UNIC AnnuaL REPORT 2014–2015 1 CONTENTS 1 KEY FIGURES WELCOME 02 frOM PHIL CLAPP 1.1. CinEMA-GOinG in 2014 04 3 THE YEar 1.2. PErfORMancE OF INDIVIDuaL FILMS anD AT UNIC Welcome to this, UNIC’s latest annual report, 36 examining key European cinema industry and public LOcaL FILMS’ SHarE policy trends across our 36 member territories. 10 3.1. ADVOcacY 1.3. DiGITAL ROLL-OuT anD 38 Over the past 12 months, UNIC has continued to raise the profile of European cinema exhibition 3D ScrEENs’ SHarE 3.2. SERVicES TO MEMBERS with key policy-makers as well as our partners in 14 anD ParTNERS the international motion picture industry. 1.4. ScrEEN DENSITY 38 We have further developed our services for members 16 3.3. CinEEurOPE and partners and are delighted to announce the recent 38 agreement of a long-term partnership with colleagues at Prometheus Global Media around CineEurope – 3.4. UNIC ACTIVITIES UNIC’s annual convention. in 2014–2015 2 TakinG STOck 40 I look forward to seeing many of you this year in Barcelona. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy reading anD LOOkinG this report. FORWarD Phil Clapp, CEO of the UK Cinema Association, 18 is President of the International Union of Cinemas 4 MEMBERS 2.1. REVIEW OF 42 KEY MarkET TRENDS 21 2.2. LaTEST POLicY 5 ParTNERS DEVELOPMENTS 44 26 2.3. SuMMarY OF UNIC’S KEY POLICY POSITIONS 30 1 KEY FIGURES 1.15 BiLLION visitors welcomed to cinema theatres across UNIC territories in 2014 EurOPEan BOX OfficE VS. B.O. in THE US anD THE REST OF THE WORLD in 2014 28% 46% 26% 28Europe USA Rest of the world +2646 Source: IHS In 2014, box office revenue and cinema admissions slightly increased across UNIC territories. Total box office revenue increased by 0.6 per cent and admissions by 1.7 per cent. Kino International, Berlin, Germany, courtesy of Yorck Kinogruppe / Photo: Daniel Horn 4 KEY fiGurES 5 KEY fiGurES Box office 2013–14 (Million, in local currency) Country (Currency) 2014 2013 Change in % Albania (ALL) 108.5 n/d n/d 1.1 Austria (EUR) 117.9 123.1 -4.2% Bulgaria (BGN) 41.3 40 +3.1% Croatia (HRK) 112.5 121 -7% CINEMA-GOING IN 2014 Czech Republic (CZK) 1,462.7 1,424.2 +2.7% Denmark (DKK) 985.6 1,055.2 -6.6% Estonia (EUR) 12.8 11.8 +8% Finland (EUR) 72.5 75 -3.3% France (EUR) 1,332.7 1,250.1 +6.6% Germany (EUR) 979.7 1,023 -4.2% Greece (EUR) 58 59.3 -2.2% Hungary (HUF) 14,601.6 13,490 +8.2% Ireland (EUR) 99.9 101.9 -2% Italy (EUR)* 574.8 618.7 -7.1% Latvia (EUR) 10.2 10.3 -1.3% -6.6 per cent; admissions -10.6 per cent), A slight increase in box office Lithuania (EUR) 14.4 13.1 +9.3% and admissions across UNIC territories Finland (box office -3.3 per cent; admissions -5.1 per cent), Italy (box office -7.1 per cent; Luxembourg (EUR) 8.5 9.1 -6.1% In 2014, average box office revenue and admissions -6.1 per cent) and Norway (box Macedonia (MKD) 73.9 n/d n/d cinema admissions increased slightly across office -1.2 per cent; admissions -6.1 per cent) Montenegro/Serbia (RSD)** 1,150.7 n/d n/d UNIC territories despite the football World also experienced weaker market performance Netherlands (EUR) 250.1 249.5 +0.2% Cup and primarily as a result of growth in a despite some strong local films. A number of few key markets driven by the success of smaller territories faced similar experiences, Norway (NOK) 1,082.1 1095.1 -1.2% mostly local films. Total box office revenue primarily due to the lack of a breadth of Poland (PLN) 726.9 665.2 +9.3% in UNIC territories increased by 0.6 per strong international titles. Portugal (EUR) 62.7 65.4 -4.1% cent1 and admissions by 1.7 per cent. As has often been the case, these results varied Romania (RON) 185.2 160.5 +15.4% significantly from one country to another. Russia (RUB) 43,316.1 41,158.7 +5.2% 1Total box office for UNIC territories was calculated on the basis of changing foreign currencies in Euro. This does not include Russia due to strong exchange rate variations in 2014. Slovakia (EUR) 20.8 18.9 +10.4% Source: UNIC members 2013–14 – with the exception of Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenia (EUR) 9.5 11.1 -13,9% Weaker performance in some territories and Israel Complementary information from BU (Bulgarian National Film Center), CZ (Unie Filmovych Distributoru), EE (Eesti Filmi Instituut & Baltic Films Co-operation Spain (EUR) 522.4 507.1 +3% The UK and Germany experienced challeng- Platform), GR (Greek Film Center), HR (Croatian Audiovisual Center), HU (Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság), LT (Lietuviu Filmu Centras & Baltic Films Co-operation Sweden (SEK) 1,652.1 1638.3 +0.8% ing conditions, with a reduction in both box Platform), LV (Nacionalais Kino Centrs & Baltic Films Co-operation Platform), PL (Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej), PT (Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual), Switzerland (CHF) 204.5 218.5 -6.4% office revenue (UK -2.4 per cent; DE -4.2 RO (Centrul National al Cinematografei), RU (Nevafilm Research), SL (Slovenian per cent) and admissions (UK -4.9 per cent; Film Center), SK (Union of Film Distributors) Turkey (TRY) 652.9 504.3 +29.5% *Cinetel: 90 per cent of the market. SIAE global results to be published in June 2014 DE -6.2 per cent). Denmark (box office **Data collected for Montenegro and Serbia are combined due to local distribution practices UK (GBP) 1,057.7 1,083.5 -2.4% 6 KEY fiGurES 7 KEY fiGurES Admissions 2013–14 (Million) 2013 2014 n/d Albania 0.2 15 -6 % Austria 14.1 4.8 +2.3 % Bulgaria 4.9 4 -5 % Croatia 3.8 11.1 +4.5 % Czech Republic 11.6 13.7 -10.5 % Denmark 12.3 2.6 +1.6 % Estonia 2.6 7.8 -5.1 % Finland 7.4 193,6 +7.7 % France 208,4 129,7 -6.2 % Germany 121,7 9.2 -2.6 Greece 9 10.1 Hungary 11 +8.4 % 14.7 -2 % Ireland 14.4 97.4 -6.1 % Italy* 91.5 2.4 -2.8% Latvia 2.3 3.3 Courtesy of Kinepolis +2.8 % Lithuania 3.3 1.1 +1.4 % Luxembourg 1.1 n/d Macedonia 0.4 n/d Montenegro/Serbia** 3.2 30.8 +0,1 % Netherlands 30.8 11.8 and box office by 3.0 per cent. Several other -6.1 % Strong markets in France, Poland and Turkey Norway 11.1 UNIC territories also experienced positive 36.1 Poland +11.9 % French cinema exhibitors – riding on a wave market developments in 2014, notably 40.4 12.5 -3.4 % of successful local films – reached beyond the Czech Republic (box office +2.7 per cent; Portugal 12.1 9 +12,4 % the 200 million visitor mark and increased admissions +4.5 per cent), Hungary (box Romania 10.2 admissions by 7.7 per cent and box office office +8.2 per cent; admissions +8.4 per cent) 172.4 Russia +2.1 % by 6.6 per cent. Poland (box office +9.3 per and Slovakia (box office +10.4 per cent; 176.1 3.7 +11.5 % cent; admissions +11.9 per cent) and Turkey admissions +11.5 per cent). Slovakia 4.1 2.3 -17,4 % (box office +29.5 per cent; admissions Slovenia 1.9 Source: UNIC members 2013–14 – with the exception of Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina 77 +21.8 per cent) enjoyed equally positive +13.6 % and Israel Spain 87.4 results based on successful local films, having Complementary information from BU (Bulgarian National Film Center), CZ (Unie Filmovych 16.5 Distributoru), EE (Eesti Filmi Instituut & Baltic Films Co-operation Platform), GR (Greek Film Sweden -1.7 % developed in recent years into resilient 16.3 Center), HR (Croatian Audiovisual Center), HU (Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság), 14.1 -6.2 % growth markets. LT (Lietuviu Filmu Centras & Baltic Films Co-operation Platform), LV (Nacionalais Kino Switzerland 13.2 Centrs & Baltic Films Co-operation Platform), PL (Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej), 50.3 PT (Instituto do Cinema e do Audiovisual), RO (Centrul National al Cinematografei), +21.8 % Turkey 61.2 RU (Nevafilm Research), SL (Slovenian Film Center), SK (Union of Film Distributors) Spain, after some consolidation in recent 165.5 *Cinetel: 90 per cent of the market. SIAE global results to be published in June 2014 UK -4.9 % years, increased admissions by 13.6 per cent **Data collected for Montenegro and Serbia are combined due to local distribution practices 157.5 0 50 100 150 200 8 KEY fiGurES 9 KEY fiGurES Admissions per capita in 2014 Albania 0.1 Austria 1.7 Bulgaria 1.1 Croatia 0.8 Czech Republic 1.1 Denmark 2.2 Estonia 2.1 Finland 1.4 France 3.1 Germany 1.5 Greece 0.8 Hungary 1.1 Ireland 3.1 Italy* 1.5 Latvia 1.2 Lithuania 1 Filmstaden Sergel, Stockholm, Sweden, courtesy of SF Bio Luxembourg 2.2 Macedonia 0.2 Montenegro/Serbia** 0.4 Netherlands 1.8 Norway 2.2 Poland 1.1 Portugal 1.2 Romania 0.5 Average 1.5 visits to the cinema per year Russia 1.2 Slovakia 0.8 The average annual number of cinema visits across all UNIC territories in 2014 remained Slovenia 0.9 relatively stable at 1.5 visits per capita.
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