PAGE SIX THE BISMARCK TRIBUNE MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1925 Wright out on a line fly S. Harris (SUNDAY'S GAME) to Columbus Day , THE RUN THAT PREVENTED A JOHNSON SHUTOUT and Treynor was doubled at first, S. Harris to Judge* S. Harris made a EAST TEAMS Observed in 33 great leaping one-handed catch. Grantham up: Grqptham grounded to States as Holiday TWO HOMERS IN Judge who could not make a play at first as it was an hit. Gooch 33 infield STIFF ¦Columbus Day is obsfrved in up: put to S. who ¦HAVE Gooeh flied Harris states as a legal holiday. Sports made the catch behind second base. Chi- The Columbian Exposition in THIRD WIN FOR No runs, two hits, no errors. Co- cago in 1893 revived interest in Washington— S. Harris up: S. Har- GAMES AHEAD lumbus, especially because of the ris singled to left. Goslin up: Goslin arrival from Europe of the models " taking . * singled to center, S. Harris t *'A, • 4V.. A in which the THE which of the three caravels SENATORS second. It was a Texas leaguer set out SENATORS Three Intersection*! Battles navigator and his band had fell between Carey and Barnhart. J. on the voyage which ended with the Harris up. J. Harris flied to Barn- on Schedule for discovery of America. Washington Takes Sunday’s hart. Judge up: Judge grounded to Football Following this revival of interest HOPE TO END Grantham, forcing Goslin at second, * Saturday came the movement to establish Game By a‘4 to 0 Scares Grantham to Wright, S. Harris takes October 12, the day on which in 1492 third. Judge on first. Peck up: Columbus landed on the island Only Need One More While Morrison was holding the ball New York, Oot. 12.—UP)— Eastern which he named San Salvador, as a SERIES TODAY a double steal was attempted but S. college football teams are confronted legal holiday. out at the plate, Morri- week in to run the third Harris was intensive training this Colorado was the first state A home by Goslin in son to Grantham to No runs, preparation for hard schedules on a holiday. This action Victory Today Give with Riee S. Harris on Gooch. accept it as Would inning, and two hits, no errors. Saturday. Three intersectional tilts followed by other states. In base ahead of him, and another four- was Title While Pitts- Eighth Inning form a heavy card of eight major 1909 the day was made a legal holi- Them base clout by J. Harris, who immedi- Pittsburgh—Bigbee batting for Syracuse years of the plate, contests, with and Columbia day in New York after six burgh Must Win Three ately followed Goslin at Morrison. Bigbee popped out to S. invading “Big Ten” gridirons, while political campaigning. gave Washington the only scores up: singled .to Army Knights in all yesterday’s world series Harris. Moore Moore Notre Dame and -the clash at The of made in left center. Carey up: Carey popped the Yankee Stadium in New York. parts of the country have always 12.-</P) Sup- game against the Pittsburgh Pirates Washington, Oct. put to S. Harris. Cuyler up: Cuyler Knute outfit is still re- been active in .promoting legislation by at the Washington stadium and put RocHne's ported in brilliant fashion that flied out to J. Harris. No runs, one garded as somewhat of on unknown for the celebration of Columbus Day Kansas marvel of two decades, Wal- the Senators in a fair wav tp win the no The Beloit which taken part in the cere- now won hit, errors. quantity. game, and have ter “Barney” Johnson, and j-uyinit series. The Senator* have Washington: Adams pitching for Notre Dame won 19 to 3, failed to monies in all cities where the day with exceptional skill on his own ac- three games of the series while the Pittsburgh. up: out, Tray- any might observed. only ope. Peck Peck reveal plays which have is count, Stanley Harris, youngest man Pirates have taken Wash- nor to Grantham. Ruel up. Ruel been advantageous to the West Point- in baseball, moves forward today ington needs but one more game out along coming a«er played doubled the left field base line. ers. Rockne is east with a toward his second world series con of the three yet to be to win Myer up: Myer grounded to Gran- reversible team—4hut is he has two quest. the world championship for two years tham and beat him to the base. teams of equal strength and at any New North Dakota Holding a margin of three games in succession, while Pittsburgh must Johnson up: On an attempted squeeze given .time he can drop 11 new play- History Adopted For to one over the Pittsburgh Pirates, take all three of the remaining games play Johnson hit in front of the plate ers in the game which would make it seems that only a miracle can to take the world pennant away from and Ruel was out, Gooch unassisted. as good a showing as the original Schools of State keep Washington trom the triumpn the Senators. as he slid into the plate. Rice up: squad. brought grasp through The Pirates started out with Yde it has within a Rice forces Johnson at second, It will be the Army’s third straight adequate knowledge of the his- remarkable combination of magnil- on the mound yesterday, opposing runs, two hits, An a Wright to Moore. No intersectional tilt this season. The of their own state is the aim of a icent pitching by Johnson, extra the veteran Walter Johnson for the was successful in tory no errors. team its first two new history of the North Dakota ordinary strategy by Harris, an ef- Senators. After the damage had Ninth Inping efforts, defeating Detroit and Knox that has had (loose been done jn the third, however, Yde which was written by Herbert Clay fective attack Pittsburgh—Barnhart up: Barnhart college. Ryland (.lost in and Joe Harris as its biggest was benched and replaced by Morri- up. Traynor ground- Fisk and M. Black and has walks. Traynor* Other Games adopted as a book guns and an astonishing defense in son, who -held the Senators scoreless out Sharing spotlight been standard text is Traytmr, Pirate third baseman, crossing the plate after his run drive into the BhQrt ed to S. Harris who touched Barn- the f.oothall with seventh and eighth grades which Sam Kice, Muddy Kuel and Horn “Pie” home thereafter. When Pittsburgh took at the Dame-Army in the only run scored off Walter Johnson, the Senators’ ace, hart and'' Traynor was doubled Notre battle in the and high schools in North Harris himself have played the most right held "circus seats.” It was the pitching In the field in the eighth inning Adams Judge. Wright up. east Pennsylvania Dakota. game first, S. Harris to is the clash with history conspicuous parts. the first of the world series. took the mound, replacing Morrison. Wright Judge. (for The covers tKe development ,out, S. Harris to No Yale at New Haven the first time the state from the time of the Coveleskie and Aldridge The Lineup runs, no hits, no errors. in 31 years. Penn’s 8 to P triumph of On of spectacular Yesterday’s lineup was follows: first pioneers through the period of top Johnson’s as over the hardy Brown machine in- govern- of the Pirates yesterday by Pittsburgh Moore, second base; the first settlers, territorial shutout [NTERSECTIONAL creased a leaning toward the Quakers statehood to the a 0 it seems likely that Carey, center .field; Cuyler, right Sunday’s Box Score \ ment and present 4 to margin, INCREASE IN against Yale. ’• f ’ ~- the winning momentum oi the Sen- WIN field; Bar/ihart, Jyft field.; Tray nor, |,f . Victories over Marquette time. ORIOLES and Wil- 1 1t Black is president of the state nor- ators may carry them on quickly to third base; Wright, shortstop; Gran- and Mary have greatly encour- Pittsburgh AB R H PO A E liam mal and school at Ellen- the one victory needed to clinch the GRIDIRON CONTESTS MARKS 1925 tham, first base; Gooch, catcher; Yde, aged the Middies, who are preparing industrial professor history series. The bid for it will be placed pitcher. Washington—Rice, center Moore, 2b 4 0 1 3 8 0 to emtertain Princeton. dale, a former of the of the veteran spitball LEAGUE field; S. Harris, second base; Goslin, Carey, of 3 0 -I 0 0 0 at the Red River Valley University in hands MINOR high scoring Cuyler. 4 0 0 0 0 Harvard was the team Wahpeton , star, Stanley Coveleskie, although he OF left field; J. Harris, right field; rf 0 over the 68 and the school of science. SCHEDULES BIG UNIVERSITIES « week end with a to 0 tri- » 0 1 0 history alone of the Senators stuff has tasted Judge, first base; Peckinpough, Barnhart, If 2 umph Mkidlebury, indicating He is the author of the of Traynor, 4 0 0 0 over a (the state convention, defeat. But “Covely’s" setback in shortstop; Ruel, catcher; Myer, third 3b 2 3 change for the better in the coachjug constitutional' more the failure CHAMPIONSHIP Chicago Johnson, pitcher. Wright, ss 4 0 0 3 4 1 1889 to 1910. the second game was Notre Dame Has Heaviest Intersectional Schedule; base; arrangement. The Crimson’s next than his own fault, Umpires: Moriarity at plate, Big- Grantham, lb 3 0 2 10 3 0 Fisk was curator of the North Da- of his teammates 0 opponent will be Holy Cross.
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