ISSN 0013-8738, Entomological Review, 2009, Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 469–478. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2009. Original Russian Text © A.A. Legalov, 2009, published in Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 2009, Vol. 88, No. 6, pp. 662–671. A Review of the Genus Deporaus (Coleoptera, Rhynchitidae) from the Russian Fauna: 1. Subgenera Pseudapoderites and Japonodeporaus A. A. Legalov Siberian Zoological Museum, Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 630091 Russia e-mail: [email protected] Received July 16, 2008 Abstract—The genus Deporaus from the Russian fauna is revised. Four species (D. pacatus, D. azarovae, D. sep- tentrionalis, and D. hartmanni) of the subgenera Pseudapoderites and Japonodeporaus are found. Keys to the sub- genera and to the species of the subgenus Pseudapoderites are given. The genus Deporaus, subgenera Pseudapo- derites and Japonodeporaus, and four species are redescribed. The distribution of these species in Russia is dis- cussed. DOI: 10.1134/S0013873809040113 The species of the genus Deporaus Sam. are among The material used in the present study is deposited the best known leaf-rolling weevils. These insects roll in the Zoological Institute, the Russian Academy of conical tubes from tree leaves, and this ecological Sciences (St. Petersburg) [ZIN], Siberian Zoological peculiarity has long attracted attention of various re- Museum, Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecol- searchers (Wasmann, 1887; Oksenov, 1946; Egorov, ogy, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 1992; etc.). (Novosibirsk) [SZMN], Institute of Biology and Soil Until the author started his study, the genus Depo- Science, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of raus had been considered very widely, with almost all Sciences (Vladivostok) [IBS], Zoological Museum of the species of the subtribe Deporaina (Voss, 1941, Moscow State University (Moscow) [ZMUM], Faculty 1942; Ter-Minassian, 1950; Sawada, 1993) included of Entomology, Moscow State University (Moscow) there; only Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal (1999) distin- [MUM]; in the collections by V.Yu. Savitsky (Mos- guished Exrhynchites Voss, 1930 in a separate genus. cow) [VSM], R.V. Filimonov (St. Petersburg) [CFS], The author (Legalov, 2003) separated from this genus Jean Pelletier (Monnaie, France) [CJPM], and Radek the species with the 9th and 10th striae merging near Dunda (Prague, Czech Republic) [RDP]; and also in the middle of the elytra. In the recent study of the au- Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (Müncheberg, thor (Legalov, 2007), the species possessing a weak Germany) [DEI], Hungarian Natural History Museum neck constriction were transferred from Deporaus to (Budapest, Hungary) [HNHM], Institut Royal des Sci- the genera Chinadeporaus Legalov, 2007 and Pa- ences Naturelles de Belgique (Brussels, Belgium) leodeporaus Legalov, 2003. In the modern concept, [ISNB], Lund University (Lund, Sweden) [MZLU], Deporaus is a small Palaearctic genus comprising Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde (Dresden, Ger- 22 species (Legalov, 2007). many) [SMTD], and Zoological Museum, University Representatives of Deporaus are widely distributed of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark) [ZMUC]. in Russia. However, the species of the Russian fauna are rather difficult to identify. Data on the distribution FAMILY RHYNCHITIDAE GISTEL, 1848 of several species are contraversary. Great problems Supertribe RHYNCHITITAE Gistel, 1848 arose after publication of the key to the Far Eastern Tribe Isotheini Scudder, 1893 species (Egorov, 1996), when several Japanese species were reported for the Kuril Islands, but their occur- Subtribe Deporaina Voss, 1929 rence in the Russian fauna needs to be confirmed. Genus DEPORAUS Samouelle, 1819 Unfortunately, Egorov’s data cannot be checked, since the material he used were lost. Deporaus Samouelle, 1819 : 201. 469 A REVIEW OF THE GENUS DEPORAUS ... 1. 477 5. Hind femur without tooth ............... Deporaus s. str. Russian]. 3. Dyukin, S., “Leaf-rolling Weevils of Ussuriiskii Terri- —Hind femur with bifurcate tooth ........ Neodeporaus. tory (from a Diary),” Russ. Entomol. Rev. 15 (3), 392–412 (1915). A Key to Species of the Subgenus Pseudapoderites 4. Egorov, A.B., “Behavioral Characters of Leaf-rolling in the Fauna of Russia Weevils (Coleoptera: Attelabidae) during Preparation of 1. Rostrum angularly curved at antennal attachment Food for the Progeny,” Chteniya pamyati Alekseya (Fig. 1g). Fore tibia of male without mucro. Ivanovicha Kurentsova, Nos. 1–2, 64–101 (1992). 5. Egorov, A.B., “The Family Rhynchitidae,” in A Key to Armament of endophallus as in Fig. 1c ................. the Insects of the Russian Far East (1996), Vol. 3, ............................................................ D. azarovae. Part 3, pp. 199–215 [in Russian]. —Rostrum evenly curved ......................................... 2. 6. Faust, J., “Rüsselkäfer aus dem Amurgebiet,” Deutsche Entomol. Zeit. Schrs. 26 (2), 17–295 (1882). 2. Pronotum widest behind pronotal constriction. Body 7. Heyden, L., Catalog den Coleopteren von Sibirien mit covered with hairs with metallic sheen. Fore tibia Einschluss derjenigen der ostlichen Caspi-Gebietes, von of male with mucro. Armament of endophallus as Turcmenien, Turkestan, Nord-Thibet und des Amur- in Figs. 2j–2l ....................................... D. pacatus. Gebietes (Berlin, 1893). 8. Legalov, A.A., “A List of Beetles of the Families —Pronotum widest before base. Body covered Nemonychidae, Urodontidae, Attelabidae, and Apioni- with hairs without metallic reflection. Armament dae (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) of the Asian Part of of endophallus as in Figs. 2m–2o ........................... Russia,” in The Fauna of the Far East (Blagove- ................................................... D. septentrionalis. shchensk, 2002), Issue. 4, pp. 105–116 [in Russian]. 9. Legalov, A.A., Taxonomy, Classification, and Phylo- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS geny of Rhynchitids and Leaf-rolling Weevils (Coleo- ptera: Rhynchitidae, Attelabidae) of the World Fauna The author is grateful to N.A. Azarova (Vladi- (Novosibirsk, 2003), CD-R. no. 0320301200, vostok), Yu.G. Arzanov (Rostov-on-Don), G.E. David- pp. 733 + 350 (641 Mb). ian (St. Petersburg), V.V. Dubatolov (Novosibirsk), 10. Legalov, A.A., “An Annotated List of Rhynchitids and R.Yu. Dudko (Novosibirsk), B.A. Korotyaev (St. Pe- Leaf-rolling Weevils (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae, Atte- tersburg), A.S. Lelej (Vladivostok), N.B. Nikitskii labidae) in the Fauna of Russia,” Trudy Russ. Entomol. (Moscow), F.I. Opanasenko (Berdsk), E.Yu. Shevnin O-va 77, 200–210 (2006a). (Novosibirsk), V.P. Shokhrin (Lazo), M.Yu. Savitsky 11. Legalov, A.A., “Two New Species of the Genus Depo- (Moscow), A.Yu. Solodovnikov (Copenhagen), raus Sam. (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae) from the Russian Yu.N. Sundukov (Lazo), R.V. Filimonov (St. Peters- Far East and China,” Far East. Entomol., No. 164, 1–6 burg) and also to the foreign colleagues M.A. Alonso- (2006b). 12. Legalov, A.A., Leaf-rolling Weevils (Coleoptera: Zarazaga (Madrid), L. Behne (Müncheberg), R. Da- Rhynchitidae, Attelabidae) of the World Fauna (Agro- nielsson (Lund), R. Dunda (Prague), J. Frisch (Berlin), Siberia, Novosibirsk, 2007). F. Hieke (Berlin), O. Jaeger (Dresden), J. Jelinek (Pra- 13. Oksenov, B.A., “Instincts of Deporaus betulae L.),” gue), K.-D. Klass (Dresden), P. Limbourg (Bruxelles), Trudy Leningrad. O-va Estestvoispyt. 69 (4), 146–168 O. Martin (Copenhagen), O. Merkl (Budapest), (1946). J. Pelletier (Monnaie), Y. Sawada (Sanda), J. Willers 14. Samouelle, G., The Entomologist’s Useful Compen- (Berlin) for their help in the study. dium; or an Introduction to the Knowledge of British Insects, Comprissing the Best Means of Obtaining and REFERENCES Preserving Them, and a Description of the Apparatus Generally Used; Together with the Genera of Linné, 1. Alonso-Zarazaga, M.A. and Lyal, C.H.C., A World and the Modern Method of Arranging the Classes Crus- Catalogue of Families and Genera of Curculionoidea tacea, Myriapoda, Spiders, Mites and Insects, from (Insecta: Coleoptera) (excepting Scolytidae and Platy- Their Affinities and Structure, According to the Views of podidae) (Entomopraxis, Barcelona, 1999). Dr. Leach. Also an Explanation of the Terms Used in 2. Azarova, N.A. and Kupyanskaya, A.N., “Leaf-rolling Entomology; a Calendar of the Times of Appearance Weevils (Coleoptera, Attelabidae) in the Urban and and Usual Situations of near 3.000 Species of British Suburban Plantations of Primorskii Territory,” in Insects (Thomas Boys, London, 1819). The Role of Insects in the Forest Biocenoses of Primor- 15. Sawada, Y., “A Systematic Study of the Family skii Territory (Vladivostok, 1972), pp. 139–149 [in Rhynchitidae of Japan (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea),” ENTOMOLOGICAL REVIEW Vol. 89 No. 4 2009 478 LEGALOV Humans and Nature, No. 2, 1–93 (1993). auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk (1939), Part 167, 16. Ter-Minassian, M.E., “Distribution and Ecology of pp. 57–130. Attelabidae in the USSR,” Zool. Sb. AN ArmSSR. Zool. 21. Voss, E., “Monographie der Rhynchitinen Tribus Depo- Inst. 3, 177–191 (1944). raini sowie der Unterfamilien Pterocolinae-Oxyco- 17. Ter-Minassian, M.E., “Leaf-rolling Weevils (Atte- ryninae (Allocorynini). VII Teil der Monographie der labidae),” in The Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera (Acad. Rhynchitinae-Pterocolinae (73. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Sci., Moscow–Leningrad, 1950), Vol. 27, Issue 2 [in Curculioniden),” Stettiner Entomol. Ztg. 102, 132–141 Russian]. (1941). 18. Ter-Minassian, M.E., “The Family Attelabidae—Leaf- 22. Voss, E., “Monographie
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