SEPTEMBER 2020 THE MAGAZINE YOU COME HOME TO Distance learning dilemma Pandemic reveals technology gap in rural areas PLUS Four ways to be cyber safe Convert garage into living space Seasonal sweets CONTENTS SEPTEMBER 2020 Vol. 55 • No. 9 4 KEEPING CURRENT EDITOR News from across Peter A. Fitzgerald the Commonwealth SENIOR EDITOR/WRITER Katherine Hackleman 6 ENERGY Matters Ways to winterize a ASSOCIATE EDITOR manufactured home Michael T. Crawford LAYOUT & DESIGN 8 FeatUre: DIstaNCE W. Douglas Shirk LEARNING DIlemma 8 PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Pandemic reveals technology gap Michelle M. Smith in rural areas CONTRIBUTING COLUMNISTS James Dulley 12 TIME LINES Janette Hess Your newsmagazine Yvonne Butts-Mitchell through the years Penn Lines (USPS 929-700), the newsmagazine of Pennsylvania’s electric cooperatives, is published 12A COOperatIVE monthly by the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Associa- CONNECTION tion, 212 Locust Street, P.O. Box 1266, Harrisburg, Information and advice from PA 17108-1266. Penn Lines helps 166,000 house- holds of co-op consumer-members understand issues your local electric cooperative that affect the electric cooperative program, their local 18 co-ops, and their quality of life. Electric co-ops are not- 14 TECH TRENDS for-profit, consumer-owned, locally directed, and tax- paying electric utilities. Penn Lines is not responsible Four ways to be cyber safe for unsolicited manuscripts. The opinions expressed in Penn Lines do not necessarily reflect those of the 16 SMART CIRCUITS editors, the Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association, or local electric distribution cooperatives. Convert garage (or basement) into efficient living space Subscriptions: Electric co-op members, $5.39 per year through their local electric distribution coopera- tive. Preferred Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, 18 COUNTRY KITCHEN PA 17107 and additional mailing offices. POST- Seasonal sweets MASTER: Send address changes with mailing label to Penn Lines, 212 Locust Street, P.O. Box 1266, Harrisburg, PA 17108-1266. 19 RURAL VIEWS 19 Advertising: Display ad deadline is six weeks prior to High and tight, Mona Lisa and month of issue. Ad rates upon request. Acceptance the Jeep wave of advertising by Penn Lines does not imply endorse- ment of the product or services by the publisher or any electric cooperative. If you encounter a problem 20 CLASSIFIEDS with any product or service advertised in Penn Lines, please contact: Advertising, Penn Lines, P.O. Box 1266, Harrisburg, PA 17108. Penn Lines reserves 22 PUNCH LINes the right to refuse any advertising. 100 days alone in the arctic wilderness is looking pretty good 23 RURAL REFLECTIONS Coming soon: autumn 23 ON THE COVER Board officers and staff, Pennsylvania Rural Electric Lisa Williams, a Tri-County REC Association: Chairman, Leroy Walls; Vice Chair man, Tim Burkett; Secretary, Barbara Miller; Treasurer, member and reading specialist at Rick Shope; President & CEO, Frank M. Betley Southern Tioga School District, sits on her deck with her dog, Maddy, © 2020 Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part as part of a video to encourage without written permission is prohibited. students and parents to stay posi- tive after schools closed during the Visit with us at Penn Lines Online, early stages of the pandemic. located at: www.prea.com/penn-lines- Photo courtesy of Lisa Williams magazine. Penn Lines Online provides an email link to Penn Lines editorial staff, information on advertising rates, and an archive of past issues. Member Of: | SEPTEMBER 2020 3 KEEPINGCURRENT News from across the Commonwealth Recipients of unsolicited The 24-mem- PSU reports finding new seeds asked to complete ber commission invasive species in state survey for the state was established Penn State University Extension re- The Pennsylvania Department of Ag- as part of a pack- ports the first known occurrence of an riculture is asking residents who have age of agriculture invasive species, the swede midge, in received unsolicited packages of seeds initiatives during Pennsylvania. Discovered in July in a from China to go online to the depart- the 2019-2020 Bradford County broccoli field, the tiny ment’s website and complete a survey. session of the Pennsylvania Legislature. (1/16 inch) fly that is native to Europe This is in regard to a growing scam in Commission members were asked to and parts of Asia extensively damages e-commerce that involves unsolicited research and make recommendations Brassica crops. packages — in this case, seeds — be- regarding how to help the dairy industry First confirmed in the United States ing shipped to residents. Officials are regain its footing in the global market. in New York 20 years ago, the pest concerned that the seeds might include Organized into four subcommittees belongs to a group of insects that often plant diseases, weeds or invasive plants. (Farm, State, Market, and Consumer cause distorted plant-growth patterns levels, each chaired by a Pennsylva- in crops such as cabbage, broccoli and nia dairy producer), the commission cauliflower, among others. considered input from studies, organi- Extension officials say the pest zations, and individuals, leading to 54 may be more widespread than has recommendations in the final report. been known as its damage may have During a Penn State Extension and been mistaken for herbicide injury or Center for Dairy Excellence forum dis- various stress factors. They say dam- cussing the commission’s recommen- age varies with the crop and time of dations, Pennsylvania Department of infestation, but can include plants that Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding don’t produce heads, leaf puckering, Department officials are asking that (an Adams Electric Cooperative mem- multiple shoots, many small heads, consumers who received unsolicited ber) said he believes the commission’s brown scarring, swollen flower florets packages of seeds retain the seeds and diversity of input and bold initiatives or leaves, and other plant-growth packaging. If the package has been will lead to meaningful progress. distortions. opened, they advise double bagging “We are stable with a plan, with the Adult swede midge live only about and sealing the seeds. The seeds should right people engaged, with recommen- a week, but there are multiple gener- not be planted or discarded. dations that go not back to the depart- ations per year. For more information Anyone who received the unsolicit- ment, not out into the ether, but back about the swede midge and its manage- ed seeds is asked to go to the depart- to the governor, back to the leaders ment, go to the Penn State University ment’s website at agriculture.pa.gov, in the House and Senate,” he said. Extension website at extension.psu.edu “That to me is an important statement search for “Seeds from China” and and search for “swede midge.” l complete a survey. because it says this is not simply about what a few folks who are on the com- Dairy commission releases mission think. It’s what we think, cou- ideas to strengthen industry pled with what our leaders in govern- The Pennsylvania Dairy Future Com- ment do, and that will be important as mission in August released a report to we move from the report that’s printed the Pennsylvania General Assembly and released to the action.” and the dairy community outlining its The report can be found on the recommendations to strengthen and Center for Dairy Excellence website promote the state’s dairy industry. at centerfordairyexcellence.org. 4 | SEPTEMBER 2020 SAVE 88% SUPER COUPON Shop When You Need To Online & In-Store WOW 12" x 12" SUPER COUPON M i c r o fi b e r NO COUPON REQUIRED CuSUPERstomer Rati COUPONng Cleaning Cloths 3-Ply Disposable Less Than (674) CustomerPack Rating of 4 50¢ Per Mask Face Masks (6155) % 10 Masks 20 20 Gallon, 135 PSI per Pack Oil-Lube WOW! 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