NATIONAL CENTER FOR MISSING & EXPLOITED .C H I L D R E N December 18,2002 Vann Kennedy KZTV 301 Artesian Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2701 Dear Vann, - On behalf of Wal-Mart and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, please accept the enclosed plaque as an expression of gratitude from us for your support of The Missing Children’s Network. We appreciate your efforts and hope that you will proudly display the enclosed plaque as a credit to your commitment to returning missing children home. With your continued support, thousands of viewers are reminded that they can make a difference by taking time to stop and look at the missing children posters inside their local Wal-Mart stores. Sincerelv. a Wal-Mart Foundation December 10,2002 Mr. Dale Remy CBS 10 - KZTV 301 Artesian Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 Dear Dale, Thank you so much for your involvement in the 2002 AEP Harbor Lights Festivol. Your sponsorship is greatly appreciated and hos helped to make this HARBOR year's event extremely ~~cce~sful. It is from the gracious support of componies like your's thot embles this 1I 6 H T I feiwl to happen. In our 22nd yqr, Hohr Lights continues to be a FREE (onw (HAI~IIIMAI community event for people of all oges, ond we are thrilled thot you were o port of it. We know you hove o choice on the events you *port and the Harbor Lights. Festivol is groteful for your choosing us. Again, thank you for porticipating in Corpu~Christi's onm~~l"Kick off to the Holidoys" celebration. We look forward to seeing you ogoin next year for the 23rd Annual Harbor Lights Festiwl! e / Lorric LeCompte L Executive Producer Project Coordinotor www.horborlightsfestiwl.com 01/14/04 WED 12:15 FAX 361 289 5024 CLEAR CAANNEL RADIO-CC Q002/018 NATIONAL MULTtPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY Lone Star Chapter October 22,2003 Mr. FAEdwards KRY S-FM 99.1 501 Tupper Lane Corpus Christi, TX 78417 . Dear Mr. Edwards: The 14” annual HEB MS 150 BIke to the Beach set records never, ever seen beforc in South Texas. This performance and the event’s positive outcome is a result of your support and encouragemcnt. It’s said: “You are known by the company you keep.” Ifthat’s the case, then the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Lone Star Chapta has reached new heights given our association with you. From everyone at the Lone Star Chapter we send you a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for contributing to our evcnt success. According to the riders, the event was the best organized and the safest yet, a definite reflection of their appreciation towards our organization and SO by association with yoy too. ”his hopeM1y will assure our event of high repeat business next year kom these many satisfied participants. The Lone Star Chapter is dedicated to improve the quality of life for the more than 14,000 Texans living with multiple sclerosis in 143 counties. There are as many as 400,000 Americans living with the disease; at least 200 new cases of MS an: diagnosed each week, which is more than 1 person every hour! Eighty three (83) cents of each dollar raised is spent towards cnding the devastating effects ofmultiple sclerosis. The early numbers show us to be on target to soar pastour event goal of $650,000. Our data show our registered rider count at about 2,150, which is nearly 1,000 more than our event a year ago. It’s clear that our humble event is taking on a life of its own and that the word is out that the National MS Society offers a quality event.. something many of us already hew! All this bodes well for a vcry exciting 2004, offering challenges and opportunities for our 15” &vsSarY year. This is all excellent news for the future and for our mission of funding research to ultimately find a cure for multiple sclerosis. Sincerely, .. - _. Director Logistics Manager 01/14/04 WED 12:16 FAX 361 289 5024 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO-cc m003/018 .. Red Barn Private School, Inc. 4701 Ayexs Street, Ste. 304 Corpus Christi, TX 78415 P 361-855-7555 F 361-855-3535 July 29,2003 Dear Rig Frank I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you and K99 for the generously donating the 4 CD's for onr fundraiser. I am sure they will be a great help!!! Again Thanks!! Lupe sp&r Center Director . ~ 714~4~~~ 289 5024 CLEXR CHANNEL 12313 FAX 361 RADIO-CC ‘018 “Never let them walk alone.” . uri-mv4wE~L:Is7.ax 361 280 5024 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO-CC 4?1005/0ia ,- NATIONAL October 22,2003 Mr. Rex Gabriel ClOl SO1 Tupper Lanc Corpus Christi, TX 78417 The 14”\annual HEB MS 150 Bike to the Beach set rccords never, ever seen bcfore in South Texas. This performance and the event’s positive outcome is a result of your support and encouragement. It’s said: “You are known by the company you keep.” If that’s the case, then the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Lone Star Chapter has reached new hcights given our association with you. From everyonc at the Lone Star Chapter we send you a heatfelt ‘thank you’ for contributing to our event success. According to thc riders, the event was the best organized and the safest yet, a definite reflection of their apprcciation towards our organizalion and so by association with you, too. This hopeklly will assure our went of high repeat business next year from thesc many satisfied participants. The Lone Star Chapter is dcdicated to improve the quality of life for the more than 14,000 Texans living with multiplc sclerosis in 143 counties. There arc HS many as 400,000 Amcricans living with the disease; at least 200 new cases of MS are diagnosed each week, which is more than 1 person every hour! Eighty three (83) cents ofe~chdollar raised is spent towards ending the devastating effects of multiple sclaosis. The early nunibcrs show us to be on target to soar past our event goal of $6SO,OOO. Our data show our registered rider count at about 2,150, which is nearly 1,000 more than our event a year ago. It’s clcar that our humble evcnt is taking on a life of its own and that the word is out that the National MS Society offcrs a quality cvmt.. .something many of us already knew! All this bodes well for a very cxciting 2004, offering chailengcs and opportunities for our 15* anniversary year. This is all excelleiit news for the future and for our mission of funding rescarch to ultimately find a cure for multiplc sclerosis. Sincerely, . -. Director Logistics Manager @OOS/OlS 01/14/04 WE D 12:16 FAX 361 289 5024 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO-CC P.O. ROX 849 Pordm4 TX 78374 (361 )7564541 (361)9060969 PAX (361)643-7075 Isabel C. Menhdez, M.D. Vicente KUN Thank you for having Dr. Fer@e and me on your talk show today. We both enjoyed it and are grateful for having the opportuniiy lo help owcornmuniiy understand such an imwrtant issue. Them is no doubt rbat your ulk show is a ~rm,linsource ofillrodon for OUT Spanish speaktng pop*tim and 1 ws very impressed with your style and commitment io inform ihe public of relmnt issues. No worrder you haw been such a success. As 1 mdodthis morning, I would fecl honored to come back to your show and discuss other health-. 1 may 1101 have all the amis.but 1 promisc (0 do my best to help keep our Spanish speakins cornrrmni(y informed. Thanks again for the opportunity you mvc us. Keep up thc gdwurk. May God bless you, ...-................-*...*.- -. DlT4704 WED 12:17 FAX 361 289 5024 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO-CC @OO?/OlS Momerrey, Nuevo Leon. Septhmbre lo. 2003. Sr.VicenteCaranza KUNO AM 1400 501 Tuppcr h. corpus christi, rr. 78417 Con mis sobrhos Felipe y Norma Compean reside- en Rockport, Texas, U.S.A. stay enviandole 2 ejemplares del Pmbdico El None de Monterrey, N.L. Mexico del dia - Agosto 29 y 30. Recicntementeesrubc con ebsy cn su visita a nuesm casa, les pedi que hicieran -- llew este rnedio de la prensa escrita que consider0 sew de gnrn utilidad para usted. Aprovecho para felicitarlo, me agrada evcuchar sus programas cuando estoy vacacio- nando en Rockpoq api como soy ssidua radioeseucha del radio, soy lectora del periodico y - en todo lo que se reficre a medios de comunicacion. Adanas es una omion para saludar a ut4 como a su auditorio muy respetuosamenic. ATEN T A M E N T E .- Amelia Martinez Ruelas Periodista Jubiladd Miguel Barragan 1710 Ote. Col. Terminal C.P. 64580 01/14/04 WED 12:17 FAX 361 289 5024 CLEAR CHANNEL RADIO-CC February 21,2003 Mr. Kcnt Cooper Gencral Manager . KUNO-AM KSAB-FM 501 Tuppcr Lane Corpus Christi, TX 78417 Dear Kent: Cm behaif of our clicnt, the Hispanic Christian Churches Association (HCCA), we thank you for your contributions to the “God 2002” campaigm Together we reached it record of 350 million Hispanics in the United States and Latin America and accomplished an unpreccdented $35.3 nm in donated measurable spacelair rime in mcdia Rascd on the posilive feedback obtaincd from all media vehicles and the result of focus groups againsl the gencral populous and support received froin our kiends in the media. we havc decided to extend thc usage of thcse 4 commercials for the duration of 2003.
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