CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002) 119–127 www.elsevier.com/locate/disc On pancyclism in hamiltonian graphs Mekkia Kouidera, Antoni Marczykb; ∗ aL.R.I, Universiteà de Paris-Sud, Bat.ˆ 490, 91405 Orsay, France bFaculty of Applied Mathematics, AGH, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow,à Poland Received 11 May 1999; revised 5 November 1999; accepted 3 June 2001 Abstract We investigate the set of cycle lengths occurring in a hamiltonian graph with at least one or two vertices of large degree. We prove that in every case this set contains all the integers between 3 and some t, where t depends on the order of the graph and the degrees of vertices. c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. MSC: 05C38; 05C45 Keywords: Hamiltonian graphs; Pancyclic graphs; Cycles 1. Introduction Throughout this paper, we consider only ÿnite, undirected and simple graphs. For a graph G we denote by V = V (G) its vertex set, by E = E(G) its set of edges. By Cp we mean a p-cycle of G, i.e., a cycle of length p. The vertices of a graph G of order n will be denoted by integers 0; 1; 2;:::;n− 1 and considered modulo n.We write EG(k)=E(k) for the set of edges that are incident to a vertex k. For a subgraph H of G and a vertex k of G; dH (k) denotes the number of all edges (k; j)ofE(k) with j ∈ V (H), i.e., if k ∈ V (H) then dH (k) is the degree of k in the subgraph of G induced by the set V (H). Let G be a graph on n vertices and a; b; 3 6 a 6 b 6 n, two integers. G is said to be [a; b]-pancyclic if for every p; a 6 p 6 b, it contains a cycle of length p.A [3;n]-pancyclic graph is called pancyclic. The undeÿned terminology and notation can be found in Bondy and Murty’s book [3]. The study on pancyclic graphs was initiated by Bondy [1] in 1971 who formulated [2] his famous “metaconjecture” as follows: ∗ Correspondingauthor. E-mailaddress: [email protected] (A. Marczyk). 0012-365X/02/$ - see front matter c 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0012-365X(01)00333-8 120 M. Kouider, A. Marczyk / Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002) 119–127 Almost all nontrivial su9cient conditions for a graph to be hamiltonian also imply that it is pancyclic except for maybe a simple family of exceptional graphs. As an example, he proved the followingextension of Ore’s condition for hamiltonicity. Theorem 1. Let G be a graph of order n. If d(x)+d(y) ¿ n for each pair of non- adjacent vertices x; y of G; then G is either pancyclic or isomorphic to the complete bipartite graph Kn=2;n=2. There are several other results that conÿrm or refute this conjecture, see for instance [9]. Mitchem and Schmeichel [6] observed that in order to attain pancyclicity, the bounds appearingin the theorems on hamiltonicity mightbe lowered if we add the assumption that the graph is hamiltonian. As an example of such a type of investigation we give a result of Shi [8]. Theorem 2. If G is a hamiltonian graph of order n ¿ 40; and if (x; y) ∈ E(G) implies d(x)+d(y) ¿ 4n=5; then G is either pancyclic or bipartite. Over the years, the global conditions are replaced by the local ones that ensure the existence of cycles belonging to a speciÿc interval of integers. For example, Zhang [9] proved the followingtheorem. Theorem 3. Let G be a hamiltonian graph on n vertices. If there is a vertex x such that d(x)+d(y) ¿ n for each y not adjacent to x; then G is either pancyclic or is Kn=2;n=2. Another example of this kind of investigations is the following theorem of Schelten and Schiermeyer [7] that improves a result of Faudree et al. [4]. Theorem 4. Let G be a hamiltonian graph of order n ¿ 32 and x and y two non- adjacent vertices of G with d(x)+d(y) ¿ n + z where z =0 when n is odd and z =1 when n is even. Then G contains all cycles of length p where 3 6 p 6 (n + 13)=5. In this paper, we study the set of cycle lengths that can occur in a hamiltonian graph with one or two vertices of large degree. We consider the case when these vertices are adjacent and the other one when they are not adjacent. Our main results are Theorem 5 in Section 3, Theorems 6 and 7 in Section 5. 2. Preliminary results We begin by recalling a result of Bondy [1]. M. Kouider, A. Marczyk / Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002) 119–127 121 Proposition 1. Let G be a hamiltonian graph of order n and let (0; 1; 2;:::;n− 1; 0) denote a hamiltonian cycle in G. If d(j)+d(j+1)¿n for some j; then G is pancyclic. Proposition 2. Let X be a set of cardinality n; Y a subset of X with |Y | = k and f : Y → X an injection. If A is a subset of X that satises A ⊂ X \f(A ∩ Y ); then |A| 6 n − k=2. Moreover; if additionally f(Y ) ∩ Y = ∅; then |A| 6 n − k. Proof. (1) Let AM be the complement of A in X . We have |A| + |Y ∩ AM| 6 n.As A ∩ f(Y ∩ A) is empty, and by the injectivity of f; |Y ∩ A| = |f(Y ∩ A)|,weget |A| + |Y ∩ A| 6 n.So|A| 6 n − k=2. (2) Any two of the sets A; Y \A and f(A ∩ Y ) have no common vertex. So |A| + |Y \A| + |f(A ∩ Y )| 6 |X |, and therefore |A| + |Y | 6 n. Now, we do a simple observation. Proposition 3. Let X; Y be two disjoint sets of the same order n and f : X → Y a bijection. If A ⊂ X and B ⊂ Y \f(A); then |A| + |B| 6 n. 3. Hamiltonian graphs with one vertexof large degree 2 Theorem 5. Let G be a hamiltonian graph of order n. If (G) ¿ 3 (n − 1); then G is [3;(G) + 1]-pancyclic. Proof. Let r :=n − (G). Hence 1 6 r¡(n +2)=3. Denote by C =(0; 1; 2;:::;n− 1; 0) a hamiltonian cycle in G and suppose that G contains no cycle of length p such that 3 6 p 6 n − r + 1. We may assume without any loss of generality that d(0) = (G)= n − r. Set X = {(0;i) | i =1;:::;n− 1}; Y = {(0;i) | i =1; 2;:::;n− p +1}; A = E(0); f : Y → X; f :(0;i) → (0;i+ p − 2): Clearly, f is an injection from Y into X . Observe, that if (0;i) ∈ A∩f(A∩Y ), then there is a vertex j ∈{1;:::;n− p +1} such that i = j + p − 2 and (0;i) and (0;j) belongto E(G). Therefore, the length of the cycle (0;j;j+1;:::;i−1;i;0) is p, which contradicts our assumption. ApplyingProposition 2 we get (G)=|E(0)| 6 |X |−|Y |=2=n − 1 − 1 (n − p +1)=2=(n + p − 3)=2. If 1 6 p − 2 6 (n − 1)=3, then (G) 6 2 (n +(n − 1)= 2 3 − 1) = 3 (n − 1), a contradiction with the hypotheses. Suppose now that p satisÿes 122 M. Kouider, A. Marczyk / Discrete Mathematics 251 (2002) 119–127 the condition (n − 1)=2 ¡p− 2 6 n − r − 1. Then Y ∩ f(Y )=∅ and by Proposition 2, (G) 6 n − 1 − (n − p +1)=p − 2 6 n − r − 1, again a contradiction. It remains the case when (n − 1)=3 ¡p− 2 6 (n − 1)=2. Deÿne now X1 = {(0;i) | i =1; 2;:::;2(p − 2)}; Y1 = {(0;i) | i =1; 2;:::;p− 2}; A1 = E(0) ∩ X1; f1 : Y1 → X1;f1 :(0;i) → (0;i+ p − 2): It is immediate that f1 is an injection from Y1 into X1. Moreover, usingthe same method like above we get A1 ∩ f1(A1 ∩ Y1)=∅ and Y1 ∩ f1(Y1)=∅. By Proposition 2, (G)=|E(0) ∩ X1| + |E(0) ∩ (X \X1)| 6 (|X1|−|Y1|)+(|X |−|X1|) 2 = n − 1 − (p − 2) = n − p +1¡ 3 (n − 1); which contradicts our assumption. The proof of the theorem is complete. This theorem is best possible. Indeed, take a cycle C =(0; 1;:::;n− 1; 0) and add all the edges of the form (0;k) where k =2; 3;:::;r − 1;r +1;r +2;:::;n − r − 1 and 3 ¡ 3r¡n−1. Clearly, for the graph G constructed in this way we have (G)= 2 d(0) = n − r − 1 ¿ 3 (n − 1) but G has no cycle of length (G )+2. 2 On the other hand, the bound 3 (n − 1) cannot be lowered. In fact, consider a graph H on n =3l +1¿ 4 vertices obtained by takingthe cycle C and adding(if l¿1) the edges (0;k), for k =2; 3;:::;l;2l +1; 2l +2;:::;n − 2. For this graph we have 2 (H)=2l = 3 (n−1), however H does not contain any cycle of length l+2 6 (H)+1. The next corollary follows easily from Theorem 5. Corollary 1.
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