MSG13 Organising Committee E. Oriol-Pibernat, ESA Y. Govaerts, EUMETSAT M. Pooley. EUMETSAT Publication: Proceedings of the 3··<1MSG RAO Workshop, 15 June 2006, Helsinki, Finland (ESA SP-619, August 2006) Editor: D. Danesy, ESA Publications Division Published and distributed by: ESA Publications Division ESTEC, Postbus 299 2200 AG Noordwijk 'Inc Netherlands Printed in: The Netherlands Price: € 30 ISBN: 92-9092-930-8 ISSN: 0379-6566 Copyright: © 2006 European Space Agency SP-619 August 2006 Proceedings of the 3rctMSG RAO Workshop 15 June 2006 Helsinki, Finland European Space Agency Agence spatiale europeenne FOREWORD Evangelina Oriol-Pibernat Yves Govaerts MSG & MetOp Mission Manager Remote Sensing Scientist ESA/ESRIN EUMETSAT The Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) series ensures the continuity of the Meteosat data and services, but also provides improved observations in terms of spectral coverage, radiometric accuracy and data repeat rate. This represents an opportunity for research in many domains of Earth Sciences, not previously addressed by Meteosat. The MSG Research Announcement of Opportunity (RAO) provided a structured framework for demonstrating the value of the MSG mission to innovative research in various Earth Sciences disciplines and for investigating the potential implications for the evolution of the operational services. The European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological satellites (EUMETSAT) announced this opportunity to the worldwide scientific community in September 1998. Candidate Principal Investigators (Pis) were encouraged to submit research proposals using data from the MSG satellite series on: Innovative scientific investigations in areas such as hydrology and land surface processes atmospheric research oceanography climate research Calibration of MSG data and validation of geophysical products Investigation of new algorithms, including demonstration of new experimental products and of their value for research. There were in total 43 projects jointly selected by ESA and EUMETSAT in November 1999, following a peer evaluation process initiated in February of the same year. Five of such projects were withdrawn, mainly for lack of resources. The topics addressed in the investigations cover most of the foreseen RAO objectives, many going beyond, particularly for what refers to environmental issues. Considering their leading role in MSG-relevant research, the selected Pis and their Co-Investigators (Co-Is) had access to required real-time and archived MSG data and products, even during the commissioning. Such data were provided by EUMETSAT. whilst ESA delivered necessary complementary data from ESA Earth Observation satellites. also free of charge. The first MSG PI Workshop organised in Bologna. Italy, 17-19 May 2000. started this dialogue between the Investigators and the ESA and EUMETSAT relevant staff. A key objective was to deliver the latest information on the MSG mission objectives, capabilities and plans in order to enable all investigators to optimize their own investigation plans. A second objective was to have an overview and initial discussion of the planned investigations, including the associated needs for EUMETSAT (Meteosat, MSG) and ESA data (ERS & Envisat). A number of recommendations were formulated, as for instance to increase the delivery capabilities of the U-MARF, and were taken into account by ESA and EUMETSAT. The proceedings were published by ESA (SP-452). The second MSG RAO Workshop (9-10 October 2004, Salzburg, Austria) was the first opportunity for ESA and EUMETSAT to present the status of the mission after its successful launch in 2002 and for the Pis to present the first results since the start of routine operations in early 2004. The proceedings were published by ESA (SP-582) The third and final Workshop ( 15 June 2006, Helsinki, Finland) was the occasion for the scientists to provide tangible results about their investigations, after having had access to MSG- I data for over two years. Being organised in parallel with the EUMETSAT Conference , it was also a good occasion for them to meet with the EUMETSA T user community at large. Attendees to the Workshop were informed about the successful MSG-2 launch in December 2005 and about the final stages of its commissioning. Thus, it was assured the continuity of the MSG data stream, which was a key issue for keeping their interest in follow-on investigations with the MSG data. Also, those who had reached a mature stage of new applications, would be able to put them into operations. ESA and EUMETSAT thanked those Pis and co-Is who managed to carry forward their investigations, in spite of the launch delay announced six years earlier, and encouraged them to keep using ESA and EUMETSAT data for their future research. We hope these proceedings provide a comprehensive overview of the presentations and discussions held during the Workshop, and take this opportunity for thanking all participants for their active and stimulating contributions. SP-619 Contents A STATUS REPORT ON THE GERB PROGRAMME ! P. Allan, M. Bates, A. Smith & B. Stewart GEOSTATIONARY EARTH RADIATION BUDGET (GERB): VALIDATION RESULTS 5 J.E Russell. J.E. Harries & N. Clearbaux CERES SCALES GROUND VALIDATION CAMPAIGNS FOR GERB. ASSESSMENT OF THE VALENCIA ANCHOR STATION CAPABILITIES l l E. Lopez-Baeza et al. RADIOMETRIC CALIBRATION OF THE VISIBLE AND NEAR-INFRARED BANDS OF SEVIRI USING RAYLEIGH SCATTERING AND SUN-GLINT OVER OCEANS 19 1.-M. Nicolas, P.-Y. Deschamps & 0. Hagolle MSG SEVIRI APPLICATIONS FOR WEATHER AND CLIMATE: CLOUD PROPERTIES AND CALIBRATIONS 25 P. Mi1111iset al. USE OF SEVIRI DATA FOR AN OPERATIONAL CMSAF SURFACE RADIATION BUDGET PROCESSING AND ITS VALIDATION 31 R. Hollmann & R. W. Mueller COMPARISON OF SEVIRI CLOUD PRODUCT WITH BOTH THE POLDER AND THE GLAS SPACE LIDAR ONE ...37 G. Se:« REMOTE SENSING OFWATER AND ICE CLOUDS FROMMSG/SEVIRl.. 43 B. Maver, L. Bugliaro, H. Mannstein, T. Zi1111er, W. Krebs & P. v/cndlins; MSG FOG AND LOW STRATUS PRODUCTS AT LCRS (SOFOS) 49 J. Cermak, J. Bendix & T. Nau(i ENERGY-SPECIFIC SOLAR RADIATION DATA FROM MSG: THE HELIOSAT-3 PROJECT.. 52 M. Schroedter-Homschcidt IMPROVEMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE OZONE COLUMN PRODUCT DERIVED FROM THE SEVIRI 9.7 MICRON CHANNEL 59 F. Karcher. A. Drouin, L. El /vmruoui, V. Ferreira & A. Pacini MODELING NATURAL SURFACE UV RADIATION WITH METEOSAT AND MSG 65 J. verdcbout NET AIR-SEA FLUX ESTIMATES FOR THE TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL ATLANTIC OCEAN BASED ON SATELLITE DATA 71 K.B. Katsaros, R, T. Pinker. A. Bentamv, .I.A. Carton. W.M. /Jren11a11& A.M. Mestas-Nuiie; OPERATIONAL DERIVATION OF SURPACE ALBEDO AND DOWN-WELLING SHORT-WAVE RADIATION IN THE SATELLITE APPLICATION FACILITY FOR LAND SURFACE ANALYSIS 77 B. Geiger. D. Carrcr, C. Meurcv & J.-L. Roujcan MSG SEVIRI DATA FOR VEGETATION MONITORING AND LAND SURFACE PROCESS MODELING IN AFRICA 83 Sandholt FIRE DETECTION AND PARAMETERIZATION WITH MSG-SEVIRI SENSOR 89 A. Calle. J.L. Casanova, C. Moclan, A. Romo & S. Fraile LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 99 ADDITIONAL MATERIAL- CONFERENCE PHOTOS (CD ONLY) A STATUS REPORT ON THE GERB PROGRAMME Peter Allan, Martin Bates, Andy Smith, Brian Stewart Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX 11 OQX, England 11.111.11/lan C", 111.j.lmtc.1 <Prl.ll< <nk, a ..1111it [email protected] ABSTRACT 2. DESIGN GOALS AND PERFORMANCE The first of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget The GERB instrument has several basic design goals. (GERB) instruments has been delivering data since The fundamental goal is to measure the total radiative 2003 and has been in regular operational service since energy output of the Earth to an accuracy of l %. The February 2004. The validation of the data has proven short wave channel is defined by a filter that cuts out challenging (see paper by Russell in these radiation with a wavelength longer than 4µm. giving proceedings), but the first public release of the data designed shortwave and longwavc channels of 0.4µm took place in May 2006. Building on from the success to 4pm and 4µm to 40µm. In practice the short wave of the first GERB instrument, three more have been response extends down to 0.3,um and the longwave built in order to provide a consistent climate dataset for response to beyond I00,um. thereby exceeding the we 11over a decade. design specification. This paper is an update of the one presented at the The GERB detector is a 256 element array that views a second MSG RAO workshop (Allan [I J). Some of the North-South strip of the Earth with a pixel size at the basic information about the instruments is repeated sub-satellite point of 44km square. It builds up an here to avoid the need for cross reference. image of the Earth by using a rotating de-spin mirror to effectively remove the rotation of the satellite and to step the image of the Earth across the detector. It does 1. THE GERB INSTRUMENTS this every 282 rotations of the satellite. building up a single Earth view in slightly less than 17 minutes. The The purpose of the Geostationary Earth Radiation electronic control unit for the de-spin mirror is Budget (GERB) instrument is to determine the Earth's synchronized with the rotation rate of the satellite using radiation budget to high accuracy. It is the first Earth the "start of line" (SOL) pulse that the satellite radiation budget instrument to be in geostationary orbit generates. In addition. the electronic control unit for and hence it provides unique temporal sampling of the de-spin mirror introduces a phase difference on almost half of the Earth. giving images approximately each rotation that gives the effect of stepping the every 15 minutes. GERB measures the radiance from detector across the image of the Earth. the Earth in two broad bands which arc essentially the reflected sunlight from the Earth's surface and In order to be able to compare the data from GERB and atmosphere and the total cnussion.
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