OCTOBER 2020 New Nursing Home Administrator 'grew up' at PPH When PPH hired Jen- outside of Pittsburgh. also found love and family — she nifer Honeyford in early She began working at met her future husband, Ron, in 1998, she was fresh out of PPH in January 1998 as a Pathways. college and new to Phila- Health Care Recreation “His grandmom was a resident. He delphia. Therapy Coordinator. started coming in more and more to Fast forward 22 years It wasn't the easiest ad- visit his grandmom,” she said. later, and she is now PPH's justment; Jennifer was new According to Jennifer, Ron claims Vice President of Skilled to Philadelphia and didn't that he would often push his grand- Nursing and Rehabilitation. have any family or friends mom in her wheelchair throughout Jennifer will lead Path- living in the area. the community, until he found her. ways, overseeing operations of the Despite the uncertainty of moving The two eventually married and area she spent the most amount of from a small town to an unfamiliar, are the parents to two boys — Land- time in over the years. big city, she was ready for the chal- on, 13 and Brady, 11. “It feels like coming home,” she lenge. In 2019, Jennifer took a position as said. “I was ready for the adventure,” she the Senior Director of Resident Life Jennifer took part in the Nursing said. “This is where I wanted to be." & Performance Improvement. In that Home Administration (NHA) train- Jennifer’s career at PPH began position, Jennifer was able to work ing program in 2016 and served as during a groundbreaking time in the with residents in all levels of care. interim NHA when needed. community’s history — the opening “I only knew health care,” she said. “Jennifer’s passion and dedica- of Pathways. “It was eye-opening and it was good tion to The Philadelphia Protestant "This building was steel beams to be able to learn that perspective Home and our residents will make when I first arrived," she said. and get to know more residents.” an immediate impact to our Path- Jennifer helped with the transition She is grateful for the opportuni- ways residents and families,” said of moving residents and recreation ties over the years: the classes, PPH President & CEO John Dubyk. therapy operations over from the conferences, and seminars, as well "Her passion, kindness, and empathy Webb building. Longtime PPH family as the Virtual Dementia Tour and for the residents and a relentless and friends will recall that the 2nd Certified Dementia Practitioner work ethic clearly epitomize Jenn’s and 3rd floors of the Webb building Training, two programs she helped love for what she does." was an 106-bed Health Care unit. bring to PPH. Jennifer grew up in Easton, Pa. and She eventually became the Direc- She is currently enrolled in the studied Therapeutic Recreation and tor of Recreation Therapy in 2006. LeadingAge PA Fellows in Leader- Gerontology at Slippery Rock Univer- Not only did Jennifer find her pas- ship program, which helps senior sity, which is located about 50 miles sion through her work at PPH, she Honeyford >> Page 8 In This Issue... l Remembering Mike Fesnak l Longtime chef John Hunt retires l Jean Gibson 6401 Martins Mill Road, Philadelphia PA • www.PPHFamily.org • 215.697.8000 •Facebook.com/PhiladelphiaProtestantHome PPH Reach newsletter_Oct 2020.indd 1 9/24/20 4:46 PM Never Forget "Ordinary folks who in a moment did extraordinary things. That is what today is about. Let's never for- get; lets always hold up the memory of those who protected and defend- ed our freedom." - State Representa- tive Jared Solomon Rev. Dr. Kristopher Halsey, State Rep. Jared Solomon and Lawndale Manor PPH held a ceremony for Patriot resident Audrey Alston. Day, a day held in memory of those destination, which is believed to be Alston sang The Star Spangled Ban- who were killed 19 years ago on the U.S. Capitol or the White House. ner. Sept. 11, 2001. Executive Assistant to the Presi- Bill Conaway closed out the PPH's Director of Community dent & CEO Kathy Wersinger gave ceremony. Both Bill and Rev. Halsey Relations Bill Conaway welcomed a reflection that paid tribute to alluded to how united our coun- guests: Rev. Dr. Kristopher Halsey firefighter Joyce Craig from local try was in the aftermath of Sept. read an invocation, and State Rep. Engine 64. Joyce was killed in the 11, 2001, with hopes of lessening Jared Solomon delivered remarks. line of duty on Dec. 9, 2014. division and getting closer to that Jared paid tribute to the passen- Alpha Manor resident Jim Walker united front once again. gers on Flight 93 who prevented played TAPS on his saxophone, and This ceremony aired on PPH's in- the plane from hitting its eventual Lawndale Manor resident Audrey house TV. Remembering Mike Fesnak The PPH Family remembers Gate- way Manor resident Mike Fesnak as a beloved member of the commu- nity. Mike passed away on Aug. 27. A lifelong Philadelphia resident and Army veteran, Mike moved to PPH 10 years ago and was highly ac- tive in the community. He organized watch parties for Phillies season Above, Mike with two longtime friends, openers and Super Bowls, and often Vera Shapowalenka and Sonia Szew- pitched ideas to the Life Enrich- czuk. Right, former PPH President & ment and Activities staff. CEO Anthony Manzo with Mike Fesnak at a PPH Baseball Club meeting. He contributed various story and Philadelphia A's Society and wrote photo suggestions to this news- his manila folders filled with base- baseball articles that he'd make letter over the years and helped ball content that he'd share with available on the display case of A's with assembling and delivery each anyone else who loved America's and Phillies memorabilia that sits month. pastime. Nobody at PPH was as outside of Scoops. He donated Mike participated in PPH's Base- excited as Mike was when baseball many of the items that are on dis- ball Club meetings. He could often resumed play in July. play in the case. be found walking the PPH halls with Mike was a volunteer for the Mike will be dearly missed. New Resident Richard's mother lived at PPH; she passed away in 1997. Based on her experience at PPH, ★ Richard Braun moved to Lawndale Manor he knew then that he'd move into the commu- from the Northern Liberties section of Phila- nity eventually. He expects to have knee surgery delphia. He grew up in Hunting Park, attended soon and hopes to rehab in Pathways. Cardinal Dougherty High School where he Richard is Catholic and belongs to St. Ceci- played soccer, and St. Joseph's University. He lia's Church. He enjoys watching sports, read- was a supervisor at Nabisco and later worked ing, and is a Civil War buff. in Real Estate. 2 PPH Reach newsletter_Oct 2020.indd 2 9/24/20 4:46 PM Jean Gibson — Board member, donor, friend, family Jean Gibson epitomizes PPH into that," she said. family. She is on the Board of Direc- Ron — known by many inside tors, has been a longtime donor, has the community, particularly for his friends living in the community, her stained glass work inside the ACE grandparents were PPH residents, Center — has been living at PPH and her father, Ron Hugo, is a current since 2006. Alpha Manor resident. Jean is “very, very close” with her Jean's grandparents lived at PPH father, a two-time PPH Resident of in the 1970s. Her grandmother was the Year winner. She speaks to him diagnosed with dementia. Later, her daily, and has visited the community grandfather lost his hearing. a few times in recent months now “Neither could afford it on their that visitors are allowed, albeit with own,” she said. restrictions. Jean Gibson (right) with Mary Ann It was through seeing her grand- Jean's family was also close friends Parisse and her father, Alpha Manor resident Ron Hugo at Founder's Day parents' struggle in their later years with Pastor Harry Spink, a longtime 2014. that she realized the importance of PPH resident and Board member giving, and has been a Benevolent who passed away in 2018. Jean misses her regular visits to Care contributor for many years. Jean became a member of the PPH. "Some end up getting to a point Board of Directors in 2010, served “When I would be done with a where they can no longer stay at two, four-year terms, and is currently [Board] meeting I’d go down to the home and need to come into a place serving her third term. café, and there would be my dad," like PPH,” she said. “Many people, by “PPH is a very important, top-of- she said. "I’d slide into the booth with the time they might need to get into mind place for me,” she said. them [his friends] and we’d have a assisted living or personal care, no She was set to be inducted into the good old time." longer have the means. PPH makes Heritage Society this year at PPH's She misses sitting out under the a commitment that you will never annual Founder's Day event. gazebo near the koi pond with her leave the premises.” Unfortunately due to COVID-19, dad, spending the occasional night Shortly before Jean’s mother (Ron’s this year’s ceremony set for Found- and joking around with the residents. wife) passed away in 1988, she made er’s Day has been canceled.
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