THE CHEONAN SINKING INCIDENT: ITS IMPACT TO THE INTER-KOREAN RELATION (2010-2011) By DWI CAHYANI ID No. 016201000026 A Thesis presented to the School of International Relations, Communication and Law President University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Defense Studies 2014 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “The Cheonan Sinking Incident: Its Impact to the Inter-Korean Relations (2010-2011)” prepared and submitted by Dwi Cahyani in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in the School of International Relations, Communication and Law has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Cikarang, Indonesia, _____________ Recommended and acknowledged by, Teuku Rezasyah, Ph. D. I DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis, entitled “The Cheonan Sinking Incident: Its Impact to the Inter-Korean Relations (2010-2011)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, _____________ Dwi Cahyani II PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET The Panel of Examiners declares that the thesis entitled “The Cheonan Sinking Incident: Its Impact to the Inter-Korean Relations (2010-2011)” that was submitted by Dwi Cahyani majoring in Security and Defense Studies from the School of International Relations, Communication and Law was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on _____________. Name and signature of Chair – Panel of Examiners Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, Ph.D. Hendra Manurung, SIP., MA. III ABSTRACT Title: The Cheonan Sinking Incident: Its Impact to the Inter-Korean Relations (2010-2011) Keywords: Korean Peninsula, the Cheonan, bilateral diplomacy, conflict relations This research is to analyze the impact of the Cheonan sinking incident and its contribution to the development of inter-Korean relations. This research is substantial in delivering information about the Cheonan sinking incident, perspectives from the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea, and international concern towards the incident. The timeframe of this research is starting from the beginning of 2010 until early 2011. This research is a descriptive and explanatory research with qualitative approach and conducts library research by analyzing reports and documents from government of the ROK and DORK as the primary sources. Generally, it was found by the ROK investigation team that the sinking was caused by a torpedo attack made in DPRK fired by a DPRK‟s submarine. On the other hand, the inspection group of the National Defence Commission (NDC) of the DPRK stated that the case was the most hideous conspiratorial case in the history of the nation faked up by the US and ROK. Finally, the Cheonan sinking incident was impacting intensely to the aftermath inter-Korean relations. IV ABSTRAK Judul: Insiden Tenggelamnya Cheonan: Dampak Tenggelamnya Cheonan terhadap Hubungan Antar-Korea (2010-2011) Kata Kunci: semenanjung Korea, Cheonan, hubungan bilateral, hubungan konflik Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak tenggelammnya Cheonan dan kontribusi insiden ini terhadap hubungan bilateral antara Republik Demokrasi Rakyat Korea dan Republik Korea. Penielitian ini berisikan informasi tentan peristiwa tenggelamnya kapal Cheonan, pandangan serta aksi pemerintah Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan terhadap kejadian ini, serta tanggapan dari masyarakat internasional terhadap tenggelamnya Cheonan. Tenggang waktu yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah awal tahun 2010 sebelum Cheonan tenggelam sampai dengan awal tahun 2011. Penilitian ini merupakan penelitian deskiptif dan eksplanatori dengan pendekatan kualitatif, dan mengadakan studi kepustakaan dengan menganalisis laporan dan dokumen dari pemerintah Republik Demokrasi Rakyat Korea dan Republik Korea sebagai sumber utama data. Telah disampaikan oleh tim investigasi Republik Korea bahwa penyebab tenggelamnya Cheonan ialah ledakan dari luar yang berasal dari serangan torpedo yang dibuat oleh Republik Demokrasi Rakyat Korea. Disisi lain, kelompok investigasi Republik Demokrasi Rakyat Korea mnyatakan bahya kejadian ini merupakan kejadian yang diskenariokan oleh Amerika dan pemerintahan presiden Lee Myung-bak. Pada akhirnya, insiden tenggelamnya Cheonan berdampak buruk pada hubungan antar-Korea. V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Allah swt. for allowing me to finish this research. This research is made under the sincere guidance of Teuku Rezasyah, Ph. D. and Nabilla Sabban, MA. I would like to thank them for their exemplary guidance, monitoring, and constant encouragement throughout the course of this research. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to the Dean of School of International Relations, Communication and Law, Prof. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita who gave the golden opportunity to do this research. In this opportunity, I would like to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my parents, Madiyono and Retty Ismail, who have fully supported and provided all the things I need during this research writing process. Thanks also go to my siblings, Amalia Mardiana Ramadhani and Muhammad Riski Adit Triyono who have always been my motivation to finish this research in time. Thanks to my friends Yolanda Ratnasari, Nadhika Sabrina Kartini, Adhysta Prahaswari, Atika Trina Sari, Dinar Syarita Bhakti, and Nurul Mar‟atus Solihah for helping me collecting the data and accompanying me finishing this research. Not to forget, Faculty of Business and International Relations of President University for all the preparation, suggestion, assistance, and solutions. The blessing, help and guidance given by all of them time to time shall carry me a long way in the journey of life on which I am about to embark. Without their help, I would not be able to finish this research. Researcher February 2014 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS Page THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER…………….…..……I DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY…………………………….……..….II PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET…………………..….…….III ABSTRACT…………………………………………………….....….…….IV ABSTRAK..………………………………………………….……….……...V ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………….………………....…….……VI TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………..…....VII LIST OF TABLES………………………………...…………..…..….….....XI LIST OF FIGURES……………………….…...………...……...….………XII LIST OF ACRONYMS…………………………………...…………...….XIII I. INTRODUCTION………………………..…………………..…..….…1 I.1 Background of the Study.……………………………….……..….…1 I.2 Problem Identification……….………………..………….……….…4 I.3 Statement of the Problem.…………………..………………..…..…..5 I.4 Research Objectives….……………..………………………...….….5 I.5 Significance of the Study…………………….…..….............………6 I.6 Theoretical Framework……………………………..………….…….6 1.6.1 Diplomacy….…………………………………………..……....6 VII Bilateral Diplomacy.……………………………….…...….7 Multilateral Diplomacy.…………………….…….………..7 1.6.2 Conflict Relations.………………………..………….……...….8 I.7 Scope and Limitation of the Study.…………..…………....…..…….9 1.7.1 Limitation ….….….....…………….. …………………..……...9 1.7.2 Scope ….………..….………………………………..…..…….10 I.8 Definition of Terms…….…………....….………………………..…10 1.8.1 Korean Peninsula…….…….….……....…………….…….…..10 1.8.2 Republic of Korea (ROK)…… ….……….…..………........…..10 1.8.3 Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea...……....…………....11 1.8.4 The Cheonan…….………………………….………...….…….11 I.9 Research Outline…………….……..…………………..……..……13 1.9.1 Introduction.…………………..….……….……………….…..14 1.9.2 Literature Review….………..…….…………...….……….….14 1.9.3 Research Methodology….……….….…………………….…..14 1.9.4 Inter-Korean Relations….………….………………...……….14 1.9.5 The Cheonan Sinking...….….…………………….….…….... 14 1.9.6 Conclusion…...………………….……………..…….……….15 II. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………......…16 II.1 Background of Literature Review…….………..…………….……..16 II.2 Journals Review…..……………....……………..….……….……..16 II.3 Working Papers of Previous Research…….…………..…….....…..28 III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY………….…………………….……...33 III.1 Research Method..………………….…………….....……………..33 III.2 Data Collection……..…………….……………..…...……………..34 VIII III.3 Research Time and Place….……………………..……..……...…..37 IV. THE CHEONAN SINKING INCIDENT ………………..….......….....38 IV.1 The Cheonan Sinking …….………………….…………………….38 IV.2 The Cheonan Sinking Investigation Result ….………………..…..41 4.2.1 JIG Investigation Result…………….…….……….…….…....41 4.2.2 NCD of the DPRK Open Announcement……….……….……47 V. INTER-KOREAN RELATIONS AFTER THE CHEONAN SINKING INCIDENT………………………………………………………………… 54 V.1 May 24 Measures….………….…………..…………….…….…….55 V.2 The 38th working level military talks …….…………………….…..57 V.3 Yeonpyeong Island artillery shelling …..………….…………...….58 V.4 The 39th working level military talks ……..…..….…......................59 VI. CONCLUSION………………………..………………….……....…….62 LIST OF REFERENCES………………………...…..……...………………67 APPENDICES IX LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Research Timeframe 37 Table 2. Detection method and characteristics of torpedos 45 X LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. The recovered remains of the ROKS Cheonan warship 38 Figure 2. 3D laser scan image of the fractured bow and stern 43 Figure 3. Schematic of torpedo and recovered rear section of torpedo 44 Figure 4. Korean Writing in Torpedo body 44 Figure 5. Korean Writing in Torpedo body 2 44 Figure 6. CHT-02D torpedo manufactured by DPRK 45 XI LIST OF ACRONYMS ROK Republic of Korea DPRK Democratic People‟s Republic of Korea JIG
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