t?3Fd|n l$m oltS fb. ro2401t (Ra. l$S) United States tleparEnentof the Inbrior National Park Service NationalReglster of HistoricPlaces RegistrationForm li.fdm a hr u{ h nonidtif o. E$rdinC d.brmindin ic indivirud p.oF(*&d di.Oict S.. intudbn h rbr bCdrrbb h.faliddn tn,dHke p6t ttitttl;oo ran ({rto.t l R.!iib.BulLin lt Cond6..dr ibm ? in tt.prrord:b !q sby.nbdng ttr irldhcloi rqrdd. I ery ibrnd06 not.pdyb ' ). trirti.t r^:t!.lsaTtlicabb'. Forf5dona, arttibobrd chr.di:.0on, 6.biab, r*l @. ot aifalk nca,ariF onlyc.bfsb..d sbc.i.9o.i.tom tn i n mlt\a lsrr o|l codiou.lbn.n .b 0.lPSFo.rn lGgb). U.. r !?3{ir;e., hld Plo.-$r, or comF/t f io compLi!.n ibm!. l. Narneof Property historicneme The F.mamBuildino othernemes/silenumber Dm:o12/H142 2. Location street & number 1607-1617Farnam Street notfor publicationIl city or town Omaha vicinityil state l{ebraska code NE county ftnuglas code 55 zip code 58102 3. State/FederalAqencv Certiftcation A8 the &sigfttted auhodityun&r lhe NatimalHiEloric Pr6svalbn Act ot lS6, s snErxlcd,I her€bycs.tfy thattfib lxl nminatim 0 r€qud fol det€tmheiioalof efigful'lym€€tg the doqrrEntdixl €landa]& tor r€gH€fiatgptopslbg In th€ Nalinal Registerd Hhfo{icPhc€3 lnd me€lsf|e Focedu-€l and pr*Esi)||al rcquir€rn€nE3C fodh in S CFR PsrtS. ln rry q,inin, the p|oFrty lxl mc€ts0 do€Ertot m€€t tlF NatkxElR€f*Ets Cdt€rE" I recomr€nd Signatutc nirrtor. NehraskaState Histnricel S^ciefy Stetc or Fcderal agcrrcy and burau In my opinion,the propertyI neds 0 doesnc[ rnee{the NationalRegister criteria. ([ Seecontinmtion sheed for addiborlalcornnents.) Stgneturc d cefttying dficiaUTltle Date Slatc or Federal agcncy and burcau tl. National Park Service Certification l, herebycertify that this propefi is: [Jentered in the NationalRegister. 0 Seecontinuation she€{. I determinedeligible for the NationalRegister. B Seecontinuation shee{. I deterrninednc{ elQible for the NdionalRegi$er. tl remwed from the National Register. 0 cther,(erplain): Signafure cf Keepcr Datr of Actio{t q, ncYN rpPr &e"*a Farnam Building Douglas County, Nebraska Name of Propefi Countyand State 5. Glassification Ownershipof Property Categoryof Property Numberof Ressurceswithin Property (Checkas manyboxes as apply) (Checkonly one box) (Do not includepreviously listed resources in the count.) txl private tX building(s) Contributing Noncontributing t1 public-local tl district 10 buildings t1 public-state tl site sites t1 public-Federal tl structure structures il object objects 10 Total Nameof relatedmultiple property listing Numberof contributingresources previously (Enter"N/A" if propertyis not partof a multipleproperty listing.) listedin the NationalRegister N/A 6. Functionor Use HistoricFunctions CurrentFunctions (Entercategories from instructions) (Entercategories from instruction) COM M E RC Efl-MD E / bu s i n ess/ p rofess io n a I /s oec ia lty store WORKIN PROGRESS /restaurant DOMESTIC/mu ltiple dwel ling COMM ERCE/TMDE/specia lty store 7. Description Arch itectural Classification Materials (Entercategories from instructions) (Entercategories from instructions) MIVED/SIrI I iva nesclr re/Goth ic RevivaI foundation Concrete walls Brick,Limestone, Bron-o, Terra Cotta Roof-SynlIetic other NarrativeDescription (Describethe historicand currentcondition of the propertyon one or morecontinuation sheets.) Farnem Building Dduglas CountyFltlebraska Namcof Prop8rv Countyand Siat6 8. Statementof Siqnificance Applicable NationalRegister Criteria Areas of significance (Mark"*' in oneor moreboxes for the criteriaqualifying the propertyfor (Entercat€ories from instruclions.) NationalR€ister listing.) -CommerceArchitectu re DC A Propertyis associatedwith events that have made a significantcontribution to the broad patterns of ourhistory. tl B Propertyis associatedwith the livesof persons significantin ourpast. Xl C Propertyembodies the distinctivecharacteristics of a type,period, or methodof constructionor representsthe work of a master,or possesseshict' r" artisticvalues, or representsa significantand l:{fl"".f"significance distinguishableentity whose components lack 1929-1950 individualdistinction. t] D Propertyhas yielded, or is likelyto yield informationimportant in prehistoryor history. SignificantDates L929 GriteriaConsiderations (Mark'1"in allthe boxesthat apply.) Propertyis: SignificantPerson tl A ownedby a religiousinstitution or usedfor religiouspurposes. (Completeif CriterionB is markedabove.) tl B removedfrom its original location. N/A I C a birthplaceora grave. GulturalAffiliation il D a cemetery. N/A t] E a reconstructedbuilding, object, or structure. tl F a commemorativeproperty. il G lessthan 50 yearsof ageor achievedsignificance ArchitecUBuilder withinthe past50 years. GeorgeB. Prinz ByronReed Company / ParsonsConstruction Co. Narrative Statement of Sig n ificance (Explainthe significance of the property on one or morecontinuation sheets.) 9. Maior Biblioqraphical References Bibliography (Citethe books,articles, and othersources used in preparingthis form on one or morecontinuation sheets.) Previousdocumentation on file (NPS): PrimaryLocation for AdditionalData: tl preliminarydetermination of individual listing il StateHistoric Preservation Office (36CFR 67) has been requested. il OtherState agency tl previouslylisted in the NationalRegister tl Federalagency tl previouslydetermined eligible by the National il Localgovernment Register il University il designateda National Historic Landmark lxl Other il recordedby HistoricAmerican Buildings Survey Nameof repository: #_ HistoricalSociety nf ForrglasCorrnty tl recordedby HistoricAmerican Engineering Cityof OmahaPrrhlic Lihrary - DowntownBranch Record# LocalGovernment Doug les Cnunty. tehraske tLnc d Propcrty CounVend S 10.Geoqraphacal Data Acteage of Property lessthan one UTM References(place additional UTM references on a continuationsheet). Zone Eas$ng Northing Zone Easting Northing 1. 15 253900 471270 3. 2. 4. I Seecontinuation sheet. Verbal Boundary D,escription (fhsclbe the bourdaries of the prope$ on a continuation she€i.) Boundary Justification (E pft*r whythe bourdariesupre selectedon a contintntionshed.) 11. Fom PreparedBy namertitle MartinKluck- Intem Architect oryanization Alley PoynerArchitec+urp dale t{ovemberlr.lggq street & number L213Jones Sbeet tefephone 402-341-1q44 city or town Omaha state NE zip code 58102 Atritional Documentation Suffi tlre follorvirg itsns witr the comple{edform: Gontinuation Sheets Maps A USGSmap f/.5 or 15 minuteseries) indicating the property'slocation. A $*etch map for historicdistricts and propertieshaving large acreage or numerousresources. Photographs Representativeblack and white photographsof the property. Addilional items (Ch€€t{with fie SHPO or FPO for any additbnal items.) _Property Owner (Comdds thb tom at the requedd the SHPOof FPO.) namenitle 1613 Famam Sheet Limitpd Partnership strcet & number1025 LeavenworthStreet telephone402-345-8000 city or townOmaha state NE zip code 68102 f.Frrrt t ar.br m r:D* Tlri. iildri.lbn E b.ing oolLEbdfo. gii{id. b i}, N.tioi.l R.gbbr d Hi.bb Pts b ronind proFn6 lo. kring lid!.op.tq &db.hrd o(diiglidirEl Rr4'qE bbt rquar b Equild bohin. !.i.ft in *conl$.. rih ti. tttir.d ftib* PE Nrrbn BhI a.nhr rfC Plolb ctoin'g lsrLi lo. tni. f.m ir..tindd b.\rr.g! 16.l nour Fr r.!p..E imtdb tr. fri. for rriaine inituctirB oqnpb6tt,6'wi'{'inrth.lo.m.oiEdcohnttrFn|inghi.bud.n6li'!.bo.fy!P..td,6lor'fb}.dl''^dninErdins.rvic.tIviibr'tl.ijddP.fsdvic., wd|Nl.bn. E zDl97127i .||d tl]. Ofica .a M.rEfcrr.r{ .nd Budg.( PrF$.r R.ducinr Proird fl(n1et !), wldx.ngbo, t)c 2056. OMB No. '102+0018 [iui"-t*too" United StatesDepartment of the Interior NationalPark Service NationafRegister of HistoricPlaces GontinuationSheet FarnamBuildino Name of Property Douolas Countv. Nebraska County and State Section 7 Page 1 NanativeDescription The FamamBuilding at 1607-1617Famam Street in Omaha,Douglas County, Nebraska is a sevenslory commercial buildingwith a full basementand sidewalkvault builtin 1929in an Eclectic/Sullivanesque/ArtDeco/Gothic Revival style. It is locatedin the middleof the blockon the southside of FamamStreet between 16'n and 17'nStreets. This flat-roofed rectangularbuilding measurcs 132' x 50'. Therear€ I total of 7 struc{uralbays, which in tum formthe basisfor lhe originallyplanned six commercialtenanls and elevatorlobby serving the upperfloors. The buildingpertially bears on the wes{wall of the brickhigtFrise histodc First National Bank Building to its east. Wh€nthe buildingwas originally ereded, the fourththrough seventh floors ofthe westwall overlookedenother building. There is nowa ten-storystruc'turc on lhis side. The southside has enameled brick to the windowsills of the fourthfloor. An unglazedbrick was used above this. The FamamStreet elevetion has a limestonebase to the headsof the secondfloor windows. Above this the walls achievea verticalitywith bdckpilasters flanking windows with omamentalbronze spendrel panels between them. Above the seventhfloor windows is a limeslonecrown with omamentelrelief that terminatesin a monumental,Decc.style battlement. The seven-story,omately detailed Famam Building at 1607-1617Famam Street in Omahs,Nebraska was constructedin 1929fof the useof retailtenants, as the corporateoffices of the ByrcnReed Company (on the secondfloor), as well as professionaloffices on floorthree through seven. This sectionof do$rntownOmaha was coming to the end of its multl yearrenovation of replacingoriginal stick-frame and low.risemasonry buildings with substantialand architec{urally significanthigh-rise buildings.
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