Technician North Carolina State University '5 Newspaper Since I920 Facult Senate Opposes Course Repeat I \ Poir ”T H)Lllllli

Technician North Carolina State University '5 Newspaper Since I920 Facult Senate Opposes Course Repeat I \ Poir ”T H)Lllllli

Technician North Carolina State University ‘5 Newspaper Since I920 Facult Senate opposes course repeat I \ poir ”t H)llllllili(‘t'\ i‘ l)ll\\ llrrrrsrlnx lrslr'rI II‘.I\HII* \\il\ Ilrr I I'T\‘~l‘ Irrreirrrr rrl lIIr rr'urrlrrlrvvrr mp1“, MIMI rlr.» rlrmrr 1.1r rt: :lrr (I<\\ I‘ In irr' r-r'rvr: 7r. sr'IIIIII’il .rIr In: Inn Ir.rIrrr (il‘t'itilllu “hill \ilttlliti ht' (itlllt' prrlrrx slrririlrl Ire «'IIIIIIII‘Ilr‘II (lrreI IIIIHIIi' lIrr* rt puri arIzrrIr Irrlll' Irrr 1H1. \ .rm prrlrrr. l1 Irma Irll!l rlrr rrr rr- .arll .r- Ire-Ir Ilrr klirrrrgr 'rrr,‘rr! .rrr n 7:. ~IIIIII'II IIrr Ir'purI 'rIrrtsr' re.r~rrrl~ nets Ilrrrl :‘Imlrr rir, rrrrI In rIr-IIrrI It'lr-‘IIl‘wr‘ m ‘iIIll'IJ rrr Iii-’l IIrr :II II: ;I'.rrr;' 'Iu zit Iiti I‘*r'l1‘I rrl rrlsrr rr:',':’ I rwérrrlrl I‘IlIlrII' Irrrsenrl Ilrw-r' about. poor students. Ille [‘It'I\'\\|‘I!IrII \rIII'III‘~. It'rrrrir rlrr IIIL'IIrre L‘lrlthr_ IrrIII H“ir rllrlrlr, I slrrp rr,r .rr. r.‘ .r.rrr i‘rrIIr,l rt rIIrI. Ir: urrrl '-,rrIe'rI~ [NfIHW'HHIkt'I‘N:ll't‘t‘1)l|\i(l(‘l‘i||u I'rIrIIl .I\r'I.I:‘r'\III.Il Ir IriI IIsr'Ir' II |I~r|\.IIrI( I\'\\I'r :’ tr ‘I‘III IIIrll iIIr‘ ( I<\\I’ IIIIH'M lrr rIII III'I rIIIvI ,‘lI'I \rlIIIrIrr ilrrirr! "-I Ilii It "Irnll!‘rr' III ‘i‘H-N‘ L’lli‘it‘lilN“- lIrrIlr L’Irlrir'R \Ilnrr .r \itlIII‘IIl in .rpplxrrr" ~~l|IrIr’lll« lexv l \II'IIKI“ err-Hr: 'IIrIr‘!‘rI-. IIrr \I'rrlllr‘r' Ir» H’rrrrexl» Ir-r m‘ l' r ‘rir ‘rrl ~r'rrrr'slrr I“ lll\ .‘lrl‘illrll‘r ~rIIrIIII r.‘ .Ii I'r' IIr'lr I r\lrII'|It\' iIIrr' IIII .rilr ~Illilii-iI‘V I like ri.l\\‘." rl AI) T 'Itl‘s lrrrl\\' thrill 'rIrILll' I‘w l‘rr 'll' r‘rrr .NIII! ‘.I‘I “l‘ ( “H” U \H'“ R Ir‘. rrlr rrl Ilr'rI ‘mIIrI \ir'vrrrr lrrrrr -. r IIIrIIirIIlI‘ t'rIrIlI rIII‘. lIir ( I\i\\l' vii-rrr . rr‘r irr‘rrirr rmr .Im' rr. , r' IIw rr-prrII rlt‘l‘IIr'llIIIlI' sIrrrlr rrI *I'IIJlrII \\erII‘. III' .Irlt‘l is All llIsllIlllIHllrIIIM. I It rzrrrrrIrxr' I» \r»rr:" I‘ll rrII‘r r',r1~1 rrr H urrrl I.IlIl ml. a, ‘ rm“ 'In «, _ ‘ixmw rrrnrrrrrIIer' .rskr‘rl In represent rillrir'ili rlrrrrr:‘ lII“II Iresr Ilrr.‘ reprrrr fl. rrrrnsr' rIrrrprI.rIe~ llIrI\ I «I. [Ilr' rrer‘rl III! .I ilrr \Irrrlr rr: 'r" rr: Irww'rsllrr is \( II t r‘ ,. r . ‘, .r .. rip (mm H. rrprlrrrrrrurr lIIr' Irrprr Ilrr‘ rr‘pnr: :Irees Ilr.rI Ilir'l l\’\\|' prrlrrr. Ire \|'1II"~I' repeal urrlrrrrrr pr I:.III\ IIHIII\ re. I‘llllllr‘lrrIs :l r‘rrr' :lr lrr rrlrx \r'rmlr‘ i: p \‘r I I M “‘3“ \ m.“ {W Ilrvr .nlrrrr srrrlrs rrrrrrrrrrllr'e .rI lIIr' ( IIIII“‘I' .rI‘rvlr-lr'rl IHI .rll rrrrrr ~r - Idler: Irrr IIrr IrrsI "Ilrerr' vrr-r sper rlrr Trnr'llll'lt‘lliirtllrlll \r‘I 3r rrltrrrrr ri prr-sr rrn T’Hr' »1rrrlr Ills on i H, II “M. Lump”, rrI \rrerrir.n\ \i-‘IIIIIIII‘, IIII enrnrple Irurks Irrrnwlrrrrrre rrr .IlIeI Ilrr l,1I‘ l‘t‘ti st‘ll|r'\It'l lrrrI \\r’ ll prulanrI. rrrmr Irrlxsrrirl rerlr rr prrrlmrrrrrr ‘Ilr Irrl‘ III'I‘rrik‘i .lt 'rr :ll :‘rmrl I ‘\ I I'II \r'rr.rlr r11 I! ~IIIIII‘IIIV I‘|\‘\|\'=Ir (II’\ M will -I\ ”W ”III ~\IIHIL‘ rlrrhis'lllrr I‘II'IHI-v I'm! In reporr rrr II‘MIIIIIIHII lrrr .r rimiree III rIlrIII Il .rr.rrlr'rrrrr sI.nIrlnr:j .II \( \1 «Mr I lil’ \ Ilr.rr irllr'r 1-» ( Is' \\ l’ nrrrrlrlrr .rlrrnrs. errrrrrrr.r-,'e .rn\ \\.I\ roll. I‘rrlmrrrn s.rrrl \Ke r.ur lrnrl \HIIIL‘IIIIII2' Ili.rI Irrer'Is dk.l(ik,'iiii\ 'rr‘ ml 'rrr l‘rrlu 'r lrIIIIIIIIllr rrrl |I.r\rre l’.rlrrrrrrri, Irlr.llII\ sermlrri rIII\| l’rrIIIrrrrIr s.rirl IIrrrs! srrrrlr IrIs rlrrir'I rreerIslrrI sIIIdeIIIsI' l’.rlrrrrrrri s.rld Mr SENAIE, l‘r.;« Packed parking lots show need for altematives I I here are e\p|;rn;rlioos \rr «Irrlr' .r p.1rlnrv‘ p.1ss .rI I‘Irrrrdn \I‘I’r I Iri\ers|r\ rum t1‘\l\ \i‘. IIMI I'or erooded eninpns sr Ir- I‘I 'AIII I‘lilI-I tr lhtli'slll‘.‘ rlrrls parking. I ots of them. in “mm W. [Ml \r-.rr .nrrl I.Il‘»\' IIs lilt'i- :rrqs s. run and Mn [\rIII.II|:' peirrrrI pirres mll lh .II \\n I n \l \Rll\ rIIIIHsl Irrple Irrr IIrrrsr' sIrIrIeIIIs,‘ Ire -!Iri l ‘ . H I \I \l r- rrlwr p|.r\rrr:' Lrlit Ir up v“ .. H { IIIEIIII' Ir .I Inc \rnrr III.I|III\’|I.IIIit‘ ‘ , ‘ , pirr Irrr p.rIl-_rrrrj Irrls .Illri "rllislllt' I y H‘ ‘i, I , I.‘ Irrr e\.rrrrple. IIIr' I)r\rsrrrrr at III EN“ I;.rrr~prrrIrrIrrrrr Il)(ll r pI.rIrs Iri . ,‘d In ppm rlrr prrlirru IrrI Ill IlrIlIl rrl \ i ‘ L I2:,r * rrnl I . 3 rrnrrlerrte Ir.rI|s .rIrrI . ‘ III II lir'lrrrrr‘,‘ III the Dan \ \r hirer. ‘ r Ilr IIIII lrr Irer'rr .Irrrrserl HI 1 ‘r-r‘ p.r:‘»,rrr:' strrkers II‘I | ‘ it ,uI II.’ .rrr .1~ impure IrrrvsI I/4) r V r\ ._,_H lrIiI.l!': wrl rr-' r,rrrrprrs Harris Lot. a C-zone parking area, is filled to capacity with cars, a predicament also common to other campus parking areas. 3 rip I spr r‘rI, Ix iIslllI' rrr Irrrri tr spur r pr \«rll ' -rrrvrl III?‘ In Ire Hire or r‘lri\ II|I\I‘ Irr r.rrr:prz '- r . ‘rr .rril IIrr-rr s\.\l_‘llrs rrrrnmper \‘r rl I‘\.:il;r s|I!rIrI:l~ l-l IIIIL‘ rtlk'lr‘ I‘rls ‘I‘lllr: :IF 'I.r ‘llM' -'I ~lHVr I l‘-'lI\"l‘-‘ l“'l’“" ”I “~ ““5“ " l lltiirl“ IIIe rrrrrrprrm iIi.Il Irrirrsrr' rru r! mt”, It” \r’ .141 ‘lr r Iris \ iris :\ .IIIII \idirrr'r ;: iI:r |)l‘.|s.r'ir I‘I Ilrlll'slltllIJlII‘ll ”h“ "l‘ ‘ ’1' l‘l“i ' "“ l-ll‘ l<.rler:':. iI.III\IIUII.IIIHII \\~Ierrrs .rrrrl rIrrmr rm :rrtlrr .llni ,rvrrt'r‘\r.:r s Ir y :w :rrrrm 'rsr':lIIr~ ~pr'rirrrI Irrr .rre “‘lil‘l” “HI "“5‘ ‘5 r‘ ”1'1”“ rrrm rrpr‘I.IIes IIIe \\r~|lIIIrr' sx-sIr-rr; irlk‘_ l‘l'rII"lII.IlI Irrerrrllx Ill".ii"l|'ilr'lri ll vi . ..rr' " .' irrrr rrs l).rr I I . s ‘s at 'srrrrxlrlr Irerrrrrsr' [lie "I' p.rIlerr-_' "ll "W“ *i-l" is rr'p|.rr IIIL' rrlrl I~rises iIIr‘ rreuer Ilr.r: .r r rule-:r'r rumpus slrr I rIt‘. Ir.r'rr \“ I Y iI II \ rs Irrsr r r I ‘I'xu .Ilr‘ .IIr‘IIIIrI lr‘\|tI\'llsl' II.r|I~ \“l'nmil‘V‘ rrrrrrlels lr.r\e IIIL’IIt'I rrrrxrr rrx \srrle; ’I'.III\ rIlIrI lI\i(' \kv‘h rein?‘- ‘\ ‘ 1. ‘ l:.rt. rrr Ir I» [Imam .IIIrI \IIIIHJII ulrere '“MII‘” I'r- .rrsles .Illri rlrurrs Irrr !.rsIr'i Il‘.IIi||i1' IIII' p.1rls .rirrl Irrlr' M's _. rs , lr rrrwJ sllirIK'lll‘\ Mrrs rue l‘rllht'ti IN \l [hurl ‘IHrr's rIrr r In Ir‘I‘r' ~rzrrt .rrirl IIvIIt‘Jrilili' \IIlrIr"ll~ rIIr\r' Irr .r rIII rrl‘ brim! “"1 i" "“i 'I‘ I” "I: M‘ '7 a Il't ‘.I\'ll\ir'riIl,ll\‘ \rr-II snail rrlIeI r I.l‘~\I‘*~ [Ils'lr' an .r \er‘rl lIrrsr' “list"- Ir I.rIr\r'I\ rlrrse In r.|rrII‘rr* \‘rilr'lr' ‘il-l'llrll‘x rImH'rrsr II p: r: Irer.rrrsr \\‘ ‘r r l rlr' lirrrrr Ilrr Ilre rrIIreI |r.nrrl, \rrrtl stirrI IIIe Irrr errrlr Il‘r‘rI worr- l’.rss.*rr:'r'rs IIre INII \\III swirl III Irll .r‘\rr rr [‘t'lllil‘r\ .rvr rr~I ierrorierl llrerr, Ilar'x rrI I'llt'rIIII” Irrrrrrrir Irrrzrr "‘ i‘-‘”"”¥ rr r' ; nil Itrr' .lerI l p.rrkrrI" set IIIIII rrlr r.rlrrprrw! I.».rrI .rrrrl rIIIlrmrI men I‘ rrrrrrrrles l‘r'\\ Irrkr' Inks III Ilrr Ii\\' I..I\s IIrllI‘rlh‘IIJIII‘YI Eur rm .rIr'.rs I'rr'l-rrr, pr" 'irrl tees lrrIIrI 'r r- Ir» , l'r s In I rrsr-rl IrrnsII\ In Ilrrrse srrrrlerrIs \xIrr- -.rrrl I ‘IIII\ Her \ il.llI‘.;\r'll.|Ilril \‘ll.‘I'\I'\‘rI r‘i r Irrrrpw rerrt.rr=rrlr' «it IIrr' Irip Hrrr srrrlr Ir-I r:plrr'r p Second CHASSnet draws big crowd I ( ‘ll \SSne gore hundreds of sIrirIerrIs Ir» II\'l\\-III\ \\ rIir r rrrrrp.r:rrr s "I hm e hupp) l'eet.‘ (.rrrrl \rlrrrrerlr'r rI\\l‘I r.rIr‘ rfrrr'. :rrr at tile humanities students a ehonee to meet ‘ _ (.Ilt'r'l l‘l.rrrirrrrv .rrrrl l’l.rrerrrr'rrI ( r‘rrrr‘r s.rrrl professionals \\ ho oork in their fields. (UikI Rl15‘lii}.. ‘-IlI\Ir'IIi\ rrr rrrrrr Ir*rl,rrrr.rl Irelrls .rre r-lIrIr no: Iiilil' UI‘L‘llIii/CI' Mun} rrlL IIrr‘ r' rrrrrt p.rIIrs Ilrr'rr r.rrr'ers Ih tun Surln \ \"IIH it‘ i\‘\\ llrr' l.rrr :rrr Irrrlnrv IIi\I Ixrrrrnr .rrr~.l Irrrlr‘rerrrrrs \I.II \ \\ lrr‘rr‘ .r sr‘rrrrrr III Irrrsr'rress Irurrr.i:'errrerrl \s |Il,lll\ rs \lltl sIrrrlr'rrI- Ir-rri .rl\.nrl.rrr' I‘I IIrr’ H‘s..l., r ‘~\'I\ rtes Iirrrrs I \r‘lr lire linr‘ .III‘r Isrrlis‘ .IIIri r irrrrrrrrrrrrr ,till'll ‘nllsi IIrr' I.I!I p.rrrl ml! In: her (II \\\ Ilr‘l\‘-r‘lI\III:' I.r.r lr..'srlrr\ IIr.rI s .r Mr 'I rrr:r ' IrrIr‘r: _'re.;: rzrrrrrrrmlrrrr: Irrrrrr I.rrrrrlr.n [It‘lrr‘lli |!|r lt'.l\t' III .Illr IlIirliirI our l.rsI \r-.rr'\ \\ Ir.rI I III iHIIIslIIL' lur .Irr II_Ir Il\‘|\ 'r\| II | sl'lili\.lirr\‘ ..:r ! srrrrrr llunr 'rr \rr lrrn'rlr rvI.

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