
! ) t), I '-I Record No. 2735 In the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia at Richmond ALBERTA HUNDLEY v. LUVINIA HUNDLEY, AND OTHER PRO~I THE IXlllJS'l'IU,\L ('0 ) L\I IS$10" or \'IRGIXL\ . R T1 L 1,~ 14-. ' 5. ~ l.Ji\rREH OF COT'll<:S 'J'O HE l•'JLCD .\ XD D1-:LTYERF.D TO OPPOS­ I NG C'ot·~sF.L. rrwenl:,· (•op iL· s o f cnch br ief sl1 all be filed with t he rlerk or i l1 c conri., nnd nl lcn,:; I i.wo copir:,; mniletl or de­ lin,recl t o oppo:--in g en1111 ~el 0 11 or lwl'orc 1hP dny 011 wl 1ich the hrie is fil ed. ~ (i. R1 :1. 1,: ,\ RU rr , PE. HriPI°:':: shall lie· nine in('ll<'s in lPng lh nll(l six ilidtP:-- i11 wicl tll, so a.:: (n l"ll11 ron 11 in (liHH' nsin11 s io 1lie printed n ·cunl, :111<1 shall l,e pri ntPlt in t~ i,ti not luss in size, a~ to heiglii nml wid th, t ha n fli p (:,.'p C' in wl1i eh the record is printed. The r,•c·orcl m1111h01· o f' ill(' <'ns0 nnrl 1rnm r :-1 or <·ou n­ ~el ~hall he prittl(·tl on il1c [' ront r o, <'I' of' nll hriefs. ;\f. IJ. "\V. AT'1'8, Cl erk. Court opens at 9 :30 a. m.; Adjom-ns at 1 :00 p. m. RULE 14-BRIEFS 1. Form and contents of app ellan t's brief. The open ing brief of the appellant (or t h e petition for aru>ca l when ado pted a~ 1hr open ing brief) shall contain : ta) :\ suuiCl·t index arul tabk of cita,ions w it h cases alphabetically .irr:rngcd . Cil.ition~ (If \ · ir ·~inia ca,c5 musl reier to the \'irgin ia Reports and. in addition, may rd er to other rq,cn , cO:Jta;ning- such cas<'~. (h) A brief s tatem en t of t he mat~rial proceed ings ia the Jowtr cou.-t, t he erro rs assig ned. and the ques t ions i11\'oh·cd in tin: appeal. (c) A clear and co acisc statemen t of the facts, with rc:forenccs to the pag1:s of the rt'conl ll'hc re I here is a ny 1> 0:ssibili ty that the: o ther side may question Che s tate­ m ent. \Vln:re tlu· fa r ts :1 1T controvcrtccl il ~hould b1· ~o ~talt:d. (d) Arg u111,,11t in s uppor t of tht: po, ilio n of appdlant. The hrid sh:ill lw s ig ned by at least o n e attn rnty prac t icing in th is cou rt, g- iving h is add rc· ~s. The appellant may adopt t h e p etition fr,r app,·al ;ig his op"C: ning brief hy so s latin g· in the pcli( ion, o r hy givin!! to o ppo~i 11 g co unsl'I writtc·n notitc of su ch intcnlion within five d,:ys oi tl,e receipt hr app,:lbnt o f the printed record, and hr iiiing a copy of ~ud 1 notice with the ckrk o f t he court. ;'(O all t'gT<l error not speciiicd in lhe o pening brief o r p et itio n inr appea l i> h,.11 he a cl m itt('(l a~ a g round for arg ument l,y appel lan t 011 the h,·a ri nr' d the cau,c. 2. Form and con tents of appellec's b rid. T he brief for t he aripcll ce ~hall con ta in : (:i) .\ ~t:hjr et ind,''\'. ,,nd ta ble of rital:ong ,1·ith cases a lpha b c; tically arr:Jll!!Ltl. Cita\ions ,, f \ '1rgi11h ,·a~t\, 111·1s t rd ,·r to • 11;: \'i,·;., ini:t R eport~ a :id, in adtlitio11, may rd cr tn r,t h,:r n ·p1Jrt, con tain ing s uch ,a,c-s, (b) , \ s tal•: m , nt o f the case and of th e points i11volv("d, if the appdlec il is:ig r C'eG w ith the , t:i tC>mrn l oi a ppell:int. (c) t\ st:ikinl'nt o f the facts \\'hich a rc nccc•,-s.t r,\' to c<> rrcct or amplify the s t:lh' ­ m cnt in ap1w lla n t'~ liril'f in so far as it i~ <k l' 11 a ·<I c1-ron1 ·<1 us o r inadequate, with a p· proprintc rcfcn' n cc· tu t h,'. page~ of th e reronl. ( cl) 1\rg u111 (' 11 t in s upport of the p o"itio n of appl'lkc. The !)rid s hall he si1;t1 c<l l.)y at kast o ne a t !orney practicing in thi, court. g iving h is adtlrc' SS. 3. R eply brief. Thr rq,ly h rid ( if an y) o f lhe appellant s!1all conl:i in all the att­ thoritic·s rdicd o n by him, not n::f..: rrcd to in his p cti1io11 or opcninf! brief. In o ther r csp rcts it shall r onfon u to the rcquirC'111 u 1t s for app,•llcc's hri<.:f. 4. T im e of filing . (a) Ci 1: il cns1:s. T he opening brid o f th e appellant ( if th <' re he one in :idd it it111 •o 1h,· fH'~ition for a pp,:al ) s ha ll be fi kd in the clerk's ofiirc with in lift.>Pn rl ay~ af1t•r th e n n ' ipt hr i:01111s,:;l fo1· a ppt:l la n t o f the printed rc: rorcl, hu l in 110 even t less tha n t,n·nty-fivc da\'S bdorc t h e fi rst dav of the .ses~ion at which the ca,e is to lw !w ard. T he ·h1·id o f ·th e a ppd k c sh all he ·11 1,•<1 in t he clerk's offict not lall!r t h;i n ten davs hdor<' th e first day nf llw ;;,•s,;io11 at w hich t!J!' ca~e is t0 be h C'arcl. T lw rc·ply brie f ·or the ap1wilant shail lw fi led in t lH' tkrk's office tH;>l la1 er than the d ay before th e: fi rq day o f th e ::<·,~io n at which thC' rao. ,• i~ to hr heard. ( b ) Griminol ('rrscs. In c ri111i 11 nl cas,·s b rid~ mus t he filed within the time spccific1l i11 civil casl'S; p rovi,l<'cl, h1l\\'C'Y,' r, tliat i11 tho,c rnse, in ll'hit:h t he records ha,·c nnt hel'n p rinll'd and ,h-li vc·rc,l to co 11 11sc l ,i t k aq t\\'<·n ty-ti\'l' cl ay s before t he b eginning of the n ext scssinn of tlw rnu r l . such c;1,c•s ,,!n il h c phc1·d at the ioo t o i th l' clocl«:l for t h:,t s1·~si(ln o f t!H' court, anc\ rlw Cnmrn,, 11,\·,·alth's h ricf shall be fil ed at lra;;t 1<-n ,Jars prior lo t hr c·:dliwr r,f the ca .,c', an ,l t:a• r, plv h ri,•i io r the plaintiff in erro r not later than tlH' day lwi0re th l' ca ; e is ca lkd. (c) S1i JJ t1latin11 n; rom?.sl'7 rr .~ to fil i w1. Coun, el for <' ppo ~ing par tit:,- may fi ll' with till' clerk a writ1< n s tinulaticm ch:1!1.i:i ing tit,· tinw ior fi ling h rid;; in a ny C'a,c ; pro­ ,i,krl. howc,ver. that rd! l>rici~ m u , t he fil c.:c l nnl lat<'r th:in t ile dav hrfM c ~uch ca,c i, to hC' hrarcl. · 5. Number o f cooics to be filed and delivered to opposin g counsel. Twen ty ropies of cnr.h hrief sha ll h1: filed with the c lerk t•i tlw court. and at. leas t tw o copic·~ maik<l or dcli\'crcd to o pposing- cc>tm ~d on or bd ore the clny 0 11 which th e:: brief is f!krl. 6. Size and T ype. Ti rid >' :-hall be uin l' iuche~ in !<'11('.th ;ind six inchrs in width, so as lo conform in cl ir11<.: lbio11<. fo (l,c, printed n:rord, a nrl s hall he p rin t~d in typ e not k ss in size. as to heig h t an d wid (h. than t hr typ r in w h ich the record is prin fc<l. T h e record nnmhcr of the ca•c and nam es o f co11 11 , l·l s h nll hr printed on the front co,·cr o f ;i 11 bric.'i s. 7. N on-com plinn ce, effect of. T he c-i(·rk o f thi,, rourt is directer1 not to receive n r fi le a brief wl ich fail~ to comf) lv \I ilh !he :·,•qnircm i.:P,<; oi thi~ rule.
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