MVUYJI LU, IJYV JY VLnIJ Broadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO New ASCAP contract could mean big savings for TV p.21 Suit against WB -7A could have far -reaching effects p.23 ,i\c-P` Debates out, convention set and 315 still a question p.28 aJI AV. L ß P.i' NATRA's delegates pledge swing to black action p.30 ó .Lß COMPLETE INDEM PAGE 7 i-+ N o Honored agai We won our first award in 1965. And now, we proudly accept another. The American Bar Assoc aticn resents this year's Silver Gavel Award to WMAL -Rad o for its contriaution "to the American system of law and justice" wí:h the docu -nentary series, "Perspective -C.C. Crime Report ", produced by the WMAL Radio Public Affars Department. National Representatives: McGavre- Guild -PGW Radio, inc. Green Bay's Other Championship Team Weather/ News/ Sports For over fifteen years 6:00 - 6:30 PM Feb. - March '68 ARB the WBAY -TV FIRST Team WBAY -TV 66,400 Homes 56 Share 93,200 Adults STATION Y 25,700 Homes 22 Share 38,700 Adults has led the way. STATION Z No Local Weather /News /Sports Weather /News /Sports They're still the best. 10:00 - 10:30 PM Feb. - March '68 ARB WBAY -TV 67,100 Homes 56 Share 96,200 Adults STATION Y 42,800 Homes 36 Share 62,800 Adults STATION Z 9,800 Homes 8 Share 13,800 Adults 'Subject to limitations of survey Put the FIRST Team to work for you WBAY GREEN BAY " See your Blair Representative The Resultstation Oscar Gets An Award... That's News ! Oscar Garvin Berry is KTRK-TV's probing news- man, political pundit and civic gadfly. We're proud of Oscar's "Oscar." It could be called 'Best Perform- ance By a Reporter in an Investigative Role.' KTRK -TV News is performing too. Check the facts. More people are watching us than ever before. Our Late News (Mon -Fri, 10 -10:30 PM) has enjoyed a 30% increase in homes delivered in the last year alone.' Oscar Garvin Berry is one part of the KTRK -TV news story. For the rest of it, ask your Blair man. Or ask Oscar's colleagues; they're shooting for an Emmy. KTRK -TV HOUSTON CAPITAL CITIES BROADCASTING CORPORATION NEWS MED,Iia AYARJ3 OF THE HOUSTON BAR ASSOCIATION 1968-1969 TELEVISION STA11O KTRK - TV, CHANNEL 13 THE TELEVISION STATION MAKING THE MOST CONSTRJCTIVE CONTRIBUTION E TO THE SCIENCE OF JURISPRUDENCE AND ADVANCEMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE !N THE GREATER HOUSTON AREA `Source: Houston ARB, Feb /March, 1967 -1968 BRCADCASTING, August 26, 1968 3 a UTHOUIT8TIV6 R6PORTI nc OHflfl6L 4 news 4 DITIOfl3 D8ILU The Dallas -Ft. Worth market - Growing ... Thriving ... Pulsating! An area with an increasing amount of important events creating a need for authoritative reporting. Chan- nel 4's professional newsmen keep a constant vigil on the happenings with up- to- the -minute, reliable re- porting - where it happens, when it happens. Pole -to -pole, across the nation, around -the -corner, KRLD -TV news is first, fast, and factual. Contact your H -R representative to place your next schedule in the happenings of the Dallas -Ft. Worth market. represented nationally by 4 f0 KRLU-TV The Dallas Times Herald Station CLYDE W. REM BERT, President - FT 4 BROADCASTING, August 26, 1968 Cold seat CLOSED CIRCUIT' More and more it looks to insiders as if vacancy on FCC may stay that 1969 way until new President takes office staff. In two- inch -thick report, staff -70 season, and those westerns next January. It's reasoned that Presi- says proposals, which would restrict that are being offered stress their non- dent Johnson has larger problems to ability of stations to switch affiliations violent theme. At least one top pro- grapple with (including unresolved away from ABC, are probably illegal graming executive of major film studio thinks nonviolent dispute in Senate over confirmation and certainly counter to commission climate is going to of his Supreme Court appointees). policy. (In outlawing option time lead to return of medical series to net- work TV and resurgence Not only that, he may be disinclined years ago, commission made much of also of half - hour programs. to stir up new trouble with nomina- importance of stations' freedom in tion to agency that regulates his fam- choosing own programing; in Decem- ber 1966 majority opinion in ABC -ITT ily's broadcast interests. FCC seat has No incentive deals been open since Lee Loevinger left merger case, commission condemned forcing changes in affiliation of indi- at end of his term last June 30. NBC is understood to be revising vidual stations as means of equaliz- affiliation agreements with stations in ing competition among networks). Test of taste two -VHF markets as result of prod Staff says reversal of policy would from FCC. Commission staff is said to Showdown on personal -products ad- he justified only if strong showing have found that those contracts pro- vide vertising on TV could be closer than were made that ABC is in serious eco- incentive payments for clear- anybody thought. TV board of Na- nomic difficulty; and ABC's economic ances of network programing; and says, is There is commission from in- tional Association of Broadcasters in position, staff strong. prohibited CBS June rejected TV code board's recom- also serious question, staff says, as to corporating such provisions in its af- mendation that ban on such advertis- whether commission should take sides filiation contracts several years ago. in economic competition among net- is said ing he lifted, remanding issue to code NBC to have agreed to revise works. board for further study at next Decem- contracts in question. Staff has recom- mended that commission get progress ber's meeting ( BROADCASTING, June report on those revisions. 24). But Alberto -Culver. whose com- Round and round mercials for its FDS feminine deo- Staff is said to have uncovered dorant spray were at least theoretically Now that end of road is in sight in questioned provisions in its study of grounded by that decision, isn't wait- long negotiation toward new licenses proposals to afford ABC -TV protec- ing. Officials say they're lining up sta- for TV- station use of music of Amer- tion against raids on its affiliates in tions and that spray commercials - ican Society of Composers, Authors two -VHF markets (see above). In re- considered in excellent taste by many and Publishers (see page 21), still other lated development, staff is recommend- broadcasters and apparently also by music- license issues loom. Pending ing that commission revitalize 1962 code members -will shortly be run- settlement of ASCAP case, TV sta- rulemaking proposal to require pub- ning in 30 markets. tions' licenses for Broadcast Music lic filing of network -affiliation con- catalogue have been on tracts. Kicker in controversy, though, may inc. extension, subject to 90-day cancellation notice, he new Alberto -Culver product, FDS but even before talks start on those bath oil. Code authority says that, to Paper transfers there's of BMI radio- station be consistent with TV board's refusal matter licenses. w lift personal-products ban, it's held Current ones expire end of In wake of thrashing it received on that TV advertising of bath- oil -prod- September. Preliminary talks are ex- Capitol Hill in case involving transfer uct is also unacceptable. Alberto -Cul- pected to start before then, but timing of Overmyer construction permits, ver officials, however, say they not suggests they, too, will need temporary FCC is moving toward rulemaking only haven't been informed of that extension to give chance for full aimed at prohibiting trafficking or negotiations. rule hut. indeed, are lining up spot - speculating in construction permits. TV campaign and, in addition, have Proposal. expected to he considered been told by all three TV networks No rough stuff by commission soon, possibly this that bath -oil commercials are accept- week, would codify existing policy able. So they may run network cam- Issue of violence on television still and precedent by requiring hearing paign too. Kicker is that all three TV burns hot in Hollywood this summer on CP transfer application that would networks have representatives on code (BROADCASTING. Aug. 19). Hawaii net seller more than his out -of- pocket hoard. Five -O, The Outsider and Mannix. expenses in processing application and all having violence as integral part in construction. of plot lines, are among those Protection Proposal goes further, though, in protested series having most trouble. Produc- attempting to deal with speculation - tion people concede that if these Proposals of FCC Commissioners agreement itr which seller retains shows had not been sold or already Kenneth A. Cox and Robert E. Lee minority interest that buyer has op- on air at time of Senator Kennedy's for restraining network -affiliation prac- tion to acquire at more than seller's assassination, they would not have tices in effort to strengthen ABC -TV's made network schedule. out -of- pocket expenses. Such agree- competitive position (BROADCASTING. ment would be set for hearing unless May 6) are scheduled to come up for As another sign of antiviolence re- showing could he made that it con- commission consideration this week action, very few if any private -eye forms with letter and spirit of anti- -drenched in cold water thrown by programs are being developed for trafficking policy. BROADCASTING. August 26, 1968, Vol. 75. No. 9. Published every Monday, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS Inc.. 1735 DeSales Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington.
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