I ndex AALS, See Association of American Law Agnew, William H., I7l Schools agriculture, 180, 213, 237-38, 300, 335, ABA, Seø American Bar Association 38s -86 abortion, 276, 308, 316, 382 Ahmanson, Aimee Talbod, 292-93, Abrahams, Milton, 7, 130, 136, 133-39, 295-96, 360; Hayden, 7, 206, 292-93, r55, 240, 244, 246, 285, 295, 327, 296, 328,360; Howard, 292; Robert, 344-46, 399, 40r 360; William, 292-93 academic freedom, 7, 110, 146 Ahmanson Foundation, 292-93, 327, 360 accreditation, 4, 42- 44, 132-34, 143, Ahmanson Law Cente¡ 9,79,208,242, 166, 20t, 212-t3, 269, 27t, 289, 297, 277,273, 281, 289-98, 301, 306, 328, 362, See ølso AALS 336-37, 340, 360, 398-99, 40r Adams, Henr¡ 30 Air Force, 125, 338, 344, 381 Adams, Robert K., 157 Ak-Sar-Ben, 42, 59, 70, 95-96, 787-88, admission to bar, bar exam, I1,23, 293,364,381 42-45,76, 168, 170, 177,299, 332; Alder, Angela Grace Smith, 349 diploma privilege, 32, 42-45, 167-70, Allegretti, Frances 8., 104 172; offr,ce practice education, 29, 34, AÌlegretti, Joseph, 276, 329, 330-31, 170, 183, 236,348 352-53,399 admission to law school, 4, 18,23, 30-32, Alpha Sigma Nu, 1 10, 148, 227-28, 286, 42- 43, 45, 53, 7 3 -7 4, 7 6, 92, 96, 768, 307,330 170-7t, 193, 200, 205, 2t1, 275, 224, AÌpha Sigma Tau, 144, 151, 156 247- 48, 252, 264, 299, 300, 309-10, Alternative Dispute Resolution, 261, 330, 3r3,323, 332,338, 343, 363, 394, 400; 349-50, 394,399-40t Administrative Admission, 310; mature Altrusa Club, 149, 781, See also female students, second careers, 96, 200, 205, students 242,338,343; open admissions, 5, Alumni clubs, 83, 93, 106, 125, 163, 172, 30-33, 159; quota system absent,247; 175, 183-84, 186, 373, 378 Special Student, 32, 45, 87, 134, 191; alumni, activities, publications, reunions, student recruitment, 6, 67, 107, 114, speeches, 3,6,8, 19,27-28,32, 42, 167, 305, 323, 356, 363, 398; transfer, 47, 50-51, 6r, 63-64, 68,70,73, 84, 43, 46,339, 363, See also enrollment 87,90-91,9s, t04-7, 109, t23, Affrrmative Action, 6, 220, 309, 356 130-31, 145, 154-55, t57,159-60, African Americans, 6, 32,200,2I4, 216, 164, 766, 176, 189, 191, 193, t98, 233, 259, 264- 65, 27 3 -7 5, 301, 207, 227, 229, 236, 238, 242- 43, 27 I, 310-1 1, 348, 356-57, 382, 387, 399, 277-78, 292, 301, 32t, 327, 342, 352, See also BALSA, diversit¡ minorities, 358, 364-65, 372, 392-94,398-401; race, racism Alumni merit award, 308, 335 421 422 INDEX Amdor, Michaei, 295 BALSA,31O,323 Amdor, William, 200 bankruptcy, 30, 34-35, 42, 57, 65, 121, American Association of Law Libraries, lB1, 184, 220, 240, 242, 302, 324-26, 40, 141-42,306, See alsoLrbrary 328, 33t, 333, 341, 348-52, 366 American Association of Retired Persons, Barbs, barbarians, 137 234 Barnett, Harriet S., 121 American Bar Association, 4, 32, 34, 36, Barrett, Frank A., 101, 237-38, 393 43, 45, 59, 66,74, 128, 132-34, 143, Barrett, John C., 101 166- 67, r70, 17 4, 200-r, 20s - 6, Barristers, 124, 157, 180, 182, 211, 239, 212-13, 222, 224, 232, 240, 243, 263, 345 272, 284, 289, 292, 297-98, 305, Bashara, Andrea,372 309-10, 3r2, 324, 334, 337 , 339, 355, basketball,43, 106, 150-51, 161, 184, 362-63, 373, 378, 382-83, 400 187, 342; Madison Square Garden, American Law Student's Association, 230 150, See also Eddie Hicke¡ sports American Legion, 94-96, 136, 171, 188, Bataillon, Joseph, 370, 384-85 234-36, 294, 373-74, See also veter- Bates, Fredrick H, 356-57 ans Baþ, Birch,232 American Study Forum, 255 Beal's Diner, 187, 268 Ames, .James Barr, 35, 62 Beber, David, 159 Anderson, Terry M., 302,351, 353 Beber Sam, 130, 206, 285, 287, 295 Andrus, Ka¡ 358-59, 367,399, See also Beerman, Alan J., 387 library Belûore, Joseph, 104, 184 anti-communism, S¿¿ Cold War Belian, Julra, 372 Antieau, Chester I., 199 Bench, law school icon, 77-79,113,736, anti-German sentiment, 72,77, See also 278 Meyer v. Nebraska Bennewitz, John 4., 23, 33, 50, 68-69, anti-trust, 20, 79, 92, 213, 312 75, 90, 105, r24, r40 Apostol, Robert, 240 Berkshire Hathaw ay, 2 43 Arnold, Ianet E., 270,304 Bigelow, Anson H., 68-69, 72, 75-77, Arntson, Jor.,270 90,93 Arps, Chris, 267 Bigeloq Dana,267 arts, performing and visual, 152-54,209, Bigeloq John, 164 See also music Birmingham, Edward, 260, 306,320, Assault and Flattery, 237, 254 323,33s Association of American Law Schools, Bisno, Julius J., 84 4-5, 10, 34, 43-45, 64, 67, 108, 129, Blackstone, William, 38, 361 t32, r34, 14t, t66-67, 171, 177,252, Blackstone's Commentaries, I4l, 36I, See 272, 289, 292, 338, 370, 400, See also also library accreditation Bloomingdale, Arthur Lee, Ir., 216, athletics, 48, 724, 140, 150, 187, 322, 2t9-r9, 222, 227-28, 232, 269, 278, 337,364-65, See also basketball, 284,33s,388 Eddie Hicke¡ golf, sports Bloomingdale, Teresa, 254 Atkins, Edna, 356 Blue Jay,27, 47, 102, 129-30, 137, 145, Atkinson, Eugene T., 224-25,232 161, 187, 193, 2ll, 224, 230, 263-64, 277, 327-28 Baer, Max, 84, 160 Boe, Kathryn, 304, 322-24,340, 388 Baird, William 1., 379 Boland, George, 206, 236, 285, 295 Baldridge, Malcolm, 103, 752 Boler, lames P., i31 INDEX 423 Bongardt, Benita,124 Burke, George, 231 Bongardt, Charles,68, 101-2, 105, Burke, Thomas, 232, 379, 381-82 122-27, t36, t44-45, 149_50, 152, Burkhard, Robert, 230 155, 157, t6I, 164, 766-67, 170, Burrowes, Teresa M., 218 180-82, 188-89, 197-98, 207, 234, Burstein, Harvey,244 388 Bush, George H. W., 166, 324, 335-36, Booth, Mary Ruth, 248 391 Borchers, Patrick J., 6, 351, 369 -96, 400 Bush, George W., 336, 386 Bork, Robert H., 242, 295, 391 Bosiljeva, Mary Lou, 230 California, 163-64 Boston College ofLaw 8, 295 Caniglia, Louis, 191 Bowers, Elizabeth Sirríð,ge, 249 Caniglia, Samuel L., 156 Boy Scouts, 84, 766 Cannon, Steve, 230 Boyd, fames E., 22 Carey, Lynn, I31,233 Boyle famil¡ 48,393 Carlson, Theodore, 224, 376 Boyle, Michael, 387 Carnazzo, Louis T., 156 Boys Town, 82-84, 154, 186,322,332, Carnegie Foundation, 65, 186,243 365, 388 Carroll, D. L.,266 Brackle, Ronald.,267 Carroll, lohn,227 Bradle¡ Francis X., 216, 218 Carswell, G. Harold, 242 Bradshaw, Norman, 225, 227, 230, 232 Carter, Jimm¡ 84,245,288, 325, 385 Brad¡ T. L., 169 casebooks, 33-35, 143, 398 Brandeis, Emil, 60 case law method, 34, 65-66, 85-86 Brennan, William J., Ir., 157, 224 Cash, Paul I., 169 Brisch, Thomas L., 104, 136,394 Cassid¡ Lewis C., 125, 127,398-99 Brock, /oseph 5., 216, 219 Catholic Daughters of America, 136, 142, Brome, Ciinton, 94 188 Brooks, Catherine, 349 Catholic legal education , 4, 7, 10, ß, Brooks, Ralph,232 127, 198,314-15,397 Brown, Brendan, 129 -30, 137, 139, Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, 19 144-47 , 183, 792, 283, 327, 388, 399 Catholic Social Services, 84 Brown, James, 339 Catholic University of America, 70, 122, Brown, Thomas, 266-67 144, 172,200,260, 314, 399 Brownrigg, Iohn C., 376, 379,383 Cavanaugh, James, 49 Brucknet Iames,241 Cavanaugh, lohn, III, 335,382 Brucknet Morris, 223, 227 Central College of Law Lincoln, 43 Bruckner, Richard, 232, 246 Central High School, 75,83, 127-28,158, Bruckner, Stephen M., 245 764, 285, 332, 344, 353, 356, 374 Bryan, Williams Jennings, 75,20, 50, Chalfonte, Reginald D., 753-54, 169 86-88,91 Chambers, Ernie, 224, 264-65, 275, 311 Bucchino, Gary, 225, 232 Civil Rights and civil rights movement, Buckle¡ Colleen, 224, 232-33, 240 82, 208, 214-16, 225, 245, 259, 261, Buckle¡ 1ames,225,232 273,275-77,347; open housing, 266 Buffett, Howard, 237, 241 Clark, Tom C., 196,293, 391 Burgess, Robert,225 Clarkson, Mary,304 Burke, Charles, 91 Clay, lohn,233 Burke, Donald 1.,69-70,75, 83, 86, 88, Clements, Theodore 1., 222, 261, 305, 100-1,125-26, 135, 161 320,398 424 INDEX Cleveland, Grover, 29, 125 Corrigan, Patrick, 157 Client Counseling competition, 339, 356 Costigan, George P., 44, 7 4 Clinton, Hillar¡ 383 Council, Brenda Warren, 310, 356-57, Clinton, Lawrence M, I57, 372, 374 387 Clinton, William 1.,331, 335,383, 385 Cowell, Mona Helen, (Finn), 92-93, 95, Cogle¡ Iohn,270 163 Cohen, Harry 8., 159, 199, 224, 227, Crane, Paul E., 233 229,379 Crawford, David L., 326,333 Cohn, Rabbi Frederick, 50 Crawford, Frank, 24 Cold War and anti-communism, 6, 82, Creighton Alumnus, 47, I29-31, 155, 171, 2ll, 234, 236, 277, 365; House Un- 189-90, r99-200,2r4 American Activities Committee, 235; Creighton Chronicle, 27 -28, 52, 129 Red Scare, 137; Red Threat, 234, See Creíghton Courier,64, 85-86, 108, 129 also Ameúcan Legion, Communism, Creighton Law Review, 9, 260, 268 -7 l, |ames Green 278, 316, 322, 355, 389, 394 Coleman, C. Joseph, 266-267 Creighton Møgøzine, 131, 348, 372, 398, College World Series, 364-65 Creighton Prep, 41, 70,79,95,145, 150, Collins, George, 156 184, 234, 279, 3r1, 335, 375-76, Collins, Harold F., 744, 183 380-8 1, 383, 388, 390, 392-93 Columbia Universit¡ 8, 24, 30, 47, 59, Creighton Student Board of Governors, 64, 89-90,99, 105, rr7, l4l, 172, 129, r48, r51, 233, 308, 337, 382 218-19, 2s0, 2s2, 257, 269, 288, 317, Creighton, Count John A.,7, 13-19, 3s8,373,382 49-st, 62, t05 Comeau, PauI,229-30 Creighton, Edward, 4,25-26, 44, 48,51, commencement and graduation speeches, 118, t73 20-2t, 44, 52,73,82-84,96, 709, Creighton, Mary Lucretia, 4, 51 128, 154, 164, 186, 193, 1,95,2t6, 263 Creightonian, 129 -30, 132-35, 145, Commercial Club, 23, 87, 96, 104, 156 160-61, 230, 233, 269, 308 Communism and Socialism, 82, 710, Crisman, C.
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