PP3739/12/2004 ISSN 0127 - 5127 / RM3.00 / 2004:Vol.24No.1 Corruption: CatchingCatchingCatching Sharks OrOrSharks Ikan Bilis?Bilis?Ikan ShameShame OnOn YouYou SaysSays AnwarAnwar To JudgesJudgesTo SallehSalleh AbbasAbbas Would Have Been ReinstatedReinstatedReinstated Aliran Monthly : Vol.24(1) Page 1 COVER STORY War On Corruption: Hunting The Sharks Or Ikan Bilis? Still unsure about his political support base, Abdullah is unlikely to introduce radical reforms by Anil Netto ince Dato Abdullah SSS Badawi took over as Prime Minister, we have heard much talk about a war on corruption and ineffi- ciency. At this point, few outside observers can say for sure how far he is willing to go down the road in wiping out corruption, but most aren’t holding their breath. Nonetheless, Abdullah Badawi’s drive against corruption has al- ready opened up several cans of worms. Topics such as the bulk issue of taxi permits, the post- ponement of a controversial rail- ruption Academy (what, another will confine himself to “ikan bilis” way double-tracking project, the ACA?). - or make heads roll as he follows Maika scandal and the failure of the money trail to the well-lined a Mahathir confidante to control There are several possible reasons pockets of the “monster sharks”. the Bakun Dam project have hit why Abdullah has seized on a the headlines. There seems to be war on corruption as one of the Second, the competition for for- some willingness to acknowledge thrusts of his new administration. eign direct investment is getting that corruption is a serious prob- stiffer. Malaysia no longer has the lem that must be tackled. First, corruption represents a ma- advantage of cheap labour now jor leakage of funds in the coun- that countries like China and Vi- Abdullah also made waves when try and will only aggravate the etnam have opened up to foreign it was announced that Malaysia already significant budget deficit. investors. Thus, Abdullah prob- will ratify the United Nations Abdullah has said that he wants ably figures, the only way we can Anti-Corruption Convention and to try and balance the budget. But market ourselves is to clean up set up a RM17 million Anti-Cor- the real question is whether he our act and highlight Malaysia as Aliran Monthly : Vol.24(1) Page 2 EDITOR'S NOTE In our cover story this month, Anil Netto takes a critical look at Abdullah Badawi’s war on corruption, which he CONTENTS feels will only target the ikan bilis rather than the sharks. The new premier, unsure about his support base, is un- likely to rock the boat. COVER STORY ••• Hunting The Sharks Or Ikan Bilis? 222 Dato Sri George Seah, dismissed from the Supreme Court ••• The 6000-Taxi Permit Fiasco 555 in 1988, provides more answers to questions that have lingered in the minds of many Malaysians. This time he ••• The Double Tracking Controversy 777 explains what might have happened had the five sus- pended Supreme Court judges been allowed to hear FEATURES then top judge Tun Salleh Abas’ urgent appeal that year. ••• What Would Have Happened? 888 ••• Malaysia's Fear Factor 121212 Animah Annette Ferrar describes the scene at the Palace of Justice during Anwar Ibrahim’s recent appeal in our ••• JBJ: Defender of Human Rights 141414 back cover story. Her account fills a missing gap in the ••• A Clarification 14 Years Later 161616 coverage by the mainstream media, which chose not to ••• Is The Govt Facing A Fiscal Crunch? 181818 highlight this case. Commenting on the court’s decision, ••• WSF - Festival Of The Oppressed 191919 P Ramakrishnan laments that the judiciary is no longer ••• The Passing Of A Freedom Fighter 222222 the fountain of justice. •• The Passing Of A Freedom Fighter 2222 ••• Farewell Desmond 232323 K George and Charles Hector are back again. George ••• Trade Unions And Politics 282828 reminds us that though trade unions are not political ••• Justice Ravaged 353535 parties, they are very much political organisations, which ••• Hippocrates Or Hypocrites? 373737 can be used to champion workers’ rights. Hector talks about the sense of fear that constrains many many ••• Shame On You 404040 Malaysians from speaking out, acting or even voting for change. To be truly human, he says, we need to confront REGULARS these fears. ••• LettersLettersLetters 313131 Look out for the latest list of known detainees in our ISA Watch section. Let us know if you notice OTHERSOTHERSOTHERS any discrepancies. ••• ISA Watch 252525 ••• Subscription Form 272727 Enjoy Johan’s eye-witness report of the World Social ••• AppealAppealAppeal 393939 Forum in Mumbai with colourful accompanying pictures courtesy of Nadarajah. Another world is possible. Finally, we pay tribute to the late Aliran member, Desmond John Muzaffar Tate, who passed away on Jan 3. A diehard idealist, he will be remembered as a Published by passionate freedom fighter who struggled on even into his 70s. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN) 103, Medan Penaga, 11600 Jelutong, ALIRANALIRANALIRAN is a Reform Movement dedicated to Penang, Malaysia. Justice, Freedom & Solidarity and listed on the Tel : (04) 658 5251 Fax : (04) 658 5197 roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Founded in 1977, Aliran welcomes Homepage : http://www.aliran.com all Malaysians above 21 to be members. Contact the Hon. Secretary or visit our webpage. Printed by Percetakan Tujuh Lapan Enam Sdn. Bhd. No. 16, Lengkangan Brunei, 55100 Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. Aliran Monthly : Vol.24(1) Page 3 a country that practises transpar- RM3.78 by February 1998, a frac- ency in business dealings and re- tion of its pre-financial crisis level duces the incidental costs and of over RM17. leakages (bribes and kickbacks) to a minimum. Acting against cor- The Petronas-controlled national ruption, would help inspire con- shipping carrier Malaysian Inter- fidence among investors. national Shipping Corporation Berhad (MISC) stepped in to ac- Senior American corporate lead- quire debt-laden KPB’s shipping ers have responded positively to assets with cash. Abdullah’s efforts: “We see strong leadership, a pro-business focus, Numerous other scandals tar- and a Prime Minister committed nished the image of the ruling coa- to efficient and transparent gov- lition. The reformasi anger on the ernance to support sustained eco- streets over corruption and abuse nomic growth and development,” of power was palpable and cost said Michael Gadbaw, the chair- the ruling coalition dearly. The man of the US-Malaysia Business lack of experience in finance., opposition made sharp inroads in Council. Critics, however, point Abdullah probably realises how the general election in 1999. To out that Abdullah’s measures much such misguided projects this day, Malay voters are said to don’t go far enough and so far, no have harmed the economy. be deeply divided. That is why it “big fish” have been caught. is bewildering to see Mahathir Moral Failure now appointed as advisor to A third reason may be that Petronas. Abdullah wants to distance him- Abdullah also cannot ignore the self from the excesses and extrava- groundswell of disgust at the Opposition parties like PAS have gance of the Mahathir administra- cronyism and nepotism that were criticised the Barisan Nasional’s tion. In politics it is critical and the hallmark of the previous ad- perceived moral failure to bolster Abdullah is probably keen on bol- ministration. Apart from the an- support for an Islamic state. stering his so-called public per- ger over the ouster of former Abdullah, whose own Islamic sona as Mr Clean. He knows the deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim, credentials have been much substantial that opportunity costs there was overwhelming anger at touted in the media, realises that of mega projects – how Mahathir corruption, cronyism and nepo- he will have to clean up the ad- hates that term (but then mega tism. ministration’s act if he is to coun- merely means huge and his ad- ter effectively the PAS argument. ministration had had plenty of Some of the biggest protests in huge projects). Money wasted on 1998 centred on cash-rich Abdullah appears to be willing to unproductive, wasteful projects Petroliam Nasional Bhd tackle straightforward bribery and such as the Twin Towers could (Petronas), wholly owned by the abuse of power, judging by the have been channelled into Malaysian government, which ACA swinging into action over the healthcare, public transport, en- announced what analysts felt 6000-taxi permit fiasco. Such ir- vironmental protection, educa- amounted to a bailout of regularities are easy to start with. tion, scientific research and devel- Mahathir’s son, Mirzan. At that But Abdullah has also postponed opment. The considerable re- time, Mirzan’s main public listed the double tracking project . How sources at our disposal could company, shipping concern significant are these episodes? have been used to promote genu- Konsortium Perkapalan Bhd (see tables) ine human development, greater (KPB), was submerged with debts food security and a more inde- estimated at around RM1.7 bil- Public attitudes must change if a pendent economy. Despite his lion. Its share price had fallen to war on corruption is to have any Aliran Monthly : Vol.24(1) Page 4 The 6000-Taxi Permit Fiasco Minister Nazri Abdul Aziz about investigating a misappropria- “procedural irregularities” over tion of RM6 million. the issuance of 1,200 taxi permits to seven companies. And all of us are familiar with how the ACA sat for years on Earlier, Nazri was involved in a high profile cases such as the verbal spat over ACA director of allegations involving Rafidah investigations Nordin Ismail’s Aziz and the special shares threat that the agency would is- awarded to her son-in-law. sue warrants of arrest to wit- Let’s not even talk about the nesses, including ministers, who ACA foot-dragging – it’s more refused to present themselves for like paralysis – in the debacle questioning.
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