2015 Unclaimed Funds David Cullen, Milwaukee County Treasurer The following are lists of unclaimed funds held by local government agencies in the County of Milwaukee. Interested parties should review each of the 21 separate listings below. In accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 59.66, owners can claim these funds within six (6) months of this publication at the governmental agency listed above each section. Claims made after August 1, 2015 should be filed with the Office of the County Treasurer, David Cullen, Milwaukee County Court House Room 102 Clerk of Circuit Courts - Civil Division Owners can claim Clerk of Circuit Courts - Civil Division funds at the County Courthouse, 901 N 9th St, Room 102, Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM. Acceptable PHOTO ID is REQUIRED. There are 57 more items less than $10.00 totaling $302.17 not listed AAA Properties Corp 5678 W Brown Deer Rd . 144.56 Abrams, Gary & Elizabeth 9901 S McGraw Dr. 361.09 Abuanyash, Iyad 1,000.00 Aburto, Javier 350.00 Acosta, Oscar T. 86.00 Adams, Katherine 97.00 Adams, Michael 100.00 Adams, Willie 500.00 Aguilar, Dario 500.00 Aguilar, Jorge & Randeles, Alma 2010 S 60th St. 2,150.00 Albino, Allan 200.00 Aldspe, Daniel 1,000.00 Aleman, Faustine 100.00 Alicrio, Gilbert 500.00 All Our Kids Children 3424 W. North Ave. 15.00 Allen, Edward 100.00 Allison Manusic & Tyler Newmann 2173 N 64th St. 27.20 Alres, Juan 500.00 Altman, Kenneth 104.30 Alvarado, Lino 150.00 Anderson, Cynthia K. 500.00 Anderson, Monica 100.00 Andreini, James 550 S. Huron Rd. 47.76 Antes, Jeffrey C 500.00 Antonak, David A. 500.00 Appleton, Jimmy 200.00 Arias, Louis 250.00 Arnold, Brandon D. 100.00 Arnold, Chester 62.00 Arrayo, Jose R. 200.00 Arvels, Katherine 65.00 Ashford, Donald 100.00 Austin, David 100.00 Ave.ry, Leo 500.00 Bahrenburg, Eric N. 200.00 Baier, Gail 25.00 Bailey, Roy 1,000.00 Bailf, Bailf 500.00 Bala, Michael 100.00 Balkadraf, Adil 200.00 Bank Of New York Trust Company One Meridian Crossing St. 900.00 Banks, Calvin 25.00 Banks, Lacora 200.00 Banks, Larry 300.00 Banks, Troy 500.00 Barajas Carapia, Blas 143.50 Bare, Michael 250.00 Barge, Jesse 297.00 Barnett, James 100.00 Barns, Sharon 50.00 Barron, Robert 500.00 Bates, Annie 200.00 Bauer, Michael A. 500.00 Bayer, Anthony 114.00 Bean, Octavius 800.00 Beaster, Gregory 500.00 Beattie, Jacqueline 100.00 Beatty, Atha 50.00 Beekman, Sean 171.30 Behrendt, John 500.00 Bell, Monte 500.00 Belsha, Richard 132.00 Beltran, Douglas 200.00 Benham, Sean 200.00 Benitez, Lesley Ann 188 W Martin Ln. 10.00 Bennett, Reginald 100.00 Berg, Glenn A 200.00 Berjara, Elois 250.00 Bessent, David 150.00 Betland, Robin 100.00 Bhat, Rashmi 50.00 Bickman, Reginald 100.00 Bigelow, Russel 500.00 Bird, Lucas 100.00 Bishop, Brian 4762 N. 74th St. 84.35 Bishop, Tommy 632.50 Biskupske, Michael 200.00 Bizzle, Recarldo 100.00 Blake, Akpan 100.00 Blaks, Robert 500.00 Blum, Michael 965.00 Bogan, Herman 300.00 Boggans, Erastine 250.00 Bolden, Frederick 100.00 Bonds, Anthony 4751 N. 106th St. 28.00 Bonilla, Edgar 500.00 Borowski, John 200.00 Boss, Michael 200.00 Boucher, Barbara 266.70 Bouser, Ralph 200.00 Bowers, Larossa 653.00 Boyes, Tammy 200.00 Brackett, Michael 128.00 Bradford, Lowell 100.00 Bradley, Shynea L 100.00 Brand, Eric John 100.00 Brill, Randolph 60.00 Brinkman, Phillip 200.00 Broadie, Jovon James W4380 Copper Lake Rd. 13.53 Broadmoor Assoc 9401 N Broadmoor Rd. 86.50 Brockman, Lisa 89.60 Brooks, Roger 300.00 Brown, Alfonso 100.00 Brown, Billy 250.00 Brown, Cardale 500.00 Brown, Coraine 500.00 Brown, Cornelius 100.00 Brown, Donald 100.00 Brown, Emmett 250.00 Brown, Eugene M. 100.00 Brown, John 500.00 Brown, Kevin 50.00 Brown, Lenora 150.00 Brown, Phillip 200.00 Bruce, Kevin F. 500.00 Brunton, Robert 150.00 Buchowski, Paul 2817 N. 2nd St. 17.00 Buckner, Boyce 80.50 Buckner, William H 250.00 Budgetline Cash Advance 280 Interstate North Circle 576.00 Buie, Mary 200.00 Burgos, Josepito 500.00 Burkhardt, Lois 200.00 Burks, Leandre 118.90 Burks, Matthew 100.00 Busser, Edward 200.00 Cahak, Diane 73.00 Cain, Harry 86.50 Caldwell, David M. 150.00 Callahan, Ronald 500.00 Camareno, Jose 100.00 Camareno, Sarita 100.00 Campbell, Ashley 2165 Greystone Pl. 20.00 Campbell, Billy 500.00 Campbell, Johnny 100.00 Campos, Angel 300.00 Capatello, Alma 2954 N. 36th St. 71.35 Caraballo, Xavier 500.00 Cardinale, Robert 500.00 Carduff, Jay 100.00 Carmody, Robert 250.00 Carroll, Teresia 200.00 Carson, Harold 3121 N. 34Th St. 50.00 Carson, Linda 500.00 Carter, Delshon 100.00 Carter, John F. 500.00 Carter, Kenneth 21.80 Carter, Ronald 226.00 Cavanaugh, Robert 400.00 Centurion Capital Corporation 700 King Farm Blvd. 2,323.62 Chairez, Rene 300.00 Chambers, Brian 100.00 Chambers, David 250.00 Chang, Lee 200.00 Charles, Albert 500.00 ChAve.z, Amando 200.00 ChAve.z, Asuncion 200.00 Chesser, Marteiz 1619 Taylor Ave. 20.00 Chester G. Davis 423 N Beaumont Rd. 15.00 Christensen, Chad 153.00 Christian, Anthony 125.00 Cibl, Jeffery 100.00 Cillins 100.00 Cisewski, Andrew 182.00 Citi Bank Na 7255 Baymeadows Way 27,001.00 Cityfirst Credit Union 3600 N 124 St. 935.87 Clay, Stacy 145.00 Colassacco, Dawn 200.00 Cole, Michael 800.00 Coleman, Collan 149.98 Coleman, Jamie D. 500.00 Coleman, Marvin 150.00 Coley, Gregory 100.00 Collier, Monica 100.00 Collier, Rodney 200.00 Colman, Tyrone 100.00 Colon, Fernando 298.30 Colunga, Alfonso 150.00 Contanto, Ludovico 320 Lincoln Ave. 150.00 Contreras, Luis 200.00 Contretas, Ignacio 91.00 Conway, D.J. 100.00 Cook, Christopher 100.00 Cook, Owen 1,000.00 Copeland, Gregory 86.50 Coriano, Nayda J 1003A S 10th St. 100.00 Corinas, Marcos 500.00 Cornelius, Lynne 500.00 Corner, Kenny R 500.00 Cortes, Elias 250.00 Cortez, Rito G 200.00 Cotton, Allen 22.00 Covington, Frankie 500.00 Cox, Monica 100.00 Crawford, James Edward 2649 N. 22nd St. 100.00 Crenshaw, Dimitri 100.00 Crenshaw, Duntaye 694.80 Cruz, Antonio 150.00 Cruz, Jose 150.00 Cruz, Mary 200.00 Cruz, Ruben 100.00 Crye, John 250.00 Cubbie, Leron 500.00 Cundiff, William 100.00 Cunningham, Terry 200.00 Curran, Scott P. 150.00 Currie, Brian D 4427 W Lisbon Ave. 4,830.58 Currie, Peresse 1,000.00 Czajkowski, Thomas 41.00 Czerwinski, Jonah 200.00 Dahi, Mark W. 50.37 Dall, John W., Ii 250.00 Daniels, Gregory R 2257 S 108 St. 1,249.08 Daniels, Judy 150.00 Danielson, Todd G. 50.00 Darby, Vonnie 100.00 DAve.nporte, Alvino 300.00 David, Rugeria 500.00 Davidowski, Leon 75.00 Davilla, Luis A. 3,000.00 Davis, Bernard Finch 2422 N 23RD St. 100.00 Davis, Christopher 100.00 Davis, Fred 200.00 Davis, Gerald 19.60 Davis, Henry 50.00 Davis, Jack R 500.00 Davis, Jeffrey 150.00 Davis, Jeffrey L. 100.00 Davis, Larry 59.00 Davis, Lawrence 200.00 Davis, Samuel 500.00 Dean, Eldorado L. 700.00 Dean, Michael 5179 N. Teutonia Ave. 138.26 Deavila, Miquel 100.00 Deberry, Darrin 500.00 Debrocher, Lester Lee 100.00 Deig, Ronald 100.00 Delambo, Michael D. 500.00 Delaney, Glenn 200.00 Delarosa, William 86.00 Delarose, Jose A. Rivera 500.00 Dernovsek, Bonnie 50.00 Derosier, David 500.00 Desarden, Victor 78.00 Deverney, Dawn 750.00 Dewey, Harriet 64.00 Dial, Jermain 250.00 Diaz, William 172.00 Dickerson, Charles 500.00 Dickerson, Mark 300.00 Diedrich, Frederick L. 100.00 Diedrich, Fredrick 50.00 Dismuke, Norman 80.00 Dorsey, Thomas 500.00 Dotson, Melanie 400.00 Douglas, Wendy 200.00 Doxator, Rose 250.00 Doxtator, Joseph 500.00 Dp Properties W161 S 57355 Daisey Dr. 313.50 DrAve.s, John 66.00 Drellers, Thomas 2957 N. 56th St. 73.12 Drew, Levelle 100.00 Drews, Benjamin 100.00 Dropik, Jason 287.00 Dulde, James 485.00 Dunn, Troy 200.00 Duong, Phuong Kim 339 Fillmore 130.00 Duran, David 205.00 Eady, Germain 200.00 Eady, Germaine 300.00 Earl, Tony 100.00 Eaton, William 114.00 Ecklund, Anthony J. 65.00 Edwards, Benjamin 500.00 Edwards, Dell 500.00 Ehrbar, Gary 70.50 Elerson, Michael 300.00 Elkins, Bryon 500.00 Elliot, Selwin 500.00 Engelhart, Connie J. 200.00 Erdmann, Daniel 43.25 Erickson, Todd 240.00 Ermenc, Suzzane 700.00 Ernesto Martinez Enterprises In 3965 N 27th St. 43.07 Esparna, Frank 500.00 Espesito, Alfonso 300.00 Espinoza, Gerardo 500.00 Esteven, Jesus 100.00 Estrada, Charles 200.00 Estrella, Tania M 1007 W. Washington 25.00 Evans, Gwendolyn Y 200.00 Evans, Marvin 50.00 Evans, Mary Lou 200.00 Evans, Tyrone 500.00 Ewert, Brian 500.00 Exworthy, Michele 250.00 Faber, Ursula 600.00 Fair, Gregory 69.04 Fannie Mae One South Wacker Dr. 16.00 Farrell, Richard 150.00 Faust, Bertha Lee 100.00 Felski, Eric 271.00 Ferguson, Detra 200.00 Ferguson, Gerald 200.00 Fernandez, Ruben 200.00 Ferrusquia, Francisco 500.00 Fischer, Tammi 66.00 Fitzpatrick, Edna 259.00 Fitzpatrick, Willie, Jr. 500.00 Flannery, Amanda 2511 E.
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