National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee (U.S.). Records, 1951-1955. ca. 82,500 items (178 boxes). Orqanization: Selected items cataloqed; remainder arranqed. Series 1: subject file, A-Z; Series 2: correspondence file (1951-69, 1970-77, 1978-S5>, A-Z; subject File, A-Zj case file, A-Z. The NECLC was formed in 1951 by more than 15G persons for the purpose of mabilizinq public opinion in support of the traditional American constitutional guarantees of civil liberties and of aiding victims of abridgement of these liberties in politics, education and the professions. The Committee has concerned itself with civil riqhts, academic freedom and denials of passports and the right to travel. Summary: Correspondence, manuscripts, documents, subject files, case files and printed materials. Both incoming and outgoing correspondence is included. The correspondence is primarily addressed to Clark Foreman, Edith Tiqer, Leonard Boudin, and Victor Rabinowitz. The subject files include records of the "Bill of Riqhts Journal" published by the NECLC alonq with dinners and the annual Tom Paine Av^ard presentations. Recipients in the past have been Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, Shirley Chisolm, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Tom Smothers, Pete Hamill, and NECLC officers Edith Tiger, Leonard Boudin, and Clark Foreman. Gift of Corliss Lamont, 1969-1980 Gift of NECLC, 1939. ln "Piti"< f™ th« "*••"»« for Rare FindinQ aids: Box list (7 paqes). Location: Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library, N™, York, NY (Robert Francis). 1925-196S. VI. Kent Rot-kLl! i«a' ik-*," uTTtV \R°bert F RGPN: Ms Coll\NECLC lii-l6A RevGO-6/89 NATIONAL EMERGENCY CIVIL LIBERTIES COMMITTEE n Box 1: Correspondence (cataloged) Box 2: Abramowits v. 3rucker Academic Freedom - General California Connecticut Illinois Kansas Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Box 3: Academic Freedom;- Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey New York , , j North Carolina >"' " • >•-^ Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Box h' Academic Freedom - Pennsylvania South Carolina Texas Vermont Washington T.\rest Virginia Wisconsin Misc. documents Adler et al. v. Board of Education of New York City Alabama v. Knox Box £: Arizona - Loyalty oath Army discharge - general Art shows - Oct. 195£ Bernstein v. Ferren (The 8 Soldiers) Birmingham Cases Bond (Julian)Case Boudin v. Dulles Civil Liberties - General - Criminal penalties Civil penalties for membership Box 6: Civil rights - General Germed ore Hotel Suit, Dec. 1?A1 Copeland v. Eusk De Gregory v. Mew Hampshire Democracy on the Canpus - Conference held 2? March Box 7: Draft "\ Box 8: Du Bois, W.E.E. U.2.B. Du Bois Celebration, 1$ June i960 Albert Einstein Meeting, 13 March 195^ Executive excesses Faulk, John Henry Box 9' F?.v*cett v. Luce Florida v. Sheiner Foreman v. Dulles (includes Foreman HUAC hearings) Frank v. Dulles Box 10: Graham v. Richmond Homer v. Richmond H.U.A.C. (House Un-American Activities Committee) Box 11: Indiana v. Levitt, Binghara and Morgan (Bloomington case) JerHipme v. Rusk Ashton Jones v. Shreveport Authorities Kennedy v. Advance Box 12: Kent, Rockwell Kent v. Dulles Kent v. Dulles - Briefs and decisions (includes Briehl v. Dulles) Box 13: Kentucky v. Braden (Louisville Case) Box lii: Koch, Chris Krebs, Dr. Allen M. Lamont v. Dulles Louisiana v. Jenkins MacEwan v. Rusk Box 15: Meiklejohn - Memorial meetings Petition Rights Methodist Federation v. U.S. Nathan v. Dulles Box 16: National Lawyers Guild v. Brownell N.Y. v. E. Collins, A. Davis, \!. Davis N.T. v. William Epton (includes Grand Jury cases) North Carolina v. V/illiams Olenick v. Brucker (re Private Staebler) Osmon and Taylor v. Paterson State College Box 17: Passports - General Ger^ral correspondence Travel clippings Box 18: Passport legislation - Cor:sjrescicn3l hearings Paulirp, Linus Pennsylvania v. Nelson ^ Price v. U.S. (Senate Internal Security Subcorrdttee) Radio Operators Case A Box 19: Robeson v. Dulles "• Russell, Bertrand R - General file Scales v. U.S. Box 20: Security risk S.I.3.3. (Senate Internal Security Subcommittee) - General Soldiers, 1965-66 (Smith and McClure) Speeches State sedition (empty folder) Box 21: Smith Act - General Box 22: S.A.C.B. (Subversive Activities Control Board) - General, McCarran Act Thompson Case Travel - Statements and press releases U.S. v. Lamont Box 23: U.S. v. Laub and Kartinot ' U.S. v. Liveright (S.I.S.S.) . , U.S. v. O'Connor (McCarthy) ['}/_ • '{- " V;'^f ''*> U.S. v. Worthy Uphaus v. Wyman Box 21}: Veterans of Abraham Lincoln Brigade v. S.A.C.E. WilsonCCase » ) Young, Stephen . Zemel v. Rusk Box 2^: Scrapbooks, 195l - 1955 Box 26: Scrapbooks, 1956-1959 Box 27: Scrapbooks, 1960-1962 M-.L(d<. ' • ' ' Box 28: Scrapbooks, I96I1 - 1968 Box 29: "Congress and lour Rights" - 1959 -1962 Printed, Miscellaneous, 1983- ; Box 30: Tapes NATIONAL EMEEGENCY CIVIL LIBEKTIES COMMITTEE — SERIES 2 Cle?SI~f96f Jorrespondenee Boxes 31-38: 1951-1969, A-Z; 1966-67; 1968-69 31. A - B 32. C - Dylan, iriob 33. E - Gwathmey v. E. Hampton 34. H - HI) 35. L(2) - N 36. 0 - S 37. T - Z; 1966-67 36. 1968-69 Boxes 38-45: 1970-1977, A-Z 38. A 39- B - C 40. Congressional letters- - G Ul. H - Kotzen 42. L - N 1+3 - 0 - S(l) 44. Sa - V 45. W - Z Boxes 4 5-50: 1978-198 5, A-Z 45. A - B 46. C - F Vf. G - L 40. M - P 49. Q - S •• 50. T - Z Boxes 50-53: Boudin, Leonard - 1953-1985; Cooperating attorneys (Emily Bass, Victor Rabinovit 50. BOUDIN, Leonard: 1953-1961 51. BOUDIN, Leonard: 1962-1970 52. BOUDIN, Leonard: 1971-1977 53. BOUDIN, Leonard: 1978-1985; Cooperating attorneys (Emily Bass, Victor Rabinovitz) Subject files Boxes 54-100: A - W 54. Abortion — Administration (Staff files) 55. Administration (Documents of Incorporation) — Administration (.Topic Outlooks) 56. Administration — Administration and National Council meetings minutes, etc.: 1969 57. Affirmative action — Associates 58. Associate mailings, 1971-1984 59. Bill of Rights (Bill of Rights Fund) — Bill of Rights (Journal, 1961, 1968-69) 60. Bill of Rights (Journal, 1970-1976: Correspondence, ads, misc related materials) 61. Bill of Rights (Journal, 1977-1982: " " " " " ) 62. Bill of Rights (Journal, 1983-1985: " " " " " • ) 63. Bill of Rights- (Dinner: 1955, 1959, 1963, 196.5-69/gues.t lists, seating, invitations. tickets/contributions, speakers, Tom Paine Avard I 5U. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1970-1972: guest lists, etc) 65. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1972, 1972-3(.contributions) , 1973/guest lists, etc.) NECLC, 5 Subject files (cont'd) 66. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 197I+-1976/guest lists, etc.) 67. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1976-1977/guest lists, etc.J 68. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1970-1979/guest lists, etc.) 69- Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1980-1981/guest lists, etc.) 70. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1982-19»3/guest lists, etc.) 71. Bill of Rights (Dinner: 1984-1985/guest lists, etc.) 72. Bill of Rights- (Miscellaneous: Campaign for Year of Bill of Rights j Rights magazine 1969, 1971; 1985 Dinner tkts/contributions and calling list; The Man from CAD Mss .) 73. B — Citizens' Committee to Preserve American Freedoms Ik. Civil Rights 75' Civil Rights (cont'd) — Criminal Code Reform 76. Criminal Code Reform (cont'd) — Draft (Conscription) 77. Draft (Conscription, cont'd) — FBI 78. Fenton communications — Fund for Open Information and Accountability (FOIA) 79. Fund for Free Expression — Immigration 80. Immunity Bill — Kansas 81. Legislation — Miscellaneous 82. The Nation Institute -- Nicaragua and the World Court 83. Nicaragua and the World Court (cont'd) — Pamphlets/publications (About the Constitution) 8k. Pamphlets/publications (Constitution, Government, Congress and Your Rights, Misc) — Press Releases (1954-1968, 1959-1962) 85. Press Releases: I968-I98O (cont'd) 86. Press releases: I98I-I983 (cont'd) — Promotional Materials (ads) 87. Promotional materials (pre-1970-78) (cont'd) 88. Promotional materials (statements, 1960-1979) (cont'd) — Public relations (Art shows, 1971 89. Public relations (Art. shows/auctions: 1973-1983) 90. Public relations (Calendar - Luncheons) (cont'd) 91. Public relations (Meetings/conferences) (cont'd) 92. Public relations (Meetings/conferences - Parties: 1968-81) (cont'd) 93. Public relations- (Theatre parties - Travel) — Puerto Rico Legal Defense Education Fund ^• Regional Offices (Boston, Miami, Philadelphia) 95. Regional Offices (Philadelphia) (cont'd) 96. Regional Offices (Philadelphia) (cont'd) 97. Regional Offices (Pittsburgh) 98. Regional Offices (Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C.) — Self-Defense 99. Sexual Harrassment — Witness Rights 100. Women's Issues — Women Organized against Rape Case Files Boxes 101-152: A - Z 101. Legal and Docket reports: I96U-I969; Miscellaneous cases and relating correspondence, 1969 102. Legal and Docket reports: 1956, 1958-61, 1963, 1968-74 103. Cases refused, 1968-1974 104. A — American Friends Service 105. Association for Preservation of Freedom of Choice — Biggin, William 106. Bick v. Mitchell (concentration camp...) — Cambodia Suit 107. Cambodia Suit (cont'd) — CIA 108. Ciesielski — CCNY 109. City of New York v. Schultz — Cuban travel 10. Dalrymple — Draft (Conscription) .ull. Draft (Conscription) (.cont'd) — Election Suit ('72 Presidential) NECLC, 6 Case files, (cont'd) .12. Ellsberg — Forsyth v. Kleindienst, et al 113. Fort Dix, 1969 114. Fort Hood 115. Fraser-Bergman — Gordon v. Blunt 116. Grabiner — Gurk 117. Hallivell — Hamilton College 118. Handschu v. Special services division — Hirsch 119. Alger Hiss 120. Alger Hiss, (cont'd) 121. Alger Hiss, (cont'd) 122. Alger Hiss (cont'd) — Horelick 123. Hormel — (Secular) Humanism 12*+. (Secular) Humanism — Johnson and Bonner 125. Kahn ~ Karp 126. Karp (cont'd) — Klein 127. Lamont, Corliss 128 . Lane — Levin 129. Levin (cont'd) — Lyons 130. Mamis — Mandel • _ . • r,,..v :,..,,. ..-••[_• , . - 131. Margolis — Moran —-•- ' ' 132. Mofarrah — Narenji -•*• •*'.<..••' ' .--'~/ 133. National Maritime Union — Ortiz. 134. Paley, Grace, et al — Peck, James 135. Peck, James (cont'd) 136. Peck (cont'd) — Price v. Kearney "37• Priest — Rezmerski j.38 . Richardson — Rodriguez 139* Rogers — Samuels 140. Samuels (cont'd) — Schwerner 141. Segall — Simon 142. Skaggs — Sostre 143. Sostre (cont'd) — St. Mark's 144.
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