONMAGAZINE Published Monthly by The American Legion, 455 West 22d Street, Chicago, Illinois EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICES Indianapolis, Indiana 15 West 48th St., New York City CONTENTS business insur- SEVERAL correspondents have or finance (outside of ance) public administra- written to inquire whether ma- COVER DESIGN , three are By W. Aylward terial submitted in the $1500 J. tors, one is in real estate. And if that Prize Contest for Legionnaires, the NOVEMBER 7-11 3 adds up to more than the total of By Amico Barone rules of which are repeated in this J. nineteen living Past National Com- Illustration by Jes Schlaikjer issue, must relate to the World War. manders, blame the lawyers, because MURDER AT THE BEND 5 some of them have fingers in other The rules deliberately omit any ref- By Emmett Brightwell pies and so get counted twice. (In- erence to specific subjects, which Illustrations by Jes Schlaikjer means, of course, that contestants can cluding Present National Comman- THE RANK AND FILE CARRY ON 8 der Steve Chadwick, the lawyers write about shrimp-fishing in Kam- By John T. Winterich chatka or grenade-throwing in the number a round dozen.) HOW I LOST MY DECORATION 12 Argonne, or anything else. And once By Armitage Whitman again we beg to call attention to the Illustration by Frank Street THE Twenty-first National Con- vention fact that it will be impossible (as it LOOK ALOFT! 14 of The American Legion would be unfair) for members of By Robert Ginsburgh will be held in Chicago September the staff to enter into correspondence FIRST BLOOD FOR YANKEE 25th to 28th next. We mentioned regarding the contest. SULLIVAN 16 this fact last month and we shall By Fairfax Downey mention it next month. Chicago will Illustrations by Harry Townsend PAST National Commander of be the second city to duplicate a A SPOKESMAN FOR A MILLION 20 The American Legion, Frank- Legion convention, having been the By Alexander Gardiner lin D'Olier, who served in 1919- host city in 1933. Cleveland was the EDITORIAL: Free Speech— first, welcoming the gang in 1920 1920, has been elected acting presi- Definition 23 dent of the Prudential Insurance and again in 1936. Apparently your CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT 23 Company. Insurance folks, by the town has to begin with a C if you FRONT AND CENTER 24 way, loom pretty numerously among are to get two Legion conventions. '89 ex-Commanders. Frank N. Belgrano, KEEPING ALIVE 26 And Chicago and Cleveland are the By Bert Kemmerer only list. forestall Jr., is another president, of the Pacific Cs on the To FOR MERIT 28 Mutual Fire Insurance Company, angry protests from St. Louis, we and By Boyd B. Stutler is vice-president or director of nu- hasten to add that the expression MARKING TIME ON CHRIST- merous other insurance firms. Ray National Convention is to be con- MAS 32 Murphy is (draw a deep breath) strued in the narrowest of senses. now By John J. Noll The Legion's start on American soil Assistant General Manager of the A SKI-ING HE WOULD GO 35 Association of Casualty and Surety By Wallgren was made in the great Missouri me- tropolis in 1919, and we returned Executives. James A. Drain is with BURSTS AND DUDS 40 the Social Security Administration, Conducted by Dan Sowers there in 1935. The first occasion was and social security is certainly a form a Caucus, the second a regular Na- of insurance. That's four out of nine- tional Convention. teen. IMPORTANT THE superb photographs of egrets gone to all this trouble, made by Legionnaire Harold HAVING A form for your convenience if you wish we made some more investiga- to have the magazine sent to another ad- Haliday Costain which illustrated the tions into the private lives of Past dress will be found on page 58. In noti- article "Closed Season" by Alexander the Indianapolis address be sure to National Commanders, and found, fying Sprunt in the September issue were include the old address as well as the new naturally, that lawyers topped the taken on the Louisiana estate and don't forget the number of your of Ed- list—eleven of them. Three are in Post and name of Department. ward Avery Mcllhenny. The American Lbgion Magazine is the official publication of The American Legion, and is owned exclusively hy The American Legion, Copyright 1938 by The American Legion. Entered as second class matter Sept. 26, 1931, at the Post Office at Chicago, 111., under the act of March 3, 1879. Stephen F. Chadwick, Indianapolis, Ind., National Commander, Chairman of the Legion Pub- lishing and Publicity Commission; Members of Commission: Philip L. Sullivan, Chicago, II!.; William H. Doyle, Maiden, Mass.; Jean R. Kinder, Lincoln, Neb.; Phil Conley, Cnarleston, W. Va.; Raymond Fields, Guthrie, Okla.; Jerry Owen, Portland, Ore.; Ben S. Fisher, Washington, D. O; Lynn Stambaugh, Fargo, N. D.; Van W. Stewart, Perryton, Tex.; Harry C. Jackson, New Britain, Conn.; Tom McCaw, Dennison, Ohio; Carter D. Stamper, Beattyville, Ky.; John J. Wicker, Jr., Richmond, Va.; Theodore Cogswell. Washington, D. O; John B. McDade, Scranton, Pa. Director of Publications, James F. Barton, Indianapolis, Ind.; Director of Advertising, Frederick L. Maguire; Editor, John T. Winterich; Managing Editor, Boyd B. Stutler; Art Editor, William MacLean; Associate Editors, Alexander Gardiner and John J. Noll. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. authorized January 5, 1925. Price, single copy 25 Cents, yearly subscription, $1.30. 2 The AMERICAN LEGION Magazine Camions suddenly began to streak white beams down shell-smashed roads. Someone had ordered the drivers to turn on their headlights November^ 11 to my mother on the rattly portable IIGHTS! I L LU STRATI ON BY The magic word sped like a J.W. SCHLAIKJER company typewriter a letter which I i tongue of flame racing through thought was filled with momentous news. dry grass. Camions suddenly the greatest rumor of them all sweeping But the letter was never mailed. Soon began to streak white beams down up to the very front. Flashed to all after writing it I slipped it into a diary, shell-smashed roads— roads whose only corners of the earth, it aroused mankind and so it found its way to America with night light for years had been that shed to wild outbursts.
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