Flora of China 5: 333-341. 2003. 12. RUMEX Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 333. 1753. 酸模属 suan mo shu Li Anjen (李安仁 Li An-ren); Alisa E. Grabovskaya-Borodina, Sergei L. Mosyakin Herbs perennial or less commonly annual, rarely shrubs, rarely dioecious. Roots usually stout (taproots), or sometimes plants rhizomatous. Stems erect, rarely ascending to prostrate, branched, not hollow or sulcate. Leaves simple, often dimorphic, fugacious or persisting, basal and cauline, alternate, margin entire or undulate; ocrea tubular, membranous, margin entire. Inflorescence usually terminal, sometimes terminal and axillary, racemose or paniculate. Pedicel articulate (the functional pedicel consists of the true pedicel and, below the joint, the narrowed united basal parts of the outer tepals (pseudopedicel)). Flowers bisexual or unisexual (unisexual in dioecious, and rarely in polygamo-monoecious plants). Perianth persistent, tepals 6, becoming enlarged and often hardened in fruit; valve (fruiting inner tepal) margin entire, erose, denticulate, or variously dentate, midvein often transformed into tubercles (tuberculate callosities). Stamens 6. Styles 3, elongate; stigmas penicillate. Achenes trigonous, elliptic to ovate. About 200 species: widely distributed in N and S temperate zones; 27 species (one endemic) in China. Rumex s.l. is sometimes subdivided into at least three segregate genera: Rumex s.str., Acetosa Miller, and Acetosella (Meisner) Fourreau, here recognized as subgenera. The generic status of these segregate genera, however, has not been generally accepted by most taxonomists. In some cases intermediate forms exist between them, especially between Acetosa and Acetosella, and they are evidently more closely related to each other than to any outside genus. This favors the retention of Rumex in the traditional broad sense, which is also convenient from the viewpoint of nomenclatural stability. 1a. Shrubs flowers polygamous ........................................................................................................................................... 2. R. hastatus 1b. Herbs; flowers unisexual or bisexual. 2a. Annual herb. 3a. Only 1 valve with tubercles ................................................................................................................. 25. R. marschallianus 3b. All valves with tubercles. 4a. Margin of valves entire ...................................................................................................................... 27. R. microcarpus 4b. Margin of valves long dentate, dentate, or denticulate. 5a. Only 1 valve with 2 pairs of teeth, others denticulate; teeth 3.5–4 mm, apex usually slightly curved .............................................................................................................................................. 26. R. amurensis 5b. All valves dentate or denticulate; teeth 2–4 mm, apically straight. 6a. Stem branched above; valves narrowly triangular, margin long dentate. 7a. Margin of valves with 1 pair of teeth 3–4 mm ..................................................................... 22. R. trisetifer 7b. Margin of valves with ca. 3 pairs of teeth 2.5–3 mm ....................................................... 23. R. maritimus 6b. Stem branched from base; valves triangular, margin dentate or denticulate. 8a. Pedicels articulate below middle; valves 4–5 mm, apex acute, margin dentate, teeth 2–3 mm, rather stout ............................................................................................................. 21. R. dentatus 8b. Pedicels articulate at base; valves 2–2.5 mm, apex narrowly acute, margin denticulate, teeth 1–1.5 mm, bristle-like .................................................................................................. 24. R. similans 2b. Perennial herb. 9a. Flowers unisexual and plants dioecious; basal leaves hastate or sagittate. 10a. Basal or lower stem leaves hastate; rhizomes horizontal; valves shorter than or equaling achenes, without tubercles; pedicel articulate near base of tepals ...................................................................... 1. R. acetosella 10b. Basal or lower stem leaves sagittate; without rhizomes or shortly rhizomatous; valves distinctly longer than achenes, with small tubercles; pedicel articulate near middle. 11a. Root thin, horizontal or oblique; primary branches of inflorescence usually simple or nearly so ...................................................................................................................................................... 3. R. acetosa 11b. Taproot thick, normally vertical or oblique; primary branches of inflorescence repeatedly branched ..................................................................................................................................... 4. R. thyrsiflorus 9b. Flowers bisexual; basal leaves neither hastate nor sagittate. 12a. Valves without tubercles. 13a. Basal leaves triangular-ovate, base deeply cordate, apex obtuse ................................................. 11. R. gmelinii 13b. Basal leaves not as above. 14a. Articulation of pedicels in fruit conspicuous. 15a. Basal leaves lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate 1.5–4 cm wide; valves nearly orbicular or orbicular-cordate, 3.5–4.5 mm ...................................... 7. R. pseudonatronatus 15b. Basal leaves oblong-lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, 5–10 cm wide; Flora of China 5: 333-341. 2003. valves orbicular-reniform or orbicular-cordate, 5–6 mm ......................................... 5. R. longifolius 14b. Articulation of pedicels in fruit inconspicuous. 16a. Basal leaves oblong-ovate or ovate, base cordate. 17a. Valves ovate, margin nearly entire, base subtruncate ...................................... 8. R. aquaticus 17b. Valves nearly orbicular or orbicular-ovate, margin erose or inconspicuously denticulate, base deeply cordate ........................................................................... 9. R. popovii 16b. Basal leaves oblong-lanceolate or elliptic, base cuneate. 18a. Basal leaves oblong-lanceolate; valves orbicular-cordate; rachis slightly zigzagged .......................................................................................................... 6. R. angulatus 18b. Basal leaves elliptic; valves triangular-cordate; rachis erect .................. 10. R. yungningensis 12b. All or 1 or 2 valves with tubercles. 19a. Valve entire to indistinctly erose at margin. 20a. Basal leaves lanceolate or nearly lanceolate, 2–5 cm wide, margin crisped or strongly undulate, base cuneate; valves broadly ovate to ovate-triangular, base nearly truncate ...... 14. R. crispus 20b. Basal leaves oblong, oblong-lanceolate, or broadly ovate, 5–10 cm wide, base rounded to nearly cordate, margin undulate; valves broadly cordate, base deeply cordate. 21a. Basal leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate ................................................................ 12. R. patientia 21b. Basal leaves broadly ovate .............................................................................. 13. R. thianschanicus 19b. Valves erose, denticulate, or dentate at margin. 22a. Valves 1 or 2 or all with tubercles, margin denticulate. 23a. Valves narrowly triangular-ovate; teeth 0.8–1.5 mm, apex straight .................... 18. R. obtusifolius 23b. Valves broadly ovate; teeth 1.5–3 mm, apex hooked ............................................ 20. R. nepalensis 22b. All valves with tubercles, margin denticulate. 24a. Basal leaves deeply cordate-triangular, abaxially papillate, apex rounded ............. 15. R. confertus 24b. Basal leaves not as above. 25a. Basal leaves lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 1.5–4 cm wide, base cuneate; valves triangular, base truncate .................................................... 17. R. stenophyllus 25b. Basal leaves oblong or lanceolate-oblong, 3–10 cm wide, base rounded, cordate, or broadly cuneate; valves broadly cordate or triangular-cordate, base cordate or nearly cordate. 26a. Valves broadly cordate, apex acuminate, base cordate, margin irregularly denticulate; denticles 0.3–0.5 mm ...................................... 16. R. japonicus 26b. Valves triangular-cordate, apex acute, base subcordate, margin denticulate; denticles 1–1.5 mm ........................................................ 19. R. chalepensis 1. Rumex acetosella Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 338. 1753. Hilly grasslands, forest margins, moist valleys; 400–3200 m. Fujian, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Nei Mon- 小酸模 xiao suan mo gol, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, Xinjiang, ?Yunnan, Zhejiang [India, Japan, Korea, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia; Europe, North America; Acetosa acetosella (Linnaeus) Miller; Acetosella vulgaris widely introduced elsewhere]. (Koch) Fourreau; Rumex acetosella var. vulgaris Koch. Rumex acetosella s.l. is a variable and taxonomically complicated, Herbs perennial, dioecious. Rhizomes horizontal, ligneous. polyploid complex represented by several more or less distinct entities Stems usually numerous from rhizome, erect or ascending, 15– (subspecies and/or segregate species). Despite several painstaking 35(–45) cm tall, slender, finely grooved, branched above mid- efforts (see Nijs, Feddes Repert. 95: 43–66. 1984; Löve, Bot. Helv. 93: dle. Basal leaves hastate, rarely without basal leaves, 2–4 cm × 145–168. 1986; and Akeroyd, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 106: 97–99. 1991), 3–6(–10) mm, glabrous, central lobe ovate-lanceolate, lanceo- their taxonomy remains rather confused. At least two of these taxa are represented in China: gymnocarpous R. acetosella
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