Annual Report 2015—2016 OUR PURPOSE Enabling people in regional Australia to live their best lives. OUR VALUES Integrity Respect Cooperation Empowerment Excellence Table of Contents 04 34 60 Our Organisation Our Customers Our Systems 06 President and CEO’s Message 36 Customer Stories 62 Business Development 10 Our Strategic Focus 64 Care Governance 12 Treasurer’s Report 66 Research and Innovation 14 Our Profile 68 Information, Marketing 40 and Administration 16 Our Year in Review Our Communities 70 Finance 18 Our Sector 42 Our Community Philosophy 19 Our Accreditations 44 Our Reach and Working Hubs 46 Community Engagement 72 20 Financial Our People 48 Statements 22 Our Board Our Services 24 Our Managers 50 Aged Services 26 Our Staff 52 Disability Services 30 Organisation Chart 54 Child and Family Services 32 Human Resources 56 Home Modifications and Social Support 58 Community Transport CAREWEST ANNUAL REPORT | 3 Our Organisation 4 | OUR ORGANISATION ABILITY LINKS NSW DRUM CIRCLE WORKSHOP President and CEO’s Message We are pleased to provide this report on CareWest’s progress and activities in 2015/2016. During the past year we have worked on many fronts: expanding the scope and range of our existing programs, establishing new programs, and readying our business systems and staff for the NDIS. We have also maintained our focus on improving the quality of our existing services. CareWest’s dedicated staff and volunteers are to be congratulated for juggling all of these activities and doing each one well. That they have managed this at a time of significant sector reform and George considerable uncertainty is all Blackwell the more praiseworthy. President Tim We would also like to thank the 3000 plus individuals Curran and families across regional NSW who have chosen CEO CareWest as their service provider. Gone are the days when individuals in need of an aged care package or disability support program were referred to whichever organisation was in receipt of government funding and had a vacancy in their service. We genuinely value and appreciate those many individuals who choose to access services from CareWest now that they have increased ability to exercise choice and control over who they obtain services from. One subtle but important change within CareWest through the year was a shift in the terminology we use when referring to those who access our services. Previously we referred to individuals accessing our services as “clients”. We have now adopted the term “customer” which more appropriately reflects the increased power, control and levels of customer service rightly demanded by those accessing our services. 6 | OUR ORGANISATION We have devoted time and energy over the past year Future growth has been secured during the period to helping our customers and the wider community by virtue of four new amalgamations which were understand sector changes and what they might mean negotiated during 2015/16 but which have taken effect for them. As one of the largest community services after the 30th June. We are delighted to welcome the providers in regional NSW we see this as an important customers, staff and volunteers from Age Concern responsibility, and we plan to increase these community Albury and Wodonga Inc, Family Link Care and Support education and awareness initiatives over the coming year. Services Inc, Tullamore Preschool Inc, and Translinc (Lithgow, Oberon and Cowra Community Transport) Before moving on to summarise our key results and Inc to CareWest. We thank the board of directors of activities over the past year we would also like to each of these organisations for placing faith in CareWest acknowledge the important and often thankless role and entrusting us to protect and build upon the legacy played by the scores of public servants across a dozen of these successful and vibrant local community-based different federal and NSW Government departments organisations into the future. who work directly with CareWest in funding, guiding and regulating much of the work that we do. We have In a very pleasing development, CareWest has been found that these individuals have gone out of their way able to extend its telehealth capability to the provision to assist CareWest and our customers to successfully of after-hours GP services across western NSW in navigate the community sector reforms. partnership with Rural and Remote Medical Services (RaRMS). We are delighted to be working with RaRMS SERVICE DEVELOPMENT in the delivery of this innovative program. We look forward to building upon our strong relationship CareWest grew its service portfolio and geographic with RaRMS to deliver more programs in the future footprint during 2015/16. We extended our directed at addressing the very poor health outcomes community transport service into nine new locations experienced by far too many people living in regional, including, for the first time, the New England region. rural and remote Australia. We also expanded our ComPacks program across the Murrumbidgee having been appointed by Once again CareWest has been able to achieve that Murrumbidgee LHD as their sole ComPacks provider. difficult feat of delivering on the organisation’s growth objectives whilst maintaining and even improving We were also able to expand our residential Out of our existing services. Our strong quality systems and Home Care service which gives rise to mixed emotions. processes are evidenced by our success in obtaining On the one hand we lament the fact that growing certification under the new ISO 9001:2015 Quality numbers of children and young people are no longer Standard, our ongoing certification under ACIS 2013 able to live safely with their birth or foster families, (Attendant Care Standard), and our accreditation to but we are pleased to at least be able to provide high provide residential Out of Home Care services. Net quality, therapeutic support services to these children satisfaction ratings of 97% through our externally and young people in their own communities in western administered customer satisfaction survey reveal our NSW. This helps them to maintain contact with their customers are very satisfied with the services we are family, friends and school, and hopefully assists with a providing to them. speedier transition back home or to independent living. During the year we bedded down the amalgamations of FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Yarrabin Outreach Inc and Wagga Wagga Community As a consequence of our strong growth, CareWest’s Resource Centre Inc In both cases we were able to revenue increased by approximately $7.3 million, or 24%, successfully integrate the transferring customers and during 2015/2016. CareWest reported an unusually high staff into CareWest, and also extend the range of surplus of $5,393,301. Over $2 million of this surplus services offered by CareWest to these existing and is attributable to various “one-off” items including new customers in the local communities. $1.4 million of capital grants for the construction of the CareWest Community Connection Centre (4C), and some $875,000 worth of vehicles and cash transferred from amalgamating entities. CAREWEST ANNUAL REPORT | 7 President and CEO’s Message (continued...) The approximate $3 million surplus arising from our usual PREPARING FOR THE FUTURE operating activities is a very pleasing result. Some of this surplus has been utilised to acquire new and improved In addition to growing our services and pursuing quality assets – primarily vehicles, fixtures and equipment for improvement initiatives, we again devoted time, energy 4C, and IT systems – and the balance has been retained and financial resources this year to streamlining our to build CareWest’s working capital reserves. business systems, refining service models, and training our staff and volunteers to ensure we are well-placed One of the most satisfying aspects of our financial to deliver the services customers want under the performance was the almost doubling of revenues from NDIS and in the new aged care system from 2017. Key our commercial or fee-for-service activities to $5.1 million. developments included implementing a new rostering These revenues make a considerable contribution to system, updating our HR information system, upgrading covering infrastructure costs and other indirect costs our aged and community care client management of running CareWest. CareWest is also able to utilise the system, and extending our learning and development surpluses generated from these activities for its various programs for staff and volunteers. community development activities which do not attract government-funding. We also made great progress through the year towards the completion of the development of our 4C complex The surplus, inclusive of the one-off capital grants and in Orange. As at the 30th June, approximately 70% asset transfers from amalgamating entities, led to an of the building was being utilised with the project on increase in our net assets of $5.4 million. track for completion in October. This rapid progress was 8 | OUR ORGANISATION only made possible by the very generous contributions It has been a year of significant growth and change from the Commonwealth Department of Infrastructure at CareWest, and the change has extended through and Regional Development, the NSW Department of to the board level with three of our directors retiring Education and Communities, the NSW department of during the year. We would like to thank Lyndal Mawbey, Justice, Liquor and Gaming through the Clubs Grant Sue-Anne Redmond
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