.ATION CALINDA. ~i~R 28, I~ M T , F 1'8, .....Iam,. M t,.. ".b Z' ••• AI ~ ~ ......b · 1'3 valid 1... 11.1101,: ••OCltIl8I!D t'001l1!. CloudY. III ...ta",P' A. Il' ...... za ••• All I ......b W5 • .u. ....II.lIeI7; SUO"., .ta_.. 1M ......b U ,_ I •• tt......... eae ... &a.1I 4' I ••• r.r bye .......... DID, ..... Ib•••• b Fo ... H, I"S: SHOll, .... tbro. IOWA: Clolllb' &Del COIdbuJN alrp.av t:lA.mpl J. = ... a I'D •• l.bl1•• &.., : 0"'.0 ... DAILY IOWAN tb r Culd 'Wlth LI, bt 110 LINE IS.A walld 'or I... ,.11... ..~. "...... D.. THE Zl. 1"': FUEL OU,. , ••1 •• I .., ••• Ihe ~,,,,"nl fl llrre6t br.U ... , ear. Nf,'" ..."," •• e e......... 4 Iowa City's Morning Newspaper Ive pill It"G. --... nvE~CENTS=========~~~~EeB5sr~======ftg==M=~===.=n.===ftWN====~========~==========I~O~VV~A~C=I=rY~,~IO~VV~A==~~==~NES~=D~A=-Y~,~N~O~VEMB~~ER==2~9~,~1~94~4====================nn===.=~==U==~==n.M========~====~V~O=L=UME===XL~V==NUMffi~~ER==~~? ~pils House Agriculture Lom TRIBUTE TO MARINE DEAD ' Motions Delay Trial II lied Committee Probes As Dorsey Jury Shortage of Cigarettes Remains Incomplete U. S. Artillery Menaces Experts Say 1944 Defense Moves Tobacco Crop For Mistrial, Three Siegfried Forts \meritan Jun. largest in History Dismissal of Jurors I 1945 mtrn. --........ mbers from 9t WASHllNGTON (AP) - The LOS ANGELES (AP)-Things 10 Mrs. J. p hOuse agricuHure com mit tee happened fast yesterday in the trial American Destroyers ,e Organization: didn't find out what·s causing the 01 the Tommy Dorseys and their Radio Probe re enrolled 100 cigarette shortage yesterday-but friend, Allen Smiley, on felonious Troops Break at have yet to it heard a number of reasons why assault charges, but none helped Enter Camotes Sea drive results there shouldn't be one. gel a jury nted. high schoolJ, While Chairman Flannagan (D., It w ill be today, I;l\vyers on both To Be Secret 1 sch 001" 0Ilt In Philippines Saar Defenses Va.) cc.mplained that strange sides agreed, before blonde Jane IIools . brands of cigarettes !l re blistering Churchill of Kansas C1ty, Mo., schools have his tongue, witnesses testified: takes the stand as the first wltn s. Committee Counsel Sweep Marks First 95th Division ws: There is an 18-months stock of She will give her version of the lem e o1. ar, IObacco on hand. Aug. 5 battle on the balcony or Resigns; Public Westward Penetration Of First Armv IIUplls, $116.90 The largest tobacco crop in his­ band leader Dor ey's Hollywood Hearings to End From Pacific Pushes Close to Duren cliools with 2~ tory was produced this year. apartment, In which, movie ctor ,Iy eJemeDQ!,} Jon Hall claims, he suffered a bad Cigarette manuCacturing has WASHINGTON (AP) - Amid By The Assoclated Prell PRE M' E HEAQUAR­ upils, $97.39; 8 doubled since the war and a lower beating and almost lost the end of cries o[ "scandal" and "white­ A daring sweep by American o~ with 1,M9 percentage of tobacco production his nose. wash," the house committee in­ destroyers into one of the inner TEll. AT" L I ED EXPEDI­ tal of $93 was is exported. I\loves for lWstrlaJ vesUgatlnll the federal communi­ seas of the PhiLIppines-their first T ION A R Y FOR E, Paris II organization There is no shortage of cigarette The defen e moved for a mis­ cations commission decided yes­ westward penetration from the (AP)-'fhe United tl\t08 :ou nty scbools. paper. Paellic-was reported by Cen. Third army brok into tb rich s Include tour trial while one juror was bing terday to conduct Cuture hearings Possible Causes questioned by Edwin Myers, dep­ behind closed doors. Douglas MacArthur today • aar ba in along a D w ycn­ OIIr town high t PRIME MINISTER S tan I s I a w mile front ypsl('l'clay lind a. fnll­ school. A number of opinions as to the THREE SUPERFORTIlE88ES pin .UUade .fter laklnr orr from an uty district attorney. The motion As a result, its counsel resigned The speedy Yank greyhounds of Mikoiajczyk, peasant party leader, call' battle at the ,'i('gj'ried lin , Iowa Cit, causes of the shortage have been airstrip on Salpan In Use Marianas. Wblle wln,ln, tbelr way over the was denied, but noi until thel'e lind two of Its members publicly the navy skirted ~yte island, who tor months hilS been seeking Y"I elementary given by government officiais and Seeond marine division I!flmeterJ, the propellers on the lian' bombers had been a long conference with protested. Rep. Wigglesworth (R., boldly ent~red the dangerous to solve the knotty differences be­ appeared Drar as tbr JlUljn ,ter H umilita; trade experts. They include: (1) seem .Ulled_ tholll'b In hibute to the ,allan& marines who paid superior Judge Arthur Crum. Mass.), who voted aeains! the waters of the Camotes sea west of twc n his native Poland and So­ forti· . citicR of I allrbrneken, ,lory and high Greatly increased demands due to with tbelr Uves to capture Use bland aDd make pOUlbie the hu,e air Known to millions of radio lis­ termination of public hearings, as Leyte, and heavily bombarded viet Russia, has resigned as head 8arlautprn and Mprzig w r or i us; Hen!,} improved wages of millions of attacks that have JUlt been carried out on larrets In Tokyo. teners lis the "sentimental genUe­ did Chairman Lea (D., Calif.), Japane e positions at the port oC of the Polish government in exile. brought within American ar­ Seary; Horace war workers, (2) hoarding, (3) man ot lOw,ng," Dorsey WIIS be­ asserted the action "might well Onnoc. The port is the chief tillcr'y l'llngc. of i lienry Sabin, sieged frcquently by autograph create a national scandal." Japanese avenue escape on poor distribution among consum- 'ro th north the nit d m; Kirkwood, iog areas due to wartime popula- SteHI'nl'US to Conll'nue At a Glance- seekers. Once while he was sign­ 'Unfortunate MI bile' western Leyte. States Ninth army seized three Lincoln, Edna tion shifLs, (4) withdrawal of cig- ing a pad for an elderly woman Lea termed the decision of the .lap AIr Attack Belgian Lawmakers lowns on the west banks of the !gina Houston; in the courtroom, II news photoi­ live-man committee "unfortunate, At the same time the lIeneral Jlooded Roer and lnde riven, a~ttes fro?l civll~an channels for' Hull's General Pol,'cy unwise and a mistake." . Lynn; IOwa shipment In Chnstmas packages rapher made II picture. He asked disclosed a heavy Japanese aerial Back Premier Pierlol closinl In on the stronllhold of 'ed Jones, and to righting men .overseas, (5) her name. She refu'ed to give It. The decision came as the com­ attack against American warships Julich r rom t h r e e directions, lh schoo1, Ot1s shortages of manufacturing facili­ T~day's "I can't give it to you," she said. mittee dealt specillca!Jy with sale auardinll Yank liberation torces while the United States First ties, labor and packaging mate­ Colleagues Expect "You see, I am on the jury paneL" of radio slation WMCA, New on Leyte. Some ot the United Present Government army SQU ez.ed c10ser to Duren, rials, and (ti) delayed deliveries Gearing Of Economic Lawyers' Requet York City, to Edward J. Noble, States men of WDr were damalled Remains Adamant another barrier to the Cologne TOTAL both in Ulis country and overseas Iowan The defense lawyers, in asking former undersecretary ot com­ and casualties were suttercd when pI in. -(AP)- The merce, by Donald Flamm. due to transportation difficulties. With Politcal Affairs a mistrial, had requested that the the Nippon airmen attacked the After Demonstrations [Derea ea Front billion doUan The committee devoted its ses­ .. ... .. jury as then eated, 10 women and One witness, Leslie Evan Rob­ Pacitlc fleet units in Leyte eul! the Sixth War sion to tobacco growing-Flanna­ W ASHING'l'ON (AP) - Now erLs, former public relations di­ Monday (Phillppin time). The Lieut. Gen. GeoTge S. Patton's U. S. artillery menaces three two men, be dismissed along with BRUSSEI..S (AP)-Tbe Belgian Third army, In i Ins totaling Ie $810,000,000 gan announced in advance the that he's about to be secretary of rector of the station, has testified vessels under attack Included a maIn fortress cities of Siegfried other prospective iurors who were chamber of deputies gnve Pre­ seven miles, len&thened its hold­ meeting was "to expose false pro­ State, Edward R Stettinius Jr.; is line. sitting outside the couri raiUng. he participated in what he termed baltieship. mier Hubert Pierlot 11 resounding rive were en· paganda and cive the country the expected to push ahead reorgani­ a "conspiracy" to "scare Flamm ing inside Germany to a front of With both sidcs having 25 chill­ Ack-ack eu.nners of tbe war­ \late of confidence yesterday as 26 miles. ~sponse zation of the state department, of the facts with reference to tobacco & lenges and only a Cew exercised, into selling the station." ships baued IS Japane e planes. Briti h Lanks stOOd guard ouLside. Separate h 0 u e committees A Iront dlspatcb [rom Lewis :reat bond ap- stocks." He will decide later especially toward meshing eco­ probe radio communications, the proce s of selecting a jury was Immediately [OUowini the com­ Yank .tilers shot down two. Rep eat e d I y Interrupted by whetber to call in c i gar e t t e nomic and poli tical affairs.
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