7522 COpy , . Doctors · say cheerful people I·Meetings••• resist disease Max. Min. better than the June 10 .4 60 Sporis Slants J une. 11 99 .. AAUW Book Review will t ake glum ones. In place J une 20, 1:30 R.m . at th e home By Clntck 'Mangold, A thlelic D;rector o th e r words, June 12 102 70 of L iz Robinson, 3 Sage Place. },{ary ROCKETEER June 13 105 7 1 the surly bird T he Station softball team plays the Culver City Hula June Davis will review ".M:urder in Mind" catches the 1. 105 13 June 15 103 80 and "Murder T akes a W ifc," both H ut nine tonight in what should be one of the best ga.rn-:s germ. June 16 103 71 by Dr. J . H oward. P ublic invited. of the season. Game time at the Beer Hut diam Ol' Quarter l\lidget races originally set for tomorrow, Saturday, June 8: 30. p.m. 18, have been r escheduled for Tues­ T omorrow night the Station club June 22- VX-5 vs. Station Res t ~ day, June 21, with t ime trials 8 t t ravels t o Gardena to take on the ant, 6 p,m. Vol. XVI. No. 24 U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China take, California ,Friday. June 17. 1960 6 :30 p.m . a nd races a t 7 :30 p.m. Gardena ]'Ierchants, who have one J une 22-Public Works vs. Stk .- Special event will be the presence of the best softball teams in South- Officers, 8 p.m. of a ll H onorary :Mayor candidates ern California. Next Saturday night June 23-8tation Officers "s. V_ w ho will be introduced by Chief the Los Angeles Hubs, another top 6 p.m. UCLA ApplicaHons Local Inventors Receive 1>1. (Ted) Boyce. softball team, will be here t o play June 23-Pilot P lant vs. Station S\\im P a rty plans have been com­ the Station softballers. R estaura nt, 8 p.m. pleted by the Engineer ing D epa rt­ Burt Collie's Station Resta urant Intramural Soft ball Stan dings Due on June 29th Recognition 'for Patents ment)s Recreation Association for team d owned the Arvin team last T eam '\'ou Lost T he a pplication deadli nes for ad­ next Tuesday. June 21, from 5 to 9 Saturday night by a s core of 4-2. Pilot Plant ....................._ ... 12 . 2 mission or readmission to graduate Employees in the R esearch, and Propulsion Develop­ p.m. at- the N AF pool for m embers B crt Andreason w as t he winning VX-5 ..................................... _ 11 ' 5 sta tus a t UCLA for the F all semes­ ment Departments shared the spotlight last week when BIG STEP- l\lartin F . H aldiman ( 1'), Al'iation Structural l\lechanic l / C, and f r iends. pitcher while R oger Shor t was t he S tation Officers ................ 8 6 ter of 1960 have been a nnounced by Station R estaurant _...... ... _ 7 g the Education Office, Room 1004 in Capt. W . W . H ollister made a formal presentation of is­ r eech 'es congra tulations f ront Cdr. Gen e Anderson, NAF Exceuth 'e Deser t Art Leagu e m embers h ave hitting s ta r of the game w ith a the Mich elson Laboratory. sued patents and notices of allowability. OIficer, upon h is promotion to Ensign. E ntering Ol e service 11 years IOD ulInea Fra nces Smart, color spe- three run homer in the s ixth inning. BO\VLING !.r cialist, a former t eacher at P asa­ The S tation baseball t eam travels Final Sta ndings AF \Vil'es League. All required a pplication forms, U. S. P atent Office prosecution winder m issile. It incorpora tes a a go as n n airman apPJ;'cntice, h e has now been nam ed N AF"s Asst. dena City College and a graduate to Rivers1de today t o take on the T cam " 'on Lost fees, transcrip ts, and 1 e t t e r s of has been completed in both in­ sealed igniter unit and a solid pro­ P~in g Officer for l\Jajntenan ce. Ensign Haldinm n has bee n at NOTS M.I .T., for t heir June program March Air Force club t on ight and Canebrake I nn ....... _..... 92 %: 35 1k I recommendation must be received stances but classified cases a re not pellant g rain. in the Graduate D ivision b y the & i ~ce October 1958, .and had p re" jously sen cd with the Anti-subma rine next Monday, June 20, a t 8 p.m. in to m o r ro\\~ afternoon. T hese same Hit a nd Miss ................ 79¥.: 48.11,: per mitted to issue as patents. Un­ Harry \ViUiams amI \Villiam A. &Jd_rn. 38, NorU. I sland, a nd with F ASRON -ll, N AS, Atsugi, J a llan_ the Community Centcr. t wo t eams will play at Schocffcl H opefuls .......................... 71 57 fo ll o w i n g dates: Engineering til such tim e as they a re declassi­ ma jors- August 1 for new a pplica.­ Gey, Pat. No. 2,900,242 : I gniter for Field on J uly 8 and 9. WO~'rEN·S GOLF fied, t hey will not be givcn a pat­ tions and renewals ; August 15 for Gas Generator Gra ins a nd P ropel­ Intramural Sort-ball Schec:lu1e D ora Mae Adams won the Odd ent number, a nd ther efor e, cannot r eadmission. lants. The igniter composition builds June 17- NDTS All-Stars \'s. C ulver fHo le E vent with a low n et of 11 be handled as a n open publication ; up pressure gradually to eliminate Completed :l1}plications m ust be ~pace IPrograll1 ••. City, 8:30 p.m. a n d a ]ow gross of 32. W inner of t his is merely a security measure. crack ing in t he gra in. It is being submitted to the Education Office , (Continued from P a ge 1) June 2o-Pilot P lant \'s. Station th e No Alibi Tour nament was Nina P atents were granted for the fol­ used experimentally. d eveloped the AEROBEE r ock et. Officers, 6 p.m . no later than \Vednesday. June ,M:axwell with a n et score of 31. lowing inventions: D ouglns D. Or­ \VilliaIll B. M e L e a n, P at. No. ,T wenty AEROBEES - technically J une 2o-NAF vs. Station Restaur­ T he monthly Putting Contest was­ 29, for transmittal t o the Gradu­ ate D ivision. (lahl, P a t. N o. 2,921,521 for: Gas 2,924,114 for: Combustible Pre-spin caBed "vertical s ounding rockets" ant, 8 p.m. h eld with a three-way tic for "I.'in· Students are urged to submit ap­ Genera tor Assembly. This is a uni­ T ur bine. The invention comprises - were 1 a u n c h e d to investigate J une 21- VX-5 vs. P ublic W orks, ne r of the 18 h oles: P eggy Adams, tized assembly for genera ting gas 6 p.m. plicat ions a nd ar range for receipt nov e l combustible deflector ele­ :space up to 100 miles a bove the :M:ary Lou Kummings, a nd R eggie a nd currently used in the Side- earth's surtace. Several of these J une 21- P ilot P lant vs. Mar in c of transcripts at an ea rly date. ments which impart spin to a rock ­ H ibbs. Another 9 holes w ere p l ay~ d et pr ior to launching. r ockets were launched from ships B ar racks, 8 p.m. in which R eggie H ibbs won and a t sea. AE ROBEE was a n inex­ Stcvnn N. Jurich, P at . No. 2,933,330 thus keeps the trophy for this NE\\, ASSI GmmNT~pt. W. W. Hollister and Mrs. Coleman give p en sive rock et which permitted val­ for: Demounta ble Equalizing Spring month. E(Lwa rd P. Coleman assistance with sh oulder boards denoting his pro­ u a ble scientific exper iments. P a rticipating couples t rom China Support Mechanism for Vehicles. motion to Cdr. His n ew a ssignment takes bim to W ashington, D.c.. in T h e successor to AEROBEE­ GMU-25 Change of Lake traveled to H esper ia last SUn.­ The invention r ela tes to load-equal­ '.AEROBEE-HI - reached a ltitudes day to enter the Mixed S co t c h the Bureau of NU.l'sl \Veapons Spec.ial Projects Oflice, where he w ill izi ng support means for a vehicle. o ( over 200 miles. It was used ex ­ fCommand Slated 'Fours ome. T here were t wo sets assist in the Polaris program. Cdr. Colema.n was formerly Sidewinder This pa tent is being presented on t ensively and with great s ucceas A change of command ceremony, of winners from China Lake: MJ'. Projc~ t ' dr'iicer with the W eapons DevelOI)ment; Department, and more behalf of the Department of the d uring t he I nternational Geophysi­ signifying the relief of Lt. D. E. and Mrs. Will iam Mcintosh won recently serve(l as \Veal)Ons Ass ista nt on t he AOD StaJf. Army. The inventor was employed ,cai Yea r and is s till being used in Roberts as Officer in Charge of low gross tournament and Mary at the E ngineer R esearch and D c· space s t udies.
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