2082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 21 MARYLAND Mr. TILSON. I understand that if the wi::-;hes of gentlemen H. Vincent Flook, Boonsboro. in charge of the bill are carried out, it will require the entire Thoma::-; B. Griffith, Cockeysville. day for its consideration. Geurge M. Evans, Elkton. l\Ir. GARRETT of Tennessee. l\Ir. Speaker, I think the sug­ Elwood L. lUurray, Hampstead. gestion offered by the gentleman from Connecticut is agreeable, l\iilton D. Reid, New Windsor. so far as I know. I have heard in a general way, but not in William Melville, SykesT"ille. an authoritative way, that it is the desire of gentlemen immedi­ Harry L. Feeser, Taneytown. ately interested in the conference report on the so-called Mc­ El!as N. nic.Alllst~r, Vienna. Fadden bill to have four hours of debate. Then I a~sume there Emest \-\' . Pickett, Woodbine. will be some motions made, altllough of the character of the Hobart B. Noll, 'Vood~tock. motions I am not yet advise<l. Under the. ·e circum~tances, con­ bu~incss TEXAS sidering the stage of the session and the amount of there is to do before its close, it seems to me that the ~ng;geH­ John H. Wilson, Jacksboro. tion offered by the gentl<'rnan from Connecticut is a very good UTAH one. I have been advi. cd by my colleague from New York [Mr. John E. Chadwick, Amerkan Fork. BOYLAN] that there is an important meeting which will carry Jolm A. Call, Bountiful. many of the New York delegation before one of the devart­ Herschel E. Calderwood, Coalville. ments at 10 o'clock on l\Ionday morning. I do not apprehend Joseph B. Wright, MidT"ale. that there will be any voting prior to a time when tllose gentle­ men will have had opportunity to conclude their meeting and be VIRGINlA back on the tloor of the Hou:-<e. James C. Beatty, Bluemont. l\Ir. TILSON. There ·will probably be no important vote John R. Yates, llrookueal. reached as early as that. Gatewood L. Schumaker, Covington. l\Ir. GARRETT of Tennessee. No. Of course, we may·have EYerett M. Berrey, Luray. a roll call to start with, inasmuch as we arc meeting at 11 Jacob H. Furr, \Vuynesboro. o'clock. Campbell Slemp, Wise. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Connecticut a~ks Eugene C. Geary, ·woodstock. unanimous consont that when the House adjourns to-morrow, Saturday, it adjourn to meet on l\lunday at 11 o'clock a. m. WISCOXSI~ l\Ir. BLANTON. l\Ir. Speaker, I would like to say to the 'Yilliam W. Winchester, Aml'ry. majority leader, tllat we will probably finisl1 the deficiency Joseph R. Frost, A--;-oca. appropriation bill to-day. Then, why not a~k that when we Clarence B. Jensen, Cambridge. adjourn this evening ·we adjourn to meet at 11 o'clock ou Grant E. Denison, Can-oilville. Monday? George A. Potter, Fort .Atkinson. l\Ir. TILSON. 'Ve can not be sure of finishing that bill Andrew J. Bosch, Gratiot. to-day. John S. Farrell, Green Bay. l\Ir. BL.A..."\'"TOX. We are pu~hing allcad and rushing our Lewis l\1. Smith, JefferHon. big supply bills too hurriedly. Gilbert J. Grell, Johnson Creek. Mr. TILSON. It is very important that we get the appro­ \Yinforu Suits, l\1edford. priation bills allead and work on them continuously, at any Earle H. Schilling, Minocqua. rate. Charles R. Ro!:lkie, Montello. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gen­ l\Iarinus Jensen, Mountain. tleman from Connrcticut? Orris 0. Smith, Pardeeville. There was no objection. Alice E. Ford, Pelican Lake. Allen ,V. Wiggin, Plymouth. MESSAGE FROM TilE SENATE Emile Kientz, Ree~eville. A message from the Senate, by l\Ir. Craven, its principal Alice l\1. Clinton, Sullivan. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed with au amend­ Hilary L. Haessly, Theresa. ment the bill (H. R. 11GH>) entitled "An act providing for the John M. Albers, Thiensville. cession to the State of Yirginia of sovereignty O\er a tract of O;:,tt'ar C. ·wertheimer, Watertown. laud located at Battery Cove, uenr Alexandria, Va., and for the Mathias F. Adler, Waunakee. sale thereof by the Secretary of War," in wllich the concurrence of the House is requested. The message also announced that the Senate 11ad agreerl HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the report of the committee of conference on the disngreP­ ing votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate a:JlUary ~1, lfniD.:lY, J JD ' 7 to the l>ill (H. R. 14uu7) entitled ".An act making approvria­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. tions for the Treasury and Post Office Departments for the Tl1C Chaplain, Rev. James Sllera Montgomery, D. D., offered fi::-;cal year ending J nne ~0, 1028, and for other purposes." the following prayer : The message al~o announced that the Senate 11ad agreed to the amendments of the House of Representatives to the follO\Y­ Onr heaYenly Father, give us a happy sense of all our bless­ ing bills: ings and help us to look upon the bright side of our circum­ S. GG-:1:. An act confirming in States and Tf'rritories title to l::itan,·es. l\Iay ·we not be unmindful of all Thy benefits and lands granted by tile United States in the aid of common or enable us to yield our hearts to Thee. In all our ways and public schools ; and and in all our labors may we acknowledge Thee to be our S. 1857. An act to confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims Sovereign and bring to Thee our acceptable offerings. Give us to certify certain findings of fact, aHd for other purposc::i. the vower of faith that lifts above skyward and sees beyond The message also announced that the Senat9 had passed the night line. There is nothing in life, nothing in death, and bills of the following titles : nothing beyond the graYe that is able to separate us from our H. R. 15012. An act to ameud the act entitled "An act to )!~ather and His love. All glory be unto Thy holy name. Amen. extend tho time for the completion of the municipal bridge Tlle Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and upproaches, and extensions, or additions thereto, by the city of approved. St. Louis, within the States of Illinoi.s and .Missouri," approved. February 13, 1024 ; and HOUR OF MEErlNG MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1027 H. R. 15530. An act to extend the time for the construction l\Ir. TIL~ON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that of a bridge across Red River at :E'ulton, Ark. when the Hou~e ndjourns to-morrow, Saturday, it adjourn to meet on Monday next, January 24, 1927, at 11 o'clock a. m. I TREASURY AXD POST OFFICE APPROPRIATION BILL-cOXFEREXCE do this in order to llave more time available for the considera­ REPORT tion of the so-called McFadden bill, which I understand will be 1\Ir. MADDEN rose (applause, the membersllip rising) and called up for consideration at that time. said: Mr. RL\IS::JYER. l\1r. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. Speaker, I call up the conference report upon the bill Mr. TILSON. Yes. (H. R. 145G7) making appropriations for the Treasury and l\Ir. RAMSEYER Is it the program to give the entire day Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, o>er to a discussion of that bill? 1028, and for other purposes. Before the Clerk proceeds with 1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 2083 the reailing of the conference report, I wish to thank the Bouse personal effects of scientific personnel of that service upon for the Yery courteous reception it has accor<le<l me. change of permanent station, as propose<l by the Senate. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois calls up a On No. 6: Corrects a grammatical error in the bill. conference report, which the Clerk will 1·ea<l. The Clerk rea<l the conference report. POST OFFICE DEPARTI\lE~T On Nos. 8 and 9: Appropriates $54,000 for miscellaneous CONFER~CE REPORT expenses of the Post Office Department, as proposed by the The committee of conference on the <lisagreeing Yotes of the Senate, ~n.stead of $52,000, as propose<] by the House, and makes two Houses on the amen<lments of the Senate to the bill (II. R. the ad(htwnal $2,000 availaule for expenses of attendance at 14557) making appropriations for the 'l'reasury and Post meetings or conventions concerned with postal affairs, as pro­ Oftice Departments for the fiscal year en<ling June 30, 1!)28, and­ pose<] by the Senate. for other purposes, having met, after full and free conference On Nos. 10 and 11: Authorizes the expeniliture of not to lla ve agreed to recommend an<l <lo recommen<l to their respec­ excee<l ~300 for traveling expenses of the solicitor for the tive Houses as follows : Post Oftice Department and his attorneys, as proposed by the That tile Senate recede from its amen<lments numbered 14 Senate. and 15. On Noli?. 12 and 13: Appropriates for salaries nn<l trayeling That the House rece<le from its <lisagreement to the amend­ expenses of G25 post-office inspectors, instea<l of u~O. as rwo­ ments of the Senate numbere<l 1, 3, 4, 5, G, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 20, posed by the House, an<l rt30, as proposed by the Senate. an<l 21, an<l agree to the same.
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