Folding polyominoes into (poly)cubes Citation for published version (APA): Aichholzer, O., Biro, M., Demaine, E. D., Demaine, M. L., Eppstein, D., Fekete, S. P., Hesterberg, A., Kostitsyna, I., & Schmidt, C. (2015). Folding polyominoes into (poly)cubes. In Proc. 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG) (pp. 1-6). [37] http://research.cs.queensu.ca/cccg2015/CCCG15- papers/37.pdf Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2015 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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If C is a rectangular parallelipiped, we refer to its size by We study the problem of folding a given polyomino S its exterior dimensions, e.g., a 2×2×1-polycube. into a polycube C under different folding models, allow- We study the problem of folding a given S into a ing faces of C to be covered multiple times. given C, allowing axis-aligned +90◦ and +180◦ moun- tain folds, −90◦ and −180◦ valley folds, folds of any 1 Introduction degree, diagonal folds through opposite corners of a square, and half-grid folds that bisect a unit square in When can a polyomino S be folded into a polycube C? an axis-parallel fashion. This problem has been considered by Abel et al. [1] and A face of S is an interior face of C if it is not flat Aloupis et al. [2], but with the restriction that there folded on any of the outer faces of C; see Fig. 3(a) and must be a one-to-one mapping between the unit squares (b) for examples. A folding model F specifies a subset of S and the faces of C. We allow polycube faces to be of F = {grid: +90◦,−90◦, +180◦, −180◦, any◦; interior covered multiple times, only requiring C to be covered faces; diagonal; half-grid} as allowable folds. by S. We show that different sets of allowed folding an- gles give distinct variations from each other. We charac- 3 Folding hierarchy terize polyominoes that can fold to a single cube, count foldings of polyominoes of different orders into cubes, We say that model Fx is stronger than Fy (Fx ≥ Fy) and investigate the complexity of finding foldings into if for all polyomino-polycube pairs {S,C} such that S higher-order polycubes. folds into C in Fy, S also folds into C in Fx. If there also exists a pair {S0,C0} such that S0 folds into C0 in 2 Notation Fx, but not in Fy, then Fx is strictly stronger than Fy (Fx > Fy). The relation ‘≥’ satisfies the properties A polyomino S is a 2D polygon formed by a union of of reflexivity, transitivity and antisymmetry, therefore |S| = n unit squares on the square lattice connected it defines a partial order on the set of folding models. edge-to-edge. Not all edge-to-edge connections of the n Fig. 1 shows the resulting hierarchy of the folding mod- unit squares must be used for the polyomino, that is we els that consist of combinations of the following folds: allow “cuts” on the lattice. A polyomino is a tree shape {grid: +90◦,−90◦, +180◦, −180◦, any◦; interior faces}. if the dual graph of its unit squares is a tree. A polycube Integrating diagonal and half-grid folds (which are C is a connected 3D polyhedron formed by a union of omitted from this section) can result in stronger mod- ∗ els: a 1×7 polyomino can be folded into a unit cube This research was performed in part at the 29th Bellairs Win- ◦ ◦ ter Workshop on Computational Geometry. C in model {grid: ± 90 /180 ; diagonal}, but not ◦ †Institute for Software Technology, Graz University of Technol- in {grid: any ; interior} (the strongest model from ogy, [email protected]. Partially supported by the ESF EU- Fig. 1); the example from Fig. 4(b)–(c) shows that ROCORES programme EuroGIGA – CRP ComPoSe, Austrian ◦ Fall = {grid: any ; interior faces; diagonal; half-grid} Science Fund (FWF): I648-N18. is strictly stronger than F = {grid: any◦; interior faces; ‡Swarthmore College, [email protected]. §Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [email protected], diagonal}. In addition, Lemma 3 still holds for F = [email protected] {grid: ± 90◦/180◦; interior faces; diagonal; half-grid}. ¶University of California, Irvine, [email protected]. Sup- The following establishes the relationships between ported by NSF Grant CCF-1228639 and ONR/MURI Grant No. N00014-08-1-1015. models presented in Fig. 1. kTU Braunschweig, Germany. [email protected] ∗∗Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [email protected] Theorem 1 The folding models consisting of combina- ††TU Eindhoven, [email protected]. Supported in part by tions of the following folds {+90◦, −90◦, +180◦, −180◦, NWO project no. 612.001.106 arbitrary degree folds, interior folds} have the mutual re- ‡‡ The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, lations presented in Fig. 1. In particular, these mutual [email protected], Supported by the Israeli Centers of Research Excellence (I-CORE) program (Center No. 4/11). relations hold for polyominoes without holes. 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 2015 +90◦ 1 2 3 8, 9 +90◦/ 90◦ ± interior (a) (b) (c) 4,5 +90◦/180◦ 6,7 10 11 15 12 Figure 3: (a)/(b) Examples for interior faces shown in green. 14 13 They connect to the red cube edges. (c) Shape S from the 20,21 90◦/ 18,19 interior± proof of Lemma 2. +90◦/180◦ 90◦/180◦ 23 ± 16,17 interior 22 24 90◦/180◦ ±interior 25 any◦/ (a) (b) (c) interior Figure 4: (a) Shape S needs interior faces to be folded into Figure 1: Hierarchy of fold operations. A black arrow from a 2×1×1-cube. (b) Shape S does not fold to a unit cube C, Fx to Fy indicates that Fy > Fx. Blue and green arrows if we allow ±90◦/180◦ and diagonal folds. However, if we indicate incomparable models. allow half-grid folds, S does fold into C, the mountain (red) and valley folds (blue) are shown in (c). of S0 will be the faces of C0 when folded. Consider the 12×1 sub-polyomino of S0. When folded, it has to form the “walls” of the cross C0, otherwise this strip can form (a) (b) not more than eight faces of the cross (looping around one of the 3×1×1 sub-polycubes). It is straightforward (c) to see now, that in F8 the two yellow squares prevent 0 0 S from folding into C . While in F9 the two yellow squares can form interior faces with a 60◦ interior fold. Therefore, F < F . (d) 8 9 Figure 2: Examples for Thm. 1, where C is (a) a unit cube, Conjecture 1 Theorem 1 holds for tree shapes. (b) a 2×1×1 polycube, (c) a 3×3×2 polycube with a 1-cube hole centered in a 3×3 face, and (d) a 5-cube cross. Lemma 2 There exist tree shapes S that need both mountain and valley folds to cover a unit cube. Proof. All cases can be shown using the polyomino- polycube pairs from Fig. 2. They fold with: (a) Proof. The shape S from Fig. 3(c) does not fold into a +90◦/180◦ folds, (b) +90◦ and interior faces (see unit cube C with only valley folds: the four unit squares Lemma 3), (c) ±90◦folds, (d) +90◦, 180◦ and interior in the left column (gray) fold to a ring of size four, and faces. the two flaps can only cover one of the two remaining Ex. (a) shows relations 2, 4, 7, 12, 15, 19, 20, 23. cube faces. But with both mountain and valley folds S ◦ Ex. (b) shows relations 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 21, 22.
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