Weather ' 1 km. <#sm*m if. today 'r,V ijur.wi7ui.tath, mid*. Etoar tonight with a Unr of 1* to / 20,975 wo on toe tout, S below m ] Independent Daily f bland. Tomorrow (air, Mgfa in [ mnMrnaamrmMr~**r.m J the Mi. See weather, page 2. Dial SH I-0010 uiuid ittllr, Htntxt ttwrac* Wit!. Sauna Cup* VOL. 85, NO. 121 Paid « 8*1 Bttk u>4 u M41UOUI llaUInf OKI RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE Monmouth Regional Addition Voted Doutife Ask .4 Million NEW SHREWSBURY - Vot- state has to change. I would in Trenton for a new tax base, The president of the Board of by this vote are the studeotfifc:/' ers yesterday defeated the pro- like to see the people who that will take some of the toad Education, Gordon W. Bartie the school. We cannot malgjjffi " posal to build a $1,790,000 ad- worked so hard against this of school costs off home own- said: the level of quality of educa- dition to the Monmouth Re- referendum work just as hard ers." '/' , "The people who have lost tion we have here now without gional High School by 220 votes the rooms and the educational Budget for Schools out of a total of 1,828 votes tools to do it with. The voter*";' cast. , did not give us what we need; MIDDLETOWN - The Board budget would raise the local tax custodial and maintenance per- The tally against the school the children are. going to take of Education introduced a ten- rate 23 cents per $100 assessed sonnel and a new vice principal was 1,028 to 808. < it on the chin." ' tative 19634964 school budget of valuation. in the high school. Traditionally "pro - school" Up To Voters $5,427,797 last night. The current rate is $2.68. Thi The'board also has increased New Shrewsbury turned down Neither Mr. Bartie nor any The proposed budget is $735,- includes the school, county and its expenditures for books, sup- the school addition in every other school board member 068 higher than' the current oper- municipal rate. Mr. Davidheiser plies and library books. polling place, to give a total would say what the future plans ating budget. The proposal will said his rate estimate was based Guide Raised vote of 704 against the proposal of the board are about the de- require a tax levy of $3,837,834. on assessed valuations in the to 511 in favor. The board raised its teacher feated school addition. The new tax levy is $635,533 township of $200 million. Eatontown districts 1 and 3, salary guide by $200 on each step 'The voters decide this ques- more than the tax' levy required The bulk of the increase in the hi all categories. Thus teachers balloting at the fire house gave tion, not the school board," to meet the current budget. new.budget covers pay hikes for will receive an average pay boost a narrow margin in favor of one said. "The voters have James' W. Davidhelser, board teachers administrators and cus- of $400. This is composed of the the proposal — 171 to 167. Dis- spoken. This means that no secretary, estimated that the todians; funds for new teachers, $200 guide raise plus the annual tricts 2 and 4, however, voting matter what we do, there will $200 increment. at Memorial School turned it be double sessions here for at The new salary guide provides down by 135-71. The borough least two years. That's what the the following ranges: bachelor's total was 302-242 against. electorate voted for and so it HA,Mrs.Wason degree-$4,800 to.$7,9M; master's Shrewsbury Township gave its appears that's what they want.", degree~$5,000 to $8,400; and usual favorable vote, but by The Turn-out master's degree plus 32 credits— a narrower margin than usual, The votes were cast in Ea- $5,200 to $8,900. 54-21. tontown by 25 per cent of those Continue Battle The board plans to hire 46 new New Shrewsbury Results eligible - 544 out Of 2,143 teachers; another librarian, five registered. •••:.•• incident to City Council last night New Shrewsbury's four poll- LONG BRANCH-Though con- custodians, two maintenance Unexpected Contrast and asked that the city legal de- ing places turned in these re- tending she was a legally-ap- workers plus the. assistant high In New Shrewsbury, 45'per partment do "end this dictatorship sults: Tinton Falls, 177 for and pointed member, Councllwoman school principal. cent of the voters went to the Lucy Wilson, was rebuffed yester- of the Housing Authority over 277 against; Wayside, 13 for The budget is based on an an- polls - 1,215- out of 2,721 reg- day by the city Housing Authority the wishes of City Council as the and 80 against; Swimming Riv- GRIM TIDINGS —Result! of last night's voting on tha Monmouth Regional High ticipate enrollment of 11,300 pu- istered. ••••••; when she tried to take part in an elected representatives of the er, 153 for and 222 against, and pils. The current enrollment is School addition proposal are bad news to these supporters of the plan viewing the In Shrewsbury. Township, authority meeting. people." Sycamore School, 16B for and set at 10,489. final tally in the high school. Proposal wat defeated by a vot» of 1,02?,.to 808. votes were cast by 19 per cent When she refused to leave, the : Mayor Thomas L. MoClintock 175 against. The board also plans to pur- of the electorate — 75 out of five men on the authority voted said the position of the authority At the high school, a good- Left to right are Philip Pickering, 14, a freshman in the school; Gordon Bartie, prei- chase three new schools buses. 339 registered. unanimously to. adjourn. They was "high handed and imperti- sized group of citizens gathered It will turn in two old buses as ident of regional Board of Education and Mrs. John M. Kline, Hop* Rd.. New walked out leaving her alone in nent." He said it had no righl to watch the election results In an unexpected contrast to tradeins on the new ones. Shrewsbury, wife of fha chairman of the Setter Education Committee. the audience seats. to veto any appointment by the come in with the Board of Ed- (See ADDITION, Page 2) Besides taxes, the board has Chairman Daniel J. Maher said council. The council took no for- ucation. mal action, however.' appropriated $200,000 from sur- Just after the final count, the authority had "refused to plus and anticipates receiving meet In, her presence" on grounds Actually Mrs. Wilson's authority a school boy, Philip Pickering, a $1,153,963 in state aid. It also there with his father, ran, to •he was not member, that her status is in a sort of limbo. anticipates receiving $200,000 in appointment had never "been con- She was appointed in October tell the news to his music teach- tuition for Keansburg High er, Fred C. Carusoe, who was firmed by the city, the Depart' to succeed Rev. Herbert L. Linley School students. ment of Housing, or the Depart- who had moved to Las Vegas. entering the school. ment of Conservation and Eco- The cleric's letter of resignation Public Questions "We failed," he said, near Icy Weather Holds nomic Development." CIty Manager Richard J. The current expense section of tears. "They voted against the Mr. Maher said he "lilies" Mrs.Len was read to council at a the budget is set at $4,642,335. school." Wilson, but that she is "very con- caucus but never, as far as can Capital outlay is set at $108,501 "We didn't fail," the teacher troversial." He said since she is be determined so far, at an of- while $678,941 has been budgeted replied calmly. "They failed," in litigation with the authority ficial meeting before the Wilson for debt service. Board members and citizens over values of her properties ac- tppointment. The board also is asking voter who had worked for the refer- quired in the authority's Shrews- 4 tot Vote approval -on three other items. endum were dejected or angry, in bury Riverfront redevelopment The. vote on Mrs. Wilson's ap- One involves transfer of $10,000 according to their natures. project, she could not serve. pointment was 4 to 3 and came from the current expense ac- Tears were seen in the eyes Reporb Incident when there were two council va- count to capital outlay to be ap- of Philip's elders. It will be cold and breezy hour northwest winds today, Mr. Mrs. Wilson told reporter* she cancies. Both have since been plied toward construction of a "As long as the school mon- Monmouth County today.as ui Martin said. - I was informed by the chairman filled. running track behind the ey Is the only tax the people seasonably icy weather and gusty Cold as it is today, it was a (he could neither attend an au- When Councilman Samuel A. school. This will.not require ad- can -vote against, the schools raw winds hoi* a vise-like grip lot colder- two years ago this thority meeting nor look at min- Marks, who opposed her appoint- ditional tax money. are going to get it in the neck,"' on most of the eastern two-thirds date. Weather Bureau records! utes of past meetings. She said ment, asked far • legal opinion The second question asks ap- Bud Gottesman, a member of of the nation.
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