Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 ST. M ATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH ...a community of faith and love CǘǥǢǓǘ/PǑǢǙǣǘ OǖǖǙǓǕ/CǟǞǖǕǢǕǞǓǕ CǕǞǤǕǢ SǤ. MǑǤǤǘǕǧ CǑǤǘǟǜǙǓ SǓǘǟǟǜ 2700 SE VǙǢǗǙǞǙǑ AǦǕ · TǟǠǕǛǑ, Kǣ 66605 1000 SE 28Ǥǘ SǤǢǕǕǤ · TǟǠǕǛǑ, KS 66605 (785) 232-5012 (785) 235-2188 ǖǑǨ: (785) 232 -0028 SǤ. MǑǤǤǘǕǧ EǑǢǜǩ LǕǑǢǞǙǞǗ CǕǞǤǕǢ AǔǟǢǑǤǙǟǞ CǘǑǠǕǜ 1000 SE 28Ǥǘ SǤǢǕǕǤ · TǟǠǕǛǑ, KS 66605 (785) 232-5012 (ǕǨǤ 243) (785) 233-1220 www.SaintMatthews.org PǑǣǤǟǢ: FǢ. JǟǘǞ M. TǟǢǢǕǪ (ǕǨǤ. 204) [email protected] AǔǝǙǞǙǣǤǢǑǤǟǢ: Bǟǒ BǢǟǨǤǕǢǝǑǞ (ǕǨǤ. 201) rjbrox @saintmatthews.org AǓǓǟǥǞǤǑǞǤ: EǜǙǪǑǒǕǤǘ DǑǦǙǣ (ǕǨǤ. 202) [email protected] DǙǢǕǓǤǟǢ ǟǖ LǙǤǥǢǗǙǓǑǜ MǥǣǙǓ: MǑǢǩ Jǟ PǕǝǒǢǟǟǛ (ǕǨǤ. 210) [email protected] PǑǢǙǣǘ SǕǓǢǕǤǑǢǩ/VǟǜǥǞǤǕǕǢ CǟǟǢǔǙǞǑǤǟǢ: MǑǥǢǕǕǞ LǕǙǛǕǢ (ǕǨǤ. 200) [email protected] PǑǢǤ -TǙǝǕ PǑǢǙǣǘ SǕǓǢǕǤǑǢǩ AǜǙǓǕ LǑǞǔǕǢǣ (Ext. 217) [email protected] AǔǦǟǓǑǤǕ ǖǟǢ AǞǞǥǜǝǕǞǤǣ: SǥǕ CǑǢǣǟǞ [email protected] MǙǞǙǣǤǢǩ Ǥǟ ǣǙǓǛ/ǘǟǣǠǙǤǑǜǙǪǕǔ/ǘǟǝǕǒǟǥǞǔ: BǑǢǒ MǓCǑǥǜǕǩ SǓǘǟǟǜ PǢǙǞǓǙǠǑǜ: HǕǑǤǘǕǢ HǥǣǓǘǕǢ (ǕǨǤ. 216) [email protected] SǓǘǟǟǜ SǕǓǢǕǤǑǢǩ: JǑǝǙǕ RǟǔǢǙǗǥǕǪ (ǕǨǤ. 215) [email protected] RǕǜǙǗǙǟǥǣ EǔǥǓǑǤǙǟǞ CǟǟǢǔǙǞǑǤǟǢ: LǙǞǕǤǤǕ LǟǠǕǪ (ext. 205) [email protected] PǑǣǤǟǢǑǜ CǟǥǞǓǙǜ: JǟǘǞ GǟǞǪǑǜǕǪ (ǓǘǑǙǢ) DǕǢǟǞ BǑǢǞǕǤǤ BǙǜǜ CǟǓǘǢǑǞ SǘǑǢǟǞ LǕǧǙǣ SǥǕ LǩǟǞ CǑǤǘǩ MǑǥǢǟ AǞǞǑ PǑǧǜǕǩ LǟǢǙ SǠǑǙǞ JǑǛǕ SǥǤǤǟǞ FǙǞǑǞǓǕ CǟǥǞǓǙǜ: TǙǝ O’SǘǕǑ (CǘǑǙǢ) SǓǘǟǟǜ CǟǥǞǓǙǜ: CǘǢǙǣ HǕǢǢǕǢǑ (CǘǑǙǢ) (Consult Parish Directory for phone numbers ) We at St. Matthew Catholic Church are a community of faith and love dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are committed to spiritual growth through active worship, education and ministry. We provide an environment to support a Christ-centered way of life. Through our actions others will be drawn to Christ. Parish Office Hours Monday-Thursday MESSAGE FROM FR. JOHN 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday, 8:00 am - 12 noon FIRST COMMUNION Bulletin Deadline: Monday noon, in writing. This weekend our children will be receiving their First Holy Communion. On Who is a parishioner? behalf of the community I extend my congratulations and my heartfelt prayers One who is registered and regularly to our communicants and their families. May our Merciful Lord bring to fruition participates in the liturgical life of the what he has begun in each of you. parish and demonstrates support of the parish mission by completing and fulfilling an annual commitment AMORIS LAETITIA - THE JOY OF LOVE of time, treasure and talent. Pope Francis' new apostolic exhortation, Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love), To register in the Parish: released April 8, brings "a rich reflection on the mission of the family and on how We welcome anyone interested in the Church can equip couples to embrace God's vision for marriage and can offer being an active member of our par- ish. Please call the Parish Office healing for families who are struggling," said the chairman of the U.S. Conference (232-5012) and an introductory letter of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and and information regarding the regis- Youth. tration process will be sent to you. Baptisms: "We welcome this teaching from Pope Francis as the fruit of the synodal process First time parents (or those who started by him more than two years ago—a process that has inspired in our have not attended a class within the Church, and indeed all over the world, a renewed attention to the importance of last three years) must attend an in- marriage and the family for all of society," said Bishop Richard J. Malone of Buffa- struction class, which is held month- ly. Classes are held at the Parish lo, New York, chairman of the Committee. "I encourage all Catholics, especially Conference Center (use driveway those living the vocation of marriage and family life, to take time to read and study entrance at 27th and Virginia). the exhortation as a pastoral guide to the great calling of marriage in the Lord." Parent(s) must be registered in the parish a minimum of 4 months prior to the baptism. Parent(s) must con- Bishop Malone called the exhortation "an inspirational aid for the clergy and laity tact the church office to sign up for who generously accompany couples as they prepare for marriage and throughout the class. Baptisms are celebrated their married life, in both their joys and difficulties.” monthly and information on dates is given out at the class. The post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia is the culmination of a Marriages: synodal process called for by Pope Francis in 2013. The Extraordinary General Couples are required to contact Assembly of the Synod of Bishops met in October 2014 on the theme "The pasto- Fr. John at least 6 months prior to ral challenges of the family in the context of evangelization." In October 2015, the the anticipated wedding date and BEFORE making any other arrange- Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops built on the first synod by ments or reserving a reception hall. examining the theme "The vocation and mission of the family in the Church and in the contemporary world." Bishops, clergy, religious and lay people at both syn- Anointing of the Sick: If you would like to receive the ods, together with Pope Francis, addressed a wide array of topics that concern Sacrament of the Sick, please see marriage and family life today. Fr. John after Mass. The sacrament is available to all those who are ail- ELC D IRECTOR POSITION ing physically, mentally or spiritually. Hospital Reminder: Due to our former director’s resignation, we are in need of a new director for our If you are in the hospital and would Early Learning Center. The main duties and responsibilities of the full-time direc- like to receive Holy Communion, tor are: setting the tone for the facility, managing the curriculum, open communi- please have a family member cation with Pastor and Principal, overseeing the physical facility(s), hiring staff contact the Parish Office (232-5012). and managing the overall image of the center. The director must ensure that the center is in compliance with local and federal laws governing child care, both in regard to the physical environment and the staff, and manage the financial affairs of the child care facility. Interested parties are asked to send their resumes to: Rev. John M. Torrez, Saint Matthew Catholic Church, 2700 SE Virginia Ave., Topeka, KS 66605 or you may email it to: [email protected] . 2 St. Matthew’s Parish: “The Refrigerator Page” This page is provided for you to add to your family’s information center, the “frig!” Sunday, 4/17 WELCOME SUNDAY: coffee & donuts served in Par- MASS INTENTIONS ish Hall West following both Masses April 18 - April 24 “Simple Abundance” Food Collection Weekend 8:00am Mass/Church Monday ............................................... Easter Weekday NO Mass 9:00am RE Classes/School Tuesday ............................................... Easter Weekday 10:30am Mass/Church 8:05 a.m. (All School) - † Michael Duncan 2:00pm First Eucharist Mass/Church Wednesday ......................................... Easter Weekday followed by a reception in the Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. - † Brian Dreher Thursday ............................................ Easter Weekday Monday, 4/18 8:05 a.m. - † Bill Holloman 5:15pm Rosary Group/Weekday Chapel Friday .................................................. Easter Weekday 8:00pm Men’s Open Gym Night/Trompeter Gym 8:05 a.m. - † Laine Tangeman Saturday ........................ Vigil, Fifth Sunday of Easter 5:00 p.m. - † Dan Etzel Tuesday, 4/19 Sunday ..................................... Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:05am Mass/Church 8:00 a.m. - † Mike Guerrero 6:00pm Tiger Scouts/Youth Center 10:30 a.m. - St. Matthew Parishioners Wednesday, 4/20 5:30pm Mass/Church 5:30pm Children’s Choir/Music Room 6:00pm Confessions/Church PRAYER CORNER… We pray for those among us who are ill and for their caregivers, for those experiencing a hardship or difficulty and for those in 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal/Church the Armed Forces. To place someone’s name on the prayer corner, please call 6:30pm RE Classes/School & Parish Hall West the Parish Office (232-5012). Tom Stafford Tomasa and Marie Welch Bill Jacobs Thursday, 4/21 Donna Johnson Ivan Sapata Tom Henry John Crader 8:05 am Mass/Weekday Chapel Kathy Rosetta Amelia and Frank Valerie Wilhelmson Rusty Ullery 5:30pm Centering Prayer/Weekday Chapel Sharon Johnson Cervantez Isaac Talbot Jessica Kitzhaber Robert Murry Chelle Crouch Tracy Costales Mary Jane Cook 5:45pm Social Justice Committee/St. Luke Rm Regis Campbell Jim Decker Arleen Randles Maria Chavez 7:00pm RCIA/Parish Hall West Greg Wintle Maureen Tinsman Tom Latendresse Joyce Stallbaumer 7:30pm Knights of Columbus Chapter Mtg/Parish Jeannine Wyatt Paula Marguerite Forst Becky Glotzbach Cathy Fritton Kay Hansen Carole Barry Eula Haselwood Conference Center Nina Nelson Landen Thompson Joan Wellbrock Janet Leiker Ashley Vasson Mildred Conger Twila Woodward Larry Kraus Friday, 4/22 Terry Cook Wanda Phillips Greg Wintle Emma Carreno Elaine Powell Jane Pierce Jeanette Holthaus Karl Alber 8:05am Mass/Weekday Chapel Judy Pitcock James ‘Mike’ Dolan Nathan David Logan 1:00pm St. Matthew Catholic School Golf Tourna- Jennifer O’Neal Margaret Dolan Joan Watson Carol Moreland ment/Great Life Golf & Fitness Kelly Johnson Linda Kary Brooke Boten Saturday, 4/23 FOR THOSE SERVING IN THE ARMED FORCES 7:30pm Men’s Fellowship Group/Parish Conference Brock Niehaus Dylan Treadwell Alan Bennett Bryan Smith Woody Sisson Center Aaron Oliver Austin
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