Hampton Chronicle Grundy Register TheGraphic-Advocate Eagle Eagle Grove GrundyDows Advocate Times CWL Conservative Chronicle Clarksville Star Register Journal Tribune County Butler Buffalo Tribune Center UPC CODES MID-AMERICA Thursday, March 26, 2020 Serving Grundy County since 1928 Grundy Center, Iowa Volume 96 - Number 13 www.TheGrundyRegister.com $1 Newsstand Price What Cheer Paper What Cheer Vine Village The Leader Sigourney News-Review Sheffield Press Enterprise Pioneer Sun New Sharon Liberal Opinion Week Keota Eagle An unprecedented week Local grocery stores experience surge in business amid Coronavirus pandemic By ROBERT MAHARRY to the Coronavirus outbreak as Waterloo-Cedar Falls area. He we supposed to go to get eggs?’” bread, frozen pizzas, potatoes The Grundy Register residents are being encouraged drove all the way to Belle Plaine Trunck said. “We’ve had people and ground beef—as well as GRUNDY COUNTY- Noth- to stay at home as much as pos- on Friday afternoon just to grab driving down from Waterloo to toilet paper, cleaning supplies ing could have prepared the sible to limit the spread. The eight cases of eggs. get ground beef, and it’s usually and hand sanitizer—have disap- COVID-19 management and staff of Grun- situation is constantly evolving, “We were out of eggs for the opposite way. We’ve actu- peared rapidly from the shelves dy County’s three grocery stores but the managers of the stores an hour, and there was already ally had customers come to us (forcing purchase limits on for last week. They’ve never are prepared for the current buy- a post on social media that we from out of town.” some items), and stores update experienced anything like it be- ing frenzy to last weeks or even were out of eggs and ‘Where are Food staples like milk, eggs, See STORES page 3 Virus confirmed in fore, and they may never expe- months. rience anything like it again. “We’re here to serve, and it’s two neighboring “Some of the customers and easy to do it when it’s smooth I have compared it to the nev- sailing. But now, in waters like counties er-ending snowstorm,” said Joel this, it’s like ‘Okay. This is when By ROBERT MAHARRY Johnson, the manager of Broth- we have to step up,’” Trunck’s and SETH MCDUFFEE er’s Market in Grundy Center. co-owner and manager Darren The Grundy Register “It’s been very challenging, and Trunck said. “I don’t want to GRUNDY COUNTY- Since I enjoy a challenge.” use the word fun in a pandemic, the previous issue of The Grun- Andy Havens, the manager but it’s a time to step up to the dy Register published a week of Hometown Foods in Conrad, challenge. It breaks the routine, ago, the novel coronavirus has made a similar comparison. and days just fly by.” been confirmed in residents of “It’s like a blizzard times Trunck, who co-owns and two neighboring counties. 10,” he said. “You know, a bliz- manages stores in Reinbeck Black Hawk County, the fifth zard lasts one day, and that’s and Dysart with his wife Sue, most populous in the state, re- about it. Sales get averaged. noticed a big change around ported its first case in an indi- (But) this just keeps going.” last Monday when “it just went vidual over the age of 80 last Brother’s, Hometown Foods crazy,” and according to Darren, week, and since this weekend, and Trunck’s Country Foods in it really sunk in when people two more cases have been con- Reinbeck have seen an unprece- started hearing that Wal-Mart’s Brother’s Market (pictured) has been one of the busiest spots in Grundy Center over the last firmed in the county. Addition- dented surge in sales in response shelves were emptying in the week. (Robert Maharry/The Grundy Register photo) ally, there were three cases con- firmed in Tama County over the weekend. “We’re still just recommend- ing everything that IDPH is Area districts offering meals during school shutdown recommending for social dis- By ROBERT MAHARRY student who needs a meal gets Grundy Center’s meals will excellent, dedicated workers. the future. tancing,” Grundy County Pub- The Grundy Register fed. be served at the Bethany Pres- The service we offer to families At Gladbrook-Reinbeck, lic Health Director Katie Thorn- AREA- Even as classes are Each district’s plan is slightly byterian Church (located at 315 is tremendous,” Grundy Center meals have been served out of ton-Lang said. “From what I’m closed at all five public school unique, but all of them are offer- G Avenue) and began yesterday, Superintendent Robert Hughes the United Church of Christ hearing, people are really adher- districts in Grundy County, of- ing some sort of meal program running through April 10. Par- said. “The wellbeing of the stu- in Reinbeck from Monday to ing to that.” ficials are making arrangements for the duration of the closure, ents are required to accompany dents and the larger communi- Wednesday, and the school Social distancing is the prac- to provide meals during the which is expected to run until at children to pick up the meals. ty is a high priority. We greatly is planning to take over as of tice of deliberately increasing shutdown and ensure that any least April 13. “We are so fortunate to have appreciate all the support and Thursday. Beginning Thursday, the physical space between peo- thoughtfulness.” meals will be served from 11:00 ple to avoid spreading illness. Dike-New Hartford served a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the UCC Staying at least six feet away its first meals last Thursday, in Reinbeck, and Gladbrook from other people lessens your and has set up pickup spots in meals will be served from the chances of becoming infected Dike (the school building), New old school building near the fit- with COVID-19. The changes Hartford (also the school build- ness center entrance. The Am- in public behavior include res- ing), Stout (the fire station) and Vets building in Lincoln and idents giving a wide berth when the Dietrich Mobile Home Park the Morris Inn in Morrison will passing one another and extend- along Highway 20. Each day also serve as pickup points from ed lines at check-out counters that students come by, they get 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Any- in stores and gas stations as breakfast for the day following, one 18 and under qualifies for customers attempt to keep a and adults can purchase meals the meals, and G-R will also be comfortable distance and avoid at a cost of $2 for breakfast and serving adult meals at the same potential infection. The practice $3 for lunch. cost as Dike-New Hartford’s. also includes safety precautions According to foodservice BCLUW has established such as working from home director Angie Callan, D-NH two pickup locations for its if possible and avoiding large served 122 meals on the first meals—one at the elementary gatherings. day and 172 on the second day. school in Conrad and another Currently, there are 124 con- Anyone with questions is en- outside of city hall in Liscomb. firmed cases of COVID-19 in couraged to contact her at ang- Meals will begin on Wednesday, the state of Iowa with no deaths. [email protected]. She add- March 25, and can be picked up There have been 2,315 negative ed that the district might mix in from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in results around the state, a fac- A photo of the fruits, vegetables and sandwiches served for Dike-New Hartford’s first post-shutdown some hot meals this week as the Conrad and from 12:00 p.m. to tor that has health authorities meal last Thursday. (Photo courtesy of Justin Stockdale) program takes off and grows in See MEALS page 3 requesting community help. As See UPDATE page 3 Supervisors vote to close most county Adame sentencing hearing delayed facilities during special meeting due to coronavirus By ROBERT MAHARRY facilities with the exception of By ROBERT MAHARRY The Grundy Register the sheriff’s office, emergency The Grundy Register GRUNDY CENTER- management, the jail and pub- CHARLES CITY- The man During a special meeting held lic health, effective at 11:00 who was recently convicted last Thursday morning, the a.m. on Thursday, March 19, in the 2017 killing of Michael Grundy County Board of Su- passed by a 4-0 vote (Chuck Johns will not be sentenced un- pervisors voted unanimously Bakker was absent). The Clerk til at least April 3 due to a delay to close most county facilities of Court’s office, which is ad- over the Coronavirus situation. indefinitely in response to the ministered by the state, will also Armando Adame, a 28-year- old who last resided in Waterloo, COVID-19 coronavirus out- continue to operate with slight was scheduled to be sentenced break. modifications. for First Degree Murder after he To allow for optimal “social Some department heads was found guilty last month at distancing,” the board convened shared concerns about being the conclusion of a five-day jury in the courtroom on the third able to continue their work trial. Adame was found to have floor of the courthouse with during the shutdown, and Coun- killed Johns, a 28-year-old who several department heads also ty Auditor Rhonda Deters noted lived in Grundy Center, and left present. No official virus-relat- that staff will still be present at his body in rural Floyd Coun- ed actions were taken during the the courthouse building work- ty between Charles City and previous regular meeting, but ing and conducting county busi- Greene before it was discovered officials began to limit visitors ness.
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