EEnniburrnniburr ggoesoes ssolarolar WWorldorld WWarar IIII — PPageage 3 aartifactsrtifacts ttellell sstorytory — PPageage 6 ((AA llargearge ssharkhark sswimswims nnearear thethe ssurfaceurface ooff tthehe wwater.ater. WWatersaters aaroundround KKwajaleinwajalein aaboundbound wwithith sharkshark sspecies.pecies. FForor mmore,ore, sseeee PPageage 44.).) ((CourtesyCourtesy pphoto)hoto) wwww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.htmlww.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html Commentary All about the fax of life Some people worry about the day else, why not this? It means Equip- when machines will take over our ment Smarter Than Operator and I lives. They believe that someday, fi nd it to be too frequently true. That way off in the future, something like day we were all ESTO. the Matrix will control our lives and So, we fi nally gave in and called we will have to fi ght our way back to the maintenance technician and freedom. That was yesterday. It was he gave the machine a good hard one of those days. Tomorrow doesn’t look (I wanted to give it a good hard look so good, either. kick in the …). The machine gave Curiosity creates confusion, which a menacing look back as if to say, then blossoms to full frustration. “You’re never going to see that fax.” Where is that fax??!? I was very upset with my stub- Just then, the tech saw what he was looking for, a chink born, selfi sh, stingy little fax machine. I was waiting for in the armor of this defi ant device. He announced with two very important pieces of information. I even e-mailed simplicty, “Your fax option was disabled. I turned it back the people sending the faxes and had them send it again on.” The feeble fax machine humbly began spitting out (one was 29 pages long). our papers. You can imagine the scene in your own offi ce. Three of In the confl ict between man and machine, we notched us huddled around a seemly complex contraption push- one more victory. But who’s to say that one day, the ma- ing buttons, turning it off and on, checking paper, check- chines won’t form a union and deny us our freedoms and ing settings, making sure the phone cords plugged in take away our liberty. One more reason we should all and then one by one slowly sulking away in defeat. stick together and get along. Benjamin Franklin is cred- If I ever catch you in one of these moments I might say, ited with saying, “We must hang together or assuredly “E. S. T. O.” It’s an acronym I came up with while serving we will hang separately.” United we stand, divided we’re in the Army. I thought, we have acronyms for everything all ESTO. To submit a letter to the editor: Keep letters to less than 300 words, and keep AFN Kwajalein com ments to the issues. Letters must be signed. We will edit for Associated Press radio lineup style and, if you exceed the word limit, space. Limit one letter every 30 days. Send your letter to:The Hour glass, P.O. Box 23, Local or [email protected]. FM 99.9 Country Classifi ed ad deadlines FM 101.1 Classic rock The Kwajalein FM 102.1 National Public Radio The deadline to submit an ad for AM 1224 Music, sports, news Hourglass Wednesday’s paper is noon on Satur- day and for Saturday’s paper noon on Thursday. Commanding Offi cer...COL Beverly Stipe Editor...............................Nell Drumheller For sale ads must be limited to 50 Assistant Editor......................Mig Owens words. This includes multiple ads (more Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler Reporter............................Elizabeth Davie than one from the same family). Circulation........................Will O'Connell The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry If you are having a patio sale on a Sat- Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. urday, submit the ad in time to run in The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military TToo tthehe MMarshallesearshallese ccitizensitizens personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned Wednesday’s paper. Sunday and Mon- to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily offi cial views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of wwhoho hhaveave jjoinedoined tthehe the Army or USAKA. It is published Wednesdays and Saturdays in accordance day patio sales will be adverstised in with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range UUnitednited SStatestates mmilitary.ilitary. Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Saturday’s paper. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 TThankhank yyou.ou. The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005 Hot sun makes cool refrigerator RRoioi rresidentsesidents mmakeake ssolarolar unitunit forfor EnniburrEnniburr By Elizabeth Davie Reporter People may take some of the luxuries that most Americans have for granted, BBobob LLogozzoogozzo sstandstands nnextext ttoo such as electricity. Some of tthehe ssolar-poweredolar-powered refrigeratorrefrigerator the neighboring island resi- hhee aandnd RRyanyan WoodsWoods mmadeade forfor dents don’t have that option. uusese oonn EEnniburr.nniburr. Residents of Enniburr used to lack the ability to operate a refrigerator until recently. Bob Logozzo, a radar receiver tech- nician III at the ALTAIR, and Ryan Woods, a digital technician II at the performance. We use a single panel “We think this will affect the ALTAIR, developed a solar-powered that produces approximately three Marshallese on Third Island in a refrigerator for use on Third Island. times the amount of power that the positive way. This now gives them “It was last year after the ECCF refrigerator needs. This allows the the ability to store fresh meat and [Enniburr Children’s Christmas battery to charge up quickly. Then cool drinks. We hope that someday Fund] coconut cup race here on we added a regulator device that will they won’t have to haul ice home Roi. Bob [Logozzo] had built a shut the power down to the battery everyday just to get through the remote-controlled coconut with a so as not to overcharge and ruin the night. It should have a positive motor and rudder. The Marshallese battery,” Logozzo said. affect on the local economy in the saw this and asked him if he could “The battery itself is a mainte- fact that the small general store will build [something] that could do nance-free, deep-cycle marine-grade have the ability to sell a wider vari- something about electricity for re- unit. There is also a battery condition ety to frozen goods like ice cream, frigeration on Third Island. So we indicator to let you know the charge candy bars and milk. These items started to do research on possible state of the unit. There are also two were not available to Third Island solutions and came up with this,” lights that come with the system to on the weekend. Now they are. It said Woods. provide light for the evening meal, defi nitely improves their quality of So how does it work? According to all the components are made for the life,” Logozzo added. Logozzo and Woods, the advances boating industry so it will last in the When asked how they feel about in solar cells and refrigeration are salt air environment. We kept in mind helping their neighbors, Logozzo really what made this possible. that this had to be as maintenance said, “It always feels good to be “We found a refrigerator that free as possible and, because there able to help someone or in this uses semi-conductors instead of are no moving parts, the system is case a community. We hope that a conventional compressor. This highly reliable,” he explained. this technology will spread to the is known as the absorption pro- Logozzo and Woods said they cur- outer islands to help those people cess. The unit will run on 12vdc rently have one refrigerator in op- too. Also there is research being battery current. So what we did is eration on Third Island and are in done on other devices that can be use a large enough battery to run negotiations with a prominent busi- run on solar such as computers and the unit for three days without be- ness from Third Island to bring out satellite communications and pos- ing re-charged. This was done in 10 more. They also have one in Key sibly air conditioning. We hope to case the weather was bad and the West because of the interest in using be able to set up a computer lab in solar panel that charges the bat- them for emergency refrigeration dur- their school complete with Internet tery would not be working at peak ing hurricane season. access.” Saturday, Aug. 13, 2005 3 The Kwajalein Hourglass The white-tip shark is the most frequently encountered. Kwaj waters home to many shark species By Paul Hubert White tips are almost never found far from the coral; Special to the Hourglass they usually swim within inches of the bottom. They are very well equipped to feed on the bottom in the here are many species of sharks in the water maze of cracks and crevices of the coral and can unerr- of Kwajalein Atoll, but divers are most likely to ingly fi nd fi sh hiding there that have escaped from a see only four of them: the white-tip reef shark spear. (Trianodon obesus), the black-fi n reef shark Sometimes white tips rest, motionless, on patches of (Charcharitrius melanopterus), the nurse shark sand in a surge channel, or inside a coral cave.
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