Thursday September 12, 2013 The Chanticleer Jacksonville State University’s Student-Published Newspaper since 1934 WEATHER: High 88, Low 68, Partly Cloudy with a 10% chance of rain FORECAST PG. 3 A record-breaking night James Harkins/Special to The Chanticleer In its first home game of the season, JSU defeated Jacksonville University 48-13, breaking records in the process. 4 Gamecocks rush for over 100 yards each in victory over Dolphins Daniel Porter rushing record for FCS schools ence named all four Gamecock three 100-yard rushers in a sin- Sports Editor across the nation. 100-yard rushers as Co-Offen- gle game. Late Saturday night, after sive players of the week. Red- Last week only adds to the Saturday night at Burgess- reaching out to NCAA, the JSU shirt freshman quarterback and prestige of Gamecock athletics Snow Field was a historic night Sports Information Department Birmingham native Eli Jenkins which has had its share of spot- for Jacksonville State University. had it confirmed to them that was also award the OVC New- light moments. In a 48-13 victory over Jackson- no FCS school had ever had four comer Award for his breakout In 2010, JSU was the talk of the ville University (FL), the Game- 100-yard rushers in a game. game in his collegiate career. college football world after up- cocks had a record setting per- In total, JSU finished the game Pope, a sophomore out of An- setting SEC Ole Miss in double formance running the ball. with 523 rushing yards as a niston, led the way with three overtime. The rushing quartet of run- team, setting a school record touchdowns and finished with In 2001, JSU kicker Ashley ning backs DaMarcus James, for the most in a game surpass- 160 yards on 16 carries. The De- Martin garnered national news Troymaine Pope, Miles Jones ing the previous record of 453 mopolis, AL, product James net- and was featured in every sports and quarterback Eli Jenkins all yards against Samford in 2004. ted 105 yards on his 12 carries magazine and newspaper and rushed for over 100 yards. This The Gamecocks attempted 70 adding a score as well, and Jones had appearances on “Good was the first time in recorded rushing plays, another Jax State put in 20 carries late that led to Morning America” and “Live history that a Football Champi- record, with the old mark being 138 yards. Jenkins supplied an- with Regis and Kelly” along onship Subdivision (FCS) school 66 at Arkansas State on Sept. 22, other 128 yards throughout the with CNN and ESPN networks accomplished such a feat. 2001. night. after she became the first female The 539 combined rushing In recognition of their achieve- Prior to Saturday night, Jack- to ever score in an NCAA foot- yards between the four set a ment, the Ohio Valley Confer- sonville State had never had ball game. Students encouraged to get prepared for emergencies Sherry Kitchens the incoming freshmen and their Special to The Chanticleer parents about the Volunteer Generation Fund program. JSU was fortunate to receive Many students signed up to the Volunteer Generation Fund attend an informational meeting grant which is funded by the which was held last Thursday. Photo courtesy Brett Johnson Corporation for National and Fifteen students and two fac- The 2013-2014 JSU Student Senate Community Service. This new ulty members attended the in- program, which is supported formational meeting where they by the JSU Emergency Manage- learned more about the VGF ment Department, promotes program and how they can be- Vacant student senate disaster volunteerism at JSU to come disaster volunteers. support community disaster The VGF program has many preparedness, response, and re- ways in which the JSU com- seat needs to be filled covery efforts and to help build munity can be involved. On Kara Coleman Student Senate Brett Johnson. local capacity. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Editor-in-Chief They plan, organize and op- Ms. Sherry Kitchens attend- the Emergency Management erate tailgates, homecoming ed the freshman orientation Department in support of the There’s a lot going on in JSU’s events, and philanthropy pro- “browse sessions” where the VGF program and in collabora- Student Senate right now. jects, meet with university offi- theme for her table was Disaster tion with the East Alabama “The senators do much more cials and faculty to express Volunteers Rock! While attend- than meet for an hour once per ing these sessions she spoke to See PREPARED, page 2 week,” says Vice President of See SENATE, page 2 The Chanticleer September 12, 2013 2 PREPARED, VGF pro- The CERT Program trains you SENATE, student fied by a number. from page 1 gram and in basic disaster response skills, from page 1 concerns “The discussion we are going in collabo- such as fire safety, light search on issues to have through SGA is how to ration with the East Alabama and rescue, and disaster medical like academic policy and hous- best implement that and how to Emergency Management Coa- operations. With proper CERT ing policy, and lobby the State ensure student representation lition hosted READY JSU Day. training, you can help protect Legislature in Montgomery for in the process,” Johnson says. This was a campus-wide and your family, neighbors, and co- more funding, among other He adds that altering the ap- community event in celebration workers if a disaster occurs. things. peals process could potentially of disaster resilience and volun- Finally, there is a great need in Most of the senate’s work is lead to the removal of the Chief teerism. Held on the anniver- Calhoun County for individu- done through 10 standing com- Justice position as an executive sary of the September 11, 2001 als who are trained to operate mittees, which each senator has position, but still maintain the terrorist attacks, the day’s events the Volunteer Reception Center to actively serve in two of. Chief Justice and associate jus- included a symposium, disas- (VRC) which activates during At this past Monday night’s tices as checks and balances. ter volunteer training, an open times of disaster. A VRC is a senate meeting, a discussion The student senate meets house where attendees met local location used to manage and began about possible changes every Monday at 6:00 p.m. in disaster agencies, and a service organize unaffiliated volunteers to the parking violation ap- the TMB auditorium. All stu- learning workshop for faculty. who show up to help during peals process at JSU. “But it is dents are encouraged to attend. The symposium focused on re- a disaster. The volunteers are going to be an ongoing process, “They [the students] are our cent Alabama experience with processed at the VRC to deter- and no legislation is being pro- ultimate accountability, and the 2011 tornadoes and high- mine their skill-set and then posed yet,” Johnson says. their voice matters,” Johnson lighted the role of preparedness tasked with assignments where The senate wishes to begin says. “There is a section in each and planning for community re- their skills can be utilized for the work with the University Po- senate meeting for a Student covery. disaster relief effort. Volunteer lice Department on recommen- Body Report in which any stu- There are two upcoming Reception Center training is be- dations that came from their dent can address the senate, events which will be held on ing offered by the Hands On assessment by the Virginia ask questions, pose concerns, Tuesday, September 17, 2013. Network, the Calhoun County Community Policing Institute. or provide input on policy. We The first is Get Ready Day which Retired and Senior Volunteer “What they have suggested is love it when students take the is a collaboration between the Program (RSVP), and the JSU that the current parking viola- initiative to do that.” JSU Nursing Department and Volunteer Generation Fund pro- tion appeals system is too out- There are 35 spots on the the JSU Department of Emer- gram on Saturday, September dated, biased, and multi-facet- student senate, but only 34 of gency Management. Held from 21, 2013 from 8am – 2pm (lunch ed,” Johnson explains. those seats are currently filled. 9am – 1pm at 14 venues around will be provided), at the Jackson- The proposal is that the ap- Johnson says he is looking to the JSU campus, attendees will ville Train Depot, 650 Mountain peals process is moved to an fill that vacant seat. Students receive timely emergency pre- St. NW, Jacksonville, AL 36265. online-only format where those can apply for the position by paredness and medical informa- Seating is limited and will be who receive parking violations visiting the Office of Student tion. filled on a first come-first serve can file an appeal and upload Life and picking up an applica- The second event is a JSU basis. photos or video through a se- tion there. In order to qualify Campus CERT interest meeting To learn more about why cure link. No names will be for a senator position, students at Houston Cole Library, Room Disaster Volunteers Rock! or to used on the submissions, as much have 12 credit hours at 1101-B, from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. participate in any of the VGF each case will only be identi- JSU and a 2.5 GPA. The Community Emergency program events and/or training Response Team (CERT) Pro- please contact Sherry A. Kitch- gram educates ordinary people ens at 256-782-5937 or skitch- about disaster preparedness. [email protected] Photos of the Week Leah Whitby/The Chanticleer Ashley Colvin/The Chanticleer Sigma Nu brothers Kyle Whitaker and Ryan Martin tailgate before Saturday’s The Marching Southerners and Marching Ballerinas perform during game against the Jacksonville Dolphins.
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