NEST, THE MILITARY AND DeFEXPO PAGE 4 OFFICARIALTN ER MEDIAOF P MOD SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION DEFEXPO 2020 PUBLISHER OF DEFEXPOOF M 20O DDAILY MEET US AT A-BASED BUYER ONLY) HALL 3, STALL: Q47 I Vol: 10 DEFEXPO 2020 Special 55.00 (IND ` www.spsmai.com maiONLY FORTNIGHTly ON MILITARY AEROSPACE INTERNAL SECURITY Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at ‘Def-Connect’ under iDEX in New Delhi India’s First CDS – What Should be the Priorities PAGE 14 Indian Defence Industry Profile: Dr Vivek Lall, Page 6 Lockheed Martin PAGE 10 FROM THE MILITARY AEROSPACE CORPORATE EDITOr’s DESK 3 Updates 15 Developments 18 News 19 SECURITY BREACHES 22 Viewpoint 16 Umanned 21 DELENG/2010/34651 spOTLIGHT NEST, ThE MiliTary aN d dEfExpo PAGE 4 OFFICARIALTN ER MEDIAOF P MOD SP’s AN SP GUIDE PUBLICATION Defexpo 2020 AILY PUBLISHER OF DEFEXPOOF M 20OD DDAILY MEEt US at A-BASED BUYER ONLY) Hall 3, Stall: Q47 I Vol: 10 Defexpo 2020 Special 55.00 (IND ` www.spsmai.com maiONLY FORTNIGHTLY ON Military aerospace internal security Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at ‘Def-Connect’ under iDex in New Delhi Cover: In order for India to possess a technologically india’s First cds – What advanced and self-sufficient defence industry, should be the priorities PAGE 14 a lot will depend on maintaining a conducive eco-system for all stakeholders and a robust indian framework for effective implementation of defence industry profile: dr Vivek lall, page 6 lockheed Martin PAGE 10 reforms. FroM the Military aerospace corporate editor’s desK 3 Updates 15 Developments 18 News 19 security Breaches 22 Viewpoint 16 Umanned 21 DELENG/2010/34651 Cover images: PIB, Indian Army, Vivek Lall 1_SP's MAI Cover 2020.indd 1 31/01/20 4:01 PM PUBLISHER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DEPUTY DIRECTOr – SALES Jayant Baranwal Rajeev Chugh DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR SP’s websITES Neetu Dhulia Sr Web Developer: Shailendra P. Ashish Web Developer: Ugrashen Vishwakarma SR TECHNICAL GROUP EDITORS Air Marshal B.K. Pandey (Retd) © SP Guide Publications, 2020 Lt General Naresh Chand (Retd) SUBSCRIPTION/CIRCULATION GROUP EXECUTIVE EDITOR Annual Inland: `1,320 • Foreign: US$ 325 Vishal Thapar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Lt General Satinder Kumar STAFF CORRESPONDENT Ayushee Chaudhary LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Saini assumes appointment of [email protected] SPECIAL CONTRIBUTOR Lt General P.C. Katoch (Retd) FOR ADVERTISING DETAILS, CONTacT: VCOAS [email protected] t General Satinder Kumar Saini on assuming the CHAIRMAN & MANAGING DIRECTOR [email protected] charge of Vice Chief of the Army Staff paid trib- Jayant Baranwal [email protected] utes at the National War Memorial on January PLANNING & BUSINESS DEVELOpmENT SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD L28, 2020. Before assuming the appointment of Vice Executive Vice President: Rohit Goel A-133 Arjun Nagar Chief of the Army Staff, the General Officer was head- (Opposite Defence Colony) MANAger – HR & ADMIN New Delhi 110003, India. ing the Southern Command of the Indian Army. Bharti Sharma Lt General Satinder Kumar Saini is an alumnus of Tel: +91 (11) 24644693, ASSISTANT MANAger – HR & ADMIN 24644763, 24620130 the National Defence Academy and the Indian Mili- Pooja Tehlani tary Academy. He was commissioned into the 7th Bat- Fax: +91 (11) 24647093 DEPUTY MANAger – CirCULATION E-mail: [email protected] talion, The JAT Regiment in June 1981. He brings with Rimpy Nischal him an enormous amount of experience in serving in REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE GROUP RESEARCH ASSOCIATE 204, Jal Vayu Vihar the most challenging areas. In his last appointment as Survi Massey Kalyan Nagar GOC-in-C, Southern Command, he steered transfor- Bengaluru 560043 mation of the Operational Philosophy of the Southern DESIGN & LAYOUT Tel : +91 (80) 23682204 Creative Director: Anoop Kamath Army to overwhelm the emerging threats and valida- Designers: Vimlesh Kumar Yadav, MOSCOW, RUSSIA tion of many new concepts during training exercises. Sonu Bisht LAGUK Co., Ltd, Yuri Laskin Krasnokholmskaya, Nab., The General Officer is a graduate of the Army GROUP DIRECTOr – SALES & 11/15, app. 132, Moscow 115172, Russia. Command and Staff Course at the Staff College, Cam- MARKETING Tel: +7 (495) 911 2762, berley in UK and has studied at the Royal College of Neetu Dhulia Fax: +7 (495) 912 1260 Military Science, Shrivenham, UK. He is also a gradu- ate of the Higher Command Course and the National Owned, published and printed by Jayant Baranwal, printed at Kala Jyothi Process Pvt Ltd and published at A-133, Arjun Nagar (Opposite Defence Colony), New Delhi 110003, India. Defence College, Bangladesh. He has also served as All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, the Deputy Chief Military Personnel Officer in the or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopying, recording, electronic, UN Mission in Iraq-Kuwait, attended an exercise on or otherwise without prior written permission of the Publishers. peacekeeping conducted by the Global Peace Opera- tions Initiative in Mongolia and a counter terrorism exercise in Australia. The General is a highly decorated and accom- plished Officer who has been awarded a number of awards, both for gallantry and distinguished service, rmy A including the “Chief of Army Staff Commendation”, : Indian the “Army Commander Commendation”, “Yudh Seva H P Medal”, “Vishisht Seva Medal”, “Ati Vishisht Seva Medal” and “Param Vishisht Seva Medal. SP PHOTOGRA www.spguidepublications.com 2 SP’S MAI Defexpo 2020 special www.spsmai.com From the EDITOr’S DesK The key to growth is sustained and evolved indigenisation programmes t is that time of the year when all roads for the Defence Indus- mix, as its Secretary, to facilitate restructuring of military commands try - domestic and international, lead to Lucknow, the venue for for optimal utilisation of resources by bringing about jointness in the upcoming DefExpo 20 – a major biennial international event operations, including through establishment of joint/theatre com- Iorganised by the Defence Exhibition Organisation of the Ministry of mands. Also, General Manoj Mukund Naravane has taken over as the Defence (MoD). It is being held from February 5 to 8 this year, for the next Chief of the Army Staff. In the course of his distinguished career, first time in Lucknow, the capital of the state of Uttar Pradesh (UP). he had commanded the Eastern Command and the Army Training Christened as DefExpo 2020, the theme of the 11th edition of the Command before his last appointment as the Vice-Chief of Army event is ‘India: The Emerging Defence Manufacturing Hub’ and the Staff. While covering the expectations from these appointments in focus is on ‘Digital Transformation of Defence’. this issue, SP’s M.A.I. wishes the new CDS and the new COAS a highly The Government plans to make India a $5 trillion-dollar econ- successful tenure. omy by 2025 and aims to double and then treble its aerospace and SP Guide Publications is proud to share that 7 articles by our defence focused exports in the next five years to $ 26 billion by 2025. journalists, in four categories, have been shortlisted for finals in the Such economic growth requires foundational pillars of a matching upcoming Aerospace Media Awards - Asia. These are the most pres- defence capability energised by a strong indigenous defence indus- tigious awards in Aerospace Media and the number of nominations trial base. The key to growth is sustained and evolved indigenisation for finals received by us are amongst the highest by a publishing com- programmes. pany, which includes global leaders and heavyweights. Details of the With the overall aim to boost defence manufacturing and achieve nominations can be seen on pages 12 and 13 inside. self-reliance and strategic autonomy, the idea behind organising an Wishing all our readers a Happy New Year, we invite you all to event of this magnitude at this level is to showcase and promote the DefExpo 2020 in Lucknow. Do come and pay us a visit at Hall 3 defence manufacturing capabilities of Indian companies - Defence Stall Q47. Public Sector as well as the Private sector to the world community while also inviting global OEMs to participate in the modernisation of Indian armed forces either directly or in strategic partnership with an Indian partner. It will also highlight emergence of the state of UP as an attractive destination for investment in the defence sector and act as a platform for alliances and joint ventures with the leading aero- space and defence majors in the global defence industry. Choice of Lucknow as the venue for DefExpo 2020 is significant as the MoD has already announced plans for the establishment of the UP Defence Industry Corridor for manufacturing military hardware. Now that General Bipin Rawat has taken over as India’s first Chief of Defence Staff, discussion on what is his mandate and what should be his priorities are rife. Rules of Business notified by the Government continue to include ‘defence of India’ and ‘defence policy’ in charter of the Defence Secretary. CDS will act as the Principal Military Adviser to Raksha Mantri on tri-Services matters but Service Chiefs will con- tinue to advise RM on matters of respective Services. CDS will head Jayant Baranwal the Department of Military Affairs (DMA), having military and civilian Publisher & Editor-in-Chief Defexpo 2020 special SP’S MAI 3 MILITARY Viewpoint NEST, the Military and DefExpo LT GENERAL P.C. KATOCH (RETD) ccording to media reports, the Ministry of External Af- especially in China. fairs (MEA) has established a new ministerial division The MoD issues the ‘Technology Perspective & Capability Road termed ‘NEST’ denoting New, Emerging and Strategic Map’ (TPCR) from time to time spanning a 15 year period; the last two Technologies.
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