Non Profit Standard US Postage PAID Permit #202 Minot, ND 58701 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NORTH DAKOTA STATE COUNCIL DISCOVER Official Publication of North Dakota Knights of Columbus Published: Summer, Winter, Spring Vol. 60 No. 1 September Issue 2019 Editor: Diane Horpestad PO Box 645, Minot, ND 58702 State Deputy’s Message Brother Knights, support our world-wide mission without new members to help carry the load? How can we continue to serve as the I’d like to thank all of you who strong right arm of the church without new brother either chose to attend personally, or Knights to work with? How can we continue to support chose to send your Chaplains to this our widows and orphans, and continue to support the year’s 137th Supreme Convention in vision of our Founder? Our Worthy Supreme Knight has Minneapolis. I’d also like to thank shown us that the Knights of Columbus is positioned to all of the Sir Knights from assem- help build the Domestic Church though our Faith in blies across North Dakota who par- Action program. By implementing Faith in Action in Jake Werner ticipated in the many honor guards. every council we will truly become Knights of Unity, Your presence and attention to detail was impressive! Knights United in Faith! And last but not least, I’d like to thank our Vice Supreme Master Glenn Wagner of DeSmet Province for making Brothers, our mission is critical. The only way we can the arrangements that made it all possible. Thank you! achieve it, and remain committed to our founding During our Organizational meeting in Bismarck, I tried principles, is by growing our Order, by giving every to convey the importance of staying the course and eligible Catholic man the opportunity to join us and continuing our mission, the mission of the North Dakota become a North Dakota Knight of Columbus. As our Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Columbus Worthy Supreme Knight has said again and again, we all worldwide. I spoke about misconceptions that some of have a moral obligation to give every Catholic gentleman us have with regards to our mission versus numbers. As the opportunity to become a Knight of Columbus. we all know our mission is to support our faith, our par- ish priests, our families and our communities. Our mis- Vivat Jesus! sion is based upon the founding principles of our order, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. So how can we Jake Werner State Deputy The Seven Sorrows of Mary In the Catholic Church we have dedicated each Month to a Calendar in 1727 and assigned it to the particular aspect of the Faith. Friday before Palm Sunday. Some Church- The following is the traditional list of each Month: es had previously celebrated this feast dur- ing the Easter season. Others, however, JANUARY celebrated the Joys of the Blessed Virgin The Holy Name of Jesus http://www.mycatholicsource.com/ during the Easter season, as is still done mcs/tp/topic_page-Jesus.htm today at Braga. In some places it was enti- FEBRUARY tled "Recollection of the Feasts and Joys of The Holy Family http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/ the Blessed Virgin Mary." topic_page-Holy_Family.htm So, this September, lets contemplate in Fr. Wilhelm MARCH our Prayers the Traditional Sorrows of our St. Joseph http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/ Lady, they are as follows: topic_page-Saint_Joseph.htm APRIL * The Prophecy of Simeon. ( Luke 2:34-35). The Holy Eucharist http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/ * The escape and Flight into Egypt. ( Matthew 2:13). topic_page-Holy_Communion.htm * The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. (Lk 2:41-50) MAY * The Meeting of Mary and Jesus on the Via Dolorosa. (John 19:1; Luke The Blessed Virgin Mary http://www.mycatholicsource.com/ 23:26-32) mcs/tp/topic_page-Blessed_Virgin_Mary.htm * The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary. ( John 19:25). JUNE * Jesus Is Taken Down From the Cross (John 19:31-34, 38; Lam 1:12) The Sacred Heart of Jesus http://www.mycatholicsource.com/ * Jesus is Laid in the Tomb (Matthew 27:59; John 19:38-42; Mark 15:46; mcs/tp/topic_page-Sacred_Heart.htm Luke 27:55-56) JULY The Precious Blood of Jesus http:// According to the visions of St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373) www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/topic_page-Jesus.htm our Blessed Mother promises to grant seven graces to those who AUGUST honor her and draw near to her and her Son every day by med- The Immaculate Heart of Mary http:// itating on her dolors (sorrows) and entering into her grief. www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/topic_page- Blessed_Virgin_Mary.htm SEPTEMBER * "I will grant peace to their families." The Seven Dolors of Maryhttp://www.mycatholicsource.com/ * "They will be enlightened about the divine Mysteries." mcs/tp/topic_page-Blessed_Virgin_Mary.htm / The Sorrowful * "I will console them in their pains and will accompany them in their Mother work." OCTOBER * "I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not The Holy Rosary http://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/ oppose the adorable will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their topic_page-holy_rosary.htm souls." NOVEMBER * "I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy The Holy Souls in Purgatory http:// and I will protect them at every instant of their lives." www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/topic_page-purgatory.htm * "I will visibly help them at the moment of their death -- they will see DECEMBER the face of their mother." The Immaculate Conception (of the Blessed Virgin * "I have obtained this grace from my divine Son, that those who Maryhttp://www.mycatholicsource.com/mcs/tp/topic_page- propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors will be taken directly Blessed_Virgin_Mary.htm from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son will be their eternal consolation and joy." The month of September is dedicated to the Seven Sorrows of Mary. Devotion to the sorrows of the Virgin Mary dates The Prayer, My good Knights of Columbus, I would like you from the twelfth century, when it made its appearance in to pray for the spread of our Order, and the strengthening of it in monastic circles under the influence of St. Anselm and St. North Dakota is as follows that comes from the Holy Mass Bernard. The Cistercians and the Servites Orders undertook to Celebrated on the 15th Day of September. Please try to attend. propagate this great devotion throughout the World. It became widespread in the fourteenth and especially the fifteenth Liturgical Collect Prayer in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows: centuries, particularly in the Rhineland and Flanders, where Father, As your Son was raised on the cross, His mother Mary Confraternities of the Sorrowful Mother sprang up. It was in stood by Him, sharing His suffering. May she, who is also our this context that the first liturgical formularies in her honor spiritual Mother and Patroness in heaven, help us to find were composed. A provincial council of Mainz in 1423 made renewed strength at the cross of Christ and so to come to share use of these in establishing a "Feast of the Sorrows of Mary" in His rising to new life, where He lives and reigns with you and in reparation for Hussite profanations of defiling the images of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. our Lady. In 1494 the feast appeared in Bruges, where the Precious Blood of Christ was venerated; later on it made its Very Reverend Chad Wilhelm way into France. It did not, however, become widespread in State Chaplain to North Dakota Knights of Columbus France before Benedict XIII included it in the Roman 2 “Knights of Unity” Brother Knights, When we think of unity, we must think of another. Unity requires another. I cannot be united to another if I am by During the first week of August, I had myself. Being a member of the Knights of Columbus means I the privilege to represent our North Dakota am never by myself, I am never alone. A brother Knight is Knights as a delegate to the 137th Supreme always there to assist when there is a need. I am truly grateful to Convention held in Minneapolis. I consid- my brother Knights who have always been there to assist me er it a tremendous blessing to have been over the years. And that generosity received inspires me to be able to attend and participate in a number Fr. Shannon Lucht generous in return. of Supreme Conventions over the years. In our increasingly fractured society, unity is something that is And always, I return home to North Dakota from the convention greatly needed. And unity is something that we, as Knights of having been encouraged, strengthened and inspired by my Columbus, must strive to bear witness to. My brothers, let us brother Knights. embrace our unity! We are brother Knights of Columbus. We The theme of this year’s Supreme Convention was “Knights are united in Faith. We are united in our love for the Church. of Unity”. Unity is one of the core principles of the Knights of We are united in our love for our Blessed Mother. We are unit- Columbus. One of the most powerful things I heard at this ed in our love for our Lord Jesus. We are united in our love for year’s Supreme Convention--something that surged through my the Holy Eucharist. We are united in our desire to become heart, was something that our Supreme Chaplain, Archbishop saints.
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