International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009 Volume-5, Issue-4, Oct.-2017 http://iraj.in A SURVEY ON FLORA, LIFE FORMS AND CHOROTYPE OF PLANT SPECIES IN THE PROTECTED NEOR WETLAND (NORTHWEST OF IRAN) 1FARZANEH AZIMI MOTEM, 2LIDA MOHAMMAD GHOLIZAD 1Master of Research Department, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Ardabil, Iran, 2PhD of biology, Urmia university, science faculty, department of biology. E-mail: [email protected],2 [email protected] Abstract - The Neor Lake is located in the northwest of Iran in southern part of the Ardabil province. Neor Lake is the largest permanent freshwater lake in Ardabil province. Biological form of species in Neor area are divided into parts terrestrial and aquatic. This study showed that there are 92 species including 32 families and 72 genera in this area. Among these, 67 species belong to terrestrial and 25 species are aquatic. Also, aquatic species include Hygrophyte with 7 species (7.6%), Hydrophyte with 6 species (6.52%) and Helophyte with 12 species (13.05%). Investigation of terrestrial plants in this area have shown that families such as Poaceae with 14 species and Asteraceae with 11 species, which include more than 55% of species. The most important life form is Hemicriptophyte with 52 species (56.52%). Irano- Turanian with 29 species (31.52%) and Irano-Turanian, Europa-Siberia with 26 species (28.26%) are the dominant chorotype. Plant species such as Carex hordeistichos, Eleocharis mitracarpa, Eleocharis palustris subsp. iranica, Cephalaria hirsute and Veronica anagalis- aquatica subsp. michuauxii in Ardabil province, has only been reported from Neor Lake area. Stenotaenia nudicaulis Boiss., Achillea citrina (Hoffm.) Riedl., Launaea acanthodes (Boiss.) Kuntz, Tanacetum polycephalum Schultz- Bip., Nonnea anchusoides Boiss. & Bushe, Astragalus aegobromus Boiss. & Hohen. and Astragalus lisaricus Maassomi are endemic species. Keywords - Chorotype, Flor, Iran, Life form, Neor, Wetland. I. INTRODUCTION are 271 Species belonging to 53 families and 183 genera in this area [12]. Investigation of vegetation While the identification of vegetation and and the chorological species of wetland international geographical distribution in a regional study is the Fereydun kenar determined that there are 67 species basis in the ecological survey and research in a belonging to 62 genera and 32 families in this region, it is also a way to determine the capacity of wetland [6]. The palynology studies of the sediments different ecological aspects as well [14]. Wetlands as of Lake Neor, showed that, the most important part of unique, rich, and fertile ecosystems are the world's tree pollen is consisted in Ephedra, Betula, Quercus, most productive and vital environment(al) factors that Fagus and Juniperus. Also, mainly pollen herbaceous provide the human consumption [16]. According to species consist in Chenopodiaceae, Apiaceae, the terms and conditions, in 1971, presented by the Asteraceae, Poaceae and Brassicaceae familes [5]. convention on important international, national, and The results study of wetlands in northern and eastern regional wetlands, also known as the Ramsar slopes of Sabalan mountains (Northwest of Iran) Convention, lake Neor is considered a national showed that totally, there are 216 species belonging wetland [19]. Because of the specific characteristics to 128 genera and 36 families [17]. The first floristic and unique wetland nature, Lake Neor is one of the study in the Neor area has been performed in this most important centers of marine research at the research and the similar study has not been reported Environmental Protection Agency. The fresh waters until this study has been done. of the lake are provided from numerous springs (30 springs), water from precipitation and melting of ice II. MATERIALS AND METHODS and snow that is around the lake and surrounding mountains [8]. In recent decades, researches have The Neor Lake is located in the northwest of Iran in been done in the field of vegetation, lakes and the southern part of the Ardabil province. This area is wetlands in Iran. For example, there is a lake named bounded by lines of longitude 48° 33´ east and by Shorabil which is located in the southwest of Neor lines of longitude 37° 59´ north. Neor Lake is the and with a 50-km distance. Identification of flora largest permanent freshwater lake in Ardabil Shorabil Lake showed that there are 32 families, 97 province. This lake has the wetlands’ habitat, genera and 130 species of plants. The most important ecotourism, beekeeping, agriculture and animal life forms are Hemicriptophyte with 75 species husbandry value. (6/57%) and Therophytes with 52 species (40%) in Methods used to collect and identify the plant species the Shorabil region [3]. Study of flora Zarivar Lake in in this study, have been the conventional taxonomic Kordestan Province (West of Iran) showed that there studies. The collected specimens have been A Survey on Flora, Life Forms and Chorotype of Plant Species in the Protected NEOR Wetland (Northwest of Iran) 43 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009 Volume-5, Issue-4, Oct.-2017 http://iraj.in transferred to the herbarium of the Research The chorotype studies showed that IT with 29 species Department, Ardabil Agricultural and Natural (31.52%) and IT- ES with 26 species (28.26%) are Resources Research Center. The collected samples the largest chorotypes in this area (Figure 2). have been identified by using reliable literature such According to the Red Data Book of Iran [10], as Flora Iranica [18], Flora of Iran [2], Astragalus of Stenotaenia nudicaulis Boiss., Tanacetum Iran [11]. The life form of the species in the area have polycephalum Schultz- Bip. and Nonnea anchusoides been determined with Rankiyer method [7]. In this Boiss. & Bushe are considered as species with a study, the Chorotype of plants was determined by lower risk (LR) and Astragalus lisaricus Maassomi. is using Flora Iranica. Also, the endemic species of the considered as a vulnerable (VU) species. Plant Neor area, have been specified by different species such as Carex hordeistichos, Eleocharis references. mitracarpa, Eleocharis palustris subsp. iranica, Cephalaria hirsute and Veronica anagalis-aquatica III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION subsp. michuauxii in Ardabil province, has only been reported from Neor Lake area. Stenotaenia nudicaulis The identification of the region Flor, showed that Boiss., Achillea citrina (Hoffm.) Riedl., Launaea there are 92 species 32 Families and 72 genera (Table acanthodes (Boiss.) Kuntz, Tanacetum polycephalum 1and 2). The families of Poaceae with 14 species and Schultz- Bip., Nonnea anchusoides Boiss. & Bushe, Asteraceae with 11 species were the richest families Astragalus aegobromus Boiss. & Hohen. and in this area (Table 3). Hemicriptophytes with 52 Astragalus lisaricus Maassomi are endemic species. species are the most important life forms (Figure 1). Taxon L.F CH Taxon L.F CH Apiaceae Lamiaceae Marrubium parviflorum Fisch. & Carum carvi L. He IT, ES He IT, ES C. A. Mey. Chaerophyllum macrospermum Marrubium propinquum Fisch. He IT He IT, ES (Spreng.) Fisch. & C. A. Mey. & C. A. Mey. Eryngium billardieri F. Delaroche He IT Nepeta racemose Lam. He IT, ES Salvia xanthocheila Boiss. ex Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. He IT, ES He IT Benth. Pimpinella tragium Vill. Subsp. He IT Thymus migricus kolkov & Desj. He IT lithophila (Schischk.) Stenotaenia nudicaulis Boiss. He IT Malvaceae Asteraceae Malva neglecta Wallr. Th IT Achillea citrina (Hoffm.) Riedl. He IT, ES Onagraceae Achillea millefolium L. subsp. Epilobium minutiflorum He IT He IT millefolium Hausskn. Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit. He IT Epilobium palustre L. He IT, ES Cirsium hygrophilum Boiss. He ES Papaveraceae Papaver fugax Poir. var. Cichorium intybus L. He IT, M He IT platydiscus Crepis sancta (L.) Bornm. He ES, M Plumbaginaceae IT, ES, Acantholimon hohenackeri Lactuca scarioloides Boiss. He He IT M (Jaub. & Spach) Boiss. Acantholimon sahendicum Boiss. Launaea acanthodes (Boiss.) Kuntz He IT, ES He IT & Buhse Tanacetum polycephalum Schultz- Bip. He IT, ES Poaceae subsp. argyrophyllum (C. Koch) Podl. Tragopogon marginatus Boiss. He IT Aegilops cylindrica Host Th IT, SS Tripleurospermum disciforme (C. A. Agropyron imbricatum Roem. & Th IT, ES He ES, M Mey.) Schultz Bip. Schult. Boraginaceae Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv. He ES, M Myosotis anomala Riedl He ES Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. Th ES, M Nonnea anchusoides Boiss. & Bushe He IT, ES Alopecurus aucheri Boiss. He IT, ES IT, ES, Brassicaceae Bromus tectorum L. Th M Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex He Cosm Bromus danthoniae Trin. Th IT Prantl IT, ES, Caryophyllaceae Dactylis glomerata L. He M A Survey on Flora, Life Forms and Chorotype of Plant Species in the Protected NEOR Wetland (Northwest of Iran) 44 International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009 Volume-5, Issue-4, Oct.-2017 http://iraj.in Herniaria glabra L He IT, ES Festuca ovina L. He IT, M Chenopodiaceae Hordeum bulbosum L. Ge IT, M Beta lomatogona Fisch. & C. A. Mey. He IT Lolium perenne L. He Cosm Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. Chenopodium foliosum Aschers. Th IT, ES He IT, M ex Steud. Crassulaceae Poa angustifolia L. He ES IT, ES, Sedum subulatum (C. A. Mey.) Boiss. He ES Poa bulbosa L. Ge M Euphorbiaceae Polygonaceae Euphorbia granulata Forssk. Th IT, SS Emex spinosa (L.) Campd. Th M, SS Fabaceae Polygonum hydropiper L. Th IT, ES Astragalus angustiflorus C. Koch. He IT Ranunculaceae Subsp. angustiflorus Astragalus aegobromus Boiss. & He IT Ranunculus oreophilus M. B. He IT, ES Hohen. Astragalus lisaricus Maassomi. He IT, SS Rosaceae Astragalus goktschaicus Grossh. He IT, SS Rosa pulverulenta M.Bieb. Ph IT Astragalus pinetorum Boiss. Subsp. He IT Rutaceae pinetorum Haplophyllum villosum (M. B.) Trifolium repens L. Th IT He IT G. Don Vicia cracca L. He IT, ES Scrophulariaceae Fumariaceae Pedicularis sibthorpii Boiss. He IT Scrophularia variegate M. B. Fumaria asepala Boiss Th IT, ES He IT subsp.
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