--~-·-----~-.~-.-. ---·--:-~ ---··---:----. -------:------ _________________:~lff1- STATISTISK TELEGRAM STATISTISCHES TELEGRAMM STATISTICAL TELEGRAM ~ TELEGRAMME STATISTIQUE eurostat TELEGRAMMA STATISTICO STATISTISCH TELEGRAM 17.1.1979 :MONTHLY STATISTICS OF REGISTERED UNEMPLOYED IN THE COMMUNITY DECEMBER 197 8 The situation at the end of December 1978 At the end of December 1978 public employment offices in the Community ·registered 6.1 Mio unemployed, that is 5.7% of the civilian working popula­ tion. Compared to November 1978 the figures show an increase of 1.6%, affecting mainly men and caused by seasonal factors. Seasonally adjusted figures show a slight decrease for the Community as a whole and for those countries which had noticeably hish increases compared with November. The averar{e for the year 1978 The provisional figure for the average number of unemployed in the Community for 1978 is 5 958 000. Compared to 1977- the number of unemployed increased by 3.9%, this increase was however much less important than that from 1976 to 1917 ( + 9.4;~). Some Member-States of the Community sh0\>1 important percentage decreases in the number of their registered unemployed, for instance Ireland (- 7.5%) and the Federal Republic of Germany (- 3.6%). The 1978 figures for the Nether­ lands and the United Kingdom are sl .ghtly belo\·T those for 1971 (- 0.6/u); on the other hand unemployment has increased during 1978 in Luxembourg, in Den­ mark(+ 15.5~), in Italy(+ 9.9~), in France(+ 8.9?'~) and in Belgium(+ 8.4/D). In the Community an average of 5.6% of the civilian working population t-:as registered as unemployed in 1978 (5.3% in 1977). 'l'he unemployment rate for men is 5.01~ and for \>Tomen 6.4%• Countries with above Community averageo of unemployment rates for women are Bel~iurn (13.9'f,), Italy (9.0ib) ilnd France (7.3~:.). Only in the United Kingdom was unemployment as recorded less important among women (4.3%) than among men (6.5%). In the Community and in most Member-States the proportion of \>lomen in the total registered unemployment continued to increase during 1978. In the Community nearly 43r~ of all unemployed are now \·zomen, this percentage reaches 60)t in Belgium, 53% in France and 51% in the Federal Republic of Germany. This statistical telegram is circulated regularly about the 20th of each month by EUROSTAT in conjunction with the Directorate General 'Employment and Social Affairs'. BEFOLKNINGSSTATISTIK OG SOCIOLOGISK STATISTIK EUROSTAT BEV0LKERUNGS- UNO SOZIALSTATISTIK B.P. 1907 DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIAL STATISTICS UNEMPLOYMENT LUXEMBOURG STATISTIQUES DEMOGRAPHIQUES ET SOCIALES Tel. 43011 STATISTICHE DEMOGRAFICHE E SOCIALI 12-1978 SOCIALE EN BEVOLKINGSSTATISTIEK Ext. 2491 MONTHLY J BR NEDER- BELGIQUE LUX EM- UNITED ioEUTSCH FRANCE ITALIA IRELAND ~MARK EUR 9 LAND LAND BELGI~ BOURG ~INGDOf" I. Registered unemployed a) In thousands August 1978 T 92410 1 15617 1 4481f 21319 35512 11165 1 60813 9715 15814 5 964 September 1978 T 86413 1 2841E 1 48ol 21013 35415 11167 1 51717 91,6 ) 15914 5 964 8 October 1978 T 90116 1 3441 1 1 540 1 C 20812 353,2 11055 1 4291~ 9317 16719 6 039 November 1978 T 92710 1 3301C 1 57011 20817 352,0 11132 1 392 1C 9619 17116 6 049 I M 618,7 13116 13816 8816 42116 r 891 01532 970:~ 75,8 3 337 r F 50514 7111 6781:i 7711 21314 016oo 421, 2111 83,0 2 712 r December 1978 T 006,7 1 3281 1 590, 21917 347,6 11187 1 3641.J 99,8 18514 6 143 M 495,0 63111 896,4 14512 137,3 0,608 96215 7816 10115 3 448 F 511,7 697,2 693 1S 74,5 210,3 0,579 401' f 2112 8319 2 695 December 1977 T 09017 1 144,S 1 494,' 219,4 33412 11291 1 48ol f 109,8 167,6 6 043 M 559,3 533;:: 15310 137,2 01796 1 06017 8711 95,6 3 522 F 531,4 61117 895:i5981 6614 19710 0,495 42011 22,7 7210 2 521 b) 96 change on - previous month T + 816 0,1 + 1,3 + 513 113 I+ 419 1- 210 + 310 + 810 116 M + 1714 -+ 210 + 0,6 + 1013 ,.. 019 ~ 1413 1- 018 + 317 + 1416 313 F + 1,2 - 210 + 2,2 - 314 115 1- 315 1- 4,7 + 0,5 + 1I 1 016 - corresponding month T - 7,7 + 1610 + 614 + 011 ft- 4,0 1- 811 1- 719 - 1111 + 1016 1,7 of previous year M - 11,5 + 18,4 + o, 1 - 5,1 ft- 011 1- 2316 1- 9,3 - 918 + 6,2 r- 211 F - 3,7 + 1410 + 15,9 + 12,2 ft. 618 I+ 17,0 1- 4,4 - 1414 + 1615 6,9 11. Registered unemployed as 96 of civilian working population August 1978 T 316 513 6,8 415 910 018 612 816 612 5,6 September 1978 T 314 519 6,9 414 8,9 o,8 518 811 6,3 516 October 1978 T 315 612 712 414 819 017 515 8,3 616 516 November 1978 T 316 6,1 7,3 4,4 819 018 5,4 816 617 516 M 217 4,6* 612 319* 515 015* 611 913* 611 419 F 5,2 8,4* 918 517* 14,8 114* 412 6,6* 716 6,9 December 1978 T 3,9 6,1 714 416 818 018 512 818 7,3 5,7 M 311 417* 612 412* 5,4 0,6* 610 917* 710 5,1 F 512 8,2* 10,0 515* 14,6 1,3* 410 6, 1* 7,7 618 December 1977 T 4,3 5,2 6,9 4,6 814 0,9 517 9,7 6,6 5,6 M 3,6 4,0* 6,0 4,5* 514 o,8* 617 10,7* 616 5,1 F 514 7,2* 911 4,9* 1317 1I 1* 412 71 1* 6,6 614 111. Unemployed under 26 years as 96 of all registered unemployed November 1978 T : 45,1 ; 45,4 40,9 5418 ; ; ; ; I December 1978 T : 44,1 : 4312 39,4 49,9 : : : : December 1977 T : 42,5 I 41,6 3912 52,7 : I : : IV. Vacancies lOOO's) unfilled at end of month November 1978 T 23319 79,4 I 65,5 515 0,2 231,6 1,7 I l December 1978 T 22213 7112 : 60,4 511 012 22015 1,5 : December 1977 T 18519 86,6 I 50,5 217 011 15414 116 110 : a) From October 1978 the series is affected by modifications in regulations for unemploy- ment assistance to women. Mio . 8 7, 8 ARBEJDSLSSHED • ARBEITSLOSIGKEIT • UNEMPLOYMENT· CHOMAGE • DISOCCUPAZIONE • WERKLOOSHEID 7, 6 EUR 9 7, 4 7, 2 7 8 6,6 6, 4 J ..... 2 I \ ~ 6' 'f' ~- I\ 8 I \ i\ I 5,6 " 1/ i\ f- 5,4 ._ "~~ 1..11111""'" ,...,.. - \~ ~ I'll. 5,2 -- ~~ ~ 5 J I\ IJ' II r-'I ,8 ' J 'I .a ~ II ,4 I j ~~ ~ 2 , 4 1/ ,J 3~ ~ ~~ j IJ,_.~ ~, 1/ .... \ J .... ~ \ 3 ,4 - ...-1-1"-i- ~ I i\ lj 3,2 . I J \ J ~ ..... ... ./ '~-"' I':\ IJ~ ~ J 3 ~ ~If ~ Ill/ ~r-. .... 2, 8 "r-- / ._.."" ~ ~I'- 2 ~'I 1/ ... ~ .... 1"'- .... -- ..... ""~ ..... ~ 2,4 I J ~ I'll~ ... ~'r-... I 2~ ·~ ,...., ..... ~ ~~· 'I 2 I ~"r--. i\ ~ ~ .... - ,8 ~~v '~ 'I ~I' ,6 I ~ I""' Seasonally adjusted ,4 1-'- ~II D~saisonnalis~ J ,2 !!. ~~ ~y 1 ... I- 0~ 0,6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 II 101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11101112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 II 10 1112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 II 101112 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 REGISTERED UNEMPLOYED IN THE COMMUNITY Annual averages 1974-1978 8R NEDER· ~LGIQUE LUXEM· UNITED PEUTSCH FRANCE IT ALIA IRELAN~ DAN MARl< EUR9 LAND LAND BELGIE BOURG kJNGOOt' I. Registered unemployed (1 ooo•s) 1. Total 1974 582,5 497,7 997,2 134,9 124,1 0,058 614,9 70,4 47,9 3 070 1975 1 074,2 839,7 1 106,9 195,3 207,8 0,265 977,6 98,7 113,5 4 614 1976 1 060,3 933,5 1 181,7 210,9 266,6 0,457 1 360,0 110,5 118,2 5 242 1977 1 030,0 1 071,8 1 377,8 2ii6,9 307,6 0,821 1 483,6 109,0 147,0 5 735 p 1978 992,9 1 166,9 1 512,2 . 205,6 333,4 1 1 166 1 475,0 100,8 169,8 5 958 2. }.!ales 1974 324,7 234,6 638,6 106,7 58,0 0,023 513,6 57,2 35,6 1 969 1975 622,6 427,5 700,3 153,0 99,1 0,172 777,1 79,4 80,3 2 940 1976 566,5 443,5 741,0 159,8 114,7 0,280 1 022,3 89,4 74,2 3 212 1977 517.5 499,1 839,9 m-;9 124,6 0,494 1 069,2 87,2 84,9 3 369 p 1978 468,8 551,4 889,8 136,4 132,4 0,659 1 040,2 80,0 93,1 3 413 3, Females 1974 267,8 263,1 358,6 28,2 66,1 0,035 101,3 13,2 12,3 1 101 1975 451,6 412,2 406,6 42,3 108,7 0,093 200,5 19,3 33,2 1 674 1976 493,8 490,0 440,7 51,1 151,8 0,177 337,7 21,1 44,0 2 030 1977 512,5 572,7 537,9 61,0 163,0 0,327 414,4 21,8 62,1 2 366 p 1978 504,1 615,5 622,4 69,2 201,0 0,507 434,8 20,8 76,7 2 545 II.
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