SOCIAL MEDIA 6 - 12 MAY 2019 ISSUE N: 110 PresideNt Salome Zourabichvili Paid First Official Visit to the Republic of PolaNd 7-8.05.2019 WARSAW • WithiN the frames of her visit PresideNt Salome Zourabichvili held meetiNgs with PresideNt ANdrzej Duda, Prime MiNister Mateusz Morawiecki, Marshal of the SeNate StaNisław Karczewski, aNd Marshal of the Sejm Marek Kuchciński, as well with diaspora represeNtatives aNd GeorgiaN studeNts studyiNg iN Warsaw. • Discussed: ENhaNciNg bilateral political, ecoNomic aNd cultural relatioNs, Georgia’s EuropeaN aNd Euro-AtlaNtic iNtegratioN, situatioN iN Georgia’s occupied territories, parliameNtary cooperatioN. • DuriNg the visit PresideNt Zourabichvili participated iN the iNterNatioNal coNfereNce “Leaders' Dialogue: 10th ANNiversary of the EasterN PartNership”, aNd delivered public lecture iN Warsaw UNiversity. MORE MeetiNg of MiNisters of ForeigN Affairs of the Visegrad Group aNd the EasterN PartNership 6.05.2019 BRATISLAVA • MiNister of ForeigN Affairs David ZalkaliaNi participated iN the meetiNg of the MiNisters of ForeigN Affairs of the Visegrad Group aNd the EasterN PartNership. • MeetiNg was atteNded by the ForeigN MiNister of RomaNia (PresideNcy of the EU CoNcil), as well as by EuropeaN CommissioNer for EuropeaN Neighbourhood Policy & ENlargemeNt NegotiatioNs JohaNNes HahN aNd Secretary GeNeral of the EuropeaN ExterNal ActioN Service Helga Schmid. • DuriNg the meetiNg sides assessed 10 years of the EasterN PartNership aNd discussed prospects for further developmeNt of the PartNership, strategic importaNce of EasterN PartNership as a dimeNsioN of the EuropeaN Neighbourhood Policy, regioNal security, mobility aNd people-to people coNtacts, ecoNomic developmeNt aNd sectoral co-operatioN. • MiNister ZalkaliaNi spoke about Georgia’s EU iNtegratioN process, strategic locatioN aNd role of Georgia iN terms of coNNectivity, iN the field of iNfrastructure, traNsport aNd eNergy, Black Sea security, aNd the situatioN iN Georgia’s occupied territories. • DuriNg the visit David ZalkaliaNi hosted the GeorgiaN wiNe testiNg receptioN, also atteNded by the Polish ForeigN MiNister aNd the UkraiNiaN Deputy ForeigN MiNister. MORE MiNister of the INterior of the FreNch Republic Visited Georgia 10.05.2019 TBILISI • WithiN the framework of his official visit iN Georgia, FreNch INterior MiNister Christophe CastaNer held meetiNgs with PresideNt Salome Zourabichvili, Prime MiNister Mamuka Bakhtadze, Vice Prime MiNister aNd MiNister of INterNal Affairs Giorgi Gakharia. • Discussed: ENhaNciNg law eNforcemeNt cooperatioN betweeN Georgia aNd FraNce, partNership through active iNvolvemeNt of the Police Attaches of both couNtries, implemeNtatioN of joiNt operatioNs, political aNd practical importaNce of visa-free travel with EU. • DuriNg the visit MiNisters sigNed aN admiNistrative agreemeNt that aims at further streNgtheNiNg existiNg cooperatioN iN fight agaiNst crime betweeN FraNce aNd Georgia. MORE FrieNds of Georgia from the UK Visited Georgia 5-11.05.2019 TBILISI • The Embassy of Georgia to the UK orgaNized a diplomatic trip for 30 promiNeNt FOLLOW US ON: guests - actiNg aNd former Ambassadors from 8 CouNtries (SloveNia, Slovakia, HoNduras, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Cyprus, GermaNy, Ecuador); Members of the /mfageorgia/ House of Lords aNd House of CommoNs of the UK ParliameNt; represeNtatives of busiNess, academic aNd religious orgaNizatioNs aNd their spouses traveled from /MFAgovge /DZalkaliani UK to Georgia. • WithiN the diplomatic trip the guests visited differeNt cities of Georgia aNd got acquaiNted with Georgia’s history, /MFAGEO culture aNd its ecoNomic aNd busiNess opportuNities. DEVELOPED BY: • Diplomats held meetiNgs with the MiNister of ForeigN Affairs David ZalkaliaNi, His HoliNess the Patriarch Ilia II Strategic CommuNicatioNs DepartmeNt aNd the represeNtatives of the local authorities, also visited to the occupatioN liNe aNd observed the situatioN oN the MFA of Georgia [email protected] grouNd. MORE.
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