People 2 March 21, 2012 ■ A LSO INSIDE CALENDAR 20 |R EAL ESTATE 22 |C LASSIFIEDS 30 SECTION ‘The Descendants’ hits close to home Familyfor descendant Wil Patterson hen Wilcox Patterson of Portola Valley Wfirst read “The Descendants,” the book on which the Academy Award-winning movie was based, it was a deja vu experience — the history of main character Matt King seemed an awful ties lot like the history of Mr. Patterson’s own Hawaiian Story by ancestors. Almanac photos by Michelle Le Watching the movie pro- Wilcox Patterson, above, in his Portola Valley home. Top, Mr. Patterson Barbara Wood vided even more deja vu looks over “Grove Farm Plantation,” a biography of his ancestors. for Mr. Patterson, known as Wil, and his wife San- cousin of Mr. Patterson’s, and although she has denied Hart Hemmings’ maternal great-great-grandfather. dra. The beach house in the movie looks just like one in interviews that her book follows any specific family, George Wilcox, who never married or had children owned by a cousin on the north shore of Kauai, and it borrows a lot of the history of her, and Mr. Patter- of his own, left his fortune in trust to his great-nieces other scenes were suggestive of Mr. Patterson’s family son’s, own family. and nephews, including Wilcox Patterson’s mother. A background as well. Mr. Patterson and Ms. Hart Hemmings are descen- board of directors including many family members “I thought, wait a minute — this is getting awfully dants of Abner Wilcox and Lucy Eliza Hart Wilcox, managed the business, called Grove Farm, until 2000, familiar,” Mr. Patterson says. missionary teachers who settled on the island of Kauai when it was sold to AOL founder Steve Case, a native Some of the characters’ names even matched those in 1846. One of their eight sons, George Norton Wil- of Hawaii with family ties to Grove Farm. of his family. “We actually have a cousin Hugh in the cox, became one of the wealthiest people in Hawaii and Like the sale of the family land in “The Descen- family, but the character played in the movie is the an influential politician and philanthropist before he dants,” the sale was not without controversy. An antithesis of our cousin Hugh,” Mr. Wilcox says. died at the age of 93 in 1933. unsuccessful lawsuit filed by some family members to It turns out there is a very good reason for the George Wilcox’s brother, Charles Hart Wilcox, was similarities: Author Kaui Hart Hemmings is a distant Mr. Patterson’s maternal great-grandfather and Kaui See WIL PATTERSON, page 19 March 21, 2012 N The Almanac N17 special savings event BROWN JORDAN 870 Santa Cruz Avenue Kick off the new season by joining us for a Special Menlo Park 650-326-9661 Savings Event! Enjoy EXTRA SAVINGS on Brown Flegels 300 Market Place Jordan custom orders and inventoried collections. San Ramon 925-806-0430 Interior Design & NOW THROUGH APRIL 9. Distinctive Home Furnishings www.flegels.com FREE SEMINAR! “Eighth Annual” Special Needs Trusts The Cornerstone of Estate Planning for People with Disabilities s7HATISA3PECIAL.EEDS4RUST s7HYISITAhMUSTDOvIFACHILDOROTHERFAMILYMEMBERISDISABLED s(OWCANAFAMILYMEMBERWITHDISABILITIESHAVEATRUSTANDSTILLKEEP PUBLICBENEFITS s7HATCANANDCANNOT3.4FUNDSBEUSEDFOR Co-sponsors include: Michael Gilfix, Esq. Professional Fiduciaries Assn. of California Thursday, March 29 Morgan Autism Center Gilfix & La Poll Associates LLP Friends of Children with Special Needs 2-4pm or 6-8pm To register, Pacific Autism Center for Education (PACE) Parents Helping Parents (PHP) Crowne Plaza Cabaña call 650-493-8070 Brian Injury Connection (BIC) 4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto or 650-971-7292 Older Adults Care Management or register online at Support for Families of Children with Disabilities SEATING IS LIMITED! Jewish Family and Children Services www.gilfix.com 18 N The Almanac NMarch 21, 2012 PEOPLE ADVERTISEMENT FOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WIL PATTERSON The family also donated the land and funds continued from page 17 for the Kauai Community College and the Wilcox Community Hospital, both in Lihue. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Town of Atherton invites proposals try to reverse the sale was dismissed by a federal Both Grove Farm and the Wai’oli Mission from Civil Engineering fi rms with expertise in the Stormwater judge in 2008. House are in the National Register of Historic Management services. The purpose of this RFP is to select a While Wil Patterson has strong family ties to Places, and Wil Patterson says many of his Consultant with the capability and experience to effi ciently and Hawaii, he did not visit the islands until he was relatives provide financial and volunteer sup- cost-effectively satisfy and deliver all of the requirements described an adult. His great-grandfather left Hawaii for port for the museums. in this RFP. The Town’s Grading and Drainage Criteria was updated California in 1857, and Wil Patterson was born “There’s a tremendous amount of family in 2007 and requires updating to meet the latest requirements and raised in California. He and Sandy have philanthropy there,” he says. in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) lived in Portola Valley since 1988. The family also has ties to the Kilohana compliance, Incorporation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) He knows his family in Hawaii well, though. Plantation complex in Lihue, featuring the and the Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit (MRP). In 1980 Mr. Patterson, who has a background 1936 mansion of Gaylord Parke Wilcox, in the banking industry, was asked to join the Request for Proposal documents can be found at: www.ci.atherton. George Wilcox’s nephew, son of his brother ca.us under the “RFP/Bid Solicitations” board of directors of Grove Farm. He served Sam. Tourists visit the complex to shop, ride until 2000, attending quarterly meetings in the Kauai Plantation Railway into the rain for- Proposal Format: The Town of Atherton seeks a proposal for Municipal Engineering services to update the Town’s Grading and Drainage Criteria. Responding individuals or fi rms must have demonstrated experience in managing the public process, design, and permitting of buildings for public entities. The Proposal should include the following: 22688. Cover Letter - Statement of fi rm’s background and technical capabilities. 22689. Organization Chart - Identify Project Manager, members of the project team, their classifi cations and any sub- consultants that will be used. 22690. Detailed Work Plan - Demonstrate your understanding of the project by presenting your approach to the work and the tasks that will be performed for the identifi ed project. Tasks, milestones, and deliverables should be described in suffi cient detail to serve as a contractual basis for the contract. 22691. Personnel Allocations - For each task, indicate the staff members and sub-consultants assigned to the task and the amount of hours planned. The fi rm’s management and internal review and quality control should be included. A sideview of Wai’oli Mission House museum, the former home of Abner and Lucy 22692. Experience - Provide a short summary of the fi rm’s previous Wilcox, near Hanalei. work related to the qualifi cations needed for this project. Provide qualifi cations and summaries of experience for each person assigned to the project demonstrating relevant experience performing similar work. Describe specifi c qualifi cations and related experience of sub-consultants Hawaii, but was no longer on the board when est, tour the historic home or eat at Gaylord’s with focus on experience from projects of a similar nature. Grove Farm was sold. Restaurant. There are some significant differences Even without the family ties to author Kaui 22693. References - Include at least four specifi c examples of similar between Mr. Patterson’s family and that of Hart Hemmings, Wil Patterson may have project work and include names and telephone numbers of “The Descendants” family. The fictional seen parallels between his life and that of the individuals involved as the clients’ project managers. Please Hawaiian family got much of the land it owned family in “The Descendants.” On his father’s verify that the telephone numbers will reach the individuals when an ancestor married a Hawaiian princess side of the family, George Washington Pat- named so that we can call them for references. with major landholdings on Kauai. In the real terson came to California in 1949 for the 22694. Schedule - Provide a schedule identifying task durations, world, according to the book “Grove Farm Gold Rush. He eventually took up farming in milestones, progress review meetings with Town staff and Plantation,” 10,500 acres of George Wilcox’s Fremont and Livermore, and amassed major key project deliverables for the identifi ed project. property was purchased from a Hawaiian prin- landholdings, some of which are still in the cess, Ruth Keelikolani, who wanted the money family. Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont 22695. Cost Proposal – A separate cost proposal in a sealed to build herself a mansion in Honolulu. was GW Patterson’s home, donated to the city enveloped While the family no longer owns the Grove of Fremont by the family in 1974. Farm Company, the Waioli Corporation, a Local residents may know Wil Patterson Submittal of Proposal: nonprofit formed in 1975 by Mabel Wilcox, from his civic activities, including member- niece of George Wilcox and daughter of Sam ship in the Menlo Park Rotary Club since Proposals are due no later than 4:00 p.m. Friday, April 6, 2012. Wilcox, retains ownership of the heart of the 1970, and as a past president of the club’s Grove Farm sugar plantation. The 100-acre his- foundation. Provide fi ve (5) letter-sized copies with one (1) unbound copy of the toric site includes the Wilcox home and some In Portola Valley, he has been on the Traffic technical proposal, which should be enclosed in a sealed envelope of the locomotives that were used to transport Committee for 16 years, serving many years and identifi ed clearly with the words “Proposal – Atherton Grading sugar cane.
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