THE MIL~ KEE MAGAZN P ~isades of the Yakima River, Eastern Washington JULY, 1924 'The OPERATOR The man at the key must have a good watch-accuracy represents his margin of safety. Thousands of Illinois watches in the hands of operators everywhere prove that the name ILLINOIS stands for dependability as well as supreme quality~ au~n cJpecial cfa1!1lgamo (fpecial ILLINOIS WATCH COMPANY • SPRINGFIELD 8vlakers qfFine Watches for More Than 50 Years ADJUSTED TO SIX POSITIONS AND TEMPERATURE ~ ~ Dial up Dial down 9 up 12 up IOfferYou a My Special Offer to Railway Men The Amazing Story of w: S. Cooper Points the Way To . A $200 A Week Income for You "My name is Cooper-W. S. Cooper, Now I am going to tell you how· I liv~ in Ohio, and this is a tr\le this great change came about. One I Have Succeeded Beyond story about myself. I am writing it day I heard that a man co"ld make My Dreams because there are thousands of men from $100 to $300 a month in his in America struggling along on spare time by doing a certain kind There is no secret to my success. starvation wages, j'.lst like I was, of work. I have succeeded beyond any dreams who can do just what I did and I may have had a few years ago. make from $6,000 to $10,000 a year. I didn't believe it. I couldn't be­ And please remember I consider my_ lieve that a man could make as self only an average man. Here' much' in an hour or so as I was are the £acts about my success. I Was a Wage Earner making by eight hours' hard work. A short· time ago I worked in a I am the local representative for the Comer Manufacturing Company. J. R..HEAD fe.ctory. I was not the owner, not . the superintendent, not the boss. I This company manufactures Comer ~ansas, of. who lives in a was a wage-earner. I made as All-Weather Raincoats --:.. the finest small lown of 631 people. coats in style. material and work­ He has made as high a. much as the average man and no more. I was just like nine out of lnanship. that can be bought any­ $69.50 in one' day selling where. Comer AIl·Weather Coa.ls, ten other men-,--a slave to .my job­ no real money, rio real future. Why" Comer Coats are not sold in stores. I couldn't have raised $100 in cash but through a local representative. if my life had depended on it. And The local representative does not that was only a little while ago. have. to buy a stock. He doesn't have to invest any money. All he Today, I am a successful business cus~ man. I have a large income, money, does is take orders from Comer investments. I have hundreds and tomers,-orders that almost come hundreds of friends. I get a lot of. without asking-and he gets his big pleasure out of life. I have no boss. profits every day for the orders he takes. I work just four hours a day and only five days a week. And the Many of my customers now come reason for the change in my circum­ to me. I don't know how much stances is very simple. bigger my business will get, but I no longer consider it an exceptional day when my earnings exceed $50 The Curse of a Small or $76. There are few business men Income in this city whose profit is greater E. A. SWEET Please remember that only· a short Just to satisfy my curiosity. how­ than mine, and -r can only see un­ an electric~l ·engineer, is time ago I was practically broke­ ever, I investigated. As you read Iimiteg opportunity in the future." making from $600 to doing like most men, trying to make this you will fed just about the $1,200 a monlh and works only about four hours a s meagre salary meet the constantly same way I did then. I thought it You Are Now Offered da\,. increasing expenses of life. It could,,'t be true, and yet, it might couldn't be done. We wanted to the Same Opportunity be, a;:d it certainly was worth find­ If you are interested In increas­ live like other people. We wanted ing out. Ing your Income from $100 to $1,000 !some of the luxuries of life. We a m'onth anll can devote all your wanted to buy our own home. But I Find Myself time 01' only an hour or so "!- day there simply wasn't enough money. to this proposition, then mall the We were living from hand to mOll.th. I found a wonderful thing. I dis­ coupon to me at once. And it made me alm·ost desperate to covered that instead of m",king only This is In:)' special offer to rail­ think of what would happen·· if I froIll $100 to $300 a month, men WRY men. 1 will send you without who were doing this work were mak­ cost or obligation fun details of became sick or_ lost my job. whi~h ing as high as $1,200 a month­ this proposition has enabled And yet, today, I am a big suc­ 'V. S. Coopel' to enJoy an mcome men like myself who had never had ces6. Money no longer worries me. of $::;,000 a y~al'. 1 will provc to any experience were easily cleaning I buy what I want and pay cash for you that you have the same .chance up from $100 to $l50 a week. to mal,e the same huge earnmgs as it. I travel where I please. I give ll'lr. Cooper. ·iIlail the coupon at my family the luxuries that every When I look back· to that day and once. This may be the big o,!t­ A. B. SPENCER family is entitled to expect from the realize how' close I came to passlng standing opportunity of your hfe head of· the family. I hesitate to up my opportunity it sends cold to end ~'Ol1r 1110ney worries forever. of Pennsylvania, is an in­ it, mayb~ chills down my spine. All that I Act quickly. surance man who repre-· say and it does sound !Oent~ us in spare time. foolish but just the other day I have today, my entire success, is C. E. COillER, Pres., We paid him $625 for one paid $900 for a diamond ring that I due to the proposition that I learned The COluer lUf;.r. Co., nth's spare time. had wan ted for a long time. about that day. Dept. BV-517 Dayton, Ohio NOTICE Mail This NOW FREE TO YOU The Co~er Mfg. Co., The Comer Manufac­ Dept. BV-517, Dayton, Ohio In addition to your turing Company 'is the big earnings we of• Please send me without expense or ob­ largest business of its ligation your special proposi~ion wh!ch has fer you a Buick kind in the world. Any enabled W. S. Cooper tu enJcy an mcome Touring Car, with• man who becomes a rep­ of $5,000 a year. out a cent of cost, resentative is assured of that you can use fair, square, honest treat­ Narne _. ~~ .~ ... _ ~ help you in developing this great. ment, and will have rea­ ron to be proud of his con­ Address . ._... ._._. .__ 00. _ ess. Mail the coupon for full de­ ,uction with the company, ------_._---------------_.-..-----­ of our special proposition. -------··----{P;:int or Write Plainiy) What Do You Want Mo t? A home? A business of your own? A college education for your children? A real vacation? Anyone of these requires money. You'll find our "Buy $1000 on Easy Pay­ ments" plan an excellent way to reach your goal. Ask our Savings Department abolit this plan. First· 'W'isconsin National Ba k Milwaukee Capital and Surplus Ten Million Dollars F ·1. 'I "Standard 0 I er the earth on Massachusetts Bonding account of greater worth H FA K and Insurance Company Castings IS issuing the ,, ,, HEADLIGHT A~cident and Health .., TRADE MARK REGISTERED The Falk Foundries spec­ urbo-Generator~:, ialize in acid open hearth POLICY Steam T steel castings from 1 to 500 Walts to 7;4. K. W·. I 100,000 pounds for railroad, It is especially designed for A Complete Line of-:­ marine, mining and hydraulic Headlight Cases-Sheet and Cast Metal machinery. Railroad Employees ReAectors-Metal and Glass UP-TO~DATE Portable Headlight Cases· Falk Castings are made in and is the Most Floodlights a modern and completely Contract, containing the BROAD­ Searchlights equipped plant, under the EST and MOST LIBERAL Lamps for rear of tender supervision of a skilled and Lighting accessories, such as switches BENEFITS Yel Offered (open and enclosed), sockets, dim­ experienced personnel. The mers, connectors, junction boxes, etc. central location of the Falk See our agent today or fill out coupon belpw W,'itejor Catalogue No. 101 Foundries insures prompt and send to Supt. RaUroad Dept. 0000, Saginaw, Mich. service on all work. Makers of the Famous. HNotrglare" Gla$. Reflectors for Locomotive Headlighb Let us furnish an estimate Gentlemen: before y01.l place your next o J am interested in an ageny proposition, FLOO LIGHTS order for castings. o J am interested in a "Headlight" Policy. INCREASE SAFETY AND PRODUCTION Better lIIumination With Fewer Units With Name Age .
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