Note: If your district name is designated with an asterisk (*) on this list: • A request to add CTA Voluntary Retirement Plans for Educators, LLC as an approved 403(b) vendor must be sent by an employee of the district/COE before you can contribute or move assets to this Plan. • Contact your Third Party Administrator (TPA) for details. TPA contact information can be found on this site or at https://www.ctamemberbenefits.org/tpas. • You can also contact the CTA Retirement Plan Center at 1-855-604-6222 for assistance. District/COE Name District ID TPA ABC Unified School District 0600 SchoolsFirst FCU Acalanes Union High SD* 0300 Envoy Accelerated Charter Element SD 1500 TDS ACE Charter School 1501 TDS Acton-Agua Dulce Unified SD 0601 SchoolsFirst FCU Adelanto School District 0602 SchoolsFirst FCU Alameda County Office of Edu 0301 Envoy Alameda Unified SD* 1800 MidAmerica Albany Unified School District* 1801 MidAmerica Alder Grove Charter School 0169 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alexander Valley Union Elem SD 1502 TDS Alhambra Unified School Dist 0603 SchoolsFirst FCU Alisal Union School District 1503 TDS Allensworth Elementary SD 0001 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alpaugh Unified SD 0002 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alpine COE 0003 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alpine Union Elementary SD 0900 FBC Alpine USD 0004 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alta Loma School District 0604 SchoolsFirst FCU Alta Vista ESD 0005 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alview-Dairyland Union ESD 0006 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Alvord Unified School District* 0302 Envoy Anaheim City School District 0605 SchoolsFirst FCU Anaheim Union High School Dist 0606 SchoolsFirst FCU Anderson Union High SD* 1802 MidAmerica Anderson Valley USD 0007 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) 1 Antelope Elementary SD* 0303 Envoy Antelope Valley Sch Tran Auth 0607 SchoolsFirst FCU Apple Valley Unified SD 0608 SchoolsFirst FCU Arcadia Unified SD 0609 SchoolsFirst FCU Arcata Elementary SD* 0304 Envoy Arcohe Union School District 1504 TDS Aromas-San Juan Unified SD 1505 TDS Arvin Union SD 0009 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Atascadero Unified SD* 1803 MidAmerica Atwater Elementary SD 1506 TDS Auburn Union Elementary SD 0305 Envoy Azusa Unified School District 0610 SchoolsFirst FCU Baker Valley Unified SD 0611 SchoolsFirst FCU Baldwin Park Unified SD 0612 SchoolsFirst FCU Baldy View Regional Occup Prog 0613 SchoolsFirst FCU Ballard SD 0010 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Ballico-Cressey School Dist 1507 TDS Bangor Union Elem SD 1508 TDS Banning Unified School Dist 0776 SchoolsFirst FCU Banta Elementary School Dist 1509 TDS Barstow Community College Dist 0614 SchoolsFirst FCU Barstow Unified School Dist 0615 SchoolsFirst FCU Bass Lake ESD 0011 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Bassett Unified SD 0758 SchoolsFirst FCU Bayshore Prep Charter School 0012 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Bayshore School District* 2100 TSA Bear Valley Unified SchoolDist 0616 SchoolsFirst FCU Beardsley School District 1510 TDS Beaumont Unified School Dist 0777 SchoolsFirst FCU Bella Vista Elementary SD* 1804 MidAmerica Bellflower Unified SD 1511 TDS Benicia Unified SD* 1805 MidAmerica Beverly Hills Unified SD 0617 SchoolsFirst FCU Big Lagoon Union SD* 0306 Envoy Big Oak Flat-Groveland USD* 1806 MidAmerica Big Pine Unified SD* 2101 TSA Big Springs Union ESD* 0307 Envoy Biggs Unified School District 1512 TDS Bishop Unified School District* 2102 TSA Black Butte Union ESD* 1807 MidAmerica Black Oak Mine USD 0013 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Black Oak Mine USD (Employer P 0014 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Blochman Union School District* 2103 TSA Blue Lake Union SD* 0308 Envoy Bolinas-Stinson Union SD 1513 TDS Bonita Unified School District 0618 SchoolsFirst FCU Bonny Doon Union SD* 0309 Envoy Bonsall Unified School Dist 0901 FBC 2 Borrego Springs Unified SD 0902 FBC Brawley Elementary School Dist 0903 FBC Brawley Union High School Dist 0904 FBC Brea-Olinda Unified SchoolDist 0619 SchoolsFirst FCU Brentwood Union SD 0310 Envoy Bret Harte Union HSD 0015 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Bridges Charter School 1514 TDS Bridgeville School District* 0311 Envoy Briggs School District 1515 TDS Brisbane Elementary SD 1516 TDS Brittan School District* 0312 Envoy Browns Elementary SD* 0313 Envoy Buckeye Union SD 0016 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Buckeye Union SD (Employer Pai 0017 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Buena Park School District 0620 SchoolsFirst FCU Buena Vista ESD 0018 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Burbank Unified School Dist 1517 TDS Burlingame Elementary SD 1518 TDS Burnt Ranch School District* 0314 Envoy Burton Elementary SD 0019 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Butte County Office of Edu 1519 TDS Butte Schools Self-Funded Prog 1520 TDS Butte Valley Unified SD* 0315 Envoy Butte-Glenn Community Col Dist 1521 TDS Butteville Union Elementary SD* 0316 Envoy Buttonwillow Union School Dist 1202 NBS Byron Union School District* 1808 MidAmerica CA ST Controllers Office-Plan1 0022 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA ST Controllers Office-Plan2 0186 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA ST Controllers Office-Plan3 0187 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Fresno 0170 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Jamestown 0176 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Kings 0177 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Los Angeles 0178 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Maricopa 0179 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Maricopa HS 0180 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-San Diego 0185 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-San Joaquin 0181 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-San Mateo 0182 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Sonoma 0183 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) CA Virtual Academy-Sutter 0184 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Cabrillo Unified School Dist 1522 TDS Cajon Valley Union Element SD 0905 FBC Calaveras COE 0020 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Calaveras USD 0021 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Calexico Unified SD 0317 Envoy Calipatria Unified SD* 0318 Envoy Calvary Chapel San Jose 1523 TDS 3 Camarillo Academy of Progr Edu 1524 TDS Cambrian School District 1525 TDS Camino Nuevo Charter Academy 0621 SchoolsFirst FCU Camino Union SD 0023 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Camptonville Academy 0171 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Canyon Elementary School Dist 1526 TDS Capay Joint ESD 0024 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Capistrano Unified School Dist 0622 SchoolsFirst FCU Cardiff Elementary School Dist 0906 FBC Carlsbad Unified School Dist 0907 FBC Carpinteria USD 0025 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Carpinteria USD (Employer Paid 0026 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Cascade Union Elementary SD* 1809 MidAmerica Castaic USD 0759 SchoolsFirst FCU Castro Valley Unified SD* 2104 TSA Cayucos Elementary SD* 1810 MidAmerica Center Joint Unified SD* 1811 MidAmerica Centinela Valley Union High SD 0624 SchoolsFirst FCU Central School District 0625 SchoolsFirst FCU Central Union High School Dist 0908 FBC Centralia School District 0626 SchoolsFirst FCU Cerritos Community Col Dist 1527 TDS Chaffey Joint Union High SD 0627 SchoolsFirst FCU Charter Oak Unified SchoolDist 0628 SchoolsFirst FCU CharterAcademy of the Redwoods 0117 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Chawanakee 0027 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Chawanakee USD (Employer Paid) 0028 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Chico Country Day Charter Sch 1528 TDS Chico Unified School District 1529 TDS Chino Valley Unified SchoolDis 0629 SchoolsFirst FCU Chowchilla ESD 0029 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Chula Vista Elementary SD 0909 FBC Cienega Union Elementary SD 1530 TDS Cinnabar Elementary SD 1531 TDS Citrus Community College Dist 0630 SchoolsFirst FCU Citrus South Tule ESD 0030 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) City of Atwater* 2105 TSA City of Corcoran* 2106 TSA City of San Joaquin* 2107 TSA Claremont Unified School Dist 1532 TDS Clear Creek ESD 0031 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Coachella Valley Unified SD* 0319 Envoy Coast Community College Dist 0631 SchoolsFirst FCU Coast Unified School District* 1812 MidAmerica Coastline Regional Occup Prog 0632 SchoolsFirst FCU Coffee Creek School District* 0320 Envoy Cold Springs SD 0032 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Colfax Elementary School Dist 1533 TDS 4 College of the Canyons* 0321 Envoy College of the Desert* 0322 Envoy College of the Sequoias 0033 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Colton Joint Unified SD 0633 SchoolsFirst FCU Colton-Redlands-Yucaipa R.O.P. 0634 SchoolsFirst FCU Columbia Union School District* 1813 MidAmerica Columbine ESD 0034 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Colusa County Office of Edu* 0323 Envoy Colusa Unified School District* 0324 Envoy Compton Community College Dist 0635 SchoolsFirst FCU Compton Unified School Dist 0636 SchoolsFirst FCU Conejo Valley Unified SD 1534 TDS Contra Costa County OOE 0325 Envoy Copper Mountain Comm Coll Dist 0637 SchoolsFirst FCU Corning Union Elementary SD* 0326 Envoy Corning Union High SD* 0327 Envoy Coronado Unified School Dist 0910 FBC Corona-Norco Unified SD 0911 FBC Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified SD 1535 TDS Cottonwood School District* 1814 MidAmerica Covina-Valley Unified SD 0638 SchoolsFirst FCU Cucamonga School District 0639 SchoolsFirst FCU Cuddeback Union SD* 0328 Envoy Culver City Unified SchoolDist 0640 SchoolsFirst FCU Curtis Creek Elementary SD* 1815 MidAmerica Cutler-Orosi Unified SD 0035 CalSTRS 403bComply (TCG/JEM) Cutten School District* 0329 Envoy Cuyama Joint Unif SD 1536 TDS Cypress School District 0641 SchoolsFirst FCU Da Vinci Schools 0642 SchoolsFirst FCU Darnall Charter School 0912 FBC Davis Joint Unified SD* 0330 Envoy Del Mar Union Elementary SD 0913 FBC
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