, V •• • ',r a .^-.r - -r. I ' \ fUBBiUY, AUGUST » , M«4 ;ffianrl![«0t»r Stt^nftts l|m lb ATMrBfd DbIIf N ti Ptppg Thd Wdstlwr Far toe Weak i^ $ li Angnst n , 18M ■ - - lO . and M n . Oriswold Chap* CampiMU Council, KufC, Yvill tbe sat Wine ocmoA be ^■Tl>TTTiTrT 1rl O ■ v s l 1 11 Town p M df 4T8 N. Main S t wOl cale- faavs it« annual family picnic Police Arrests Scouts Take ed and ttta gUiaaee could be kept PWr, asolar toadght, law to bnta their 60th wedding anni> Sunday from noon to 6 pm . at as aouvenira. Outstda ttie oaatla GLASS ENCLOSURES 1 3 ,7 0 5 ZiVlauiXfIpiliipL l i WUJpU U IJ^ Ms. Thnraday aaast|y aMuy, Mito ; Wita ■•• U to 15, InterMtod varsary with an open house Martin Park, Bast Hartford. No ttiera were beautiful sisniena, Sunday from 2 to 7 at North and a wonderful siaw of the to mM ar upper Tta, plauauat. reaervatlona art necessary. Ronald W. Pinney, 80, qf 15 Cruise Down tO'tirjttlff to Iw ehaerloadert Matho^t Church for friends cHy. **•---- •* Uro*#in ' f tlw MUiohMter Pony Rold- Tickets will be aold at the Sku*! St., has been charged with FOR RATHTUiS Manehetter A City of Village Charm and relatives. park. "On Monday, Aug. 1C, we I d p Itetb oll Toam, a n ramlnd- failure to obey/m traffic signal m d SHOWERS M V to OMMt tomorrow at 1 p.m. Rhine River traveled to Mainz, where a Parents and friends o f Girl (red light). The onsight traffic ataamer took tu on an aJl-day (CUoitfled Advertliteg am Pag* M ) PRICE SETSIf o n m at tha Waat Sida Rac, 110 Cadar St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Glacs does a beauttfal Job for YOL.L3 WW.4II NO. 17» (TWBNTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1964 Scout lYoop 1 will have a get ter of Isabella, will have a busi­ violation occurred yesterday at trip down the Rhine River to tmdk ■ t Tha ahaarlaadera are apon- together at 7:S0 p.m. tomorrow Linda- Mahar, a m e n ^ r of ness meeting tonight at 8 at the about 4:30 p.m. on Main S t, at Cologne. Ihe trip took 10 hours purposes in your bathroom. Eaiy to aored by tha Women’s Auxiliary in the girl scout room of Cen­ Senior Girl Scout Troop 1, re­ a t tha Manchester Midget and home of Mrs. Thomas Mag- Purnell PI. Pinney was issued and we saw many caatles, ruins Clean. Never wears out. ter Congregational Church. A a summons to appear in Cir­ ported on the girls’ stay in Ger­ of casijes, and ttie l^gmdary Pony Football Association, Inc., tape recording the scouts made notta, 32 Marshall Rd. many Aug. 8 to 10th. haadad by Mrs. John MoNary, cuit Court 12, Manchester, on rock, Lorelei. After docking in in Weymouth, England, will be Sept. 14. She wrote: "Leaving Swlts- (Jolo^e we had slipper and than W E N 8 A M . to 5 P M . M VWtwlckRd. ■ATURDAT 8 AM. to M N009T played. Parents whp wish to Richard Thurs, 17, of 210 Ad­ erland wraa hard, but w« did so boarded first dam aleepem Yor show slides or movies'the girls Cleo Pounds on the morning of Aug. 8, and Qartar DaOMmier, son of Mt.. dison Rd., Glastonbury, was an overnight trip to Copenha­ have sent home should Mng 4 H to H old charged with failure to obey traveled by train to Germany. and Mn. George DeCormler, their own projecton. gen.’’ |^“^ ’jMcCarthy Urges LBJ t n Porter St., left K enne^ a stop sign last night, after At a three-hour stopover in J. k. WHITE auss 00. being observed driving his mo­ Basil, we met Mrs. John Haller- Airport today plane for the Mountain Laurel Chapter, County Fair 31 73 O n ^ Bahama Hotel where he tor scooter through a stop sign Welsskopf and family, friends I b M l T k e m Ml *- » Sweet Adelines, Inc., will have on Cooper St. at W. Center St. Under Threat of Miss Ehnily Smith. They took Keys iHll attend a convention of Engagement a sing-out Thursday at 7:30 About 500 members of the Thurz was summoned to ap­ ua all to a restaurant for tea Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. pjn. at the Smlth-Wlghtman Ke will enter his senior year at Tolland County 4-H club will en­ pear In Manchester's Circuit and pastry. Later we walked to cottage, Standish Rd., Coventry Court 12 on Sept. 14. MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — l^rfta University, Medford, ter the 22nd Annual 4-H Fair a church near the Rhine River. Angelo - Roberts Lake. Mrs. Gertrude Drensel of Raymond L. Burns, 18, of 86 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A ngdo GRADUATE and UNDERGRADUAH Hurricane Cleo, with at Maas., neat monUi. 8 Davis Ave., Rockville, owner Bfuall is the spot where Ftance, to be held Friday and Saturday Range Hill Dr., Rockville, yes­ Switzerland and Germany meet, of 6 Alien Dr., Vernon, an­ least 64 dead in her wake, Choose Humphrey o f the cottage, will be the host­ at the TAG building on Rt. 30. terday was picked up by Rock­ and we could see buildings in nounced tbe engagement of Ivoning Courses at thrashed slowly and errati­ ess. Lake residents are invited ville Police on a court warrant to hear the group. Members ' The youngatera will vie for each country from the church­ their daughter, Mias Dolores cally today across central prizes in 25 exhibition classes, charging him with breach of yard. Jean Angelo, to Larry Jay Ea»t "Hartford and WiUimantie B A R R iC iN i may bring guests. Refreshments the peace. The charge stemmed Cuba on a course threaten­ will be served. which are open to all 4-H mem-1 "About an hour before our Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. eaehiBively at hers. All exhibits must be ow n -' from an Aug. 21 fight at t,he Jay Walter Roberta, Orem, WH.LIMANTIC STATE COUEGE ing the Florida Keys. Friendly Ice Cream at 435 departure we went to the train Poll Reveals ed, prepared, managed or pro­ station to meet Dolores York Utah. The Miami Weather Bureau Mississippi The Army-Navy Auxiliary Main St. in which Raymond predicted that minor squallz in Liggeff Drug will have its first meeting of duced by the exhibitor as a 4-H and Diane Swanson, who were Miss Angelo is a senior at Offers English. Literature, Mathematics, History, project, according to Ann Wis- Lewie, 19, of French Rd., Bol­ advance of the storm would the fall season Wednesday, ton, was beaten up and taken returning to the troop from Mi­ Rockville High School. Mr. Rob­ PABKADE loh of Mansfield, president of Psychology, Science, Sociology, Art and Music and reach the Keys during the after­ Scant Alarm Rejects Seat Sept. 2 at the clubhouse. A to Manchester Memorial Hos­ lan after a two-week trip to erts is a 1962 graduate of the Fair’’ Association. Orem High School. He is serv­ noon and it expected to hoist potludc will be served at 6:30 pital whfre 14 stitches were Italy. Dolores was not in Switz­ Education Courses at both graduate and undergradu­ gale warnings tonight. p.m. Members are reminded to On FYiday, activities will in­ required to close lacerations of erland with the troop and, since ing with the U.S. Navy aboard On Backlash C o m p ro m ise clude the judging of all exhibits the USS Wltek, stationed at ate levels. Coming off the north coast of bring articles for a gift table. the eye and lip. Burns posted a she loves Swiss chocolate, the Cuba, over the warm waters of and Dairy Breed Classes. Sheep New London. $500 bond and his case will be girls presented her with 26 the Florida Strait, the hurricane and Beef Breed Classes, and o r -. Tuition: $ 1 7 . 5 0 Credit Hour ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. S. Sgt. Norman Gagnon of presented in Circuit Court 12 candy bars when she arrived. No date has been announced could quickly regain some of Its ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SUMMER SPECIAL! ganized games will be conduct-1 Blast Hartford, formerly of on Sept. 14. "After saying goodbye to for the wedding. lost power. Its winds, which hit (AP) — Almost all Demo­ (AP) — Democrats turn Portable Typewriter Manchester, is stationed at ed. A Fair Time Frolic, featur-1 Robert William McCabe, 21, Cleaned, Oiled the Haller - Weisskopf family 140 miles an hour over Haiti, cratic leaders say they har­ from convention battles to Peshawar, Pakistan. He is with ing square and round dancing of 42 Hamlin St., was charged A4|nsted we boarded the train for Held' For Additional Information, MaU To: dropped to 75 over Chiba. bor no fears about any the loud but peaceful rit­ Security Service. He is a I960 with calls and music provided with breach of the peace last elberg where a coach took us to Reports from Cuba on the New Ribbon $ by Bill Bromley of Hebron, will white voter “backlash” in 7.99 graduate of Manchester High night at 10 o’clock following a storm’s position were not com­ ual tonight of acclaiming be held for 4-H members. Bad-Soden and we spent two BRUCE E BRADFORD YAU School. verbal argument with a patrol­ nights In a luxurious hotel. We plete. the November presidential I President Johnson as their On Saturday, the exhibits will man on Main St.
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