OMB No. 10246018 Gnited States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM This fbrm s for use m nomlnatmg or requesting detetmmations for individual properhw and dlsticts, See insmctions in How to Complete the National Regi&r of Historic Places Rtgismon Fm(Nariod Register Bullctia 16A). Complete ach lkm by mhg"x" m the appropriate box or by entermg tbc informanon requested. liany Item docs not apply to the pmpen king documented, enter TtG" for "not appticahle." For hnff ions, architccml classification, materials, and areas of sign~ficance,enter only categories and subcategories Born the iashuctinm. Place additional cnkies and nmnvc rfms nn contin~~ationsheets WPS Form 10-900~1).Use a tTrpcwrlter, word processor, or computer, to complete all !terns. 1. Name of Property historic name Church Hill North Historic District IBoundarv Increase) other nameslsite number DHR File # 3 27-820 2. Location stree.t & number 800 Black N. 25'%t., 700-1300 Blocks N. 26'"t., 800-7300 Blocks N. 27'" St,, 100-1300 Block N. 2gthSt., 100. 1200 blocks N. 2gthSt., Z 00 Block N. 2om,31 " & 32* Sts.. 2500-2600 Blocks Cedar & 0 St%, 2500-3100 blocks P St,, 2600-3100 Blocks Q St. Not for publication N/A city or town R~chmond vicinity NIA state Virsinia codex county Richmond (Independent Citv) code 760 Zip 23226 3. Statfledera1 Agency Certification As the designated authority underthe National Historic Preservation Act of 1986, as amended, 1 hereby certify that this X nomination -request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and pmfe-ional requirements set forth in 36 CFR P&rt 60. In my opinion, the property X meets -does not meet ethe National Register Criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant -nationally statewide -X- 1ocalIy. ( -See continuation sh#t for additional comments.) &nia ~e~art.Aeniof,Historic -Resources, Smle clr Federat agency and bureau In my opinion, the property meets- does not meet the National Register criteria. ( See continuation sheet for additional comments.) Signature of commenting or other official Date State or Federal agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I, hereby certiQ that this propem is: -other (explain): -entered in the National Register -See continuation sheet. -determined eligible for the National Register -See continuation sheet. Signatme of Keeper -determined not eligible for the National Register -removed hmthe Kational Register Date of Action \.illUH,11 nm l'IIUI lll \CUUIIUGI f II 11..,1 'CQ,Xl/ f!!ditilUifU jiilQGP9fiUCiii Uitft, WI I Name at Prapsty s. c1ap1flcat1on ow..hlp" Property CaegcrydProperty Ntnmd Rauam: Y4lhln Property · (Check as many boxes as apply) (Checkontyone box) (Do not Include ~lousy listed resources in the c..urt) Contributing Non-contributing private D building(s) 285 23 buildings • public-local • district --~~~-----~- sites • publiC-State ate D D ------------ structures D public-Federal D sb'UCture ____________ objects D object ~-2-=86~ ______2_3 ____ Total Name of related multiple property listing tanmr of comibutlng resources previously llsted (Enter "NIA" if property is not part of a muttpe JJt)perty listing.) In the National Regla111r NIA 1 a. Function or V• Historic Functions CUmtnt Functlona (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categories from Instructions) DOMESTIC: single dwalllng, multiple d\wlllng DOMESTIC: iQRle dwelling, multlae d\wlllng COMMERCErrRAOE: specialty sta'e COMMERCEITRADE: specialty store SOCIAL: meeting hall SOCIAL; meeting hall TRANSPORTATION: rail~ated TRANSPORTA TJON: rail-related 7.Deptption Architectural Claalflcatlon Materials (Enter categories from instructions) (Enter categones from Instructions) Greek Revival fCUldatlan..--BB-1-CK______ ~-------- Italianate v.etls WOOD: Weatherboard Second Empire BRICK QueenAMe roof OTHER: Stanclng Seam Colonial Revival other NIA Art Deco Narratlw Description (Describe the historic and current candtian d the p,:,perty an one er more continJatfon sheets.) Church Hill North (Boundary Increase} Richmond {Independent City), VA Name of Prcperty Courty and Sta a. Statement of Slgntflcanca Applicable National Register Criteria Alas of Significance (Mark ''x" in one or more boxes for the aiterta qualifying the (Eder categories from instructions) property for NationaJ Register listing) ARCHITECTURE • A Property is associated vAth events that have made ETHNIC HERITAGE: BLACK a significant contribution to the broad patterns of RELIGION our history.. TRANSPORTATION • 8 Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. • C Property embodies the distinctive charactensUcs of a type, period, or method of construcUon or represents the 'MJl'k at a master, or possesses t,igh artistic values, or represents a significant and Period of Significance distinguishable entity Y\4'lose components 1850-1940 lack Individual distinction. D · D Property has yielded, or Is likely to yield, information important In prehistory or history. Slt,llficant Oates Criteria Considerations 188-1 (Mark "X'' In au the boxes that apply.) 1938 Property Is: Significant Person D A C7Mled by a religlous lnstttuHon or used for (CGmplete if Criterion B Is marked atJove) religious purposes. 0 8 removed from its original location. D c a birthplace or a grave. Culurlll Afflllatlon D D a cemetery. BLACK D E a reconstructed building, object, or structure. D F a commemorative prq,aty. An:ld18ctlBullder D G less than 50 years at age or achieved significance Hart>ert LfNI Caln. T. Wley =Dav=is:a.·----­ within the past 50 yan. Bhel Bailey ADnan, Wlllam c. Noland, atades Thaddeus Russetl, Edw:lrd F. Sinnott Narrative Statement of Slgnltlcanc:e (Explain the significance at the p-aperty on one or more continuation sheets.) 9. Malor Biblloaraphlcal R,,.,,,.• Bibliography (Cite the books, articles, and oth• SOll"C8S used In preparing this fam C11 one a more continuation sheets.) · Previous documentation on ftle (NPS) PrllllarJ Location of Add111onal Data 0 preliminary determination at inclvldual listing (38 • state Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested. D 0tt1• State agency D previously listed in the NaUonal Register D Federal agency D previously determined eli(jbe by the National Register D Local government D designated a National Historic Landmark • Uriversity D #recorded ________ by Historic American_ Buildings Survey D Other Name of repository : recorded by Historic American Engineering D Record# ___________ Church Hill North (Boundary Increase) Richmond {lndependerit City). VA Name or Property County and State 10. Geographical Data Acreage of Property Approximately 37 acres UTM References (Place additional lJTM references on a continuation sheet) 1 .....1L 286.640 4. 156.700 3 -1!!._ 286,700 4 156 940 zone Easting Northing Zone Easting Northing 2 .....1L 286,640 4.156.860 4 -1!!._ 287. 130 4. 157.360 ..lL. See continuation sheet. Verbal Boundary Description (Describe the boundaries of the property on a continuaion sheet.) Boundary Justification (E,cplaln why the - _,, - on a continuation sheet) 11. Form Prepared By name/litl e Ki mber1y Merkel Chen organization Kimberly M. Chen & Associates. Inc. date 28 June 1999 street & number 2701 East Broad Street telephone 804-225-9560 city or tov.n Richmond state __,V"-A._ ___ zip code -'2,.,3=22=3~-- Additional Documentation Subml the following lems with the com~ form: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A Sketch map for historic districts and properties h~ large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and white photographs of the property. Additional items (Check with the SHPO or FPO·fer any additional Items) Property OIM!er (Complete this tern at the raqueol of the SHPO or FPO.) name See completed OIM!er of Record form and attached mailing labels street & number ------------------ telephone ------------ state ____~ city ortov.n ----------------- zip code ------ PaperMJrk Reduction Ad Slllemm: This Information is being collected for : z r at!ms to the National Regi- ol Hlatoric -to nominate properties fer listing or determine etlgibilly fer listing, to Nat propertieo, and to amend eodating ~ Rmponse to this requeol is required to olnln • benefit in accordanca v.<th the National Hlatortc - Act, n amended (18 U.S.C. -GD at seq.). Estimated Burden Slllemem: Pllbllc reporting - far this form is -ID -.1a.1 hauls per respo, 1M lndudlng the time lor rew,wing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and comploling and rwewtng the t'anlL Olfect com.- regarding this burden - or any •si>ect of this form to the Chief, Admlniatratll'9 s..ic. DMslon, Natlonat Park Senllce, P.O. Bcl<37127, Wnhington. DC :!00137127; and the Offlce o1 Managernet1 and Budget, Paperwork Reductions Project (1 Cl24CXl18), Woshington. DC 2l503. (.... ) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Section number 7 Page _1..___ Church Hill North (Boundary Increase) Richmond, VA (Independent City) SUMMARY DESCRIPTION The Church Hill North National Register Historic District, listed 5 September 1997, covers a twenty-five-block area in Richmond's east end. The district is bounded, approximately, on the north and northwest by M Street and Jefferson Avenue, on the east by North 2911 Street, and on .the south by the adjacent Sl John's Church Historic
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