now 4 SONS 145 SPRINGPORJ, HI 49284 COLUMNS OBITUARIES ROLLING BACKS TV RECORD HOME & GARIl. 11 INSIDE: Page 2 Page 4 page 6 Pages 7-10 Page 11 Page 12 rage 1*1 THE TRI-CITY RECORD* Vol. 105 - No. 30 RED ARROW EDITION OF THE WATERVLIET RECORD, COLOMA COURIER & HARTFORD NEWS July 26,1989 J CREEn LOnTERIl CAFE Vietnam Veteran Memorial V eyed for Coloma's Baker Park , „ By Teresa LaPlante Alice Bacanti of Watervllet came Bacanti represents comes up with overtime pay? There are two hours before the Coloma City Commission the necessary funds. more each week than with the old to request Its consent for a Vietnam "I think it is a good thing to do," hours." Memorial to be erected at Baker Park commented Commissioner George Commissioner Postelll: "Joan, I suppose." in Coloma. Postelll. "I graduated at Coloma High Mayor Taylor said, "No, the office At the conclusion of the meeting, workers have worked out a rotation School in the Class of 1959," said Vivian Cox, representing the Peti- Mrs. Bacanti, "and our class presi- schedule so that no one has to work tioners for a Recall Election, any overtime." dent was killed in Vietnam In 1967. presented the Board With several Regarding the hiring of the new Ci- This is the year of our 30th reunion questions regarding finances and and we, as a class, want to erect this ty Coordinator, Mrs. Cox posed her the pay of several employees: question to Pete Mestre: "Approx- memorial In his memory." Mrs. Cox asked, "How are the new imately, Pete, what was the cost of This will be the first Vietnam hours working out?" (regarding the Memorial to be erected in Berrien ads and lodging for the coordinator new City Hall hours of 8:30 a.m. to In your first and second effort?" County. WORK IN PROGRESS...Har1ford Summer Migrant Program students are get- 5:30 p.m.) Commissioner Pete Mestre said, The Commission approved the Commissioner Postelll answered, ting first-hand experience In planning and executing a piece off artwork. erection of a memorial in Baker Park "It was over $200 per ad, so 1 would Nevermind that this piece off art covers the east wall off La Hacienda in Hart- "Fine." estimate the total cost for our first providing that the committee Mrs. Mrs. Cox: "And who is getting the fford, the process is the same. Rudy Serratos off La Hacienda gave the effort, with lodging, at $1,000. Our' students permission to paint a mural on the wall off the building. second effort has been about $500." Nearly fforty students, ffrom kindergarteners thru middle schoolers, all Mrs. Cox: "And how has that effort members off Georgia MacKinder's art class, have spent several weeks plann- been going?" ing and painting the mural. The mural chronicles Mexican history and, Commissioner Mestre: "We have thereffore, the children's history ffrom early Mexican gods to present-day Hart- Interviewed several good can- fford with its strawberry, cucumber, and apple harvests represented. didates, but we have paused our ef- Mrs. MacKinder said the students have had many people stop to watch and DDA increases funds for forts until after the electlon...untll give encouragement and several have picked up a paint brush and lent a after the people tell us what they hand. want." At the lefft, Griselda Noyola puts the ffinishing touches on an early Mexican Watervliet renovation project Mrs. Cox: "I applaud your deci- symbol. The mural is slated ffor completion by early next week. For a related sion." story, see page 5. (photos by Carole Kieman) The Watervliet DDA has increased mendation of Its Mill Creek Park The recall election is scheduled Its share of an estimated $524,000 Development Committee to spend for August 8, ai which time the peo- downtown renovation project by an additional $25,000 on the park ple of Coloma will be able to go to $50,000. The increase brings the Watervliet Airport lists this year. The DDA spent $25,000 on the polls and have their say. Downtown Development Authority's the Main Street park last year to portion of the project to $90,000. clean up the bluffs, put in a stairway The DDA took the action at its residential lots for sale leading down to the park, for tree meeting last Thursday while recom- and stump removal, brush clearing, mending the low contracting bid of Hartford council approves By Bob Lohr Avenue, had no future developmen- and for clean sand and fill. The Watervliet Airport Board, at its tal potential for the airport. Money Whelan Construction Company of The additional funds are for the In- Benton Harbor for the project due to regular monthly business meeting, made from the lot sale will go toward stallation of a drain, picnic tables has decided to pursue the sale of six airport Improvement projects, such begin early In August. Whelan's bid and barbecue grills, lighting, and a fire truck millage request was $405,530; the only other bidder lots of airport property by listing with as hangar construction. water supply. a local realtor. In other areas at last Wednesday's at the bid opening last Wednesday The committee, made up of By Phyliss Buechner was Oselka Construction of Union A motion tabled at the July 10 ing the City Charter and also about Board members made the deci- meeting, the Board revamped the air- engineer Monte Sternaman and DDA sion to list with a realtor when no port's hangar and lease agreements. Pier at $502,245.65. members Bob Wallace and Dave Hartford City Council meeting was having a City manager. The charter The low bid was still over the brought back before the members at has manager provisions in it but still sealed bids were received by Board The Board, taking an existing lease Sher, had presented a $57,000 pro- Chairman Karl Bayer. Bayer noted estimated cost of the project by the July 24 meeting. Dan Dowd, needs to be revised, he said, and he agreement, reworded various parts posal that Included a pavilion, that although several parties ex- to update the language and also nearly $80,000. The remaining playground equipment and rest Chairman of the Fire Board, had re: advised that Wayne Nelson, County overage is expected to be made up In quested approval for a millage for a Treasurer, City resident and former pressed Interest In the land pur- drew up two separate agreements, rooms. The DDA trimmed the re- chase, no bids were received in the one for rentals and one for leases. A the state's portion of the project. The quest because of the Increase costs new pumper to place It on the mayor, had information about It. additional funds were approved after November ballot. Nelson outlined the steps terms the Board set to accept bids at rental agreement will be used when of the downtown renovation project. its June meeting. an aircraft owner rents one of the air- DDA Chairman Karl Bayer reminded Several members commented fur- The City was asked to levy two available and said they could put the group that the project had been mills, and the Township one mill, to both the question of whether the Board members agreed to list the port's hangars for aircraft storage. A ther additions and Improvements to land initially with Paw Paw Lake lease agreement will be used when under planning for nearly two years the new park could be undertaken by pay the cost of $178,000.00 plus In- charter should be updated and. If so, and that the improvements would be terest. The City questioned why It could also put names for a nine- Realty of Watervllet for a term of 90 an owner opts to build his own other organizations in the area. days, keeping the minimum selling the first major work done In should have to levy double the member charter committee to be hangar on airport property. The price at $3,300 per lot. If the land Is Board raised existing fees on both Watervliet in years. OFFICERS ELECTED Township, asked for a meeting bet- elected on the same ballot. Following the budget adjustment ween all three parties, and waited to After a few comments a motion not sold, whole or In part, by the end rentals and leases by five dollars. Re-elected for a third term as of the term, the Board will consider to increase the DDA's share in the 3halrman was Karl Bayer. Bayer- see what action the Township took was approved to turn It over to the The move was made to address project the organization also ac- at Its meeting. They approved the re- fiscal department to come up with a listing with another realtor in town. the leases after the Board felt many commented he would like to see the The airport decided to sell the lots cepted Bayer's recommendation to Main Street and Mill Creek projects quest July 13 contingent upon the recommendation and to have the at- of them had become obsolete and approve an alternate Inclusion in the same approval by the City. torney prepare a proposal for the last spring after agreeing the lots, outdated, Bayer noted. through but felt others should located on the south side of Orchard bid for an additional $48,600 for brick shoulder some of the leadership After short discussion, a motion ballot. paving stones to be included in the role. He asked that a vice chairman was adopted unanimously to ap- Ordinance No.
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