Geologia Croatica 61/2–3 345–362 3 Figs. 4 Pls. Zagreb 2008 345 Venezuelan sandstone caves: a new view on their genesis, hydrogeology and speleothems Roman Aubrecht1, Tomáš Lánczos2, Branislav Šmída3, Charles Brewer-Carías4, Federico Mayoral4, Ján Schlögl1, Marek Audy5, Lukáš Vlček6, Ľubomír Kováčik7 and Miloš Gregor8 1 Department of Geology and Paleontology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina – G, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; ([email protected]; [email protected]) 2 Department of Geochemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina – G, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia; ([email protected]) 3 Slovak Speleological Society, Čajkovského 40, 917 08 Trnava, Slovakia; ([email protected]) 4 Fundación EXPLORA, Caracas, Venezuela; ([email protected], [email protected]) 5 Czech Speleological Society, Tyršova 332, CZ-679 06 Jedovnice, Czech Republic; ([email protected]) 6 Slovak Caves Administration, Hodžova 11, SK-031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia; ([email protected]) 7 Department of Botany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Révová 39, SK-811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia; ([email protected]) 8 Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Mlynská dolina – G, SK-842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia GeologiaGeologia CroaticaCroatica AB STRA CT Caves in arenites of the Roraima Group in Venezuela have been explored on the Chimantá and Roraima plateaus (tepuis). Geological and geomorphological research showed that the most feasible method of caves genesis was the winnowing and erosion of unlithifi ed or poorly lithifi ed arenites. The unlithifi ed arenitic beds were isolated by well- cemented overlying and underlying rocks. There is a sharp contrast between these well-lithifi ed rocks and the loose sands which form the poorly lithifi ed to unlithifi ed beds. They are only penetrated by well lithifi ed pillars originated by vertical fi nger fl ow of the diagenetic fl uids from the overlying beds. Such fi nger fl ow is only typical for loose sands and soils where there is a sharp difference in hydraulic conductivity. The pillars exhibit no signs of further dissolu- tion. The caves form when the fl owing water accesses the poorly lithifi ed beds through clefts. Collapse of several su- perimposed winnowed-horizons can create huge subterranean spaces. Futher upward propagation of the collapses can lead to large collapse zones which are commonly observed on the tepuis. Dissolution is also present but it prob- ably plays neither a trigger role, nor a volumetrically important role in the cave-forming processes. The strongest dissolution/reprecipitation agent is condensed air moisture which is most likely the main agent contributing to growth of siliceous speleothems. As such, it can be active only after, but not before the cave is created. Siliceous speleothems are mostly microbialites except for some normal stalactites, cobweb stalactites and fl owstones which are formed in- organically. They consist of two main types: 1. fi ne-laminated columnar stromatolite formed by silicifi ed fi lamentous microbes (either heterotrophic fi lamentous bacteria or cyanobacteria) and 2. a porous peloidal stromatolite formed by Nostoc-type cyanobacteria. The initial stages of encrusted shrubs and mats of microbes were observed, too, but the surrounding arenitic substrate was intact. This is strong evidence for the microbial mediation of silica precipita- tion. Keywor ds: speleology, tepuis, Venzuela, sandstone caves, siliceous speleothems, microbialites, cyanobacteria, stroma- tolites, hydrogeochemistry. 346 Geologia Croatica Geologia Croatica 61/2–3 1. INTRODUCTION Caves are common in limestone terrains. Karstic phenomena can easily evolve in limestone or other rock materials with good solubility, e.g. gypsum. Most defi nitions of karst use dis- solution as the main factor that determines the true karstic processes. Solubility of silicate rocks is generally very low and caves which formed in silicate rocks are often attributed to pseudokarst, because most workers believe that mecha- nisms other than dissolution play the main role in their forma- tion. Tectonic phenomena (fracturing, faults, etc.) are consid- ered as the main factors. However, in the recent past, several publications have applied the term karst to silicate caves that occur either in granites (WILLEMS et al., 2002; VIDAL RO- MANÍ & VAQUEIRO RODRIGUES, 2007) or, more frequ- ently, in sandstones (see the reviews in WRAY, 1997b, 1999). According to these authors, dissolution, although slow, is the Figu re 1: Location of the studied table mountains. main process that forms the caves. For sandstone rocks, the term “arenization” was introduced by MARTINI (1979). This term involves both the dissolution of cements in the arenitic backs that abruptly rise above the Palaeoproterozoic basement. rocks, together with the subsequent erosion and winnowing Its thicknesses ranges from 200 m to ~3000 m. Local sedi- of the loose sand material. If the “arenization” theory was true, mentological studies show that depositional environments most of the sandstone caves could really be attributed to karst range from alluvial fans to fl uvial braided deposits plus lacus- as dissolution is considered there to be trigger process of the trine, aeolian, tidal, shallow-marine deposits and some shal- cave formation. The main proof that dissolution is important low water turbidites (REIS & YÁNEZ, 2001; SANTOS et al., in silicate caves are silica speleothems which occur in most of 2003), although sandy continental deposits predominate. The the silicate caves. They are mostly composed of opal-A (cf. AU- supergroup is composed (from the bottom to top) of the fol- BRECHT et al., 2008), which slowly turns to opal-CT and lowing units (formations): Arai, Suapi (Uiramută, Verde, Pau- then to microquartz (chalcedony). The question remains, ré, Cuquenán, Quinô), Uaimapué and Matauí (REIS & YÁN- whether silica dissolution is so important that the silicate caves EZ, 2001). The tepuis developed mainly within the uppermost can really be ranked among the karstic ones. Initial results of of these – the Matauí Formation. The best age estimate for all several speleological and scientifi c expeditions to the Venezu- but the uppermost Roraima Supergroup is 1873 ± 3 Ma, de- elan Gran Sabana, where large caves evolved in the sandstone termined by U-Pb analyses of zircons from a green ash-fall plateaus called tepuis, are presented. Tepuis are the key area tuff of the Uaimapué Formation (SANTOS et al., 2003). where sandstone “karstic” phenomena can be studied and The history of discovering and documenting the sand- where the term “arenization” is widely used (e.g. URBANI, stone caves in the tepuis began in 1971 when Brewer-Carías 1986). Alternative views on the genesis of sandstone caves are led the fi rst expedition to Cerro Autana (BREWER, 1972, presented here, based on geological, geomorphological, hy- 1973, 1976; COLVEÉ, 1973). Later he also led the multidis- drogeochemical and speleological observations. ciplinary expedition that explored and discovered the abysses (simas) and caves in the Sarisariñama Massif (BREWER, 2. GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND THE CAVES STUDIED 1973; SZCZERBAN & GAMBA, 1973; SZCZERBAN & The studied area is located in the Venezuelan Guayana of URBANI, 1974; BREWER, 1974). Later, quartzite caves in north ern South America (southeastern Venezuela, Bolivar Auyán Tepuy were documented by PICCINI (1995). The long- State), in “the corner” formed by the borders of Guayana to est sandstone cave system, Ojos de Cristal was recently dis- the east and Brazil to the south (Fig. 1). covered in 2002 on the Roraima Tepui (ŠMÍDA et al., 2003). The wider area of the Gran Sabana is built up by rocks of In the same year, the volumetrically largest sandstone cave Guiana Shield which represents the northern segment of the was discovered in the Chimantá Tepui – Cueva Charles Brew- Amazonian Craton in the South America. It covers an area of er (ŠMÍDA et al., 2005a, b). The last two caves, together with nearly 900,000 km2 between the Amazon and Orinoco rivers smaller caves later discovered in Chimantá – Cueva Cañon (CORDANI et al., 1988, in VOICU et al., 2001) and underlies Verde, Cueva de Arañas and Cueva Bautismo del Fuego are the territory of fi ve countries (Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, the subject of the present study. Simultaneously, surface weath- French Guiana and Brazil). ering phenomena have been studied on the Chimantá, Rorai- The tepuis are formed by the rocks of the Roraima Super- ma and Kukenán tepuis. group, consisting principally of sandstones derived from the Trans-Amazonian Mountains to the north and deposited in 3. METHODS braided, deltaic, and shallow-marine environments (REIS et The geological and speleological observations were focused al., 1990, in SANTOS et al., 2003) in a foreland basin. The on the differential weathering of various sorts of arenites of supergroup mostly forms tabular plateaus, cuestas and hog- the Matauí Formation on the tepui surfaces and in the caves. 347 Roman Aubrecht et al.: Venezuelan sandstone caves: a new view on their genesis, hydrogeology and speleothems Geologia Croatica Four sites with different lithifi cation and erosion phenomena lithifi cation of the Proterozoic arenites, which is obvious from in arenites were sampled in detail for petrographic analysis initial observations. This is especially visible in the places (thin-sections and SEM), the results of which will be pub- where the arenite bed forms
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