Publication of Sardar Patel University Sr.No Title Author Year Price 1. Bhartiya Loknatya Shivkumar Mishra ‐‐ 36.00 2. Bhasha chintan Shivkumar Mishra ‐‐ 70.00 3. Emotional Intelligence in Adolescent Dr.P.P.Patel ‐‐ 215.00 Dr.Hitesh P.Patel 4. Executive stress,coping & Organisation Dr.Sunita Nambiyar ‐‐ 120.00 Effectiveness 5. Hariom Ashram prerit Saraswatichandrama Upendra Pandya ‐‐ 1.50 Vyakt thatu Govardhanravji Darshan 6. Impact of the change in the District Prof M S Shah ‐‐ 07.00 administration since independence on Kheda district 7. Industrial relations strategies & practices : Dr. B.P. Bhuva ‐‐ 120.00 An in depth study of cement manufacturing units in Gujarat. 8. Information Broacher Accreditation NAAC S. P. University ‐‐ ‐‐ 2001 9. Institutional Senior Citizens Dr. Hitesh N. Patel ‐‐ 220.00 10. International Education 1971 F S Trivedi and ‐‐ 10.00 D G Desai 11. Kheda Jillana Vividh Pasa (1965‐66) Prof Manubhai Shah ‐‐ 2.00 12. Mahatma Gandhijini Shakshanik Siddhio Jay Upadhyay ‐‐ 6.00 13. Manilal Nabhubhai : Sahitya Ane Dhirubhai Thakar ‐‐ 1.50 Tatvagyannu Adhwet 14. Pandityugin Gujarati Sahitya Madan Mohan ‐‐ 36.00 Sharma 15. Perceptions of HRD functionaries in various Dr. Ankur Saxena ‐‐ 80.00 industrial organization of Gujarat. 16. Reading in Inspection And Supervision I. J. Patel ‐‐ 20.00 17. Role of Commercial Bank in Landing to Dr. Surendra G. Patel ‐‐ 120.00 Private Sector in Gujarat – An Evaluation 18. Sardar Ane Vahivatitantra Utsavbhai Parikh ‐‐ 1.25 19. Silver Jubilee 25 Years Sardar Patel Prof.J. J. Shah and ‐‐ ‐‐ University others, Ed by 20. Socio Eco study of a charotar Village Prof R K Amin ‐‐ 3.00 21. Prayogik Rasayan Ramanlal U. Patel 1961‐63 5.00 22. Drugs Addiction S. P.University 1976‐77 ‐‐ 23. Madak Dravyonu Sevan S. P. University 1976‐77 ‐‐ D:PubUnit/PubBookStockList/PubCatWebsiteUpload2016 1 24. Aadhunik Hindi Kavita ki Pravuti Mohanvallabh Pant 1961 5.00 25. Bhartiya Samajvyavastha Tara Patel 1961 8.50 26. Samajshastra Prof Chhotubhai 1961 5.00 Suthar 27. College Prayogik Rasayan Ramanbhai P. Patel 1963 5.00 and Ramanbhai D. Patel 28. HASTED : Economic life in a Rajasthan M D Desai 1964 ‐‐ Village 29. Hindi Ki Prayogshil Kavita Aur Uske Prerna Dr Shriram Nagar 1964 08.00 Strort 30. Lokjivanne Lagta ketlak Savalo Manubhai M. Shah 1965 02.00 31. Rasayanik ek Prayogatmak Vigyan Bhaskar Ray and N 1965 10.00 Markand 32. Vanijya Parichay Pramodrai Pandya 1965 08.00 33. Making of The leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Tiwari, Arya 1967 7.00 Patel – 1917‐1922 Ramchandra G. 34. Reading in Service Education I. J.Patel 1968 20.00 35. Shodh Tatva Aur Drashti (Hindi) Rameshwarlal 1968 6.00 Khandelwals 36. Bhasha Ane Gujarati Bhasha (Tran K. Ka Shastri 1969 2.00 Vyakhyano) 37. Reading in programme instruction I. J. Patel 1970 5.00 38. Gujarati Santo ki Hindi Vani Rameshwarm 1971 5.00 Khandelwal 39. Integration Of District Dairy Cooperative Of M M Shah 1971 15.00 Gujarat 40. Vishvamitra B H Kapadia 1971 7.00 41. Lanka no Sthal Vichar BhailalBhai D.Patel 1972 7.50 42. Sardar Patel : The Politician and the Statesman Shri Durgaprasad 1972 1.25 – Sardar Patel Memorial Lecture 43. Indomitable Sardar And The Triumph of S K Kashisagar 1973 20.00 Borsad 44. Govardhanramnu Jivan Darshan Hariom Ramanlal Joshi 1974 00.75 Ashram 45. Kashi sut Sheghaji Ek Adhyayan Dr. Becharbhai Patel 1974 10.00 46. Saraswatichandra Uparthi College Kakshae Chandravadan 1974 1.50 Bhajvava Layak Natak Mate Ruprekha Maheta 47. Sardar and The First Year of Independence Shri H.M.Patel 1974 1.50 48. Sardar : Shatabdi Smarak Granth Jashwant 1976 15.00 Shekhdiwala 49. Anatomy and Psychology of Politics Shri R D Diwakar 1977 1.25 50. Ekoktio Chandravadan 1977 5.00 Mehta D:PubUnit/PubBookStockList/PubCatWebsiteUpload2016 2 51. Sanrakshan Siddhanto Ane Vyavastha Chitra P. Shukal 1977 12.00 52. Treatment of Alankaras in Rasgangadhara Chitra P Shukla 1977 20.00 53. Buddh Dharm Darshan Nagin J. Shah 1978 15.00 54. Flora of Gujarat Part‐1 G L Shah 1978 30.00 55. Organisation and Working of Public A B Chauhan 1978 28.00 Enterprise In Gujarat 56. Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe College B V Shah & J D 1978 30.00 Students in Gujarat Thakar 57. Crisis of Indian Politics ‐1980 Kuldip Nayar 1980 ‐‐ 58. Distribution pattern of Cotton Textile In K.D.Vasava 1980 65.00 Gujarat 59. Sanklit Gram Vikas Agro‐ Economics 1980 1.00 esearch Centre 60. Manav Ekta Ane Vishwa Shanti 2nd Ed. Jyoti Thanki 1981 14.00 61. Sardar Image As Is Correspondence Reveals H.M.Patel 1981 1.25 62. Tao Darshan Dr Ramanlal Shah 1981 18.00 63. Economics of Soil Testing Services in C H Babria 1982 57.50 Gujarat 64. Kalpana Ane Teno Shaikshanik Falitarth Jayendra Dave 1982 12.00 65. Kavitanu Shikshan Shastri Jayendra 1982 12.00 66. Marmi Santonu Darshan Jayantilal Acharya 1982 26.00 67. Narmada Yojna : Swapna Ane Siddhi Babubhai J. Patel 1982 ‐‐ 68. Sardar Patel : Collection of lectures S. P. University 1982 26.00 delivered Under M.B.Patel Vyakhyanmala 69. Financial Structure of Cotton Textiles Mills Dr B H Desai 1983 53.00 Of Ahmadabad 70. Gujarat nu Khanijtel Tatha Royalti Babubhai J. Patel 1983 ‐‐ 71. Hariom Ashram Prerit Ravji Patel ni Vartao Pravin Darji 1983 2.40 72. Multiple Beam Interferometry And Crystal A R Patel 1983 7.00 Growth 73. Ravji Patelni Kavitama Bhasha nu Vishisth Prabhasanker 1983 5.00 Swarup Teraiya 74. Some Study on Block Structure Of S M Shah 1983 12.00 Incomplete Block Design 75. Ayranani nu Swarup ane Teno Sahityama Chandrakant Sheth 1984 2.00 Viniyog 76. Gujarati Pravas Sahitya Dr Aruna Baxi 1984 50.00 77. Gyandev Mrunalini Desai 1984 23.00 78. Shree Aandad Upendra Sandesara 1984 28.00 D:PubUnit/PubBookStockList/PubCatWebsiteUpload2016 3 79. The National Lectures : Delivered Under Prof. Manubhai M. 1984 51.00 The Programme of National Lectures 1979‐ Shah 80 of University Grants Commission, New Delhi 80. Topic in Banach Algebra and Topological R D Nehra 1984 30.00 Algebra 81. Topic in The Operator Theory Ramanujan and 1984 27.00 others 82. Gujaratima Vivechan Tatva Vichar Pramodkumar Patel 1985 40.00 83. In Defence Of National Culture G D Shukla 1985 16.00 84. Industrial Relation :An Empirical Study of Dr.Hasmukh 1985 13.00 theTypical Contribution of Gujarat D.Savilani 85. Minimum Varience Unviased Estimation of S M Shah 1985 20.00 Univariate and Multivariate Modified Power Series Distribution 86. Orderal leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel A R G Tiwari 1985 98.40 87. Problems of Agriculture Labour in Bharuch Vithalbhai G.Patel 1985 62.00 District 88. Sant Tiruvallavur Ane Kurad Dr. Kantilal Kalani 1985 17.50 89. Acharya Ramchandra Shukal Tatha Bhasha Shivkumar Mishra 1986 ‐‐ Chintan 90. Labour Management Relations in selected H D Savilani 1986 50.00 organized Industries 91. Sant Dadu Anwar Aagewan 1986 18.00 92. Shikshanni Mukt Pragati Paddhati Dr Chandrakant P. 1986 10.00 Patel 93. Sahityik Vyakhyano Jashwant 1987 22.50 Shekhdiwala 94. Sanskrit Prahasans C P Shukla 1987 20.00 95. SardarPatel‘s to Indian Constitution to D. A. Desai 1988 ‐‐ Framing of India’s Constitution 96. Bhaktakavi Charan Isardasni Bhakti bhavna Dr S M Charan 1989 50.00 97. Group Method Technique for English Sulbha Natraj 1989 72.00 Language Instruction 98. Kavi Dandina Samaynu Bharat G D Shukal 1989 50.00 99. Sardar Patel and Nation Building Swapna Biswas 1989 50.00 100. The Proficiency test in English for secondary D G Upadhyay 1989 75.00 School Teachers 101. Arvachin Gujarati Kavita ma Hasya Nirupan Dr Ramanbhai Patel 1990 78.00 102. Contemporary Indian English Poetry : A D S Mishra 1990 17.00 Revolution 103. Experimental Techniques : Plant Anatomy J.A. Inamdar 1990 20.00 D:PubUnit/PubBookStockList/PubCatWebsiteUpload2016 4 104. Jain Tirth Shree Kesariyanathji Eitihasik Dr.Radheshyam 1990 15.00 Trust Sansodhanatmak Survey (Hindi) Sharma 105. Mandu Aur Uske Etihasik Smarako ko Dr Radheshyam 1990 23.00 Etihasik Drastikon se Adhyayan Sharma 106. Muktibodh ki kavitao ka Shaily Vaignaniak Dr. Sanatkumar 1990 ‐‐ Vishleshan 107. Natya Chintan Dr.Sanatkumar 1990 ‐‐ 108. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Drashta Ane G. D. Shukal 1990 32.00 Strashta 109. Revival of Panchayati Raj : Terms and B. C. Shah 1990 74.00 Problems 110. Rucchakno Alankar Vichar Dr Ajit Thakor 1990 27.00 111. Shaily Vigyan Aur Pratik Vigyan Umashanker 1990 ‐‐ Upadhyay 112. Tribal Gujarat H B Patel 1990 10.00 113. Use of Auxiliary Information in Estimation D. N. Shah 1990 35.00 in Sampling Theory 114. Sardar Patel and Toiler Ravindra Varma 1991 ‐‐ 115. Shree Matajinu Jivan karya Jayoti Thanki 1991 12.00 116. Shree Ramkrushna Ane Shree Vivekanand Jyoti Thanki 1991 25.00 117. The Problem of Human Unity Inf. Shri Prof. M. R. Nadkarni 1991 12.00 Aurobindo’s Light 118. Alankar Ratnakala –Ek Adhyayan Hemlata Joshi 1992 50.00 119. Approaches to Social Responsibility in Dr.J. D. Jadeja 1992 90.00 Industrial Houses of Gujarat 120. Goswami Tulsidas Manubhai Pancholi 1992 32.00 121. Gujarat ni Jilla Madhyastha Sahakari Dr M K Patel 1992 75.00 Banknu Karmchari Sanchalan 122. Kavya Samvad Manilal H Patel 1992 48.00 123. Shah Abdul Latif Dashrath Thakkar 1992 40.00 124. Shankardev Bhogilal Sandesara 1992 25.00 125. Anganwadi In Tribal Region of Gujarat J.M. Trivedi 1993 35.00 126. Bhaikaka Chair Antargat Vyakhyan Shreni Bhaikaka Chair 1993 20.00 Pratham Sopan 127. Democratic Decentralise and political Prof. B. C. Shah 1993 63.00 Development 128. Dhwedh Vyaktitave Se Utpann Natakiyata Navneet Chauhan 1993 55.00 129. Dialogue in Education Mahendra Chotalia 1993 82.00 130. Etihas Vishleshan (Sansodhan Lekhono Maganbhai Patel 1993 32.00 Sangrah) D:PubUnit/PubBookStockList/PubCatWebsiteUpload2016 5 131.
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